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Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

so this is going to be my first time out of the United States. i been to NY, LA, and Vegas to game, but wasn't that successful. i was just wondering how the game should be played there? and i heard it's low season, so hopefully theres still some girls to game on. my friends always tell me i look filipino, so i was thinking of telling the tourists i'm a local and then telling the locals i'm from new york.

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

So you a look filipino? I am gonna imagine that puts you at a disadvantage out the gate. You can help counter this by dressing to the 9's and just overall having a blatantly diff style and look. Tell people you are from NY, LA, or Miami.

Come to think of it Boracay is more of a tourist spot you will have plenty of options imo

Good luck, and keep us posted!

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

Quote: (06-08-2011 12:36 PM)GetEm Wrote:  

so this is going to be my first time out of the United States. i been to NY, LA, and Vegas to game, but wasn't that successful. i was just wondering how the game should be played there? and i heard it's low season, so hopefully theres still some girls to game on. my friends always tell me i look filipino, so i was thinking of telling the tourists i'm a local and then telling the locals i'm from new york.

It's the Philippines it doesn't matter what you look like. Just talk to girls and then bang them. Your competition is fat 50 year old Aussie's and Euro's. The girls are very flirtatious and playful, toy with them they love it. If ur at a bar and ur not sure if the girl is a hooker, game her like a normal girl and u'll bang for free. If she is really aggressive and approaches you she's probably been in the game a long time and will want money or she is ugly. Play it cool, check out ur options and the rest will take care of itself.

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

Game is not needed in Boracay, girls will come to you. When I went,
everyone in my crew got laid basically every night. Just watch out for ladyboys.

Not sure if this applies if you look filipino.

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

During high season Boracay is filled with middle class and wealthy Phillipino tourists from Manila, Cebu, and other cities. Those girls are hard to game for foreign men because contrary to popular belief the Philippines is actually a rather conservative Catholic country. So you being Philipino-American can actually put you at an advantage in Boracay when it comes to these girls, though I think generally the pick up culture is not that big among Phils. they meet mates through friends.

Then there are the "other" Philipino girls who basically fall into two categories (1) straight up pros who want money and will be upfront about it and (2) girls who will hang out with you at night and let you fuck them in hopes of you becoming their sugar daddy. For these girls being Phil will be a disadvantage.

That basically sums up Boracay IMO.

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

Quote: (06-12-2011 04:09 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

During high season Boracay is filled with middle class and wealthy Phillipino tourists from Manila, Cebu, and other cities. Those girls are hard to game for foreign men because contrary to popular belief the Philippines is actually a rather conservative Catholic country upfront about it and (2) girls who will hang out with you at night and let you fuck them in hopes of you becoming their sugar daddy. For these girls being Phil will be a disadvantage.

I want to go to Boracay around Christmas but everybody seems to agree it's better in the low season.

So, would you recommend the low season like Naughty nomad?

I don't really see what difference it would make (in terms of easy pretty girls)?

lower prices for accomodation, more tourists from Korea or Japan?

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

When is high season?

When is low season?

More importantly, when is the best time to go?

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

Quote: (07-29-2011 03:54 AM)Lika Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2011 04:09 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

During high season Boracay is filled with middle class and wealthy Phillipino tourists from Manila, Cebu, and other cities. Those girls are hard to game for foreign men because contrary to popular belief the Philippines is actually a rather conservative Catholic country upfront about it and (2) girls who will hang out with you at night and let you fuck them in hopes of you becoming their sugar daddy. For these girls being Phil will be a disadvantage.

I want to go to Boracay around Christmas but everybody seems to agree it's better in the low season.

So, would you recommend the low season like Naughty nomad?

I don't really see what difference it would make (in terms of easy pretty girls)?

lower prices for accomodation, more tourists from Korea or Japan?

I've been in the low season too and it wasn't very good. There really weren't that many tourists at all and it rains a decent amount. The clubs and bars were basically empty. Sure it's more expensive and crowded in high season but that's by far the best time. It's crazy how many clubs/bars there are on the beach and how packed they get. You can basically start at the north end and just drink your way south through all the bars. It's pretty awesome in high season.

Btw- I'm not sure the exact dates of high season but I believe it corresponds to Catholic holidays, so X-mas and Easter are huge. I believe after April-ish it starts to rain and it becomes low season, but you should confirm this.

Headed to Boracay on the 20th...

Based on my own experience, i think it doesn't really matter how you look like because a lot of filipina are easy to hang out.

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