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Girls that want to take it slow

Girls that want to take it slow

When I go on dates I usually try to escalate to a bang, but some girls just won't let you escalate on the first date. These girls are usually foreign (in my situation almost always fresh of the boat Chinese) or religious. Sometimes they don't drink. Personally I think these girls are great girlfriend material but I would like to know how you guys deal with them. How many dates do you wait until the bang before you bail? Is there any game plan of locking these girls down before the bang? What kind of dates do you take them on to build attraction? In the past I lost these girls by attempting to escalate too fast.

Girls that want to take it slow

Many girls, very often the "nice ones" you're mentioning do operate by a 3/4/5 date rule. I personally love the thrill of the challenge, and don't feel down if I don't score on the first date, but in my experience, banging these kinds of girls is all about one thing: escalating.

You have guys who argue that you absolutely shouldn't kiss on the first date, while you have equally as many who will say that you have to. My take is that a girl will punish you if you don't, so I always try to accomplish at least that by the end of the first date, alongside with a decent amount of kino.

One other thing I almost always do is to try to bring them back to my place after we've gone for drinks. Sure, this may be daunting before you get used to it (and you mightn't have the logistics to do this), but the key is to be confident as hell when you suggest it. You should basically command her to head back to your place with you. A million of pretexts exist, and the one I use most frequently is that I'll make us something to eat, bsing how I'm Jamie Oliver's apprentice or whatnot to ease her mind.

Mind you, I always suggest this after the kiss and/or if the date is going well. Under these circumstances, no girl during the last three months here in Mexico has refused to head back with me. Once there, cook something (it really doesn't matter what), have a drink or two more, and go lie on your bed with her, showing her videos, playing music or whatever. After 10-15 minutes of idle, making her crave for more, escalate rapidly, touching her here and there, more passionate/wild kissing than before, basically let her know what you're all about and try to go downtown to get a sense of how far she's willing to go. But if you see that she is resisting hard don't push your luck too far-- it may well have the effect of turning the girl off.

For the second date, I usually just go for drinks with them. Under no circumstances do I invite them back to my place. By not inviting them back after the date, my take is that you in a way manipulate them to think that you're not just about the sex, as if you were, it would be logical for you to take them back home again to try and go for the bang again.

For that you have the third date. I invite them back to my place for dinner, under the pretext that I'm tired after work, just want to chill etc. If things have gone well up until the third date, there's no reason why she should say no. I cook something simple, and then put on Netflix, again escalating throughout the movie. The most common scenario I've encountered that they can't wait to get it by the end of the movie, even though they usually will be resisting, though way less than during the first date making out and grabbing. The key is just to look at what her body is saying, and not what's coming out of her mouth-- the latter is pure bs.

If I don't score by the third date I usually go idle on the girl, implicitly letting her know that for me, sex is an important part of the equation.

TLDR; escalate, then stop escalating (confusing her), then go for the hit. My two cents.

Girls that want to take it slow

Tell these Chinese girls that you love them and want to marry.

They give up the pussy much easier.

Or maybe you don't have the stomach to do what is necessary?


Girls that want to take it slow

Here is a good advice I found on Krauser website.
Try it.

"I love a fulfilling and sexual relationship. That is why I make the effort to have many of those" - TheMaleBrain
"Now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Spaceballs
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Girls that want to take it slow

I've just recently changed up my dating approach. Previously I was all about going for the first date bang however after doing that for almost three years I was getting really burned out from the grind. I took several months off from the game this year and thought back to what worked for me, what didn't and most importantly, what did I enjoy the most? One thing became glaringly apparent:

I really don't like the first date bang.

Sure, when it all comes together it's an amazing rush and my ego can't get enough of it. But at the same time it felt rushed, unnatural and even when the sex did happen it was often times awkward and took place under varying degrees of intoxication. I also realized that many of my bangs were from women who I really didn't like all that much. These were women who when I met them in person from online I immediately knew I would never even speak to them if I had seen them out and about.

So that brings me to what I'm doing now. My first dates are usually non alcoholic and only last for 1-2 hours tops. We meet for coffee, tea, ice cream or occasionally a drink at a bar. The only physical escalation is friendly touching and occasionally a quick kiss. My only goal for the date is to really find out what they're like. What are their values? What's their family life like? Are they a cool chick or are they uptight? Can they banter with me? Are they fun to be around? See, I'm at that point to where if I'm going to bang a new woman I want it to be someone who I know I will want to see again. I'm not looking to LTR up the first woman who jumps on my cock but I don't want a notch for the sake of a notch. (Sidebar: For the newbies I do recommend building a nice notch resume as it's the single best thing that will improve your overall game).

After the first date I wait at least three days to contact her again unless she contacts me first. At that point I immediately setup the second date. For the second date it's drinks at a bar and maybe some light food where I move into the traditional first date bang type of game. The bang is usually easier at this point because it's not the first date (so many women have a stigma of first date sex), more comfort and rapport has been established and the whole interaction feels more natural and organic. Plus I've had time to process what my feelings are towards this woman which allows me to be completely congruent in my actions which is never a bad thing.

Try it and see how it fits you.

Girls that want to take it slow

I don't know if my strategy is great, and maybe I'm losing some bangs because of it, but if I don't see sufficient signs of interest (body language, how close she sits next to me, kino) within the first hour I consider the date dead and eject.

But then again, these girls are mostly white chicks and aren't particularly religious or FOB foreign. There's zero question most of them do first date sex under the right circumstances.

There may have been a few who liked me and only wanted to take things a bit more slowly, and there's no way to distinguish early on, but with the urban white chick demographic I consider the signs that I'm looking for not being there to mean she's either a serial dater (can't cozy up to all ten guys she's evaluating this week or she'd feel like a slut) or she just finds me unattractive.

Girls that want to take it slow

You're not running game if you're waiting for signs.
It's not alpha to wait for signs
It's not dark triad
And if she's calling the shots, her situational SMV must be higher.
Arr ess dee would make you do something
Mystery Method, fuzzy hat and all, would have a routine.

So you probably are losing lays, mainly because whatever school of game you are running you aren't actually running.

A very simple fix, but will take courage


Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-16-2015 11:37 AM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

After the first date I wait at least three days to contact her again unless she contacts me first. At that point I immediately setup the second date.

This is the difference with American dating and why it is like a can of old tuna.

A girl abroad will be texting you good night, and asking you how you are the next day. Almost guaranteed if it is a good date.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-16-2015 05:12 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

Quote: (12-16-2015 11:37 AM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

After the first date I wait at least three days to contact her again unless she contacts me first. At that point I immediately setup the second date.

This is the difference with American dating and why it is like a can of old tuna.

A girl abroad will be texting you good night, and asking you how you are the next day. Almost guaranteed if it is a good date.

Unfortunately that's true. I get a few of those but they're the exceptions and not the norm.

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-16-2015 05:01 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

You're not running game if you're waiting for signs.

I somewhat disagree with that statement. Yes a guy shouldn't be sitting around idly waiting for her to give all of the signals and he needs to actively be leading the interaction in every way. However if a woman is giving the wrong signs and feedback based on our particular game style it's up to us to calibrate to the situation and adjust accordingly.

This is similar to what a good offensive coordinator in the NFL does. He leads with his offensive game plan and then adjusts the attack based on how the defense is reacting, (i.e. the signs he's getting).

Girls that want to take it slow

The Bradd Pitt rule works both ways. If she was dating a famous actor and probably wouldn't put out( I've run into a few like that) that's a very good sign.

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (11-15-2015 11:47 PM)Dawn_Snow Wrote:  

When I go on dates I usually try to escalate to a bang, but some girls just won't let you escalate on the first date. These girls are usually foreign (in my situation almost always fresh of the boat Chinese) or religious. Sometimes they don't drink. Personally I think these girls are great girlfriend material but I would like to know how you guys deal with them. How many dates do you wait until the bang before you bail? Is there any game plan of locking these girls down before the bang? What kind of dates do you take them on to build attraction? In the past I lost these girls by attempting to escalate too fast.

Always be closing ABC.

I follow Tuth's first date recipe. No kiss, 1 venue, light touching, invite to apartment, escalate.

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-16-2015 05:37 PM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

Quote: (12-16-2015 05:01 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

You're not running game if you're waiting for signs.

I somewhat disagree with that statement. Yes a guy shouldn't be sitting around idly waiting for her to give all of the signals and he needs to actively be leading the interaction in every way. However if a woman is giving the wrong signs and feedback based on our particular game style it's up to us to calibrate to the situation and adjust accordingly.

This is similar to what a good offensive coordinator in the NFL does. He leads with his offensive game plan and then adjusts the attack based on how the defense is reacting, (i.e. the signs he's getting).

I disagree with your disagreement, lol.

" if I don't see sufficient signs of interest (body language, how close she sits next to me, kino) within the first hour I consider the date dead and eject."

^This is the offending statement.

No good game is reactive.
None what so ever.

She reacts to him. Player does not react to her.

And even if a player can't perceive her reactions, he has to keep upping the ante by getting compliance, by getting her to do things, and by asking her the buying questions.

Now I don't mean, turning "Stop, No! Don't" into "No Don't Stop" - but lame girls who don't know how to socialize are common. Especially since the convergence of social media, dating sites, smartphones, and internet everywhere.

A player can bang chicks where he does 90% of the talking and 100% of the decision making.

And calibration never means leaving, which is what is being advocated above.

Calibration means that if she's not responding to A, player pulls out B. If she's reacting but giving him the wrong reaction, he pivots. Forward or diagonal, never backwards. (unless it's a feint, like end of the night, 2 steps backward, 1 step back)

So if a chick is not talking, but she is staying there, she is following his lead, she's still down. If a player is expecting every chick to be a livewire, bubbly, and nice - she might not be like that with someone she just met. She might not even be like that at all.

But presumably she was cute enough to take out and attempt to bang.

On top of that, if a player wants his LTR's to be good, he has to LEAD the recalcitrant.

Best to be practicing from day one for the one day the player runs across Rihanna in the elevator.

By pulling out an hour into an evening, he's leaving lays on the table.


Girls that want to take it slow

And I'll add, going on a date and leaving in an hour without getting a firm "no, i'm not interested in you tonight" is not good game. Make her rule the player out, so he can downgrade her status and move on to the next chick.

(Now if a player is playing the long game, he could leave the situation open and attempt to reconnect with the girl when she's more into it. But the chances of her wanting to hang after he failed on the first date are slim. )

If it's a night game situation, and he met some stranger girl, and she doesn't open within the first 3-5 minutes, it's better to be efficient with his time, PROVIDED that there are other targets. If this is the only cute chick at the venue on a Wednesday night, spend a little more time before he hits the next spot in your circuit.


Girls that want to take it slow

OP, with girls like that try this..

Meet up with a girl in the city 2-3 times and make it impossible on purpose to have sex on that date. Don't bluntly tell her that nothing is going to happen. Just take her out and mention some kind of excuse like working at night on a project or whatever. The point is to convey that there's no chance for sex that night due to unfavorable circumstances. Game the girl and build fair amount of comfort and sexual tension. She should have great time, feel no pressure that something can happen and leave wanting more. Meet up with her 2-3 times like that. Then set up another meeting with perfect logistics set and reap what you sow.

That's "3 dates with no LMR at the end" type of game. You amp up sexual tension by interacting with her in a way that nothing can happen and you go for the kill later when she's ready.


Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-17-2015 05:38 AM)XXL Wrote:  

That's "3 dates with no LMR at the end" type of game. You amp up sexual tension by interacting with her in a way that nothing can happen and you go for the kill later when she's ready.

Agreed XXL, thats the best tactic.

Most milfs in Australia run with the "three date kate" rule.

At least you know their carousel rate is a bit lower than the ONS brigade..

Running it out, showing no interest and then reversing it after three dates works the charm.

Girls that want to take it slow

^A three date rule doesnt mean they didnt ride the carousel especially as you date women who are older. Plenty of former sluts will put up resistence as they get older just because they dont want to make "past mistakes."

My logístics are crap right and i dont date a lot of young chicks at home, so I do exactly the same as XXL mentioned above.

Girls that want to take it slow

Girls that want to take it slow

I thought this was going to be thread about first time anal.....Uhhhh...nevermind...

[Image: laugh7.gif]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-19-2015 09:09 AM)godzilla Wrote:  

^A three date rule doesnt mean they didnt ride the carousel especially as you date women who are older. Plenty of former sluts will put up resistence as they get older just because they dont want to make "past mistakes."

My logístics are crap right and i dont date a lot of young chicks at home, so I do exactly the same as XXL mentioned above.

Sort of irrelevant to this thread.

This is clearly about conservative religious FOB's... foreign women, not liberal, westernized carousel riders. WIA got it right as usual... though I might add that you don't need to completely dominate the conversation, depending on the girl. But you must lead the overall interaction and plan / set the tone for future dates.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Girls that want to take it slow

^Yea i wasnt responding to OPs post but the one above.

OP location is USA, plenty of americana sloots to bang on the side while your dating a nice chinese girl that you say would make great GF material for you.

Girls that want to take it slow

I went out with an Indonesian chick earlier this week and it didn't go how I wanted. I pretty much wrote it off until I read this thread. She's lived here for 7 months but has been working 12 hour days 6 days/week and hasn't had a chance to socialize much. Goes to church religiously (pun intended) apparently.

Got her off OKC, went to text, and she would respond instantly and ask how my day was throughout the week. Went out for drinks and she was way hotter than I was expecting. It kinda threw me off and I made some rookie mistakes. She was throwing a lot of tests out there, but I handled most alright. I made her laugh a bunch of times and threw in light touching when I could, but I still sensed there was a lot of tension missing. I was sick, tired from a long day, and thought the night was boring so I cut it short. Walked her to her place and went for the kiss, she turned her head slightly so I hit the edge of her lip.

I took it as a lack of interest and stopped contacting her, but maybe it's normal for some foreign girls not to kiss on a first time out? Would it be worth it to reengage?

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-23-2015 06:33 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Walked her to her place and went for the kiss, she turned her head slightly so I hit the edge of her lip.

I took it as a lack of interest and stopped contacting her, but maybe it's normal for some foreign girls not to kiss on a first time out? Would it be worth it to reengage?

Would it be worth it to reengage?

Short answer: Yes. If she doesn't respond you get the same amount of pussy from her as you're getting now...none. So what do you have to lose?

Let me elaborate

One of the main reasons I love this forum is that often what I've "discovered" by trial and error over the years, and long before I discovered the forum, is independently verified. So...

For future reference you should read this:

Tuths First Date Bang Recipe

In your post you say you made "several rookie mistakes". That might be so but the one that stands out to me is "went for the kiss" One of the maxims from Tuths formula and I strongly concur with is "never kiss a pre bang girl unless you are in a/the bang location"

Why? Because for most attractive girls (even relatively inexperienced ones) they've been "kissing" since early teens. Kissing, unless it's part of a "bigger" seduction means almost nothing to them....Yawn

The biggest mistake newer players make is to fail to recognize that "foreplay" for chics is different than it is to us. All they have to do to give us "tingles"/wood is fondle our balls.

You want to give her "tingles" and "lady wood"? You got to fondle her mind

It's worth repeating: NEVER KISS A PRE BANG GIRL UNLESS YOU ARE IN A BANG LOCATION. What's the point? Do you want to:

A) kiss close her?


B) would you rather progress to actually putting your meat puppet in her hooha?

I prefer B myself

If you prefer B also then think of A (the kiss) as just another step along the way to B. You want A to lead seamlessly via escalation into B. So if it's a girl you have NOT banged before (pre bang) do not go for the make out until your logistics are bang ready. Its different once you have banged (hopefully well) a chic

Next time you are on a first date (or just met a chic in bar/club and number closed her) and you know she will not be coming home with you (or banging you in the bathroom/ car etc) do this instead of kiss closing or making out:

1. Grab her firmly but gently by her shoulders (or hair at the back of the head but that's another post)
2. Lean in as if to kiss..but don't
3. Just brush her lips ever so slightly with yours (just barely touch)
4. Pull Back
5. Let her go
6. Give her a wink and a smirk
7. Say nothing
8. Turn away
9. Eject
10. Do not turn around as you leave

Leaving them surprised, intrigued, and wanting more is how you "fondle" the chic mind

I can't tell you how many times chics have told me later that this move left them standing in a puddle of their own making.

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (11-15-2015 11:47 PM)Dawn_Snow Wrote:  

When I go on dates I usually try to escalate to a bang, but some girls just won't let you escalate on the first date. These girls are usually foreign (in my situation almost always fresh of the boat Chinese) or religious. Sometimes they don't drink. Personally I think these girls are great girlfriend material but I would like to know how you guys deal with them. How many dates do you wait until the bang before you bail? Is there any game plan of locking these girls down before the bang? What kind of dates do you take them on to build attraction? In the past I lost these girls by attempting to escalate too fast.

I'm not experienced with the FOB girls, but generally in the US, I'm expecting increasing escalation at each date. If "taking it slow" means getting freakier each date until the bang that's one thing, if taking it slow means a month of makeouts before you get to second base that's a quick ticket out of there.

"I want to take it slow" could mean she doesn't want to feel like a slut, or experience, or it could be serious sexual hangups or previous relationship issues. Part of building your game is figuring out why. Meanwhile date other gals at the same time, nothing stretches out the "take it slow" angle like her detecting she's your only option.

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (12-16-2015 11:37 AM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

My first dates are usually non alcoholic and only last for 1-2 hours tops.

How am I supposed to stay interested in what a girl is saying for an hour without alcohol?

Girls that want to take it slow

Quote: (11-15-2015 11:47 PM)Dawn_Snow Wrote:  

When I go on dates I usually try to escalate to a bang, but some girls just won't let you escalate on the first date. These girls are usually foreign (in my situation almost always fresh of the boat Chinese) or religious. Sometimes they don't drink. Personally I think these girls are great girlfriend material but I would like to know how you guys deal with them. How many dates do you wait until the bang before you bail? Is there any game plan of locking these girls down before the bang? What kind of dates do you take them on to build attraction? In the past I lost these girls by attempting to escalate too fast.

Don't escalate on the first date. Make out with her, text afterward. Set up the 2nd date within 4-7 days.

2nd date - starts or ends at your place - bust out the alcohol. Keep some wine coolers or some very sweet wines on hand if she's not that into drinking.

[Image: verify-age-bottles-NEW.png]

Quote: (12-30-2015 04:08 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (12-16-2015 11:37 AM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

My first dates are usually non alcoholic and only last for 1-2 hours tops.

How am I supposed to stay interested in what a girl is saying for an hour without alcohol?

I assume you are partly joking here, but the truth is these FOBs are often more interesting than their American counterparts - which is kind of the point.

That all being said, FOBs tend to want the iconic american, romantic experience. So you can try to imitate all that cheesy stuff you've seen in the movies over the years and they will eat it up. PT got it right.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

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