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Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)


Wondering what you would pick if you HAD to pick one. Money is tight right now and that is why it must be one.

Keep in mind where I am sitting in the midwest it is 16 degrees in a polar vortex and haven't seen the sun in 2 weeks. I am dying for the beach.

However, I have never been to EE and am "dying" for some modelesque girls that I have never obtained in my life. I have been pipelining already in EE with some pretty good results but who knows.

There is no right or wrong answer, just would love YOUR 2 cents.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

So I guess you're not going to Tampa or Colombia eh?

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 02:00 PM)scotian Wrote:  

So I guess you're not going to Tampa or Colombia eh?

Yes your right. I just couldn't bring myself to press "book" on skyscanner. Ive' been racking my brain and going a bit cray trying to decide where to focus my efforts and 'start anew'. I'm sure you know how that feeling feels

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

^Not really, I just pick a place and go instead of asking random people on the internet what they think but hey that's just me.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

16 degrees??? Man its -30 in Montreal right now..nobody is able to start their car

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 02:27 PM)MrRoundtree Wrote:  

16 degrees??? Man its -30 in Montreal right now..nobody is able to start their car

Wow - that gives some perspective. I don't know if I could handle that.

shit guys... looks like both places are about evenly tied lol. Great !

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 02:20 PM)scotian Wrote:  

^Not really, I just pick a place and go instead of asking random people on the internet what they think but hey that's just me.

I respect that. I also feel like you guys know the lay of the land better as Im not that well traveled (27). I also trust the RVF more than people in real life as you guys have helped me through tremendous situations in the past

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

If you've only got two weeks or less, Costa Rica. More likely to run into solo tourist girls who are DTF than in Poland or Ukraine.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 03:30 PM)262 Wrote:  

If you've only got two weeks or less, Costa Rica. More likely to run into solo tourist girls who are DTF than in Poland or Ukraine.

Thank you 262. The cool thing is , this trip could be as long as 7 months [Image: biggrin.gif]. Beyond thankful and lucky. In between a few things.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Ask yourself; why I am taking this trip? Ask yourself why 3 times. To each answer you come up with, ask again. Doing that 3x should be enough to get to the root of what you're looking for.

What area interests you the most besides just women? Going somewhere for 7 months just for the women is probably a bad choice.

Personally I love Latin women and like warm weather so I'd pick Costa Rica but that's just me.

Find out what draws you and just get on a plane. Do things. Try shit out. I've never taken a trip I regretted.

The Peru Thread
"Feminists exist in a quantum super-state in which they are both simultaneously the victim and the aggressor." - Milo Yiannopoulos

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 05:14 PM)NovaVirtu Wrote:  

Ask yourself; why I am taking this trip? Ask yourself why 3 times. To each answer you come up with, ask again. Doing that 3x should be enough to get to the root of what you're looking for.

What area interests you the most besides just women? Going somewhere for 7 months just for the women is probably a bad choice.

Personally I love Latin women and like warm weather so I'd pick Costa Rica but that's just me.

Find out what draws you and just get on a plane. Do things. Try shit out. I've never taken a trip I regretted.

Thanks Nova. That touches my heart on a cold valentine's day

Sending you good vibes from the midwest

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Costa Rica is good for weather, food, and really easy sex with decent, but not great women. It can be good for surfing if you go to certain towns on the west coast. It's not really good for anything else. Eastern Europe is obviously freezing right now. I'd either do Costa Rica or do both with the Eastern European trip being delayed until it gets a lot warmer.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

I think if you're going somewhere for several months than Eastern Europe would be more interesting. Costa Rica would probably be a little boring after a week or so.

If Romania is an option, I'd go there 100%, it's one of the forerunners for my Summer trip.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 08:01 PM)Heart Break Kid Wrote:  

I think if you're going somewhere for several months than Eastern Europe would be more interesting. Costa Rica would probably be a little boring after a week or so.

If Romania is an option, I'd go there 100%, it's one of the forerunners for my Summer trip.

Sure Romania can be an option. Just dont go break'n my heart kid. Could you please elaborate as to why you believe Romania goes hard in the paint? [Image: banana.gif]

I'd love to go.

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:14 PM)Kale_anonymous Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2016 08:01 PM)Heart Break Kid Wrote:  

I think if you're going somewhere for several months than Eastern Europe would be more interesting. Costa Rica would probably be a little boring after a week or so.

If Romania is an option, I'd go there 100%, it's one of the forerunners for my Summer trip.

Sure Romania can be an option. Just dont go break'n my heart kid. Could you please elaborate as to why you believe Romania goes hard in the paint? [Image: banana.gif]

I'd love to go.

Hot chicks, friendly girls, really really cheap (important for me [Image: blush.gif]), not racist or anything like that, different from where I live culturally (NY). They're highly receptive to blacks from what I've read on here also. Romania is probably one of the most highly rated places on these boards.

My best friend is Romanian-American and he tell me some pretty great stuff about the country. If my boy decides to ride with me, we're going to go in the Summer and tear it up (he speaks Romanian, so I'm hyped to see how much of an advantage it might be, but there are some decent English speakers there now).

Costa Rica or Eastern Europe (Poland/Ukraine etc)

An acquaintance got cleaned out in a divorce to an EE woman about 10 years ago so he rebuilt his life - took early Social Security and sold his biz and everything between the increase in Fed Taxes and ACA costs biz became unprofitable and so he sold all his stuff on craigs list, sold his car and his house said good bye to his Mother and daughter in the Mid West and is now living in Tiblisi Georgia, $300 Mo one bedroom rent and $2.30 haircuts, local Tiblisi Wine and food is also great - has a private driver with a Benz costs him $8 an Hour - less then owning a car in US... his Driver's family is nice and they are looking to hook him up with a local live in Cook, Maid, Bed Warmer but he is more interested in using this location as a base of Operations while he scopes out the rest of the Black Sea and EE/FSU on the List; Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

Tilblisi and Georgia very safe and friendly so far... highly rated by Nomad Capitalist for biz/entrepreneurship and intl banking.

He decided that bringing an EE woman to the USA where they learn quickly all the tricks to being a mercenary ruthless feminist USA female and green card girl was a mistake - so he is on the ground in the EE/FSU and seeing for himself if finding one in her home environs and keeping her over there instead is a better way to game... I am looking at similar - YMMV

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