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Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

This belongs in its own thread. I'm mainly referring to RooshV's tweet here. Then I see this today. I'll let the others in the latest "shooting" thread talk about who did what and how to stop it; in this thread, I want to dig further into all these events to see if training or preparing is really happening right before them because that begins to feel like all this is set up (and for a reason).

Does anyone here work in a police department, for a SWAT, FBI/ATF, etc - and can you confirm the above assertions? I realize some of you may be scared since we have some anti-authority members, but I'd like to hear your side to evaluate if any of the above claims from the videos are true. If these claims are true it means the very notion of saying "another shooting" is a lie - these are all set up and 100% preventable, yet authorities are choosing not to do it while they obtain more power and get the rest of us to spread to others that there's a "crisis" when there isn't a crisis in the first place.

I think we should set up a RooshV alert system where if any members in a department or member who knows someone in a department is aware of training on a certain day, alerts the other members so we can see if we can predict these events.

I remember Paul Joseph Watson showing an advertisement a while back with the background saying "the President declares martial law ..." and I suspect that what's really coming (go ahead, call me a conspiracy theorist). Between the Fed planning to raise interest rates amidst awful economic data and these (what seem like) planned shooting events, I think we're all being set up for a future "disaster" that is really a planned event in order for these people to obtain more power.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Not to hijack the thread but
In france the charlie hebdo events was also predicted with extreme accuracy by alain soral 2 years prior.

I understand the principle of coincidence but I just can't believe in it

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Its freaky because there was that "light" in the sky a few weeks ago, one of my coworker asked a family member of hers who worked in a government agency about it and got a very strange response about something happening and to be careful. I think this warning happened the day before the France shooting as well.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Ex cop here, 3 years detective.

Im not getting your post. What is the question here? If police stage shootings during training to appear as heroes? If these attacks are false flags to get more powers?

No. Cops dont want more power. A small fraction of cops get in that line of work because they are power hungry. (Just like a small fraction of boy scout leaders get in that line of work because they want to fondle boys) Most cops get in that line of work because they want a monthly salary. They want to be left alone, to be left behind the desk, not to be in the line of fire save for small matters that still give them that heroic patriotic feeling. And because the job is secured. Unless you do a major fuck up, its very difficult to get yourself fired. And its really easy not to majorly fuck up. Small fuckups are overlooked, unless they need to remove you for political reasons, and political power in the police force is only relevant in the upper spheres, like commisioners, secretaries, or upper officers, all of which usually see their heads roll whenever theres a mayor tragedy, like a building burning down after regulations where not followed, or a tragedy that disturbs the populations illusions of security, like a mass shooting in a care home would be.

So no, theres no way these shootings would have been staged by the police.

The military industry complex, which has been pushing towards the militarization of small rural or suburban american towns, would be another thing though. Whats the purpose?

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Quote: (12-02-2015 11:09 PM)germanico Wrote:  

The military industry complex, which has been pushing towards the militarization of small rural or suburban american towns, would be another thing though. Whats the purpose?

Do you think there is a real end game to police militarization of small police agencies or is just a byproduct of, "Cool, free toys" mentality? I'm apt to think the latter, especially since many of these agencies seem to consist of two dozen patrol officers who spend day after day patrolling boring hickland in decade-old Crown Vics and suddenly they get a pallet of grenade launchers and an old MRAP to play with.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Quote: (12-02-2015 11:26 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  

Do you think there is a real end game to police militarization of small police agencies or is just a byproduct of, "Cool, free toys" mentality? I

Problem is that those are not toys, are responsibilities. Of my 16 men group only one requested a rifle (as opossed to the mandatory handgun), the rest of us thought that that was "too much firepower to carry around" and "it will be sooner that I get myself in trouble with that thing than I get around to use it". Remember, cops want to avoid fuckups because they want to keep their "easy" jobs and retire. And with more firepower its easier to fuck up.

A militarized small towm America is a divided America. It helps keep minorities out and in tight, separate communities (Little X neighbourhoods) and ensures that the American Heartland remains white and protestant.

A mostly white american electorate perpetuates the power of the top percent while being divided enough to keep them in small maneageable enclaves that can be more easy to manipulate.

Seems to me everybody wins.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

My take on police conveniently 'conducting training exercises' when terrorists strike is that they have intelligence that an attack is likely to occur, but they don't know exactly where/how, so they deploy to the general area.

They possibly don't warn the general public because:
1) They aren't 100% certain the attack will occur
2) They don't want to cause chaos/economic disruption/mass hysteria etc
3) They want to avoid accusations of incompetence/not acting appropriately if it gets known that they knew an attack was going to occur but couldn't prevent it.
4) They don't want to tip off the attackers who might abort/divert to an unknown target.
5) They might compromise their intelligence source

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Quote: (12-03-2015 03:41 AM)Speculation Wrote:  

My take on police conveniently 'conducting training exercises' when terrorists strike is that they have intelligence that an attack is likely to occur, but they don't know exactly where/how, so they deploy to the general area.

They possibly don't warn the general public because:
1) They aren't 100% certain the attack will occur
2) They don't want to cause chaos/economic disruption/mass hysteria etc
3) They want to avoid accusations of incompetence/not acting appropriately if it gets known that they knew an attack was going to occur but couldn't prevent it.
4) They don't want to tip off the attackers who might abort/divert to an unknown target.
5) They might compromise their intelligence source

It not the police. It's essentially federal agencies. Police are just support.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Quote: (12-02-2015 11:09 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Ex cop here, 3 years detective.

Im not getting your post. What is the question here? If police stage shootings during training to appear as heroes? If these attacks are false flags to get more powers?

No. Cops dont want more power. A small fraction of cops get in that line of work because they are power hungry. (Just like a small fraction of boy scout leaders get in that line of work because they want to fondle boys) Most cops get in that line of work because they want a monthly salary. They want to be left alone, to be left behind the desk, not to be in the line of fire save for small matters that still give them that heroic patriotic feeling. And because the job is secured. Unless you do a major fuck up, its very difficult to get yourself fired. And its really easy not to majorly fuck up. Small fuckups are overlooked, unless they need to remove you for political reasons, and political power in the police force is only relevant in the upper spheres, like commisioners, secretaries, or upper officers, all of which usually see their heads roll whenever theres a mayor tragedy, like a building burning down after regulations where not followed, or a tragedy that disturbs the populations illusions of security, like a mass shooting in a care home would be.

So no, theres no way these shootings would have been staged by the police.

The military industry complex, which has been pushing towards the militarization of small rural or suburban american towns, would be another thing though. Whats the purpose?

No, but you bring up a good point that my questions weren't clear. I'm very pro-cop, probably one of the loudest pro-cop members here because cops are part of the reason we have a stable society.

My questions are:

1. Can anyone confirm that exercises were being done the day of these attacks? It's like the government plans these events, or the NSA knows these events will happen, then alerts local officials to train (though local officials don't know why other than it's a normal training exercise), then the event happens, but it's controlled by those on the inside (more than likely the NSA). I have a hard time believing that the NSA knows as much as it does, yet can't spot someone pledging their allegiance to ISIS on Twitter. For instance, I know the NSA is reading this post (hey guys).

2. How often do police forces train for these events? If it's daily, then there's no connection, as this is a highly probable scenario. But if it's once a year, and one four of these shootings, we have an early morning training and then a shooting, that becomes very unlikely.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Quote: (12-03-2015 03:41 AM)Speculation Wrote:  

My take on police conveniently 'conducting training exercises' when terrorists strike is that they have intelligence that an attack is likely to occur, but they don't know exactly where/how, so they deploy to the general area.

They possibly don't warn the general public because:
1) They aren't 100% certain the attack will occur
2) They don't want to cause chaos/economic disruption/mass hysteria etc
3) They want to avoid accusations of incompetence/not acting appropriately if it gets known that they knew an attack was going to occur but couldn't prevent it.
4) They don't want to tip off the attackers who might abort/divert to an unknown target.
5) They might compromise their intelligence source

Living up to your username. I like it.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

I do recall rumors after the Silk Road bust that the NSA "anonymously" tips off local law enforcement agencies to activity it has intelligence on through domestic surveillance. Since this would be technically illegal, there would be a need for plausible deniability.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Well, my dad used to and still does work for a gov agency that did a lot of training. I won't go into what specific dept it was as that would eat away my anonymity. Suffice to say he did a lot of teaching and training with everyone from Leo's to literally green berets and even delta force.
My dad is no soldier either, he was overweight and basically a nerdy doctor and office drone. He was also one of a small pool of trainers for nbc first responders. Again, not going into detail about which NBC it was but basically there are only a few different agencies that focs on that stuff outside of the military.
Here is the thing, they would only have a few incidences a year and they were usually industrial accidents or some type of freak accident. We haven't had any NBC terrorist attacks but they still have to train people and keep studying tactics and what not.
So, what do they do during the months between some worker using equipment that isn't properly shielded and getting exposed?

Mostly the do some research, go to conferences, hold training classes, and hold real life realtime drills involving different scenarios.

In fact not long ago they did a huge drill involving actors and many different departments like FEMA, local LEOs, the local hospital, dept. of health, national guard, and so on.
They were not only training but testing response time in the case of a massive terrorist attack using NBC materials.

I say this because a NBC terrorist attack isn't likely but they still train multiple times per year in these realtime scenarios.
I would imagine that the local swat team probably isn't needed on a daily or even weakly basis in most of America. So I would figure they are probably training around the clock, especially in smaller cities and towns.
It really shouldn't take them that long to switch to live ammo after getting the call.

Though, it does seem a bit suspicious.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Any SWAT/PD/Agent Members Here?

Pretty sure the San Bernadino folks got caught on some illegal wire tapping systems. Since the feds and police can't and don't want to reveal their spying tricks they just get a bunch of guys in the nearby area and pounce when the time is right.

That way they can say they were in the right place at the right time, subdue the bad guys, and prosecute them without revealing the spy apparatus.

When it comes to cops, I have respect. Frankly i'd rather deal with Officer Johnson any day of the week than pay protection to "Big Smoke" and his merry gang of high school drop outs.

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