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Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Lib24.jpg]

[Image: Lib26.png]

[Image: Lib27.jpg]

[Image: Lib28.jpg]

[Image: guns.JPG]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 58766178_2447694838830314_35815911209681...e=5D33CE29]

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 59129500_2387627798121788_86296893590475...e=5D297645]

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 59183186_3234982486515452_51984932825223...e=5D6BCE95]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: attachment.jpg41744]   

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: cancel-the-2019-oscars-this-movie-wins-d...859133.png]

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Even the Dems don't want RBG; they are Ruthless.

[Image: untitled_387_orig.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: attachment.jpg41755]   

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-06-2019 05:20 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

[Image: untitled_387_orig.png]

[Image: Screenshot-at-2019-05-06-18-04-11.png]

Their zeal for Ruth Bader-Ginsburg is hilarious. She is regularly touted as The Notorious RBG.

[Image: 51R4tizEs%2BL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

The other heavyweight of left-wing fan fare over the past few years has been Robert Mueller. A man with the charisma of a hearse. The counter-Reddit to The Donald has been The Mueller, which is now falling into disrepair. The once thick stream of awful memes like this:

[Image: njaddvahmew21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...a172ae28bf]

has run dry. They just don't get it. Typing your political opinion on an image is not funny. Everything they've come up with like "orange man" just end up being weaponised against them.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 59709439_2389495704601664_21349216245734...e=5D308DA8]

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: funny_memes_11.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Does he not know that fortified positions are an outdated mechanism of warfare...?
It is best when one can be mobile.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: dinner-date-comic1.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-06-2019 12:40 PM)gework Wrote:  

[Image: njaddvahmew21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...a172ae28bf]

When I saw this meme before reading your post...I thought it was one of ours!

Holy shit the left can’t Meme.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: E-Day.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (04-26-2019 02:42 PM)MOVSM Wrote:  


So what they are saying is that they only have men's toilets?

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: attachment.jpg41758]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-06-2019 08:46 PM)2 Cool 4 U Wrote:  

[Image: 59709439_2389495704601664_21349216245734...e=5D308DA8]

I can't be the only one who finds that neither of these women is actually a woman [Image: smile.gif]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

& down with this sort of thing.

[Image: tenor.gif]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-07-2019 01:59 PM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2019 08:46 PM)2 Cool 4 U Wrote:  

[Image: 59709439_2389495704601664_21349216245734...e=5D308DA8]

I can't be the only one who finds that neither of these women is actually a woman [Image: smile.gif]

More female MDs is terrible for any country - half of them stop working in their 30s and 40s. That is a lousy investment for a nation.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Evidence is emerging the left are starting to follow their own policies.

[Image: vo7okdv43uw21.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&a...d1c5468262]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: D592q4-VW0-AYg-J9-P.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

This comedy special will no doubt cause all sorts of REEE-steria :


Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Twin girls, the tweet forgets to mention.

Going to be tough to blame this one on patriarchy.


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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