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Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Which is cooler to smoke?


[Image: cigar-gordan-gecko.jpg]
[Image: salma-hayek_05.jpg]
[Image: schwarzenegger-with-cigar.jpg]
[Image: jennifer_lopez_cigar.jpg]
[Image: jfk-cigar.jpg]


[Image: Brad-Pitt-sneaking-smoke-1.jpg]
[Image: RSNN1517H-280_867309a.jpg]
[Image: obama-kicked-smoking.jpg]

"The biggest mistake I ever made was being fearful of losing someone. One should never be afraid of losing a girl" El Diablo

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigar all the way. I don't smoke cigarettes but I tried a cigar once and I felt extra pimpish.





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Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

@Moma - Agreed, I think the cigar makes you look like you'vr made it...

"The biggest mistake I ever made was being fearful of losing someone. One should never be afraid of losing a girl" El Diablo

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

I know a guy who goes around chomping on an unlit cigar all day. Good look if you can pull it off. I don't like the smell and prefer cigs.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

love cigars and i agree with the above posters.. they aren't always convenient though, they burn so slowly.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

I feel like you have to be a boss to smoke cigars on the regular. They seem like something you smoke after celebrating something. I smoke cigarettes never cigars except swisher sweets but i dump the tobacco out and put weed in it.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

cigar - i smoke once a month, mroe in the summer and fall. i have a cigar box on the bookshelf by the fireplace. i keep a wide variety of cigar brands, tastes & sizes because i found when i pulled one out a lady might react to it, and i can show her a slim macanudo for her to try. it works with the right woman. i prefer padron.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Damn Right Cigars seem to be winning...they are sexier...

"The biggest mistake I ever made was being fearful of losing someone. One should never be afraid of losing a girl" El Diablo

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

brad pitt looks badass with that cigarette, no homo

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Any crackhead can smoke a cigarette so I would have to say a cigar [Image: smile.gif]

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

What about black & milds?

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

I’m Cuban can’t choose anything besides cigar.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Quote: (06-10-2011 09:29 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

I know a guy who goes around chomping on an unlit cigar all day. Good look if you can pull it off. I don't like the smell and prefer cigs.

Slick Willy would say cigars. He was known to utilize unlit cigars in various ways.

[Image: mr-president-you-might-not-wanttosniff-t...163379.png]

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Ciggs have a horrible rep now. Cigars are still considered cool. I was smoking a $6 CAO Brazillian and somebody thought I was a big baller. Seems people think Cigars are ultra expensive.

Personally I Think Cigs look better. I always picture Spike from Cowboy Bebop smoking one. But I hate the taste, the smell and the stigma associated with Cigs.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Whichever one kills you faster

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

^ha good one?

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigars I think represent a better image but I do both. I smoke mild cigars somewhat regularly, the stronger stuff I could never do that often. However, girls in certain countries I find to be big cigarette smokers. Really depends on environment. If you find other cigarette smokers, it's a great icebreaker because cigarettes have more of that head nod feel that you're in it together with the other people. Cigars are more celebratory in nature I find.

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

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Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigars, obviously. Is this even a question?

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigarettes can have a young rebel appeal, cigars are more old and established. Somebody else said, "like you made it". What tips it for me is the smell, cigars smell alright, cigarette smoke isn't so good.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Sherlock Holmes Pipe is the only answer.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?


Just ordered myself a new Nub 460.

I was going to enjoy a Churchill at the end of March when Brexit happened, because it's the most fitting thing I can think of to enjoy the defeat of an evil German-dominated empire, but now that looks like it's not happening.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others...in the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigarettes since you can casually whip them out and smoke (well, less nowadays) outside of a bar/venue. Cigars are more involved.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Personally the cigar for me is about the experience and savoring, whereas the cigarette is about instant gratification. A cigar is a great prop though.

If you truly enter the cigar lifestyle and start lighting up a few times a week, it is bad ass as fuck. But, it should be congruent with personality, with a lot of guys it seems like it's not.

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Cigar is better. However, avoid smoking. Not healthy

Cigar vs Cigerette...Which one looks cooler?

Not smelling like a ashtray, coughing/hacking, getting winded walking up the stairs looks a lot cooler
[Image: giphy.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

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