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Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

This is one of those stories that probably shouldn't shock us anymore, but somehow it still managed to stun me for a second.


Less than a month after it was revealed that the UK is planning to drop feminism from the politics A-level, every 16-year-old in Sweden is being given a copy of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s call to arms, We Should All Be Feminists.

The essay, adapted from Adichie’s award-winning TED talk of the same name, is being distributed in Swedish to high-school students by the Swedish Women’s Lobby and publisher Albert Bonniers. Launching the project at Norra Real high school in Stockholm this week, they said they hoped the book would “work as a stepping stone for a discussion about gender equality and feminism”

The speech referred to was actually sampled in a Beyonce song:


We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller
We say to girls: "You can have ambition, but not too much
You should aim to be successful, but not too successful
Otherwise, you will threaten the man"
Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage
I am expected to make my life choices
Always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important
Now, marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support
But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage
And we don't teach boys the same?
We raise girls to see each other as competitors
Not for jobs or for accomplishments, which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men
We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are
Feminist: a person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes

Basically the same old girl power, strong women intimidate men bullshit that we keep seeing over and over again. Of course, the author (who, as far as I can tell, has no significant accomplishments to speak of) is also critical of masculinity itself:


The Nigerian novelist is also critical of modern masculinity, calling it a “hard, small cage” that forces men to hide emotion. “We teach boys to be afraid of fear, of weakness, of vulnerability,” she writes. “We teach them to mask their true selves, because they have to be, in Nigerian-speak – a hard man.”

Really, there is nothing new about this in terms of ideology. It's just typical, thoughtless nonsense about "empowering women, we all need feminism, blah blah blah." What bothers me so much about this is the fact that it's being forced on kids who probably still believe that everything they learn in schools is truth. It seems like just last year I would joke to like minded friends that one day, they would actually start blatantly pushing their ideologies on not just college students, but kids, most of whom will no doubt believe what they read and not even question it. It's just scary to see it actually happening. I'm sure we'll see similar things happening in the U.S. soon enough.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old


Feminist: a person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes

Except, it is hard to find a feminist who actually believes in this - especially in the marriage and dating markets. Look at who the celebrity-feminists married.

When I see men at the bottom strata of society not only avoiding solitude but marrying middle and upper class feminist women at equal rates that lower class women can pair with higher class men, then I might believe it.

Until then, I see it as upper class women empowering themselves by disempowering most men. Qui bono ?

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Sweden is on the fast train to Sharia. Who cares what funny little books they read on the way? The end will be the same.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Quote: (12-05-2015 12:22 AM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Sweden is on the fast train to Sharia. Who cares what funny little books they read on the way? The end will be the same.

Where in Sharia is where room for feminism and homosexuality? I can't see how they can all be in the same camp.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Quote: (12-05-2015 01:47 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2015 12:22 AM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Sweden is on the fast train to Sharia. Who cares what funny little books they read on the way? The end will be the same.

Where in Sharia is where room for feminism and homosexuality? I can't see how they can all be in the same camp.

Well that's the point, innit? From a long term perspective, worrying about feminism in Sweden is like worrying about insufficient ballast on the Titanic. It's not going to be an issue for long...quite the opposite, in fact.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

The article didn't really stand out to me in an "oh look, Sweden is becoming an even more feminist country way". I agree they have much bigger things to worry about. To me it's just really disturbing that they're doing this to kids. It started in universities, now high schools. How long until not just Sweden but other countries in the West start indoctrinating five year olds? In Canada I think it's in 7th grade now that kids are being taught that their are six genders. I said above that at 16, most kids still tend to believe everything they're taught at school with minimal questioning. In 7th grade and below, when most kids hear something from an authority figure, it almost becomes solid fact in the kids head. I assume the men on this forum are the type who would have doubted the propaganda, but most aren't like us. We're looking at a generation that's going to grow up being poisoned with liberal beliefs.

And why stop with feminism? The next step will be forcing these kids to learn about how awful white people are, or how we need to let thousands of Muslims into our countries and bend to their will. It's disgusting.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

When I was around this age, my school distributed a copy of the Gideon's New Testament to every pupil.

How quickly has the religion of the West been altered.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old


We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller

If that was the case why do we have so many landwhales? [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

This is why it is so important to live a location-independent lifestyle. Some places are becoming unlivable. If you cannot pack your bags and leave, you are a slave.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

They should translate it to Arabic.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Actually Sweden has 2 potential futures...each is about 50% likely:

- Becomes Muslim and enacts sharia
- Becomes ultra-right-wing neo nazi country, puts muslims in prison camps

This is pretty much the choices of all of Europe. Britain, as usual, will follow it's own course.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Quote: (12-04-2015 11:58 PM)N°6 Wrote:  


Feminist: a person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes

Except, it is hard to find a feminist who actually believes in this - especially in the marriage and dating markets. Look at who the celebrity-feminists married.

Oh I disagree - I think they believe it whole-heartedly, even though they act 100% in the opposite direction. That, indeed, is the hallmark of feminist thought, of so-called "progressive" thought - of women themselves, for that matter: To simultaneously hold one thought in your head as sacrosanct, while your actions belie that belief and reveal what you truly believe, and yet remain completely ignorant of the disconnect between the two.

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old


The Nigerian novelist is also critical of modern masculinity, calling it a “hard, small cage” that forces men to hide emotion. “We teach boys to be afraid of fear, of weakness, of vulnerability,” she writes. “We teach them to mask their true selves, because they have to be, in Nigerian-speak – a hard man.”

Supposing some of us actually like and enjoy being "hard" men? Has it ever occurred to this lady that being hard may actually be more enjoyable and fulfilling than being soft?

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Quote: (12-05-2015 01:06 PM)Abelard Lindsey Wrote:  


The Nigerian novelist is also critical of modern masculinity, calling it a “hard, small cage” that forces men to hide emotion. “We teach boys to be afraid of fear, of weakness, of vulnerability,” she writes. “We teach them to mask their true selves, because they have to be, in Nigerian-speak – a hard man.”

Supposing some of us actually like and enjoy being "hard" men? Has it ever occurred to this lady that being hard may actually be more enjoyable and fulfilling than being soft?

I wonder how many "soft" men she's actually slept with.

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