Quote: (09-04-2015 03:09 PM)UncleSam Wrote:
Hooligans vs refugees: Clashes at Budapest train station
Well, that escalated quickly I'd say, considering the fact that these "refugees" have just arrived in eastern europe. It's not obvious who started this mess but we catch a glimpse of what a possible civil war might look like in the future.
Those are not refugees. They're not even economic migrants. That is a fucking invasion force. If you took an army and stripped it of its uniforms and weapons, this is what it would look like.
Both the problem and the solution are stark fucking clear. You fight an invading force to the death. These particular invaders have chosen the cowardly and dishonorable method of using deceit to achieve their goal rather than force of arms. So you give them an ultimatum at the point of a machine gun: remove yourself from my territory peaceably, or you will receive the standard rations given to invaders: metal to the body until dead.
Of course, this will not happen. Reading about this calamity pisses me off but only superficially. It's like I am enraged by the assault on logic and common sense, but I don't really care what happens to Europe or the Europeans. Europe (and the West?) is being killed, but there is only one true villain in this story, and that villain is Europeans and white Westerners themselves.
It's very simple:
The elites are an alien ruling caste, and they are simply acting on their own behalf and to some extent indulging in what to their mind is revenge for past wrongs; whether real or imagined is irrelevant. There is nothing evil or "bad" about this. I would expect nothing less of a people than to maximize its own well being and fully exercise its power. Completely natural, I cannot hate them for that.
Ditto for the third world immigrants. They see a warm, wet pussy just begging to be stuffed, and their actions follow naturally from that. I'm trying to put myself in similar shoes here: I like money, and I have yellow fever. What would I do if there existed a mythical land where even a burger flipper earned $500,000 a year and where all the women were Asian 10's with a penchant for giving up the goods for my white cock at the drop of a hat, and where all the men were a bunch of spineless, cowardly phaglets who protected neither their lands nor their women? Why, I would do exactly as these third worlders are doing: make my way there as fast as I can. So do I blame the immigrnants? Fuck no, they are just doing what's best for them.
So that just leaves the historically christian white people. They are the ones I despise with a passion. I have so much fucking contempt for them it's basically seeping out of my pores as I type this. What a bunch of despicable cucks. Has any people ever in the history of the world, committed willful, self-aware suicide? What's worse, these phags are crowing about it! "Oh lookie, we're being displaced in our own lands and will soon be minorities/slaves, oh how grand it will be!"
Sure, their minds have been poisoned by the aforementioned alien elites, but that is no fucking excuse. I received that very same programming growing up, but my brain immediately rejected it as a disgusting poison. The fuck are they telling me, that I should hate myself and worship "the other" due to my own people being successful and creating the modern world? Yeah, ok, cool story bro, now tell it again.
The propaganda is really not that convincing. Oh look, a Syrian boy washed up on a beach. Yeah, well, I don't care. It's sad but completely and utterly irrelevant. What about the thousands of boys and girls across the world who met various unfortunate ends today, whether dying of disease or cancer, or simple tragic accidents. Out of all those tragedies, the death of a boy whose family was invading my lands is the least tragic. Better that boy than 6 year old John who fell off a swing and broke his neck. Nobody is crying for John today, and I sure am not crying for the Syrian boy.
This is just basic common sense, and people across the world just get it. But white people seem to be missing that common sense that is so neccessary for survival. In fact, when you point out the common sense in very simple, articulate, and logical terms that their brains surely process and evaluate as true, they still spit this truth in your face and try to bury you for it. Well, fuck them. In they end, they will be the ones who are buried. I feel no sympathy for them, because like it or not, to paraphrase Te Nahisi Coates I and others like me, some on this very forum, are "people who others believe to be White" and by sinking this ship they're basically pulling us down with them. There are ways to mitigate this and I am trying them all, but it's fucking hard to escape the suction of an entire civilization plunging to the bottom of the abyss.