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Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Hey game newbies,

I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’ve also had some unexpected success. You might be beginning this journey now, but at some point you’ll have sex.

It took me three months after discovering Roosh's Day Bang and Bang, to have sex. This happened following a second date.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next.

Much of this language is taken verbatim from a BlurredSevens thread, but it’s extremely important advice. That's why I want to repeat it here and add a few of my own thoughts.

After you have sex, here’s what I would text her next:

Next day around noon

“Hey that was a fun night. Hope your work day goes well today.” (or “well tmrw” if you text her in the evening)

She may text you back. If neutral or positive, reply with

“We should meet up again sometime.”

Wait for her reply, then ghost for a few days.


What happens if she doesn’t text you back after your first text?

Rebuild comfort on text. Have an entire conversation where you goal is to not ask her out. Repeat, do not ask her out. Tell her something exciting that’s happening in your life, “I’m having family come visit this weekend for the first time in this city.” Send her a funny picture of kittens. PM me if you need more ideas. If she’s responsive, re-engage her a few days later and ask her out.


What happens if she doesn’t reply to your second text?

I think you can still ask for a meet a few days later. Hit her up at noon a few days later ask her if she wants to get dinner, meet you for a drink.

I’ve made so many mistakes after sex it’s almost comical looking back at it. I thought if she texts me first after sex, I have a green light to be sexual in messages back to her. This backfired horribly. I’ve sent dick pics (terrible idea). I picked up the phone and called her the following day. I tried to make jokes, “I don’t think we should see each other again…” waiting until she responds, then saying “until you learn how to talk dirty in a different language”. Terrible, terrible mistakes.

Keep it simple and indirect. She might feel a little slutty for having sex, even after a second or third date. You don’t want to be sexually explicit in your texts and trigger her ASD.

Here’s an example of what to do:

Day after, 9 pm
Me: “Hey that was a fun night. Hope your work day goes well tmrw.”
Her: “Hm yeah I’m still feeling it…"
Her: “You too [Image: smile.gif]
Me: “We should meet up again some time”
Her (a day later): “Yeah”

4 days later
Me: “Hey let’s get dinner tonight. Thai food… shall we say 7 o’clock?”
Her: “Sounds good, anywhere in mind?
Me: “(Name of place), a friend recommended it.”
Her: “Alright see you tonight [Image: smile.gif]

PM me if you have any questions.

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:02 AM)Suits Wrote:  
If you're serious about self improvement and make real effort, this forum will always have your back.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next


For the shitheads that are young and just skimming this post, it is unacceptable to send her kitten pictures unless you already got your dick wet. After that, who gives a fuck, but I still don't recommend it.

Where the fuck is birthday cat when you need him? I'm sure he has something to say about all this.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next



Paging birthday cat. Recent but he definitely gets it.

Edit: Also solid advice OP. Keep writing.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

I usually just send them a pic of spiderman with a woman next to him lying on the floor with some blue juice all over them (looks like a huge amount of jizz) with some line about what a great orgasm that was. Sets a perfect fuck buddy frame. The RSD guys like Jeffy send something like "Thinking of you while I masterbate" with some stupid pic, not a fan of that personally.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Good post, I will continue comfort post-bang and be more matey but banterish. Catch up to a minor level with funny things happening or observations about anything and have a sexual undertone. I don't usually mention the previous bang or sex until 5-6 texts in with the invite following quite naturally.

For less interesting girls, I will just take pics of stupid things around me or in the day that could be somewhat humorous at the least.

Much less flakage in my text game when I build it up and hit them with the next meetup.

Agree with your post, this is more or less what I do:


Day after, 9 pm
Me: “Hey that was a fun night. Hope your work day goes well tmrw.”
Her: “Hm yeah I’m still feeling it…"
Her: “You too Smile”
Me: “We should meet up again some time”
Her (a day later): “Yeah”

I dig the fact that you text the same night so she can go read it again the next day and 'take it into consideration'.

If I message the same night/day she leaves it's a 'msg me when u get home" or "get home safely". The first is bit of a compliance test in it's own way (game speak alert).

Either way, I want to build comfort without being too needy/thirsty. Hell, how thirsty she thinks you are (I have had spells where I was thirsty in my mind but could somewhat get away with it).

In my opinion, a big factor is how 'normal'/'narrative-like' (in her mind) your hookup is. This is why you will 'click' with certain type of girls or girls themselves as you are 'similar' and used to the 'type' of hookup. i.e. one night stand at a music festival vs girl from gym vs girl in social circle/work and you adapt.

Most girls (especially the hot ones and pre-bang) will expect you to initiate so you really got master putting down a banterous frame where it's light hearted. She will only respond to what you put out there.

Quote: (08-17-2015 01:25 PM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

I usually just send them a pic of spiderman with a woman next to him lying on the floor with some blue juice all over them (looks like a huge amount of jizz) with some line about what a great orgasm that was. Sets a perfect fuck buddy frame. The RSD guys like Jeffy send something like "Thinking of you while I masterbate" with some stupid pic, not a fan of that personally.

Jeffy can pull that shit off because he is a nutcase, in his own right who lives in SF. This is not intended for any tom dick and harry because he attracts a certain type of girl from what he puts out. A lot of guys are like this and have their niches and can become the players in certain circles or with a niche.

Chicks also love memes, unsurprisingly (ages: 20-27)

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Delete: error posting.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next


Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Only thing I would change is the timing.

I usually bang girls at their place these days, even for a first time (mostly due to poor logistics as they're generally from the city and I'm out in the sticks), so my usual script is that I say as I'm leaving "Hey, I'll text you from the 7-11 back at home base to let you know I made it OK" (even with plates, I always leave it ambiguous as to whether I'm going directly home, even when I am.)

Then I would send something similar to the example: "all set, had a great time tonight. be good at work tomorrow."

I've never had a girl not reply positively to that the same night if I banged her. I send that text because of reasons...and at least in my experience girls who are banging on the first or second date in their late 20s have definitely "done this before" and can be fairly shrewd, perhaps even "secret society" aware in a sense - I know that some are consciously aware of the reasons.

Then I fuck off and leave her alone until late the next evening, at the very least, unless she contacts me first.

Remember, you're doing her a favor by sticking to the script. Regardless of what histrionic feminists may say, obviously plenty of women like a man with game, and get a fuzzy feeling inside that they were chosen. Resist the natural temptation to end up letting her down with neediness or cornyness - particularly with older girls, it will tick her off no end if she gets the impression that she got banged out by one more chode.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Great thread. I really had no MO for this whatsoever and was starting to experiment a little.
Black dragon has a good post from a while back about continuing to game as usual until after the 2nd bang (2 separate meetings, obvio).

The crux of it is that after she makes the decision to fuck you a 2nd time and follows through with that decision, in her mind you've switched from "guy she fucked/ONS" to "guy she is fucking".
I've had a lot of problems and lost of a lot of online chicks at this stage in the last year.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

^ Sometimes the first bang ghost happened to me as well. I'm sure on a couple I made a severe error somewhere, but at least from my experience I think the majority were a lost cause to begin with - they went in only looking for a ONS, they were already in a relationship, they were looney toons who wouldn't know a quality guy if he materialized on their doorstep, and so on.

Yeah, the married girl rapidly ghosted. What else could she do?

I'd say 80% of my "game effort" happens prior to the first bang. I then tend to relax a little bit and not overthink things, the philosophy being that if I put in my best effort before it and I'm STILL having to game her as if we just met, she's going to be a pointless ultra high maintenance plate anyway.

I got a job, a family, a life, hobbies, forum posts to make, and generally at least one girl I'm seeing already. I don't have time to text 20-somethings memes in the hope that they'll come around. In the couple cases where they probably weren't in one of the categories above, the most likely explanation is that I just didn't do my job properly the first time out.

I didn't have to wait long for the ones I did my job properly on to pop back up, giving the impression that they're thinking "Hmmm you boyfriend now?" Of course I'm not, but that's what they should be thinking...

I don't keep statistics or anything like that, but if I had to guess the ones who came back vs. the ones who didn't or were down but I couldn't close with might correlate very well simply with whether I got 6 hours of sleep the night before, or 8.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Quote: (06-28-2016 08:17 AM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Then I would send something similar to the example: "all set, had a great time tonight. be good at work tomorrow."

This is gold.

You know the tingle-smile etches across the girl's face when she reads 'be good...' after having a good romp in the sack.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Am i reading the title of the post correctly?

The very idea of the OP doesn't make any sense to me; I'm suppose to be worrying about what I'm gonna text a chick I just fucked? At what point would that even enter my mind when I'm in the next day afterglow of fresh pussy? I don't think I can think of a single scenario where I was the one to text first after a bang (in the cases that the interaction went beyond the first bang)

So before I fuck her, I have to know what to text her after the fact?

Seems like an unnecessary barrier to put up.

That's when you have the most hand, right after the first bang. Why stress then? Let her hamster spin and if you laid the pipe well she will hit you up first 99 percent of the time. If not, you either disappointed her in the sac or shes a YUGE whore.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

why would you want to meet her again after you had sex?

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

If she is good, put her on rotation.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next


Game never stops.

You need to have a text plan post bang for two reasons

1) mattress girl/regret rape
2) building comfort for the next bang

In my opinion, texting is probably the least effort a guy could put in for either of these scenarios. I do a lot more.


Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

I think OP is putting too much effort into this. Put more effort into making them squirt and they will be texting you post coitus.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next


Yes, I suppose getting mattress girl'd is a good enough reason to take that security measure. I guess I've just been lucky but also picky with the broads I've fucked in my house...If I'm honestly that worried I'd give them a fake name and such.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Most guys aren't serious about this shit. Or they have really limited senses of imagination.

Lack of desire to do the hard work. To put their egos on the line. It's why most never truly progress despite having every advantage at their fingertips.


Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:

You need to have a text plan post bang for two reasons

1) mattress girl/regret rape
2) building comfort for the next bang

In my opinion, texting is probably the least effort a guy could put in for either of these scenarios. I do a lot more.


Lack of desire to do the hard work. To put their egos on the line. It's why most never truly progress despite having every advantage at their fingertips.

WIA, I'm interested in what you mean by "I do a lot more", can you share a couple of examples? I'm also interested to hear you expand on the point about putting egos on the line, do you mean worrying about seeming too invested by proactively following up with her after the bang?

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Of course, better sex is part of it too.

Text game, sex game, approach game, date game.

WIA said it here, but worth repeating "Game never stops".

The point of texting a girl after sex is so that you bang her again.

Most men think of sex as the end of the seduction. I think of it as the 3rd or 4th inning.

You can begin to explore and push her fantasies (and yours) once you get to know her in the bedroom.

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:02 AM)Suits Wrote:  
If you're serious about self improvement and make real effort, this forum will always have your back.

Before you have sex, make sure you know what to text her next

Yeah I've lost many girls after the first bang, that I wanted to see again.

Many guys think that sex puts the man in control, but with how easily girls put out these days, I wouldn't say so.

I would say you need to bang her on 2 or 3 separate occasions, before you can relax your game a little.

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