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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-10-2016 11:01 PM)DavidBond Wrote:  

Thanks, and its something I could do. However the vibe so far makes me feel like I'd just get banned. That and I love sharing stories with video. I'd rather SHOW what happend and what I learned, than type a big essay. That and even I wrote a big essay, I'd get banned for simply saying "i have a video of this" because that might be "promotion" - I don't feel like playing poster gymnastics.

This will be my last post.

Take care.

You're taking your ball home already? Controversial newbies always get their 'trial by fire'.

Have you even had any warnings yet? No, right? You wouldn't get banned for datasheets that include video (unless you didn't blur the girls faces), at most you would probably get warned if the host thought it had commercial intent.

Guess you just want attention, free of the discomfort of criticism and having to justify yourself.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-15-2016 05:47 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I spoke about this on my latest podcast with Moma and Rudebwoy. I'll post the link when Moma releases it here. I will also post more thoughts on some of the posts exchanged on this thread. I wanted to see what would come out before saying too much and that paid off. There is plenty to break down in here.

Kai, I'd be really interested in hearing your breakdown. This is a topic that has my full attention. I listened to your last podcast with Moma, and while I liked the content, there were moments in the podcast where your speaking would be drowned out by background noise like running water, music, etc. There was a large volume disparity between the different speakers on the podcast. I'm not one to complain about free content, just figured I'd give some constructive feedback.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-15-2016 05:47 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I spoke about this on my latest podcast...

Kai, where can I find your podcast?

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I know I'm low post no rep but would like to apologize for the antics of my fellow Asiamen in this thread. Not everyone is like that

Sounds like a bitter guy ashamed of being Asian, too, judging on his hatred for his own women and pursuit of non-Asian women exclusively (I have met plenty of these types as a Korean-American and was one myself at one point before I realized all the hot Asian girls were hiding in Asia lol). Let's not forget that a lot of Asian women are sweet, get fat-shamed (at least in Korea), don't act like men, and have mad tight pussies lol. It's true that a lot of girls that hook up with foreigners are of lower class/uglier or for whatever reason are less desirable in their native lands. However, girls are girls and want the alpha D so even your (or should I say our) high class hoes or at least 7+ girls occasionally roll with the foreign dude who doesn't look like he hasn't gone outside since 1995

Admittedly, I get kinda resentful/judgmental when I see a foreign dude with a Korean chick, but I feel like it's an inborn impulse or something lol that especially was helped by a very nationalist culture as well as racist/xenophobic upbringing (one example: my dad told me once that Indians when taking a shit poke a hole through a post it note, wipe their ass with their finger, and use the post it note to wipe their finger off. I believed this until middle school and told kids about it and they thought I was nuts) However, I'm not mad because I'm still getting laid, too whether that be by Asians or Whites or Latinas. There is plenty to go around: all colors, shapes, and sizes. The beauty of the 21st century is that the world is getting smaller and you can have all colors of the rainbow thanks to the easiness of modern travel and increasing openness of cultures and sexual norms

Re: guys "dating down" in Asia. I notice a lot of foreigners in Korea are with 4, 5, 6 at best with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 dudes that I saw with 8s but they were GQ and would have no problem getting laid anywhere. After observing the look of these types of girls and discussing with foreigners and Koreans alike, I think it just comes down to different standards of beauty. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder after all. The same way I rag on my white or Western friends for being into ugly Asian chicks, they rag on me sometimes for thinking what is a 6 at best to them is like 7 or 8 for me.

Also Asian-American dudes be talking shit about poor Asian girls here... when the only people who immigrate to USA from Asia usually are the poorer families trying to make it. Hence the Asians in places like USA looking more plain Jane/peasant vs the smexy girls who stay home and are like their Western counterparts getting treated to everything [Image: wink.gif]

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
ETH: 0x9019d135dD1FFA06f0CC53C5942cBce806a943dd

(If I miss your reply PM me)

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-17-2016 03:17 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

Also Asian-American dudes be talking shit about poor Asian girls here... when the only people who immigrate to USA from Asia usually are the poorer families trying to make it. Hence the Asians in places like USA looking more plain Jane/peasant vs the smexy girls who stay home and are like their Western counterparts getting treated to everything [Image: wink.gif]

I have to disagree a bit with that. Immigration standards for getting into the USA are very tough, from what I hear. You need to show value of some kind. Skills, wealth, intelligence, etc.

The Asians I've met that have immigrated here are often from wealthy families, their parents are doctors/scientists, etc.

Of course once they get here the Asian girls go crazy for the foreign D.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-17-2016 03:17 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

I know I'm low post no rep but would like to apologize for the antics of my fellow Asiamen in this thread. Not everyone is like that

Never apologize for bullshit you had nothing to do with.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

^ Agreed. Your perspective is welcome here, whiteknightrises, and certainly a lot healthier than what Sebastian was spouting, but no need to apologize for him. As you said, he just seems like a bitter guy, but most of us here are clearheaded enough to know that's his own individual sticking point.

About the difference in tastes, you're right about the general taste in women just being very different. And yeah, it goes both ways because Western guys are often confused when an Asian thinks some average looking white broad is hot when to us she's anything but.

That being said, as a fellow Caucasian I will gladly support the notion that a lot of Westerners in SEA (as well as foreigners of other ethnicities) are just with shit-looking birds by anyone's standards and don't seem to realize it. Some of these are even young and handsome guys.

I don't really understand it, and I don't really care because it just leaves more good-looking ones for those of us with common sense. What I do resist, however, is the notion that all guys who go to Asia are somehow deficient just by the simple act of being here - or that East Asians have some God-given authority to, in the words of Seb, "look DOWN" on Southeast Asians and that the rest should follow suit or be labeleted "beta."

Many of the stereotypes of guys here may be true, as others have pointed out, but pretending it's the whole story is just intellectually dishonest and is becoming a scapegoat for Asian men (you obviously not included) who just want to mask their bitterness.

I think the world is changing, though, and more balanced viewpoints are becoming more of a norm in the region. The demographic mix of foreign men here is also developing more balance. I think it was last year an article came out in a mainstream publication in Thailand commenting on a bunch of local experts acknowledging a growing trend of marriages between successful young foreign men and local women of means. The surprise expressed by the article was a bit comical, but it shows a growing awareness that things are no longer black and white.

Unless world progress gets slammed backwards, I can't see classism in Asia lasting forever, at least not in such an extreme form.

One thing I've always commented on since I first moved to Southeast Asia, though, is how interesting it will be to watch how mixed breed children in the poor classes, especially from the cities, leverage their background as they grow older. Until recently, it has mostly been poorer women mingling with foreign men - and not just the degenerates. Go to a local church, for example, and the prevalance of mixed couples is staggering. Visiting businessmen and those here for other non-sexpat reasons also often walk away or settle in with a local bride.

And this is creating a unique segment of the population that has a mixed cultural background, solid connections, great English skills, and positive cultural traits from the East and the West.

Families are joined, creating an increasing number of poor people claiming they have a brother or cousin or uncle from the States or wherever, and even those who merely establish friendships or biz partnerships with foreigners tend to be from the lower to lower mid classes.

Meanwhile, at least some of the moneyed population grows evermore distant and xenophobic, as witnessed in places like Bangkok, where much of the population has grown weary of the foreign presence (understandably so).

It will be interesting to see how that evolves the culture in later years and whether it will lend swaths of the lower classes who are eagerly mingling with foreigners some type of competitive advantage in a more globalized world. Perhaps that same dynamic will play out in greater Asia as well - only time can tell.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Haha yeah I'm just embarrassed that there are people like that.

Also, re: Asian immigration I guess it depends but generally the Asians you meet in the US (at least Koreans from what I know) won't be moneyed Asians but people who couldn't make it in Asia for whatever reason (class, uneducated, etc). I personally know and grew up with a lot of Koreans whose parents combined probably ran all the nail salons, dry cleaners, and delis in the NY/NJ metropolitan area.

Also, don't forget illegal immigration! Not just Mexicans/Latin-Americans that do this.

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
ETH: 0x9019d135dD1FFA06f0CC53C5942cBce806a943dd

(If I miss your reply PM me)

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Nice try, Sebastian.

After your thinly-veiled "meet me in a bar to talk" internet tough guy challenge, you slink out of this thread and resort to passively aggresively tucking your jabs at Southeast Asia (as well as mention of guys who dislike American women) in threads that have nothing to do with the continent or that issue, apparently hoping no one who was addressing your hang-ups would notice or call you out. thread-53196...pid1199465

I won't argue your point there in that thread - guy probably could get laid in SEA, unfortunately. There are lots of hookers here. No one has ever denied that.

Nor was anyone arguing your point in this thread here. Several of us agreed that what you were talking about exists...only that it wasn't the whole picture, but still you ranted on.

What we were arguing were your blanket generalizations, racism, and overall elitist attitude.

But all that aside, this is one of the sneakiest, most underhanded, behind the scenes, passive agressive moves I've ever seen on this forum.

We're right here if you want to continue the discussion so much that you'd do something like that - you're clearly still boiling over about the topic. No need to derail the other thread, though. I imagine since you're still fuming about this issue enough to make that post you're probably still visiting this thread enough to catch this right here.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-16-2016 09:44 AM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2016 05:47 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I spoke about this on my latest podcast with Moma and Rudebwoy. I'll post the link when Moma releases it here. I will also post more thoughts on some of the posts exchanged on this thread. I wanted to see what would come out before saying too much and that paid off. There is plenty to break down in here.

Kai, I'd be really interested in hearing your breakdown. This is a topic that has my full attention. I listened to your last podcast with Moma, and while I liked the content, there were moments in the podcast where your speaking would be drowned out by background noise like running water, music, etc. There was a large volume disparity between the different speakers on the podcast. I'm not one to complain about free content, just figured I'd give some constructive feedback.

Wow. I will let Rude and Moma know, but we are using a new software now. We should not have the same issues as before. Thanks for the feed back. My podcast was so long it should be two parts. Let me know if it was poor audio wise.

Your feedback is immensely appreciated. Never hold back on that. Who knows.... In a few years I may be doing video podcasts.... I want to hear all feedback regardless. It is the only way we can can improve...individually and manosphere wise. Roosh needs your input and I will too...

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-16-2016 04:17 PM)buja Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2016 05:47 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I spoke about this on my latest podcast...

Kai, where can I find your podcast?

Hold tight mate. It's coming.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-11-2016 12:16 AM)HOD Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2016 11:58 PM)Suits Wrote:  

(01-11-2016, 04:01 AM)DavidBond Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

This will be my last post.

Good riddance.

Further analysis and input through google translate: "This will be my last post" = This will be my last attempt to scam the RVF community, since I am a low level scammer incapable of learning, creating value, giving back, and unable to achieve any form of relationship building with other men of value, without the need to lie, mislead, manipulate and cheat other forum members for the main purpose of turning a monetary profit for personal gains only.

How is me responding to a thread about me "scamming" people? Lie about what?

I was told by the admins that i can't talk about my videos without being banned, which is competently idiotic considering this entire thread is *about* my videos. I choose not to invest time into forums run trigger happy admins.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

It's hard to put yourself out there in videos as a public pua. You need to be sensational to grab attention these days.

Regardless of right or wrong I feel guys like Julien Blanc get it from all sides. One little part of his many many videos was clearly inappropriate and over the line.

He got hounded everywhere and goaded into being overly defensive. Then finally apologized too late and his life and career are ruined.

I've watched parts of the same Blanc videos where he gives very solid and appropriate advice about treating women with respect and showing restraint. Of course that never got taken into account.

It's easy to demonize people over one thing or another. Hard to analyze their entire catalogue of material and understand their purpose and message. Things get polarized. People pick sides. Egos are bruised.

I essentially forgot about game for years until that whole Blanc thing erupted in Japan. Girls I opened were asking me if I was a pickup artist or knew who Julien Blanc was. Ironically this made me think huh, I better learn some game quick.

It quickly died down. On subsequent trips no one has ever bothered me about it. Other guys living there said they never noticed a hiccup at all.

These controversies aren't good. They inevitably happen from time to time. I personally try to avoid getting swept up in anything that appears trendy or niche. I don't even like paying attention to it. I'm too busy reading my guidebook and trying to meet people.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (04-05-2017 02:38 AM)DavidBond Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2016 12:16 AM)HOD Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2016 11:58 PM)Suits Wrote:  

(01-11-2016, 04:01 AM)DavidBond Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

This will be my last post.

Good riddance.

Further analysis and input through google translate: "This will be my last post" = This will be my last attempt to scam the RVF community, since I am a low level scammer incapable of learning, creating value, giving back, and unable to achieve any form of relationship building with other men of value, without the need to lie, mislead, manipulate and cheat other forum members for the main purpose of turning a monetary profit for personal gains only.

How is me responding to a thread about me "scamming" people? Lie about what?

I was told by the admins that i can't talk about my videos without being banned, which is competently idiotic considering this entire thread is *about* my videos. I choose not to invest time into forums run trigger happy admins.

You just posted an insult to Roosh, Tuthmosis, and Soma just to state that you do not want to waste time posting in our forum?

You are almost like an embarrassing roseacea rash or flareup that will not go away. So what's next? No more trolling from you until next year? You might as well discuss your videos to get that coveted ban status. You don't need an account here to read the forum, like you obviously do. You don't add value here, nor do you contribute in game.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-24-2016 09:34 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2016 04:17 PM)buja Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2016 05:47 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I spoke about this on my latest podcast...

Kai, where can I find your podcast?

Hold tight mate. It's coming.

I think it is this one.

Sorry for the late reply on that. Better late than never I guess.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (04-05-2017 02:38 AM)DavidBond Wrote:  

I was told by the admins that i can't talk about my videos without being banned, which is competently idiotic considering this entire thread is *about* my videos. I choose not to invest time into forums run trigger happy admins.

[Image: cd8a2b77fa3884bbbd6d2699928e03b9_rjGQVPujc8WBLL1w.gif]

I'm the King of Beijing!

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Anyone have any experience with India? I have a friend (white, slightly above average) who claims to be slaying there. The pictures he's sent me... wow...

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The guy bumps a thread from Jan. 2016 and breaks a 6+ month personal posting hiatus to tell us he's not going to post anymore [Image: lol.gif] Hilarious.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Man you guys aren't thinking many steps out are you?

Anyway, perhaps DavidBond can tell us how his brash in-your-face-everybody! form of Asia pickup is going.

As an aside its so amusing to hear women talk about "are you a pickup artist" or "are you doing nampa?" etc. Why else would dudes talk to you? To get advice on acquiring capital for their next business venture? [Image: icon_lol.gif]

If random dudes are talking to you for no specific reason, the specific reason is they want to eventually insert their dick into you. Any calling out of that fact is just smug contempt and subtle humble bragging that you're above it all.

Its kind of like the word "creep" in a way. They'll ask a guy who isn't attractive enough these questions as part of a rejection, but they won't if he is attractive enough.

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