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Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

^ No one here is bickering. What are you on about?

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

This thread is not going in the direction I hoped for [Image: tongue.gif]

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

This is not a funny comment per se, but I'll repost this video here from the Forum Lounge:

Quote: (06-26-2016 04:24 PM)CH-Toronto Wrote:  

8/10 Troll Job

From the YouTube Description


A GLOBAL RENAISSANCE: RI Spring Crowdfunding Campaign:
Sometimes the best way to prove the insanity of your opponents, is to give them exactly what they want
Here's something you don't see every day...a German politician fighting back against political correctness which has risen to the point of insanity.

In the parliament of Brandenburg recently, the Green Party introduced a bill to adopt a "Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, Self-Determination and against Homo and Trans-phobia in Brandenburg" as well as "Giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questioning) people in Brandenburg"
The Green Party, which still holds a substantial share of the vote in Germany, is notorious for their advocacy of homosexual marriage and adoption as well as pedophilia and promotion of "trans-gender" agendas. (One Green Party leader, Daniel Cohn-Bendit even openly bragged about raping kindergartners.)

Germany already has strict "hate speech" laws that effectively criminalize any criticism of racial or religious minorities - those laws may soon include criticism of someone's self-proclaimed "gender."

Enter Steffen Königer of Germany's new Alternative for Germany party (German acronym: AfD). AfD is known for being a Euroskeptic party which opposes mass immigration to Germany and political correctness. Königer rose to voice his party's opposition to the measure, which was also supported by the Left Party and the Social Democratic Party.

Not wanting to leave anyone out, Königer opened his speech "Dear Ladies and Gentleman..." and then took the complete list of 60 possible genders which has been adopted by Facebook, and proceeded to name each one in a salutation which lasted over 3 minutes. Even the establishment politicians sitting behind him could not fail to recognize the brilliance of his response.

There may be hope for Germany yet.

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (08-20-2016 10:11 AM)Repo Wrote:  

The date in the mall was going well. I think she was vibing with my attitude, though I confess I was only in the higher beta mindset as I have not yet fully ascended to alpha. Then, in a shocking turn of events, while I was hovering my hand behind her back pondering how to establish kino, the escalator appeared out of nowhere. Before I could anticipate the most alpha move, she stepped on the escalator.

The 8 inches of height that the first step gave her put her at a 3 inch height advantage over me. My heart dropped as quick as my SMV, 4.3 points to be exact. At which point I started a new forum thread to ask the obvious, if my SMV drops but she doesn't know, has it really dropped? As long as she continued to look ahead and not back at me, it was essentially Schrodingers SMV.

Desperate to keep the attention off me, I pointed away and blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Look! Trump is over there making America great again! "

Rather than looking where I pointed, she turned back and looked right at me. The SMV drop was now tangible. But worse, by not following my lead and looking where I pointed, this meant that I was already in the hole before the SMV drop was real. That, or she wasn't very smart. Either way, I had to save face.

When we reached the top of the escalator, I spun her around. We were now facing each other, in a tense standoff, only 6 inches apart. It was time to be alpha.

"You have fun shopping, I'm not going to be your beta bux. I'm going to make like a tree and leave."

I'm the King of Beijing!

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (09-11-2016 04:23 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I've got some good house party stories.

One time at this house party i opened a set to this HB 9/10 about high end zebras and micro pigs.

But then this guy came out of nowhere and AMOGged my girl with stories of flying jets and sailing off of the coasts of Venezuela.

Thankfully, being the Bozz that i am i kept questioning him until it became apparent he was making it all up.

The party ran out of beer shortly after and it started to get lame. Thankfully this Hawaiin guy showed up with 6 thirty racks of beer in wal mart bags.

The energy must have become too HIGH because this little guy appeared out of the dark and started wailing on these 30 guys hanging outside. I left with my girl and got the covoted Pitt Cairn Island flag.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (09-29-2016 01:33 PM)jabba Wrote:  

I enjoy farting and don't mind it when girls fart. In fact, girls normally fart with an with a puppy face. I find it adorable and get a chuckle from the bottom of my belly.

We all fart. It's an emotional language with many dialects. A skilled farter can actually communicate and compose great melodies. For those who prefer a muted version, just ask her to spread her ass cheeks to produce a wind-only hiss.

Just ask her not to fart when you're eating her pussy. This is common courtesy.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (01-05-2010 09:00 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Pretty decent data sheet actually.

Some things to add:

From Tijuana to Ensenada you will find arguably the sickest waves on the west coast. Many are secret spots. People don't tell. I know them, don't ask me. There is minimal info on the internet on this as well. My advice? Go explore. No one will tell you.

Tijuana has some beautiful upper class girls. I have dated plenty.

But if you think you are going to roll into TJ and start swooping, well, lets just say your efforts are better placed elsewhere. This is a triple black diamond type city. Not even Mystery or Neil Strauss is pulling this off. Ha.

This is Manifesto only turf.

Also, keep in mind, there is a heavy drug war going on here:

I have written on the subject a lot. Refer to The Manifesto if interested.

Not for the faint of heart.

In addition, I should be rolling to Guadalajara this year with some heavies, so hopefully I will have some info soon for you guys.

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote:el mechanico Wrote:  

MikeCF's phone call to Poland..

MCF: Hey, I represent my client there in your country

KPD ( Polish PD) : Who are you? What do you ask?

MCF: I demand you free him or I'm coming to consolidate with one of my Polish colleagues and will file suit for declamation of characters.

KPD: Do you mean MikeZF? Z is a vowel here so name make no sense

MCF: May I speak to your superior. Now!

KPD: Dobra notz dis Janusz how can I help you?

MCF: You guys are not in compliance with the Geneva convention I demand you release Roosh V****** right fucking now!

KPD: You practice law Poland?


KPD: MikeZF, Poland is different place

MCF: Fuck this!

KPD: Thank you, come again.

Americans are dreamers too

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (10-28-2016 04:58 PM)greekgod Wrote:  

This is what happened.

Weiner was being a good boy on the forum. He was using his imagination to tell fantastic stories of sailing the globe, swimming with teens, playing beach volleyball, and flying Luke Skywalker's X-Wing. Until one day this asshole named AboveAverageJoe outed his fantasies. Weiner being the coward he is didnt want to answer the chargers and reveal that he was on this forum to learn game. His silence led to him being banned.

So with all this free time on his hands he turns to his wife to rekindle their marriage. "Huma, I'm imagining some really kinky shit tonight. Your going to pour hot wax on my dick and enrage me until I playrole rape you in your hijab. And then after that you're going to brand "Carlos Danger" into left butt cheek."

"Honey, I'm sorry...I'm busy on the campaign trail breaking glass ceilings for the most transparent women to ever run for office. She's done so much for the country that we just have to get her elected. Plus, I already got a side piece I scissor with here on the campaign trail. I wont tell you who but lets just say she forgets my performances, good and bad, so I'm always having to prove myself. Kinda like 50 first dates but more like twenty years of labia on labia friction. Take care of the kids while I'm on the road. And keep off the internet, you'll only get in trouble"

"Fucking bitch, If she gets to keep her side piece than I get a new one. Hmm, PSAT's study group, ripe for pickings. If those guys had let me stay on the forum I would have eventually got around to learning game. Owell, I'm smart..they'll definitely let me tutor these teenagers"

Scandal breaks. Huma does the strong women thing and divorces him.

Anthony (NTP) after being turned away by so many goes black pill and burns the whole bitch down.

The real hero in this whole scenario is AAJ for making Anthony so desperate that he went down this path of self destruction.

Cheers AAJ!

I'm the King of Beijing!

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:55 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tell all of them to suck your big Mcqueen cock for starters. Why are you calling her mom?? You fell into family drama being on the defensive make you look like a cunt.

Like I said tell them all to suck you off then she'll be in touch

Americans are dreamers too

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (04-23-2017 10:37 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:55 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tell all of them to suck your big Mcqueen cock for starters. Why are you calling her mom?? You fell into family drama being on the defensive make you look like a cunt.

Like I said tell them all to suck you off then she'll be in touch

I was actually going to make that quote my signature a while back. Probably my favorite post in forum history. El Mech started out with the intention of helping McQueen out, then ended up constantly getting into arguments with him.

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (05-18-2011 02:02 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I love Aqua Teen so much I painted the front door of my house to match the one on the show (shakes outline)

Americans are dreamers too

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Regarding a possible workplace tryst/lawsuit:

Quote: (07-31-2017 03:19 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

I would also say that since you are likely to cause yourself significant heartache when you do end up fucking her, it is imperative that you get anal underway early on in the proceedings. It will provide some consolation in the midst of the swirling uncertainty and destitution which will follow this dalliance to know that you did at least fuck her in the arse. It's been my recent experience that few things kindle the embers of the heart in the midst of female-induced despair quite like knowing that at least you did that.

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

From the "Casanova Conman" thread, I give you HCE:


Just from reading the title I knew that either the age or BMI of victims could not possibly be below 40.


Just think of all the different occasions you could use this line...

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Canopus talking shit in the Donald Trump thread!


So I still have a tub of this godawful protein powder Arnold hawked from a couple years ago, and it's mostly full because I tried it for exactly two days while I was lifting. The ghosts of the resulting shits still haunt my place, swear to God. It wreaked havoc on my colon. I remember I tried blending it with coconut milk the first day, and then just plain cold water the next day after nearly obliterating my toilet. Same result. I shit the entire Ten Plagues of Egypt trying this stuff, decided I'd rather not risk gassing everyone in the gym on my next Leg Day, and promptly switched back to Optimum Nutrition. It may be the schoolboy's protein powder, but it gets the job done, and I don't have to worry about laying down a torpedo while I'm working a deadlift.

But see, I still have the Arnold tub. I always knew I kept it for a reason.

The day Bill Kristol peaces out, I will chug a quart of that powder, and then personally drive to the cemetery, drop my pants, squat as hard as any man has ever dared, and take the mother of all protein shits on his grave. He will be screaming in the bowels of Hell and I'll make fucking sure it's raining on his head.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote: (11-21-2017 11:18 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Canopus talking shit in the Donald Trump thread!


So I still have a tub of this godawful protein powder Arnold hawked from a couple years ago, and it's mostly full because I tried it for exactly two days while I was lifting. The ghosts of the resulting shits still haunt my place, swear to God. It wreaked havoc on my colon. I remember I tried blending it with coconut milk the first day, and then just plain cold water the next day after nearly obliterating my toilet. Same result. I shit the entire Ten Plagues of Egypt trying this stuff, decided I'd rather not risk gassing everyone in the gym on my next Leg Day, and promptly switched back to Optimum Nutrition. It may be the schoolboy's protein powder, but it gets the job done, and I don't have to worry about laying down a torpedo while I'm working a deadlift.

But see, I still have the Arnold tub. I always knew I kept it for a reason.

The day Bill Kristol peaces out, I will chug a quart of that powder, and then personally drive to the cemetery, drop my pants, squat as hard as any man has ever dared, and take the mother of all protein shits on his grave. He will be screaming in the bowels of Hell and I'll make fucking sure it's raining on his head.

I second this. I almost laughed myself into a coma reading that.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

From the "Bank Teller Chicks" thread, RatInTheWoods sets it straight:
Quote: (04-10-2018 05:59 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

I say make a deposit in her safety box while her interest rates are high.
"How does one give a hint? Be obviously pedantic when dishing out a truth." #219

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

From the Climate Change Expert Chokes Fiance Out thread, Aurini delivers this golden nugget:


Sp5 Wrote: Climate change science has nothing to do with feminism, free college, socialist health care, or transgender bathroom policy.

None of those things have anything to do with one another. And yet, if you tell me where you stand on one of them, I can predict with 95% certainty where you stand on the rest.

Funny how that works.

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

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