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Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Peter Lloyd is on a roll recently.


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

The anti-White moron maybe followed a current campaign running in Germany:

[Image: D0_5lC6X0AAn2jT.jpg]

It says:

"Suicide against the right"

"Show them in a meaningful way!"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-02-2019 11:15 PM)2 Cool 4 U Wrote:  

[Image: 59129500_2387627798121788_86296893590475...e=5D297645]

Interesting comments on this story:


Why aren’t Jews demanding that the Holocaust museum be permanently closed? It’s images and exhibits are intentionally designed to make everyone feel uncomfortable.
The Germans burnt books. Stalin has Trotsky erases from photos.
Nothing good comes from denying or avoiding the lessons of the past.


Other than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki what other American actions qualifying as "horrifying aspects of our history as a country" were vastly different from all the other countries horrifying aspects at the same time slice in the world's history?

When we were buying slaves from Atlantic and Muslim slave traders weren't Africans hunting their brethren to supply those very slaves to the traders?

When we were marching Indians on the "trail of tears" weren’t the British criminal settlers in Australia actually annihilating the entire Tasmanian population, a people with a 10,000 year history wiped from the face of the earth in a little more than 40 years and the New Zealand settlers all but obliterating the indigenous Māori? The French were busy invading Algeria and along with the British, Germans, Russians and Japanese delivering China’s "Century of Humiliation.”

The “horrifying aspect of our history” that is unique in it’s place in history is Hiroshima and Nagasaki, no other country can lay claim to that atrocity taken to end a war we did not start and only by fate was it us and not the Russians.


I would like to suggest a remedy that will satisfy both sides. Take down the George Washington mural and put up a mural depicting Native Americans participating in the three-days long torture and execution of a member of an enemy tribe. This will give the Native Americans more needed exposure and will be historically accurate at the same time.


Given that George Washington is the face on every single U.S. Dollar bill I think they should also stop using money.


I wonder if, during the discussions with the Native Americans and African Americans, the issue of Native Americans owning slaves was mentioned. Some Native Americans did own black slaves, just as some European Americans did. Does this mean we should remove all statues of Native Americans to be sure we aren't lionizing them? Perhaps we should ensure our enlightenment by only memorializing Americans who lived north of the Mason-Dixon line antebellum.

It's tough when the facts get in the way of the story, but if we're going to reject slave owners and remove their images from our history, let's be sure we get them all. Want to know more, see


I live here, I can tell you this won't be the last painting taken down: for each one removed, the impetus will be to remove more and more, and to push the boundaries ever further into what can be considered offensive to weak minds.



It all still happened and it is all part of our history -- there is much good and there is much bad. But we learn from all of it.

What's next? Should we insist the pyramids by destroyed? Idiots.


I'm getting sick to death over this daily drumbeat of how terrible things were done over the centuries in this country. I'm also tired of even the commentariat on the right giving credence to this garbage. It's history. It's not going to change. On balance, a bunch of flawed human beings created a nation that has been a blessing to mankind. Ask the descendants of the 360,000 Union dead from the Civil War, ask the Holocaust survivors that are left, ask the people of Normandy, ask the citizens of the Philippines who survived the war, ask the Europeans who have survived German militarism, Nazism and Communism (but don't expect any thanks); ask the billions who have been fed thanks to the work of Norman Borlaug, ask the millions that never got polio thanks to Jonas Salk, ask millions of immigrants' descendants who have prospered here (having 4 grandparents that came through Ellis Island-a British coal miner in the mines at 8, a British cotton mill girl in the mill at 10, and 2 Assyrian Christian grandparents that escaped persecution by members of the "religion of peace" in the early 20th century, I know I certainly am grateful).

The answer to these clowns is "sit down and shut up at least until you can pass the US citizenship test."

At 68, I'm kind of glad that I likely won't see what probably will be a bad end. But my heart breaks for my grandchildren.


Maybe they should get better students.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Lib20.jpg]

[Image: Austrailians%2B.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-08-2019 05:43 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

The French were busy invading Algeria

Algeria was not a country when we "invaded".

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: obama%20clintons%20ok.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: D6M9z_TUcAA5WWm.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Why do South Americans hate capitalism and live socialism so much?

Don't debate me.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

It hearkens back to their rich history of cannibalism.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: D6KxmhiWsAAL4Xq?format=jpg&name=medium]

Take care of those titties for me.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-10-2019 06:51 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

Why do South Americans hate capitalism and live socialism so much?

South Americans are not one monolithic tribe, but are a mix of American Indians, European settlers and Africans. On top of it the continent is huge and had a far longer history of a feudalist-like system. And yes - the history has been pretty bloody and backwards for a long time.

When you look at the 3 main groups of peoples making up the continent, then it should be clear that they are unlikely able to compete on an even level, so dogmas like communism can enter that void more readily. Venezuela was once Euro-dominated and prosperous and only voted in the commies after become majority Mestizo.

Argentina and Chile to a lesser extent can be explained partly by the size and low population density and history - left alone without social justice, then they could become better long-term. As for the other countries - they have frankly zero chance of ever becoming Western or Chinese/Japanese/North-Asian in prosperity due to the people making up those countries. You would require a decent dose of positive eugenics if not as much as in Africa.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Even within each country there’s varying political affiliations, in Colombia for example the people of the interior mountainous areas are more business oriented and right wing (see the recent election of Medellin based Duque) while those on the coasts tend to vote far left socialist. There are some racial aspects to this-people in Medellin and Bogota are have more Euro blood (especially the former) while on the coasts there’s more native and African blood. Also, there’s a huge victim culture there that dates back at least to the time of the Cuban revolution, perhaps farther where everyone just blames their problems on the evil Yankees and the Catholic church.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-10-2019 06:51 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

Why do South Americans hate capitalism and live socialism so much?

Quote: (05-10-2019 01:59 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

South Americans are not one monolithic tribe, but are a mix of American Indians, European settlers and Africans. On top of it the continent is huge and had a far longer history of a feudalist-like ...

Re: the AOC meme above.
Did not expect a mere play on words to result in so much discourse...

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: tj.gif]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: D6IgvOWWwAUfg4X.jpg]

[Image: DzsjsF0XcAUgo3_.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Ramadanbombathon.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: f7d.jpg]

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-11-2019 07:34 PM)Garuda Wrote:  

[Image: D6IgvOWWwAUfg4X.jpg]

WDTB. Would Disarm Then Bang.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Hell, that iteration of 'sports-ball' is pretty damned ordinary at the best of times... [Image: lol.gif]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-12-2019 02:46 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  



Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-11-2019 07:34 PM)Garuda Wrote:  

[Image: D6IgvOWWwAUfg4X.jpg]

What? Now there's no more hostage situation...

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-13-2019 06:10 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

What? Now there's no more hostage situation...

It is a rather ruthless strategy.
Guess it's from the Queen Cersei / Khaleesi school of thought...

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-13-2019 06:10 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (05-11-2019 07:34 PM)Garuda Wrote:  

[Image: D6IgvOWWwAUfg4X.jpg]

What? Now there's no more hostage situation...

She's preparing for a hostage rescue mission at a local synagogue.


Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


Recap of thread that originally got him banned.


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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