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How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Largely I've been more concern with my health and lifestyle since having a beautiful main girl who lives TOO healthily

TLDR: I feel like I abuse my body a bit but it still holds up great. Will I pay for it later, i.e wake up and hit the Wall one day? At what point do I need to stop?

I am in good shape (not scultped but I have an ok six packs) and do a lot of sport (martial arts, lifting and dancing total about 20h/week), pics of me in other threads for reference

I eat a fuck ton of meat with fatty cuts, eggs, quite a lot sugar, a lot of pastry (Im in Paris goddamn do they bake good stuffs here) and 4-10 drinks a week depending. I dont smoke or drugs though. So my protein intake is good but I'm definitely dumping in a lot of sugar and fat. I also grab a kebab/Burger King once a week or so.

I also have the bad habit of staying up late and waking up late. I think this is why I have a problem with low energy sometimes. Since I got my internship Ive also been drinking 2 coffees a day, which is bad for health I suppose.

Despite this I've always remain fit, so when my girl who eats nothing but bio/whole food keep pushing me to eat better I just touch my 6 packs and make fun of her. My ex roommate is the same. Drink, smoke and eat like a mofo but always in great shape.

But all this talk about the wall and eating healthy is making me cringe. My best wingman is a model, has a body similar to mine but he doesnt drink at all or eat any unhealthy/street food. When I told him to "live a little bit" he said he doesnt want to pay for it later.

Would I wake up one day in my late 40s and suddenly look in the mirror and find a wrinkled old man with white hair and a beer belly like some betas cubicle worker, assuming that my lifestyle doesn't change? Whats the aging process for somebody like me? Normally the people who are fat in their 40s are already fat in their 20s. But what about people like me?

If I want to keep living like this is there other "maintenance" routine I can add to upkeep my body? I'm very disciplined about going to gym/martial arts.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Dont worry about it. As a young man, your body is remarkably resilient. Doing anything in the extreme can be unhealthy (including eating healthy). Just cut out the bread and sweets, those are the real bad actors in your diet. Eat more fats and proteins and you will stay lean. The most important thing you can do is have fun and enjoy your life. Have as much sex as possible, and dont stress.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Get bloodwork done if you want to see how your body is really holding up.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

The biggest problem with bad habits is that you won't be able to drop them at the first red flag.

The older you get the harder it is also to change yourself. That includes dropping old habits and acquiring new ones.

So if you hope to continue to do want you want and hope to stop when you see that first wrinkle or that first ounce of extra fat - you will probably miss that point and end up being fatter than you like until you acquire new habits.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Get a quality magnesium citrate supplement, take ten caps of fish oil a day, some kind of mens multivitamin, and try to cut sugar consumption to one day a week and you should be Ok.

Also get your hands on some NAC. Look up mikecfs blog for details.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

The only bad habit I see on that list is the drinking. Everything else is not only good, but recommended. I eat quite a bit of eggs, fat, meat, and sugar. I work out and that takes care of it.

Drinking and smoking however will age your face. I rarely drink alcohol and once in a blue moon will smoke a cigarette. My weakness is herb, though I have yet to see it take an hard impact on my life.

If you want good advice, remove alcohol and tobacco from your diet. Keep on working out and meeting your macros. You might feel better eating quality food (Burger King isn't quality [Image: tongue.gif]) and taking supplements. Get a blood test done to determine this.

ZMA, melatonin, fish oil, vitamin D, and copper might have an effect on the short term. Again give it a go.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

I am in my 40s, your body will speak to you when you get older. Don't worry about that!

If you continue to exercise you should be fine, but sometimes that is not enough. I feel it can be luck of the draw and your genetics, as in what do your parents suffer from. Both mine have high blood pressure, I am fortunate not to suffer from it.

I have peers who are in rough shape, despite the nice car, condo and money. To me it means absolutely nothing if your health is no good.

Life is short, don't waste it.

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How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

French Paradox but you should drink more and take up chain smoking for it to work.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Depends entirely on your genetics. See the habits of your male relatives and how they aged.

Long-term wise, it'll be the alcohol and (especially) the sugar consumption that'll do you in.

If you're in your early/mid twenties then I wouldn't worry too much, yet.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Thanks for the responses guys.

Its gonna be hard to cut back on the drinking since I love mixing myself a nice martini after work, and also when girls come over. These days they rarely do since I have a main but if Im prowling that could mean 5+ drink a week. Maybe I could try switching to red wine. That shit is good for your heart and spells classy.

Im taking multivitamins every two days.

So everyone is saying I should get bloodwork done, that will be on my first to do list. A bit rusty when it comes to this department, so what are the things I should look out for/ask for when doing the test? Like, what amount of what means stop doing xyz, and what to keep an eye on?


French Paradox but you should drink more and take up chain smoking for it to work.

As stupid as this sounds this does seems to work on French girls... Bitches are fucking chimney and drinkers over here but they are not fat. I guess walking the streets daily in high heels help lose fat.

Another thing I forgot to mention: the physical work from sport. Right now my body heals incredibly quickly, my sensei calls me reckless. Would that shows in the future? Like, an itching joint in my 20s suddenly turns into into a crippling joint in my 40s?

Might sound like Im worrying over stupid shit but I really love the life Im living now and yet looking at some 40s and even 30s guys at my office I wanna vomit, would give half of my soul not to look like that.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle? - I'm telling you guys.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

I use to be really OCD about this - living like a health nut.

Now I do what I want.

If you're working out near daily, your body is sweating out most of the junk you throw at it.

I look younger than my friends and have better bod...despite being a big drinker, eating a ton of junk food, and using recreational drugs on occasion.

Being fit is being healthy imo.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Quote: (08-04-2015 09:52 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Thanks for the responses guys.

Its gonna be hard to cut back on the drinking since I love mixing myself a nice martini after work, and also when girls come over. These days they rarely do since I have a main but if Im prowling that could mean 5+ drink a week. Maybe I could try switching to red wine. That shit is good for your heart and spells classy.

Im taking multivitamins every two days.

So everyone is saying I should get bloodwork done, that will be on my first to do list. A bit rusty when it comes to this department, so what are the things I should look out for/ask for when doing the test? Like, what amount of what means stop doing xyz, and what to keep an eye on?


French Paradox but you should drink more and take up chain smoking for it to work.

As stupid as this sounds this does seems to work on French girls... Bitches are fucking chimney and drinkers over here but they are not fat. I guess walking the streets daily in high heels help lose fat.

Another thing I forgot to mention: the physical work from sport. Right now my body heals incredibly quickly, my sensei calls me reckless. Would that shows in the future? Like, an itching joint in my 20s suddenly turns into into a crippling joint in my 40s?

Might sound like Im worrying over stupid shit but I really love the life Im living now and yet looking at some 40s and even 30s guys at my office I wanna vomit, would give half of my soul not to look like that.

I know that feel bro.

If I had to give up herb, i'd probably start drinking more. A man needs at least one means of inebriation at the end of the day. Caffeine doesn't count.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

If you are born in 1991, you're still a young man, but you should stop drinking so much.

In college I drank a lot more than I do now, I'm a few years older than you. After getting out of school my drinking scaled back immensely, now I rarely get "drunk" and often when I drink have one or two drinks a night and that is it.

Trying to sleep better will help too. This is just part of growing up and not acting like a teenager who wants to get fucked up and sleep until the afternoon anymore.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Do those guys have a supplement program and lifestyle suggestions? I've been looking into the anti aging effect s of magnesium and find it pretty intriguing.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Quote: (08-04-2015 05:58 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

If you are born in 1991, you're still a young man, but you should stop drinking so much.

In college I drank a lot more than I do now, I'm a few years older than you. After getting out of school my drinking scaled back immensely, now I rarely get "drunk" and often when I drink have one or two drinks a night and that is it.

Trying to sleep better will help too. This is just part of growing up and not acting like a teenager who wants to get fucked up and sleep until the afternoon anymore.

You all say I'm drinking so much. 5-7 drinks/week is really that much? Coming from a culture with no restriction on alcohol and where the men drink every meal this comes a bit as a surprise to me.

What is the good drinking threshold to not fuck up your liver then?

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

My 0.02$: if you get a blood test and your liver enzymes are over the top, make sure you let the doctor know that you work out a lot. My brother and I (both early 20s) had one done last year and the doctor initially thought we could have hepatitis. Even pro athletes that don't drink at all have high levels of these enzymes despite no inflammation of the liver.

Edit: as the article suggests in the conclusion, you can also stop lifting for a week or so prior to the blood test, while still drinking normally. Since you're isolating a variable, if your liver enzymes are still high, it would be safe to assume that alcohol is the cause and you should drink a bit less.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

I think the worst things are smoking (anything) getting fat and any type of speedy drug ( coke, speed.)
Coffee is actually more and more proven as preventive for Parkinsons, Alzheimers, colon cancer, and diabetes, the strength of the effect may not be strong and you need maybe 2-3 cups a day minimum for the effects. Google

Smoking leaves deposits in your lungs that build up and can never be eliminated. Google COPD. Cancer is not the only risk.

Speedy drugs fry your brain especially if you go for days without sleep on a "run" where you mess up the chemistry or neurons, IDK what, so bad they can never get back to normal. Ive' seen many results of this in my mental health work in prisons. One building site worker was on a lot of speed, had a psychotic break and murdered all his co-workers at their motel, thought they were demons etc. Others have murdered in drunk driving accidents, done carjackings, it's not very safe to do speedy drugs.

I've had several friends die from IV drug use. Hep C , blood infections which can take you out in hours.
Never ever ever get near a fucking needle unless a medical professional is using it.

When I was 27 I ran a lot and had to eat a pint of ice cream a day just to stay the same skinny weight.

When I was 33 I got a programming job and started to develop a little gut. As poster above says, you don't really know how to react, you don't realize a lifelong battle is starting unless you have a highly active job like carpentry , and even then if you drink 3-4 beers a night you might get fat.

I'll be honest and say everything has gotten worse as far as weight goes-- your body stores it more quickly and right on the front of your belly and love handles, it is VERY hard to exercise and change your diet enough to lose it with a full time job because you're tired.

Also if your job sucks sometimes the only way I could keep going was drink 1/2 - 2/3 bottle of wine at night and that causes more weight gain and reduced will to exercise.

Every five years it just gets worse due to less energy and slower metabolism. A full time desk job is very bad for you. "Sitting is the new smoking." When I was in top running shape I was really skinny, about 135 at 5'9". I know many men favor muscularity, but I felt great, light, springy, I could just go from sitting cross-legged and rotate up to a handstand without even any training for it.

I got on TRT at 53 but it was really late, I should have done it earlier.

At about 27 tried to get up to 150 with weight training and looked good then, since then I've ballooned at times to an all-fat 200, right now I am at 180 disgusting sheath of fat around midsection, I look OK between 150 and 165 and I just came back from the gym and ate chicken. Nothing but chicken and I'm not drinking. If I get down to 170 I won't look TERRIBLE, it's my first goal. Late 50's.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Is it safe to say that if one continues a weight lifting regiment well into his 30s and 40s along with a healthy diet then all of the stuff IKE posted wouldn't come true?

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Quote: (08-05-2015 04:56 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-04-2015 05:58 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

If you are born in 1991, you're still a young man, but you should stop drinking so much.

In college I drank a lot more than I do now, I'm a few years older than you. After getting out of school my drinking scaled back immensely, now I rarely get "drunk" and often when I drink have one or two drinks a night and that is it.

Trying to sleep better will help too. This is just part of growing up and not acting like a teenager who wants to get fucked up and sleep until the afternoon anymore.

You all say I'm drinking so much. 5-7 drinks/week is really that much? Coming from a culture with no restriction on alcohol and where the men drink every meal this comes a bit as a surprise to me.

What is the good drinking threshold to not fuck up your liver then?

I was more reacting to the upper end your 4-10 drink range. I was assuming basically you would get drunk two nights a week, not thinking you might have one or two drinks with a meal most days.

If you're actually having one or two drinks a day, that seems fine. If it's more like five drinks Friday and five drinks Saturday, it might be healthy to cut that back.

Either way that is not such a big deal.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

In general it's a pretty bad idea to have a steady beer-drinking habit. Alcohol in some moderation won't mess you up too badly, health-wise, but hops in beer are very estrogenic and will (over time) cause man tits and weight gain right in the gut.

Beer brewers are well aware of it, and staying too long in the business will eventually destroy any chance of getting an erection. I think the British call it Brewer's Droop.

The Germans also noticed that women who picked hops in the fields would have early periods. Not a huge surprise since a hundred grams of hops can contain up to three hundred thousand IUs of estrogen/estradiol.

It kind of blows that the German beer purity act of 1516 mandated the use of hops in beer, since beer was once almost never brewed with hops. They had all kinds of herbs and shit to brew beer with instead, like henbane pilseners and gruit, and these beers oftentimes were used for cool shit, like giving berserkers hallucinations and pagan orgy-partiers four hour hard-ons.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

By the way, what do you recommend to drink instead of beer when partying/going out ?
I heard Vodka is the least worst (less caloric, no estrogenic, easiest hangover, ...)

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Honestly, your eating sounds pretty good. Animal fats are great, just avoid mutated fats (transfatty acids, deep drying fats). They're great for hormone synthesis, skin and inner organs, and you need your energy from somewhere, so it's either fats or carbs. Animal fats and meat are just very underrated in mainstream nutritional science, because that's catered towards girls, and it usually isn't even very good for girls. It's that Mediterranean diet "paradox" of people living long and healthy lives with plenty of fats and meats that isn't really a paradox, because it's healthy in the first place. The paradox is, current nutritional science and scientists mostly suck!

Sugar and sweet pastries are a problem if you're inactive and overweight, because then they will store as fatty deposits, and besides they contain little vitamins and minerals and drain your body of nutrients in order to metabolise, but if you're working out 20 hours a week, you need something to replace all that quick energy drain. No problem unless it's too much and you don't cut down once your metabolism starts going down, or you stop working out so much. As for coffee, it's a gastric irritant, and it increases anxiety. But if your stomach is fine, it's not an issue. Everyone has an anxiety level, too little and you start trusting strangers with your cash and don't care about personal safety, too much and you have an anxiety problem. But if your anxiety level is fine, it's not an issue.

As for alcohol, we really don't know if moderate drinking is bad or not. But you should definitely not drink more.

The one thing I'd suggest doing now is trying to get proper sleep. If not, you'll age a lot faster and might develop different problems, including a weaker heart and more bodyfat. Other than that, the only future issue I see is, you're not going to have that metabolism forever, so you just need to be prepared to start eating less once it slows down. Preferably less sugary stuff. When you say fat people in their forties used to be fat in their twenties, well... I know many people who were thin as rails or ripped, muscular guys, who turned fat at 30-40. And the reasons (other than age) were drinking, being inactive and not adjusting the calorie intake to a decreasing metabolism.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Quote: (08-05-2015 07:56 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Is it safe to say that if one continues a weight lifting regiment well into his 30s and 40s along with a healthy diet then all of the stuff IKE posted wouldn't come true?

What WAS a healthy ( non fattening ) diet for me at 27 was NOT at 34 because I had a desk job instead of a student life with more time for running and less stress to tire me out. I can't really answer your question, except one thing I think I did wrong was drinking regularly , although who knows I might have been under more cardiac stress.

Now that I'm semi-retired I can still only go to gym about half my days, I'll start to feel overtrained -- aches, heavy legs-- unless I do pretty frequent rest days. There has definitely been a very clear decline from late 40s to late 50s. There's hardly anyone posting here older than 55, that should tell you something. I noticed the same thing with amateur bicycle racing-- there's like 1/8 the guys there in the over-55 class than in the 35-45 class.

But now with now alcohol and VERY little carbs I am slimming down. I eat one VERY small bowl of oatmeal OR rice a day(about 2-4 rounded tablespoons dry before cooking) , no sugary stuff, and drink about 8 oz of milk in protein shakes.

How long can my body hold up a poor lifestyle?

Quote: (08-05-2015 04:12 PM)Hades Wrote:  

In general it's a pretty bad idea to have a steady beer-drinking habit. Alcohol in some moderation won't mess you up too badly, health-wise, but hops in beer are very estrogenic and will (over time) cause man tits and weight gain right in the gut.

Ha, good thing I can't stand beer. I drink wine and cocktails but not beer when going out unless Im very tight on cash.


Honestly, your eating sounds pretty good. Animal fats are great, just avoid mutated fats (transfatty acids, deep drying fats). They're great for hormone synthesis, skin and inner organs, and you need your energy from somewhere, so it's either fats or carbs. Animal fats and meat are just very underrated in mainstream nutritional science, because that's catered towards girls, and it usually isn't even very good for girls. It's that Mediterranean diet "paradox" of people living long and healthy lives with plenty of fats and meats that isn't really a paradox, because it's healthy in the first place. The paradox is, current nutritional science and scientists mostly suck!

Sugar and sweet pastries are a problem if you're inactive and overweight, because then they will store as fatty deposits, and besides they contain little vitamins and minerals and drain your body of nutrients in order to metabolise, but if you're working out 20 hours a week, you need something to replace all that quick energy drain. No problem unless it's too much and you don't cut down once your metabolism starts going down, or you stop working out so much. As for coffee, it's a gastric irritant, and it increases anxiety. But if your stomach is fine, it's not an issue. Everyone has an anxiety level, too little and you start trusting strangers with your cash and don't care about personal safety, too much and you have an anxiety problem. But if your anxiety level is fine, it's not an issue.

As for alcohol, we really don't know if moderate drinking is bad or not. But you should definitely not drink more.

The one thing I'd suggest doing now is trying to get proper sleep. If not, you'll age a lot faster and might develop different problems, including a weaker heart and more bodyfat. Other than that, the only future issue I see is, you're not going to have that metabolism forever, so you just need to be prepared to start eating less once it slows down. Preferably less sugary stuff. When you say fat people in their forties used to be fat in their twenties, well... I know many people who were thin as rails or ripped, muscular guys, who turned fat at 30-40. And the reasons (other than age) were drinking, being inactive and not adjusting the calorie intake to a decreasing metabolism.

Thanks for the extensive breakdown.

I definitely need to get my sleep in order, been feeling pretty depleted with work + sport + sex = less sleeping. Add alcohol on top of that and yeah I'm looking at hitting the wall if I aint careful.

I plan to keep my workout habits and martial arts going in the future, Ive never really been able to live without so at least my fitness will be there.

Still I guess every man comes to his time eventually. Looking at arnold and arn"young" [Image: lol.gif] I feel pretty fatalistic

[Image: arnoldold.jpg]

This is an area where my girl does better than me. Only whole foods, no drinking, sleep at 9pm and wake up 7am. Though fucks the no drinking and vegetarian part, a man's gotta indulge his senses somehow. Bitches live an easy life.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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