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You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:42 AM)Kaii Wrote:  

I think the wondering "why" part is over. Social media, print, regular television and any other type can no longer be trusted to be fair or unbiased.

I highly encourage you to distance yourself from social media and these types of people.

I do, although I use Facebook to keep up with friends and family. However, I never discuss Red Pill, politics, or this forum on there. It's not the audience for it whatsoever.

I used to belong to a site called The stuff they said about women would make us look like a bunch of choirboys and they are not getting a quarter of the hate that we get.

I think what struck a nerve is that this site is a male-improvement site; not a haven for hopeless bitchers and whiners like PUAHate. When men learn to improve themselves and learn game; women (and beta males who are their allies) lose power. Feminism is about power; it's not about women's rights or preventing rape. Women keep their power when men give up and go MGTOW. They are hamstering their opposition to the fact that we are a 'pro-rape' group, despite the fact that sharing those thoughts on here would get you banned. The bully doesn't fear the kid that runs from him and tells the principal; he fears the kid that finally learns how to stand up for himself.

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I've been seeing all of this pop up on my Facebook feed as well. One chick I know actually legit thought the guys meeting were meeting in public spaces to plan attacks against women. Oh and she also has a Tumblr where she identifies as pansexual and has her preferred pronouns listed. What a surprise. Most of the other chicks, even if they aren't go to as ridiculous lengths still think he is "pro-rape". It's clear from all the reactions that I'm seeing that they are just merely responding to the sensational headlines and haven't bothered to actually read the original article.

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They already had the story written and just needed photos.

Not on the same scale I know, but I've had journalists happily misquote me to fit their narrative. Don't trust what you read - they have ZERO integrity.

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Quote: (02-05-2016 11:07 AM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

I do, although I use Facebook to keep up with friends and family. However, I never discuss Red Pill, politics, or this forum on there. It's not the audience for it whatsoever.

This has always been my policy too. Keep red pill stuff away from real life discussion unless it's with close personal friends. I respect guys like Roosh and Mike Cernovich because they have become this lightning rod for all of us really.


I think what struck a nerve is that this site is a male-improvement site; not a haven for hopeless bitchers and whiners like PUAHate. When men learn to improve themselves and learn game; women (and beta males who are their allies) lose power. Feminism is about power; it's not about women's rights or preventing rape.

The last few years you've seen feminist groups and individual feminists working inside the media to unscrupulously connect everyone in the manosphere to psychos like Elliot Rodger. Besides outright misrepresentation of facts they are all for mob (in)justice and destroying people on a completely false whim. This is a very deeply authoritarian type of leaning where they take one agenda and use actual violence, propaganda, and persecution to squash all other debate.

We've already seen year zero comparisons on here to the Khmer rouge and this seemed a bit extreme to me at the time but it's in fact wholely accurate. The inmates in the asylum are running the show. It's cultural revolution activity in 2016.

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Damn, article has 44K shares.

Does this mean Roosh is mainstream?

I bet RVF and ROK are getting an insane bump in traffic.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Im in Baltimore now on business.. I defending him back in Montreal last summer... wanted to meet up with roosh after the 15th, I figured knocking on his front door might cause some suspicion.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-05-2016 12:01 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

The last few years you've seen feminist groups and individual feminists working inside the media to unscrupulously connect everyone in the manosphere to psychos like Elliot Rodger. Besides outright misrepresentation of facts they are all for mob (in)justice and destroying people on a completely false whim.

Today's social progressives are adopting the same tactics of the social conservatives of the 80s and 90s. Remember how these people would take some tasteless R-rated music album, movie, video game, or other media and point out how it's somehow corrupting the minds of innocent children and was turning them into future murderers and criminals? It's the old "think of the children!" shrieking now repackaged as "think of the women!"

In the past if someone pointed out these moral crusaders were being shrill and over the top then the response would be "So you don't care if your child grows up to become a rapist?" They take a concept that most people would treasure - in this case the innocence of children and then somehow frame it as you being against it which serves to bring down a mob on you composed of people who just immediately thought "this guy must be anti-children!" instead of thinking things through. We're seeing the same thing happen now only with rape. Pretty much everyone finds rape abhorrent so when dozens of media articles all pop up the same time saying "Roosh is pro-rape" then people immediately associate rape with his name which causes their high reasoning functions to be bypassed and them to resort to relying on instinct and emotions. That's way less mentally taxing then actually having to read through Roosh's article and having to figure the point he was trying to make since that would have to require having to think things through as opposed to taking everything at face value.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-05-2016 01:50 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 12:01 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

The last few years you've seen feminist groups and individual feminists working inside the media to unscrupulously connect everyone in the manosphere to psychos like Elliot Rodger. Besides outright misrepresentation of facts they are all for mob (in)justice and destroying people on a completely false whim.

Today's social progressives are adopting the same tactics of the social conservatives of the 80s and 90s. Remember how these people would take some tasteless R-rated music album, movie, video game, or other media and point out how it's somehow corrupting the minds of innocent children and was turning them into future murderers and criminals? It's the old "think of the children!" shrieking now repackaged as "think of the women!"

In the past if someone pointed out these moral crusaders were being shrill and over the top then the response would be "So you don't care if your child grows up to become a rapist?" They take a concept that most people would treasure - in this case the innocence of children and then somehow frame it as you being against it which serves to bring down a mob on you composed of people who just immediately thought "this guy must be anti-children!" instead of thinking things through. We're seeing the same thing happen now only with rape. Pretty much everyone finds rape abhorrent so when dozens of media articles all pop up the same time saying "Roosh is pro-rape" then people immediately associate rape with his name which causes their high reasoning functions to be bypassed and them to resort to relying on instinct and emotions. That's way less mentally taxing then actually having to read through Roosh's article and having to figure the point he was trying to make since that would have to require having to think things through as opposed to taking everything at face value.

Wutang is "bang on." This is the sad part of human nature. With modern mass control of the media, it is relatively easy to whip up the mob regarding the newest moral panic. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s There was a similar moral panic to topics like:

- Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Satanic rituals and young people using "ouija" boards
- Violent video games like "Doom"
- Young people smoking marijuana and then the transition to heroin
- etc

Eric Hoffer also offers some perspective on this. Reference his 1951 book "The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements" - page 91.

..."Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all unifying agents. It pulls and whirls the individual away from his own self, makes him oblivious of his weal and future, frees him of jealousies and self-seeking. He becomes an anonymous particle quivering with a craving to fuse and coalesce with his like into one flaming mass. Heine suggests that what Christian love cannot do is effected by a common hatred. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil...

page 94

...Whence come these unreasonable hatreds, and why their unifying effect? They are an expression of a desperate effort to suppress an awareness of inadequacy, worthlessness, guilt, and other shortcomings of the self. Self-contempt to here transmuted into hatred of others - and there is a most determined and persistent effort to mask this switch. Obviously, the most effective way of doing this is to find others, as many as possible, who hate as we do. here more than anywhere else we need general consent, and much of our proselytizing consists perhaps in infecting others not with our brand of faith but with our particular brand of unreasonable hatred.

To further your understanding of the "sjw hive mind"... this book is highly recommended. Reagan even awarded Hoffer the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-05-2016 01:50 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 12:01 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

The last few years you've seen feminist groups and individual feminists working inside the media to unscrupulously connect everyone in the manosphere to psychos like Elliot Rodger. Besides outright misrepresentation of facts they are all for mob (in)justice and destroying people on a completely false whim.

Today's social progressives are adopting the same tactics of the social conservatives of the 80s and 90s.

And of the prohibitionists of the 1910s and so on.

It's important we understand that the modern day SJW is in essence a puritan, religious fanatic. They are the prohibitionists, they are the one's who throw stones at adulterous women in islam, they hate sex, they hate alchohol, they hate fun, they hate everything.

The kind of hatred we're seing is religious fervor. It is EXACTLY the same reaction as muslims have if someone is rumored to have said or done something against the prophet.

We're dealing with religious fanatics, just because they don't profess to believe in a God, it is important to understand that they are still religious fanatics. And like all religious fanatics their hearts are full with hatred, as the proverb "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full off". People making sadistic threats of violence have hearts full of fantasies of sadistic hatred and violence.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Even among the establishment community, Daily Mail is pretty much well known as a paper for members of the cult of lower mental qualifications.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote:' Wrote:

To call someone like Roosh, who traveled around half of the world, remote and dangerous places included, and who lived in Odessa or Medellin (among many other foreign cities), as "a mommy-boy living in the comfort of his US home"... it's like:

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I know right? Unbelievable.

Also I cannot see sweaty armpits anywhere. Don't these idiots know Roosh is immune to sweaty armpits because baking soda.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

I can't remember where I saw it recently, but the media is on to asking about pet shops.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:56 AM)dispenser Wrote:  

Trying to imply that Roosh is a virgin... Textbook sour grapes.

The level of hysterical envy we've provoked is interesting, and unsettling.
"Even a guy who wants rape legalized can get laid and we can't!" - Male feminists seething with Oedipal rage

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Roosh the douche rolls off the tongue. Think your new nickname is going to stick? [Image: biggrin.gif]

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-06-2016 01:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

By 2007 Obama felt he had established a considerable following and decided to pen his first book, called 'Bang'.

Inside the book, he described the 'ruthlessly optimized process' that 'enabled me to put my penis inside' various women.

He later traveled abroad researching a slew of other titles that include Bang Colombia, Bang Iceland, Don't Bang Denmark, Bang Poland and Bang Lithuania.

[Image: survivor.gif]

Can't complain with free advertising like that...

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-06-2016 01:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

Hey Roosh whats up, I did some spying for you in Montreal during an anti-roosh protest, I was the guy who went face to face with the feminist in the green shirt in 1 of your videos... I'm in Baltimore right now on business, was wondering if you wanted to meet up for a few minutes for a quick chat on the 15th or 23rd. I'm also a MMA fighter in case that comes in handy.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-06-2016 02:30 AM)johnny-slick Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2016 01:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

Hey Roosh whats up, I did some spying for you in Montreal during an anti-roosh protest, I was the guy who went face to face with the feminist in the green shirt in 1 of your videos... I'm in Baltimore right now on business, was wondering if you wanted to grab a beer or meet up for a few min, on the 15th or 23rd. I'm also a MMA fighter in case that comes in handy.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

UK's "The Mirror" quoted Sarah Nyberg, admitted pedophile, in their article.

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The right hand column of the Daily Mail article looks like soft porn and if you scroll down far enough, you'll see more stories of the enriching gang rape culture that Britain has imported which dares not speak its name.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote:Roosh Wrote:

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

The IRT has doubled-down, no doubt incensed by coverage of him in the other thread.

I am inclined to say, this is not journalism, it is a bitter cuckold writing whatever he can in a desperate attempt to make himself feel better for his own pitiful results with women. But, it is becoming apparent that this IS modern journalism. Therefore as I mentioned in the other thread I have less than zero respect for this field.

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Journalists are a joke

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-06-2016 01:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

That's no security guard.

That's motherf**kin Little Dark !

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-06-2016 01:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

Amazing. This guy sure does have an axe to grind at being cucked out of the good life in england. He's like the Elliot Rogers of journalism.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

You're on the front page of Daily Mail now

Quote: (02-06-2016 09:48 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2016 01:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

New Daily Mail article:

EXCLUSIVE: Now 'pro-rape' blogger 'Roosh the Douche' hires security guard to watch over him at his mother's house after complaining about threats

Amazing. This guy sure does have an axe to grind at being cucked out of the good life in england. He's like the Elliot Rogers of journalism.

He's a SJW doing what SJWs do when they're scared. Double down on the crazy

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