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Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I'll start with a girl I met from Tinder today.

Chinese girl, 19 years old, somewhat flabby body, mid-length hair, mostly pleasant personality.

Overall a cute, sweet girl but nothing to write home about.

This gal was born and raised in China but spent the last 6 months in NYC where she "loves it".

She wasn't the best looking girl but not gaze-avertingly ugly either, and she seemed like a sure thing.

As predicted, enthusiastic consummation took place not ~1.5 hours after we met.

I bagged it up but she took a birth control pill right after anyway.

She had a stash of them in her purse.

Some food for thought:

1. I asked her - let's call her Anna - I asked Anna what percentage of her friends back in NYC take birth control.

80% was her reply.

I know it shouldn't have but this shocked me.

80%? WTF

2. Anna told me that she didn't really get into sex until she came to the US.

According to her, American guys are better lovers than Chinese guys because they "care about the girl" and "don't cum too quickly" and "have bigger wangs".

Fair enough.

She's certainly made up for lost time.

3. Anna could be a physically attractive girl if she got in the gym, watched her diet, and visited the dentist/orthodontist.


The thing that I found myself wondering is whether coming to the US has MADE her flabby and promiscuous, or whether she was *already* predisposed to be that way and sought out a means to make her dreams of cockgobbling, career chasing, big-city-livin' and poor-quality-food scarfing come true.

I'm leaning towards the latter since she told me she'd always wanted to go to the US and live on her own terms.

On the one hand I commiserate with her because I grew up with a lot of cultural pressure (Ukrainians) coming from my family and I always resented it because it seemed so arbitrary to me.

On the other hand, I couldn't help but think about Roosh's article on Western culture and how it poisons women.

I love women and deeply empathize with them.

I've met girls who are so smart and full of life that it's left a permanent imprint upon me.

However, I don't think it's to their advantage (and obviously not to mens' advantage) for them to have very much societal power or influence.

Still trying to reconcile that one.

How about you guys - any stories of girls you've seen transform in some way after living in the West?

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I've mentioned this phenomenon before. The vast majority of foreign girls who have experience with the west (study abroad, riding expat carousel, or lived abroad) end up like this. The only exception are girls who live in an enclave or don't speak much english to begin with. They tend to be corrupted at a much slower rate and sometimes make it back to their own country not westernized. Tinder also self selects these types of girls into the dating pool too. Even in asia the Tinder girls are mostly westernized in some way too. Although there are exceptions to this in some countries where english level is lower.

It's not just feminism but the social culture in the west in general that does this to women. Not to mention a lot of guys in the west enable this sort of thing.

Give a girl like this a few more years in the U.S. and she'll be just like an uptalking vocal fry white western girl. She might even be worse in some ways because the prevalent thirst in the west makes them over value themselves when maybe before they had insecurities about that and a more realistic view of their own looks.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I keep saying this but the only one who seems to share my thoughts are Giovonny. Asian girls have the potential to be just as bad if not much worse than Western girls. Back home they are slutty too but they try to hide it much more than in the West, and Asian men are often too arrogant and blind to know.

Anyway, you want an anecdote:

At my office there are two Chinese girls, both are slim with long hair. One has a horrible face, the other is much cuter.

The ugly one is, as you would expected, much much more flirtatious and promiscuous than the cuter one, who is rather shy and have a long distance boyfriend that she loves. The ugly one spits the exact same shit you would expect coming out of a white lawyer cunt: boyfriends are such a hindrance, I dont want to ever have kids or family its so limiting, oh last night this guy tried to hit on me such a loser etc.

Damn fucking shame because the shy cute girl is starting to take to her mother hen. Watching that shit every day is sick.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 04:59 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

I've mentioned this phenomenon before. The vast majority of foreign girls who have experience with the west (study abroad, riding expat carousel, or lived abroad) end up like this. The only exception are girls who live in an enclave or don't speak much english to begin with. They tend to be corrupted at a much slower rate and sometimes make it back to their own country not westernized. Tinder also self selects these types of girls into the dating pool too. Even in asia the Tinder girls are mostly westernized in some way too. Although there are exceptions to this in some countries where english level is lower.

It's not just feminism but the social culture in the west in general that does this to women. Not to mention a lot of guys in the west enable this sort of thing.

Give a girl like this a few more years in the U.S. and she'll be just like an uptalking vocal fry white western girl. She might even be worse in some ways because the prevalent thirst in the west makes them over value themselves when maybe before they had insecurities about that and a more realistic view of their own looks.

See how high the seas of thirst reach in the West!

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 06:12 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

I keep saying this but the only one who seems to share my thoughts are Giovonny. Asian girls have the potential to be just as bad if not much worse than Western girls. Back home they are slutty too but they try to hide it much more than in the West, and Asian men are often too arrogant and blind to know.

Just from living in many different asian countries and dating a lot of different women from each it's still nowhere near as bad as the U.S. though. The U.S. and most of the anglosphere is simply on a different level when it comes to this.

There are local asian women (in asia) out there who are hardened sluts in private or with super cunty attitudes like anywhere else but it's a minority who act this way compared with the majority of girls in a country like the U.S.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I actually have a pretty good example and it comes from my own family. I have an older female cousin who was born and raised in Taiwan. Once she graduated high school she got sent over to the US by her parents with the reason if I remember correctly was that they were worried she wouldn't be able to get into a good university back in the motherland. She stayed with my family for about a year, going to a local community college to get some credits and to learn English before she ended up going to a 4 year state university in the Midwest.

I ended up going to university myself eventually. I started school just when Facebook was being launched and was exclusive to only university and high school students and pretty much everyone in my freshmen year dorm was getting on it. I ended up getting on it myself after my cousin told me to join via AOL Instant Messenger (this is how you know this was a while ago) and of course my cousin was one of the first people to add me on there. When I checked out her profile I saw that she had become pretty much Westernized. A portion of her pics was just her drinking and making silly faces at various parties and a bunch of selfies with her girlfriends in various bathrooms (seriously why do girls think bathrooms are good places to take pictures) and football games. Basically she had transformed into the typical white college girl. She also had a link on her profile to her page (a popular blog platform that was used by fashionable and trendy Taiwanese back in the day) where she had even more pictures as well as a blog where she wrote in both English and Chinese about what was going on in her life. For me it was looking at this page that was really the big shock.

On her blog she would constantly just write about how much she loved to get wasted and party as well as various guys she was crushing on and trying to get with. I'm pissed the website has been down for years because I would love to be able to go back to it and read her blog again with the knowledge I have now. There's so many things I could point out now that red pill theory would perfectly explain while at the time when I first read her blog I was still fresh out of high school and had no idea how to interpret her behavior. She was crushing on this football player hard to the point where she would constantly write blog posts about him as well as devoting an entire photo album on her page just for him. She even wrote something about how she was getting horny watching him play football; the blog text was mostly in Chinese but for some reason she decided to use the English word for "horny" which made me gag momentarily when I first saw it. After a while she made a cryptic post in the style a lot of girls do when they are being all dramatic, you know where they'll write like their having some sort of imaginary monologue in front of the person. Her post was full of lines like "You can't just be satisfied with just one girl" and "You always want someone else" and "I thought you were special and loving and kind" etc. Soon after all the posts about him stopped and there wasn't anymore new pics of him being uploaded. Since I was a socially retarded/inexperienced fresh out of high school kid at that point I figured oh maybe she tried to ask him out and she said no. I now know what had obviously happened: she had gotten pumped and dumped by the guy.

There was also another black guy who was chasing her hard and she would gush about him too. She would love how aggressively he was pursuing her; one thing she really loved was how he would text her stuff like "I wanna kiss you" in class constantly. I know this sounds like a super beta tactic but imagine it coming from an alpha black guy instead and it'll seem much more sense. She also wrote about she thought she would never even meet a black guy let alone "fall in love with one" (her exact words). The first time they kissed she wrote an entire blog entry just about the experience with her patting herself on the head about making him wait for a bit. Later on she had found out that this guy actually already had a bastard child from another woman so that ended things.

There was any other red pill truths that I can see being proven in her blog entries that I was too young and naive then to detect. The one that jumps out at me most was how true the reasoning behind the 80/20 rule was (20% of the guys band 80% of the girls). My cousin was chasing that top 20% of guys and was getting pissed that this guy was out banging all those other girls and so when she couldn't have him all to herself so she starting complaining about how guys are assholes that all want to bang every girl around even though there was plenty of other guys that were hitting on her to the point she was constantly giving out fake phone numbers when they would try to number close her. The other lesson I learn was on how much girls chase bad boys such as when she was getting all into that black guy who had a bastard child and how while they hate being aggressively pursued by betas to the point where they'll cry sexual harassment they sure don't mind when an alpha bad boy does the same thing. Also another thing is about how being exotic can help you out ie. her gushing about being able to meet and make out with a black guy which she thought would never happen.

You could say this was sort of my first "red pill awakening" about what women were like; especially on the point where even girls that were raised in stable families with loving and devoted parents can fall to this sort of behavior. I knew that there are certain amount of girls who are simply ho-bags but I always figured they were damaged in some way and didn't get a proper upbringing. I didn't think "good girls" would be capable of acting like this as well. My family, both immediate and extended are pretty straight-arrow and I know my uncle and aunt definitely were no exception and raised their children accordingly. My cousin was always pretty well-behaved in Taiwan, never got into any sort of trouble and was already very tight with her entire family. Both her and her older sister have extremely strong maternal instincts and I remember when I would be back in Taiwan as a little kid they would always be fussing over me and taking care of me almost like a young mother which is why it was so weird for me to read about her talking about getting wasted and making out with random guys. I imagine the feelings I had over this would be kind of similar to how parents would have about their children who were once bouncing on their knees going out into the real world and starting to get into shenanigans.

Oh and by the way she's now married to an American and with a child and is a pretty devoted mother. A big idea that gets promoted in manosphere is that a girl getting banged out on the cock carousel is gonna lose all her ability to bond with a man and be a mother. In my cousin's case, I'm not really sure of exactly how hard she was riding it but it seems like she has mainly emerged mostly intact from it. I do know that apparently she "kissed a lot of boys" since that's exactly what her best friend from college told me (who apparently is known as being an alcoholic around her social circle and I'm guessing is a big factor in why my cousin went through her party girl stage) when I met her at my cousin's wedding but I don't know how many of those were just mere drunk make outs and how many went beyond that. As I mentioned already she had a pretty typical, conservative Asian upbringing and even as a young kid I knew she was gonna be a great mother one day thanks to all time she mothered me so if I had to venture a theory I would say that even if a girl does go through a party slut YOLO stage if she has had the right upbringing for most of her life eventually that will win out after she gets a bit older and gets all of partying out of her system.

Something I wanted to add was that most of her college friends were white Americans or Asian Americans rather then a fob even though she was a fob herself. If she had instead ended up getting into some Asian fob clique on campus I'm pretty sure none of this behavior would have ever occurred. Vince do you have any idea if "Anna" was hanging mostly around other Chinese fobs or were most of her friends native NYCers instead?

Also a question Vince acted was whether it was the society of the US that transforms these foreign girls into vapid YOLOers or whether these girls already had such an inclination before and being in the US simply gave them the right outlet for them to live our their desires. In my cousin's case I would say it's more towards the latter. My cousin while she had a pretty typical Asian upbringing and is always respectful and loving towards her family isn't really the typical shy submissive Asian girl either. I'm looking through some old emails she sent me back in the day and she talked about how her mom was always thinking that she was a "bad girl" and how she was getting into a lot of fights with mom over this and another email she she talked about she liked white guys more then Taiwanese guys since she felt like she always had to act "cutsey" and "sweet" around Taiwanese guys and couldn't be herself. So in her case I would say she already had this pent up energy waiting to get our and being in the US gave her an opportunity to do that. Her older sister ended up coming over to the US too but didn't go through the same YOLO phase in college since she's much more conservative and reserved which shows me that it's more about the individual girl's personality then the environment. The analogy I would use is that the desire to act out in a woman is like a flame while the environment is like a kindle. If the flame isn't there, then no matter how much kindle is there you won't be able to start a fire but if there's just a little of a fire, then how strong the kindle is around her will determine how much that fire burns.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 06:42 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

I'm pissed the website has been down for years because I would love to be able to go back to it and read her blog again with the knowledge I have now.

Try the following. You might be lucky enough to discover that it has been archived:

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I think being raised by "conservative" family members is not enough especially if the dad is beta in some way or does not have a good relationship with his daughters and the daughters can sense that. I have to say my uncles aren't typical asian beta types (experienced war vets and "womanizers") and that is probably a big reason why the daughters (my cousins) didn't slut it up like yours. If the daughters have deep respect for their fathers the chance of them going full YOLO is much less. Although with the way U.S. culture is I think the longer the exposure the more that gets chiseled away too.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

My experience from Russia:

Travel to the Anglosphere is a massive red flag, especially if she spent any time in the education system and/or hasn't visited many other countries. Not every girl who fits that criteria will be damaged, but the level of risk is quite high. My guess is that around half exhibit whorish behaviour. I've also noticed something similar in relation to Spain, especially girls with histories of visiting Barcelona.

Something I found interesting is that they often seem to know what they're doing is wrong and try to hide it. They sometimes ask me to only contact them on Viber/Line/etc. even though we're both iPhone users and can use iMessage (obviously they have one app silenced). Quite often they'll have shadow social media accounts that they use only for their whoring. I've received calls from local boyfriends and fiances a few times. One kept up the facade for months until I finally revealed that her name is relatively rare and that made it easy to find her wedding photos via Google. The level of conniving is almost unimaginable.

One slut, I believe, was corrupted through exposure to hollywood films alone. Not just the occasional film; she had a real obsession and would watch a couple each day. I don't think it was a problem with her upbringing because her family is very religious and strict. Until around the age of 21 she even had to conjure cover stories to get her father's permission to leave the house. Her sister is a devout Orthodox Christian, married at 19, probably a virgin until her wedding night.
By surveying a few other foreign men on her Facebook profile, I discovered that she had a habit of inviting herself on holidays to Cyprus, Thailand, etc.
The funny thing is, she would still act like a prude when first meeting men because "good girls don't kiss on the first date". Her notch count would have to be at least 50.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

This thread inspired me to fire off a restart message* on WhatsApp to this Czech chick I met in Italy. She seemed reserved (still lived at home with her parents, close to her family, etc.) but has done a semester of college in London. Blonde hair, blue eyes, HUGE tits and a trained dancer.

A quick scan of her Facebook page shows that she's not only on the carousel, but has spun it off it's base...she looks BAD! She's 20 and looks 40. Wow. I'd post before & now pics, but that's not allowed. I usually don't get stunned very often...but WOW!

*After seeing how bad she smashed into the wall and at such a young age, I wouldn't bang her. I'm just curious to see what she says she's been up to.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Here in China the slutty girls call themselves 开放的 which means "open", as in their legs are wide open and ready for business. It actually means they are open to western culture and more extroverted.

All signs point to watching Two Broke Girls and thinking that kind of lifestyle is somehow superior to their own culture of finding a good man while young, getting married and having kids.

I have listened to countless times when some club slut will say, "I am a good match for western guys because I like to have fun and do interesting things. Chinese guys don't like that." What this means is she likes to go out to bars several nights a week, get drunk, go home with guys, find a boyfriend, cheat on him with other guys and keep the party going til they are 30. Then they are desperate and will marry ASAP.

Pro-sex, pro-slut movies and tv shows have majorly influenced China. Just 10 years it was very different. I imagine 20 years ago before western movies and tv shows came over it was incredibly conservative.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Many months ago I visited India, my mother land. I stayed in a large city - not Delhi or Bombay, the biggest two, but a provincial capital with a population of 6 million. There I fired up Tinder. There were very, very few girls on it; the penetration is low there; thank god and let's hope it stays that way.

I took time to read the profile blurbs for the small amount of girls. And guess what I noticed? Even in India they regurgitate the SAME mindless soundbites you've come to know and love coming from every other liberal yuppie white girl living it up in NYC or Toronto or wherever.

"Looking for a partner in crime."
"Fluent in sarcasm."
"Not looking for a hookup."
"My two loves: pizza and my cat."
"Ultimate foodie."
"Coffee is my jet fuel."

Now mind you, India is a country where:

- There are wild dogs and cats running free everywhere who carry rabies and maul toddlers
- The homeless include families, women, and young children, not merely drug addicts and schizophrenics
- Many are so poor that they literally struggle to put a roof above their head, that is, their domicile is a thatched hut that could collapse on them any time
- Many struggle to get >1000 calories in per day and as a result suffer from stunted, rail thin bodies, and tiny, grape-like heads
- 1 in 4 are illiterate in their own language, much less English
- There is an urban density of 30,000 people per square mile

And despite all this real life staring them in the face, despite living literally and figuratively a whole world away, they say this shit and can't help but pledge their allegiance to the Universal Carousel Culture.

[Image: eafWT61.gif]

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 10:15 PM)civpro Wrote:  

Many months ago I visited India, my mother land. I stayed in a large city - not Delhi or Bombay, the biggest two, but a provincial capital with a population of 6 million. There I fired up Tinder. There were very, very few girls on it; the penetration is low there; thank god and let's hope it stays that way.

I took time to read the profile blurbs for the small amount of girls. And guess what I noticed? Even in India they regurgitate the SAME mindless soundbites you've come to know and love coming from every other liberal yuppie white girl living it up in NYC or Toronto or wherever.

"Looking for a partner in crime."
"Fluent in sarcasm."
"Not looking for a hookup."
"My two loves: pizza and my cat."
"Ultimate foodie."
"Coffee is my jet fuel."

Now mind you, India is a country where:

- There are wild dogs and cats running free everywhere who carry rabies and maul toddlers
- The homeless include families, women, and young children, not merely drug addicts and schizophrenics
- Many are so poor that they literally struggle to put a roof above their head, that is, their domicile is a thatched hut that could collapse on them any time
- Many struggle to get >1000 calories in per day and as a result suffer from stunted, rail thin bodies, and tiny, grape-like heads
- 1 in 4 are illiterate in their own language, much less English
- There is an urban density of 30,000 people per square mile

And despite all this real life staring them in the face, despite living literally and figuratively a whole world away, they say this shit and can't help but pledge their allegiance to the Universal Carousel Culture.

[Image: eafWT61.gif]

That's some sad shit right there^^. It's like a virus or pathogen infects these broads.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I find this thread a bit of a depressing read. It makes it seem like Western feminism is spreading around the globe at breakneck speed. Wife material becoming rarer by the day.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 10:36 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I find this thread a bit of a depressing read. It makes it seem like Western feminism is spreading around the globe at breakneck speed. Wife material becoming rarer by the day.

^^Truth. I'm thinking you literally have to live in a desert or cave, completely off the grid and the rest of the world, to escape the infection of Westernization.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I had a girl from a small Asian country that I met at a fancy party. She had recently split with her man and had kids, but she was young and great looking, she was a runner and fit but not too much. When I met her she was just out of her shell and looking for a wild time.

In the few months that I was regularly banging her, she was all about the parties and drinking. She was down for anything I wanted to do.

Funny thing is, in the morning when I was still in bed she would get up and clean my place. Put things in order and reorganize better then I had it before. She could cook too.

One time she opened up about her life and it all came spilling out. She came to America as a teenager, got with a guy, married him, had a few kids. She would have dinner on the table waiting for him every night, their place was spotless, and she stayed home with the kids. She didn't drink, even if they went out. She would get tea, tea!

So the guy cheated on her a bunch and finally got fed up and left. That is when she went crazy and met me. As much fun as she was, I kept thinking about how if I had met her when she first came to America she would have been absolute wife material.

The whole thing was a damn shame.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

I think the moral of the story here, is that you never know what you are getting. I have been surprised living over here in Moscow. It seems that the most promiscuous girls here are actually the ones originally coming from muslim backgrounds. Turkmenistan, Chechnya, Kyrgyzstan.

One Chechen girl was going to get married to a German guy and decided to visit my flatmate before she left to start a life in her new homeland. Needless to say she got drunk from celebrating this move and fucked my flatmate before her flight.

I think a lot of guys make the mistake of assuming that they can be off guard and just find a woman from a non Anglosphere country and just settle down.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 10:36 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I find this thread a bit of a depressing read. It makes it seem like Western feminism is spreading around the globe at breakneck speed. Wife material becoming rarer by the day.

I don't think it's as bad as you may suspect; still many girls that are 'wife material' out there.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 06:55 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

I think being raised by "conservative" family members is not enough especially if the dad is beta in some way or does not have a good relationship with his daughters and the daughters can sense that. I have to say my uncles aren't typical asian beta types (experienced war vets and "womanizers") and that is probably a big reason why the daughters (my cousins) didn't slut it up like yours. If the daughters have deep respect for their fathers the chance of them going full YOLO is much less. Although with the way U.S. culture is I think the longer the exposure the more that gets chiseled away too.

Her father is pretty what a lot of Americans would think of when they think of the typical Asian guy: educated, hard working, but also yeah pretty much a typical white collar beta. My cousin is very family oriented though and she has deep respect for pretty much all the older people in our family whether it be grandparents, aunts, uncles and such so I do think she has a pretty good relationship with both her dad and mom. I remember her saying that my father (aka her uncle) was basically her dad in the United States.

Kind of a funny story: If you wanna get a hint of how conservative my family can be, one time I was back at home from college and was reading her blog on this computer everyone in the family shared. I went downstairs for a bit and when I came back up I saw my dad was sitting in front of the computer dialing the phone. I asked what he was doing and apparently he was about to call her to give her a talking to because he had got some glances of her blog and saw that she had written some swear words in English in it and he said something about how he was upset she was learning words like that in English while in the United States. [Image: confused.gif] I convinced him not to do it since she actually had told me a few times over e-mails to please not tell anyone else in my family about her blog and the activities described in it.

Quote: (12-23-2015 10:36 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I find this thread a bit of a depressing read. It makes it seem like Western feminism is spreading around the globe at breakneck speed. Wife material becoming rarer by the day.

A lot of the worst parts of Western pop culture have been infecting Taiwan since around the mid 2000s. When I was going back there in the 90s it was definitely way more of a socially conservative place. Starting in the mid 2000s I started to see way more tattoos, more girls trying to do the club ho thing (Google 'Luxy Taipei' if you wanna see some examples) and girls really started to show tons of skin when it came to dressing up. I saw a ton of Taiwanese including people from my own family doing the Facebook rainbow picture thing when that was going on and based on some of the things I've seen I think Taiwan will probably be the first East Asian country to have nation-wide gay marriage, even before Japan. Also I've noticed the massive increase in the amount of online attention whoring from girls with the constant sexually suggestive selfies that is at a level as bad as what you see from girls here in the US - yes including my cousin though she stopped that after her college years.

I have another male cousin who lived and worked in Taipei which is ground zero for Western pop culture contamination for a while before moving back to his hometown. I was back in the motherland about 3 years ago and was hanging out with him a lot and I remember when he would talk about the kind of girls there he would noticeably get a lot more depressed sounding. He talked about how a lot of girls would move there from other parts of the country and would start off sweet and nice but then there would be a noticeable change after a few months. There's a ton of thirsty guys there with my cousin saying how a lot them are "engineer types" (I'm sure he wasn't specifically referring to engineers but was instead using that term to describe dorky academic types) who spent all their time studying in their youth so they never figured out how to date or talk to girls and these guys would get absolutely hosed by these chicks. These guys would shower girls they were into with gifts, favors, and do pretty much everything that is warned against on these forums. Guess you can't really blame the girls for changing when realize how much power they can wield over guys just by virtue of having a vagina.

He had a story about how at the company he worked for in Taipei there was this girl that got married but kept it a secret for the longest time from everyone else in the office. Why? It was because she wanted to continue to get gifts and favors from all the thirsty guys she worked with. This story was one of the starkest examples of "alpha fucks beta bucks" that I've ever heard.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-23-2015 06:41 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2015 06:12 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

I keep saying this but the only one who seems to share my thoughts are Giovonny. Asian girls have the potential to be just as bad if not much worse than Western girls. Back home they are slutty too but they try to hide it much more than in the West, and Asian men are often too arrogant and blind to know.

Just from living in many different asian countries and dating a lot of different women from each it's still nowhere near as bad as the U.S. though. The U.S. and most of the anglosphere is simply on a different level when it comes to this.

There are local asian women (in asia) out there who are hardened sluts in private or with super cunty attitudes like anywhere else but it's a minority who act this way compared with the majority of girls in a country like the U.S.

True, I agree that at least in Asia they are thinner and have long hair, though their face leave much to be desired, and no boobs/ass.

That’s why I said they have the potential to be worse than white girls, I did not said they are. Here’s why:

Asian culture is a collective culture as opposed to the individualistic culture of the West. That means that girls care more about their reputation and image, but it also means one thing: herd mentality/group think is fucking off the chart. Girls are desperate and by default will do everything to get her friends approval, so 10x harder than white girls.

You bet your ass if a new slutty behavior becomes trendy Asian girls pick up on that at breakneck speed.

Have you ever noticed Asian girls love to walk arms in arms as if they are lovers? That’s fucking annoying and they do that all the time. That and all the picture taking, selfie sticks etc. drive me nuts. Funny, whenever I go out with my girl and need our photos taken I have to ask an Asian girl. Guaranteed good photo [Image: lol.gif]

They are a lot similar to Latina, sweet and passionate but incredibly jealous (albeit without the ass and boobs) A lot of them used to knit and cook, but that’s fading.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

An example of a foreign woman tainted by Western culture in her own country:

When passing through Bangkok a few months ago, I fired up Tinder to see what was on offer. Most of them were trannies and hookers, but there was one late 20s, 6/10 local girl I matched with who was very direct in telling me that she wanted to fuck. I was quite suspicious that there might be something she wasn't telling me since it's never that easy - perhaps she was a hooker and would try and hit me up for money afterwards. But I thought fuck it and just went with it to see what happened. Within 20 minutes of meeting up, we were naked - by far my easiest ever bang.

Afterwards she told me her back story. She had lived with her family all her life in Chiang Mai and had moved to Bangkok by herself for work. This was the first time she had lived alone. Her family were very traditional, protective and well-to-do, and she only lost her virginity at 25 to a boyfriend, but after he left, he was the only guy she screwed until she came to Bangkok.

Within a week of arriving in Bangkok, she was banged out by an American player. She said the combination of exposure to white meat and her first taste of living away from the protectiveness of her parents drove her to wanting to fuck everyone and everything. In one year, she went from only 1 notch to 41 notches, including myself. Almost all of them were western travelers she met off Tinder like myself. It was shocking how open she was about it all. No doubt by now the number is well into the 50s now.

She also told me she desperately wants to settle down and have kids.

[Image: hamster2.gif]

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-24-2015 01:41 AM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I think the moral of the story here, is that you never know what you are getting.

I think a lot of guys make the mistake of assuming that they can be off guard and just find a woman from a non Anglosphere country and just settle down.

This is a very important point and I keep reminding myself of this over and over again because the natural tendency is look for an efficient solution and execute. Find a country that has non-slutty women. Move the there. Run your business. Learn the culture. Learn the language. Run Game. Wife up. Run more game. And so on.

But that's far from the reality. Going abroad is a good step but much more work is required now than just a few years ago. The internet has made slutty Western behavior accessible to virtually any country. 20 years ago a slutty, third-tier American celebrity would probably not be known in Eastern Europe or Russia. Now their behavior can be followed second by second on social media. The infection spreads quickly.

I guess the only way to address this problem is to sharpen one's slut radar so that one can pick up slut tells quickly (assuming your goal is LTR/wife).

I'd be interested to hear more views and suggestions on how this problem can be addressed.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Some stories here are like something I also experienced in Asia. A girl falls in love with a western guy, her shiny white prince. Then the guy just bang her, or cheat and she turn into a mess. I had something with a spanish girl, her bf was also a spanish guy. The bf brake up and she went on the write because of frustration. Had also some sweet girl from Ukraine, she married a guy from New Zealand after one year of dating with no sex. Then the guy dropped here even when she was about 15 younger.
When I meet girls in Asia that had been to the USA it was in most cases sure that she turned into a slut. How many guys in the USA take advantage of a girl and then drop her? This can break a lot of women.

Well and then there are the natural sluts or the girls that feel the frustration with their beta loser males at home. Then a western guy hits the spot, confident, exotic. Easy game mostly.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-24-2015 01:41 AM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I think a lot of guys make the mistake of assuming that they can be off guard and just find a woman from a non Anglosphere country and just settle down.

That is my feeling too. I think there always has been a small number of sluts, even in conservative cultures. The difference is that today they have avenues to express themselves and plenty of stimulus: social media, Hollywood, tattoos, short/coloured hair, etc.

When I moved to Russia a decade ago, it was much more difficult to identify loose women. They all dressed the same way at that time because the usual 20 stores you find in today's malls (Zara, GAP, etc.) hadn't been established. The selection of clothing was extremely limited and stores couldn't afford to experiment with alternative fashion. Girls weren't exposed to images of celebrities with tattoos. The Russian market was ignored by Hollywood at that time, so only the classics were dubbed and showing on Russian screens.

In other words, just as many natural born sluts existed, but there weren't as many visible signs of it. The only way for a man to determine a woman's character was to observe her behaviour over a number of weeks and months. In some ways that makes dating easier today as one can more easily eliminate a lot of the low-value women by quickly observing a few key indicators (hairstyle, dress, travel, social media profiles, lots of exposure to Anglo culture).

After saying that, it's important to keep in mind that we're talking about a very small number. My own belief is that a slut gene exists and that it's the equivalent of whatever causes attention deficit disorder in teenage boys. By that I mean real ADD which affects about 1% of the population, not the inflated version currently being peddled in the US. That would explain why a small number of loose women are born and raised - against the norm - in conservative cultures and strict families.

So I think there are two factors at play here:

1. sluts have a tendency to seek new, exciting things, and they tend to find those things in Anglosphere culture (films, TV, travel, etc.)
2. Anglosphere culture is a negative influence and will compromise a normal girl's moral compass if she's exposed to a lot of it, especially around college age when her own personality is developing.

Anecdotes of how Western culture affects foreign born women

Quote: (12-24-2015 09:51 AM)Parzival Wrote:  

How many guys in the USA take advantage of a girl and then drop her? This can break a lot of women.

Well and then there are the natural sluts or the girls that feel the frustration with their beta loser males at home. Then a western guy hits the spot, confident, exotic. Easy game mostly.

What guy in the west WOULDN'T turn a girl out like that.

I don't expect any of the players out here to stop banging out these actually decent girls and then dumping them.

I don't expect players to stop doing this in order not to break them and so they can actually make good wives.

Maybe we should focus on the root source of the problem, the fathers and mothers of these girls, but that brings about the question of the perpetual cycle.

How do you fix it ? Make sure the father isn't some beta hard working loser ? Or focus on the next generation of males and make sure they don't become their fathers? Or focus on the women and making sure they're aware of the "evils" of western relations? Which in itself is temptation (Eve).

Sure some girls are sluts, but most more than likely just want a good man to settle down with. They feel partially empty and alone without a good man there.

This is a very complicated question to answer.

We want to seek out and bang feminine non western women, but expect them to stay that way after we realize we'd rather chase new pussy then get locked down to a good one. Then we rail against how they're being corrupted by the west (aka western players).

Catch 22

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