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UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Throw a 13 year old girl into a cell with adults and force her to masturbate for samples of her bodily fluids? No? Of course not, so why the fuck do they think its fine to do this to a 12yo boy.

Will she face any consequences for perverting the course of justice and making a false accusation at all? Will the police face any consequences for how they handled this situation, likely traumatising the boy in a manner that will require psychological treatment?

If not, you can expect this behaviour to continue.

There is no justice here. The system is corrupt and morally bankrupt.

*Edit* Just found this little gem in the original article that provides more context:
"Tom then made a mistake of lying to police the next ­morning, saying he had not slept with the girl."

Kid lied in the interview, but that was AFTER they made him give samples and threw him in a cell with the adults.

Lying to the cops when they clearly had bio-evidence against you was a stupid stupid move. Still expecting a 12yo boy to act like a rational adult in a high pressure situation when you've already treated him like a perp is hardly fair.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

We are currently in r-selection mode. But come the apocalypse behaviors such as this will be substantially reduced. Resource restriction will put an end to this. Healthy sexual norms will return be assured. But after much fire and sword.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Are there any non-profit organizations in the UK that would be willing to aggressively prosecute this girl and her enablers (parents, D.A., et al).

This kind of bullshit will never go away until we either remove the possibility of their happening (not likely any time soon since it's baked into the feminist run system).

Or, by utterly obliterating those who non-chalantly put men in this position.

Can you imagine this shit happening to you?

How could you not spend the rest of your life seeking vengeance like a modern captain Ahab?

The rage would consume me till my last dying breath.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

This is some seriously fucked up shit.

"Their emotional waves will swamp you if you're just quietly-floating, so you need to learn to surf." - AnonymousBosch

||Learn How to Sing Datasheet||

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Too much of this doesn't make any sense.

This is where not having a father basically fucks a kid the most.

Police: We're going to need your son to provide some samples for us and answer some questions.
Woman: Honeykins, do whatever the authority figures tell you to. After all, they're authority figures.


Police: We're going to need your son to provide some samples for us and answer some questions.
Man: Fuck off, pig. My son is talking to precisely no fucking person other than his lawyer.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Quote: (03-30-2016 03:25 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Police: We're going to need your son to provide some samples for us and answer some questions.
Man: Fuck off, pig. My son is talking to precisely no fucking person other than his lawyer.

They deliberately lied through omission about why they wanted to speak to the boy, likely so they could investigate without having to go through a lawyer. You're right in that a strong willed father would be much less likely to be taken in by their weasel games.

Quote:Police Spokeweasel Wrote:

“It is not unusual for us not to tell an adult prior to a child’s arrest what the child is being arrested for,” she adds.

“This is to protect the integrity of the investigation.”

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

And this is why false rape accusers should go to men's prison, age be damned. Make an adult-level allegation and face the consequences like one. How's that for grown-up?

Hey wankers, your systematic thirst only enables this, from white knighting to lying and this level of obstruction of justice. No motherfucking wonder many of your grandfathers' brethren literally jumped ship. And yes, since Victorian England, in light of false Jack the Ripper accusations.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

False rape accusations in my opinion is equivalent to the act itself as it obstructs the cause of justice by ensuring the innocent pay for a crime he did not commit.

Such a penalty should be reversed on the false accuser. To punish via proxy the innocent via false accusation is equivalent to committing the crime itself.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

What could you get from a semen sample that you couldn't get from blood? Obviously they're looking for DNA. They could have done a cheek swab. It just highlights the depravity of the system.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Quote: (04-01-2016 04:20 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

What could you get from a semen sample that you couldn't get from blood? Obviously they're looking for DNA. They could have done a cheek swab. It just highlights the depravity of the system.

It's not true.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Semen samples can be found in your bed, and other personal items like underwear etc..

But why do they need multiple sources of DNA? Maybe just for verification?

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Any updates on this? My objective critical thinking suggests the girl got away scot-free, especially when the article did not mention what happened to the girl afterwards.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

Quote: (04-02-2016 04:28 PM)Tim in real life Wrote:  

Any updates on this? My objective critical thinking suggests the girl got away scot-free, especially when the article did not mention what happened to the girl afterwards.
She's a 13 year old girl in the UK, she definitely got off scot-free.

When I was 14 I was accused of harassing this girl. It was false, but I had a crush on her and I wasn't a popular kid so her group of friends banded together and made up a story, it was 4 of them against just me so the school believed them, I got into a lot of trouble over it.

It's just the culture here, a woman's word is worth more than a man's, and it's considered acceptable for women to falsely accuse guys of stuff for sympathy.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

If your 13 year old daughter is getting fucked at sleepovers, you're a dogshit parent and deserve to do hard time in jail and have your children taken from you. As a mother, your one and only job in life is to provide for and protect your children, by any means necessary. That's all.

I used to be so embarrassed when my mom would insist on meeting and getting the phone number of my friends parents before I could go to their house. I thought it was so stupid and over protective.

I also remember her going to a kids birthday party with me and staying, even though I wanted her to leave. I now know the reason she stayed was because the kid had a single father who was an obvious fuck up, and my mom wanted to make sure I (and the other children) were safe. She only allowed me to go because she felt sorry for the kid, and she wanted to take him some nice toys (Ninja Turtles) and make sure he had a good birthday.

I'm going to do the same thing with my children, especially daughters.

No going to the homes of single mothers with boyfriends, and no going to sleepovers unless I meet and know both parents and deem them to be solid people. If I have any doubts, my children will not be going.

UK: 12 Year-Old Boy Goes to Jail for Rape, 13 Year-Old Girl Later Admits It's False

This will continue to happen until the ones who were involved in the destruction of this young boy are brought to punishment.

Also; I'm sure I'm echoing a lot of sentiments but I'll say again.

Where the hell is the father.

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