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Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

In the vast majority of U.S. cities people always complain about how early last call is typically 2am (exceptions vegas,n.y.,miami,etc) and nightclubs close around this time. Let's say the last call was extended nationwide to 6am, do you think this would make a difference in the amount of chicks willing to give it up on the first night?

It's been my experience that in cities overseas with "non-stop" (Buenos aires, Tokyo, etc) nightlife, taking a girl back to your lair is even more difficult. Say you meet a hot chick around 3:15 that's feeling you and might possibly be down for some dick that night. Odds are she's with a group of friends who want to "party the night away". This chick will have less of an excuse to sneak away with you when "the night is still young".

After the club you met at dies down around 4am, her friends will want to go to some other bar or club down the street. Then they'll head to another venue until someone gets hungry and they hit a cafe or something. At this point the sun is already up, the chick is exhausted from partying and you still haven't got your dick wet.

With the U.S. early closing hours a girl doesn't have that many options when 2:15 rolls around. More often then not her friends are ready to disperse, the street scene is COMPLETELY dead and she's gonna head straight home. This gives you an easier segway to get to her house or bring her back to yours to "lounge" for a bit before you call it a night.
Sure it sucks having to leave the house so early, but if your focus is on a snl you know where you stand by around 1:45 and don't waste your whole night.You can always hit up a booty call.

I like to party as much as the next guy, but I'm not talking about
partying all night just for the sake of it, I'm talking about getting bangs.
Do a few more hours of partying make the pussy any wetter?

What have your experiences been?

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

You're prob. 100% correct. Damn you, one less excuse I have to bitch and moan about. And I had so preciously few excuses left. ha


Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I've never been one to complain about an "early" last call. You meet the chick you're going home with by 11:30. By 12:30, basically any approach comes off as desperate. The closing of the bars gives you the impetus to take her home. IMO at my favorite spots in the past, the best time for pickup was 11-11:30, with a hastening decline after 12, as last call approached.

If the bar were open later, you'd have to run game for longer, and put up with more BS from her friends, all in all increasing your chance to blow it. Or she would have to rationalize leaving the bar when it's still blazing. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm out to bang, not to mack. Drinking in a bar isn't worth it without the prospect of sex.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

Early last call if your intent is to get laid that night.

Late last call if you just want to chill with the pressure on pickup.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

One vote from me for early bar close, too.
As a matter of fact, I was just out last night and stayed till 4am because this chick was digging me. My buddy wanted to go home, but my target's friend wanted to "party" - which I guess means dancing to songs she's heard 100 times and shaking her body in the hope some alpha dog notices it.
Well, I lasted till 4 and bailed - I'm at work today. Still got 4 hours of sleep, but damn, I wish they closed that bar at 2 - that way I'd either have banged, or got 6 hours of sleep.
Party-till-the-sun-comes-up seems great for tourists who visit a city of such kind, but for locals it is way more inconvenient in terms of getting bangs. So the answer seems to be - choose to live/work in a city with early bar close, and when on vacation/travel, visit party cities.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

" Let's say the last call was extended nationwide to 6am, do you think this would make a difference in the amount of chicks willing to give it up on the first night? "


For proof see: Las Vegas

Ask yourself, is it easier to take a loss in California or Las Vegas? (We have to compare apples to apples here. Not Buenos Aires VS an American city)

More time = More opportunity

Simple as that.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I've struggled with this for 20 years.
My town is 2am the next town is 3am. I used to chase women who want to party late but now if I cant pull before 2am I bail out.
Most the time when closing the bar the mindset is to eat at Dennys or wafflehouse after here so I try to get the ball rolling early and offer up some of my homemade food which she will end up heating up for me after the dirty deeds are done.
And 6am? no way does that help. The fact that the bar closes early helps you. Most girls get sloppy late. There is a window when shes buzzed enough to be fun,, once the window is closing it can turn out to get messy.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I fail to grasp how more freedom/more options hurts swooping.

And more rules/less options/less freedom helps.

Just because bars are open all night doesn't mean everyone stays out all night.


People call it a night early all the time.

If you can't close when bars are open all night, you need to work on your closing.

Let's look at the flip side. Would a 12am last call help? 11pm? 10pm? How about 8pm? 6pm?


Again, think of it this way:

If it is 2:30 am, and you don't have a girl, do you have a better chance of swooping in California or Las Vegas?

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

G Man,

I see what your saying but I think comparing chances of swooping between Cali (L.A. or S.F.) to Vegas. is still like comparing apples to oranges as well. On any given Vegas night I would estimate 70% of the women in a venue are out of towners. I.E. they're in vacation mode. Women in vacation mode are always easier to swoop, regardless of when the last call is. The majority of these women are gonna be more open to a snl because they don't have anyone to worry about anyone finding out. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

"If you hang around the barber shop long enough, eventually you will get a free haircut."

same thing I think. More time to swoop girls is always better.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

its not just the early closure of US bars/clubs that change one's ability to pull from them, its the fact that in this country, you often have to drive back long distances (or what woudl be considered "long" in europe or japan or HK), and that sort of distance can kill ur pull attempt - even if ur looking to pull to a nearby hotel. and the other problem is long distances = harder to get an available cab.

that's why when it comes to the US, i prefer chicago. 10 buck cab ride that takes 10-15 minutes back to ur apartment, rather than in l.a. where the streets r packed with cars, harder to find a cab, cowboy-like LAPD all around u, and far distances to a hotel or ur spot.

pulling at night is all about logistics.

however, having a car can itself be a pull location. going to work on using it as such soon.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

Quote: (07-14-2011 06:35 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

G Man,

I see what your saying but I think comparing chances of swooping between Cali (L.A. or S.F.) to Vegas. is still like comparing apples to oranges as well. On any given Vegas night I would estimate 70% of the women in a venue are out of towners. I.E. they're in vacation mode. Women in vacation mode are always easier to swoop, regardless of when the last call is. The majority of these women are gonna be more open to a snl because they don't have anyone to worry about anyone finding out. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"On any given Vegas night I would estimate 70% of the women in a venue are out of towners."

Yeah, and 80% of them are from California. So it is perfect comparison.

The same girls in two different places. Easier to swoop in the one with 24 hr booze. Right?

"they're in vacation mode."

Point taken. However people are in vacation mode in LA, SF and SD as well. Right?

Also, this point is pretty much mute from my experience, since I almost exclusively swoop Vegas local girls when I am there.

Lets do another comparison:

Is it easier to swoop a girl in New Orleans or Jackson, Mississippi (1am closing)?

If you don't say New Orleans then you are just arguing for arguments sake.

Or simply don't have the stamina to stay out late and are rationalizing in other ways.

This thread amazes me for two reasons:

1. That this is even a debate
2. That a bunch of live by there own rules, be there own Man, Alpha males actually like situations with more rules and less freedom.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

Quote: (07-15-2011 04:02 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (07-14-2011 06:35 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

G Man,

I see what your saying but I think comparing chances of swooping between Cali (L.A. or S.F.) to Vegas. is still like comparing apples to oranges as well. On any given Vegas night I would estimate 70% of the women in a venue are out of towners. I.E. they're in vacation mode. Women in vacation mode are always easier to swoop, regardless of when the last call is. The majority of these women are gonna be more open to a snl because they don't have anyone to worry about anyone finding out. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"On any given Vegas night I would estimate 70% of the women in a venue are out of towners."

Yeah, and 80% of them are from California. So it is perfect comparison.

-It's not a "perfect comparison" and you just proved my point. Of course cali girls will be easier to scoop in vegas, just as Phoenix,AZ girls will be easier to scoop in L.A., Italian girls in London, etc.etc...

The same girls in two different places. Easier to swoop in the one with 24 hr booze. Right?

"they're in vacation mode."

Point taken. However people are in vacation mode in LA, SF and SD as well. Right?

-How many women plan bachelorette parties in L.A. compared to Vegas?

Lets do another comparison:

Is it easier to swoop a girl in New Orleans or Jackson, Mississippi (1am closing)?

If you don't say New Orleans then you are just arguing for arguments sake.

-I have no idea, I haven't spent time in either city nor would I.

This thread amazes me for two reasons:

1. That this is even a debate
2. That a bunch of live by there own rules, be there own Man, Alpha males actually like situations with more rules and less freedom.

-This isn't a "debate",Im not advocating for "more rules" I just wanted to hear people's experiences. [/b]

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I'm surprised so many guys like the early closing times. From my experience, cities that have closing times of between midnight and 2 am usually don't have a very active nightlife. These venues peak for maybe an hour or two (even on weekends) and then clear out. You actually end up having much less opportunity on any given night if you only have an hour or two to bust a move while there's a decent crowd.

Places that stay open until 5 am usually start poppin off somewhere between 11 and midnight and keep a decent crowd until closing. Having 5 hours of opportunity versus one or two seems like a much better deal to me.

Also think of nights when you're just going out drinking with your bros or whatever. Would you want to get kicked out of the place after a few hours so they can close, or actually relax and enjoy the time? I try not to treat nightlife like a business transaction where I'm getting in and out as efficiently as possible. That kind of ruins the fun.

Quote:thegmanifesto Wrote:

I fail to grasp how more freedom/more options hurts swooping.

And more rules/less options/less freedom helps.

Just because bars are open all night doesn't mean everyone stays out all night.


People call it a night early all the time.

If you can't close when bars are open all night, you need to work on your closing.

Let's look at the flip side. Would a 12am last call help? 11pm? 10pm? How about 8pm? 6pm?


Again, think of it this way:

If it is 2:30 am, and you don't have a girl, do you have a better chance of swooping in California or Las Vegas?

More opportunity always helps. The ability to hit up a few more venues and check them out, even after 2:30 isn't going to hurt. If you're lucky enough to have a bitch on all fours before that time, the fact that the bars are still open isn't working against you, and will help you on the nights you aren't so lucky. Having the OPTION of staying out late when you need to is great.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I am really surprised that people truly enjoy:

A bouncer telling them "Put your drink down!"

"Stop talking to that girl!"


"You need to leave now!"

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

It really is my experience that late nights and bars open til the early hours provide the best swooping opportunities. Agreed with the above post, a bouncer telling you to finish your drink kills your vibe.

Knowing you have the whole night ahead puts you in a relaxed frame of mind, knowing that if you lose one girl, another will come your way, making you care less and surely making you more attractive.

In my city I always do best in the late night venues open til 5 and 6 am, these are where girls go after the club closes at 2 and 3, so you know they're down if they're in these venues.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

dk -

"Knowing you have the whole night ahead puts you in a relaxed frame of mind, knowing that if you lose one girl, another will come your way, making you care less and surely making you more attractive. "

Great point.

This is HUGE.

Not to mention I can't stand being in a rush ie need to get to the restaurant by 9:30 because it is going to close, or we only have one more hour left till last call!

These things make people desperate and panicky.

Whenever I am in a bar in a city that closes early, the panic and desperation hang over the room like London Fog.

LA at 1am? It is a panic fest. SF at 1am? spaz fest. SD at 1am? It is a panic and spaz fest.

Then guys start to fight.

Yeah, its real fun.

I like to chill and settle into my night. You know, relax. Being smooth about things.

Hell, if it is up to me, I am wrapping up Dinner at 12:30am or 1am.

This is why I love Spain and Miami Beach so much.

Freedom and Options = More Swooping.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I agree with DonovanVC that "having a car can itself be a pull location". On the other hand, I'm worried by azulsombra's statement that an early bar closing time "gives you an easier segway to get to her house or bring her back to yours". Lose the Segway--get a car, dude!

(By the way, I'm kidding--and the word azulsombra intended is spelled "segue".)

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I would vote for early close, just because i feel fucking old after a few hours of drinking and dancing. I lose interest in picking up if i'm tired. Also more time to party = spent more money.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

"i feel fucking old"

"i'm tired"

"spent more money"

I appreciate the honesty.

It goes back to when I said above, "Or simply don't have the stamina to stay out late and are rationalizing in other ways."

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I am in between on this.

There is a point at which females have been drinking alot just get to tired and drunk which can fuckup any SNL attempts.

My vote is for a 3am-4am close time.

I def think 2am is too soon. As I dont even get to the clubs till 12am most of the time.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???


I am really surprised that people truly enjoy:

A bouncer telling them "Put your drink down!"

"Stop talking to that girl!"


"You need to leave now!"

Madness isn't it? I think I should be allowed to stay out and party / drink until whenever I want not told I have to put down the my beer and go home. It's a fair point by 6am after a night of partying and drinking you might not be in the best shape psychically or mentally but neither is anyone else either so you can still have success where as if you've been forced to go home at 2am then nothing can happen.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

Quote: (07-15-2011 03:50 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Places that stay open until 5 am usually start poppin off somewhere between 11 and midnight and keep a decent crowd until closing. Having 5 hours of opportunity versus one or two seems like a much better deal to me.

Try 1-2am. Trendiest clubs where I am DJ does not start playing till 1am.
By the time you are in and settled with your drinks and start looking for targets, it could well be 2am - so how many hours of opportunity do you have?
Plus, when girls know the whole night is ahead of them, they don't want to sell themselves short and drop in the arms of the first dude who talked them up - they stay and hope that the other guy (who just parked his Porsche in front) will come to swoop them instead.

I think G looks at this from the perspective of someone who does not have to show up at 9am at the office. Then I agree it is best to have all night for swooping. I like it too when I'm on vacation.
But if it's Wednesday and I have to show up at work at 9am dead or alive the next day, I definitely want the DJ to shout last call at 2am. If I get a girl home - great, if not - at least I will get some sleep and not walk away feeling I could have banged if I had stayed later.

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

I don't get this thread at all. A vast majority of my closes from nightlife has come at 11-12, I want to wrap things up before I start getting tired and she gets too drunk. If you need a closing time in order to bring up the subject of grabbing a drink at home then I'm kinda wondering what you've been doing up to that time? If I'm out by 12-2am I at least make sure I venue change to some lounge or quieter bar (that I now is close to my place).

Raucous Nightlife = More Snls???

this kind of goes into al-fresco sidewalk game, but how many of you guys have swooped at the late night eating spots that people go to after a night out? i think G man had a post about this not too long ago about a spot in san diego. i see a lot of potential for it as i probably could have helped a friend get laid if he was paying attention to my attempt to get a few women on him.

anyone think that would be easier than swooping at a bar/club?

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