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Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

I want to give a shout out to any RVF college grads this year. I just graduated myself today.

UIUC represent!!!! ILLINI number 1!!!

Congrats to fellow RVFers out there who graduated also.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Good for you, congrats man. What degree did you graduate with? I still have two more years.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Now it's time to pay back your loans.....with interest.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-16-2015 01:41 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Now it's time to pay back your loans.....with interest.

Given that Midwest is a man, so can understand moderation in spending and the has the ability to deny himself want he recognises he wants, not needs, and most likely-majored in something with actual job value rather than spending $90,000 to be an expert in feminist tapdancing critiques, this should be no problem for him.

Congratulations on achieving your goal!

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-16-2015 01:41 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Now it's time to pay back your loans.....with interest.

He might want to check my posts to see how he can save some money in paying them back.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-16-2015 05:12 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2015 01:41 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Now it's time to pay back your loans.....with interest.

Given that Midwest is a man, so can understand moderation in spending and the has the ability to deny himself want he recognises he wants, not needs, and most likely-majored in something with actual job value rather than spending $90,000 to be an expert in feminist tapdancing critiques, this should be no problem for him.

Congratulations on achieving your goal!

I would say that varies per person. There are some men who buy a lot of stuff or go out every night and don't save a penny at all, especially those who haven't seen a penny in a while (I'm partly guilty of such).

Kudos to the new grads and OP!

The U of Roosh Class of 2440 has some stepping up to do.

Quote: (05-16-2015 05:42 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2015 01:41 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Now it's time to pay back your loans.....with interest.

He might want to check my posts to see how he can save some money in paying them back.

Can you link some of those posts? I tried going through your post history.

Coincidentally, I need some of those tips too. Still owe the state of Texas 4K.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

I honestly don't know myself where I posted about it, but I know I posted it. When I find the posts, I will post the link. I basically stopped paying for years, made them think I disappeared off the face of the earth, then came back years later and offered them a fraction of what I owed and they accepted it. It could wreck your credit, but I don't care about credit and never did, since I pay for everything in cash and don't have any debt (since I took care of my student loans).

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

I've been guilty of spending some of the loan money myself. Where do you guys think I get money to travel to Mexico and those other wonderful places haha.


I never read some of the posts about paying off loans but I would love to see that link you're talking about. You've always strike me as a guy who has his shit together when it comes to making money and saving money which is very admirable. I'll be keeping an eye on Mayweather from now on, I was thinking of betting on him in his last fight but Pac Man scared me, realized after the fight you were right all along. I think he has two more fights left in the tank.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-17-2015 02:16 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

I've been guilty of spending some of the loan money myself. Where do you guys think I get money to travel to Mexico and those other wonderful places haha.


I never read some of the posts about paying off loans but I would love to see that link you're talking about. You've always strike me as a guy who has his shit together when it comes to making money and saving money which is very admirable. I'll be keeping an eye on Mayweather from now on, I was thinking of betting on him in his last fight but Pac Man scared me, realized after the fight you were right all along. I think he has two more fights left in the tank.

What happened was this. My parents paid for my college. Law school was all paid for in loans, which totaled about $100,000. When I finished law school, I had a lot of money saved, the source of which I don't want to post about. I didn't work for a year after law school, for reasons which I also don't want to post about. I made timely monthly payments on my student loans for about a year and a half. I was mostly paying interest and basically the entire principal was still owed at that time. When I eventually went to work, I took the wrong job from the wrong person. I got a ton of experience there, but it was mostly because I was completely thrown in, made tons of mistakes, learned from my mistakes, and never made the same mistake again. Due to problems which that job caused me, my savings was eventually all gone and what I was making there was insufficient to make any more student loan payments, so I eventually stopped paying altogether. I didn't have a choice. After five years there, it got to the point that I had no bank account, owed basically the entire principal of my student loans, and had ten one-hundred dollar bills to my name, all of which were in my pocket. I took eight of those hundred dollar bills and rented an office with them. The other two hundred was for food and gas for a few days and I didn't have a Plan B at that point. Within forty eight hours, I had my first client come in and I never really looked back. A year after I opened, I got a big case, one which the vast majority of lawyers could only dream of their whole careers. After I settled that, I made a deal with the student loan companies, who had been trying to contact me for years with no success. They basically thought I disappeared off the face of the earth. I gave them a lump sum payment (or maybe multiple lump sum payments. I don't even remember right now), to basically forgive all of my student loan debt. My credit was wrecked, but I didn't owe anybody anything, so I couldn't have been any happier.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-17-2015 02:37 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Due to problems which that job caused me, my savings was eventually all gone and what I was making there was insufficient to make any more student loan payments, so I eventually stopped paying altogether.

Within forty eight hours, I had my first client come in and I never really looked back. A year after I opened, I got a big case, one which the vast majority of lawyers could only dream of their whole careers. After I settled that, I made a deal with the student loan companies, who had been trying to contact me for years with no success. They basically thought I disappeared off the face of the earth. I gave them a lump sum payment (or maybe multiple lump sum payments. I don't even remember right now), to basically forgive all of my student loan debt. My credit was wrecked, but I didn't owe anybody anything, so I couldn't have been any happier.

So it was about 6 or 7 years from the time you stopped making loan payments until you contacted them again and made the settlement offer?

Also, is your credit still wrecked? If not, how long did that take to be restored?

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-31-2015 01:07 PM)Krivo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 02:37 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Due to problems which that job caused me, my savings was eventually all gone and what I was making there was insufficient to make any more student loan payments, so I eventually stopped paying altogether.

Within forty eight hours, I had my first client come in and I never really looked back. A year after I opened, I got a big case, one which the vast majority of lawyers could only dream of their whole careers. After I settled that, I made a deal with the student loan companies, who had been trying to contact me for years with no success. They basically thought I disappeared off the face of the earth. I gave them a lump sum payment (or maybe multiple lump sum payments. I don't even remember right now), to basically forgive all of my student loan debt. My credit was wrecked, but I didn't owe anybody anything, so I couldn't have been any happier.

So it was about 6 or 7 years from the time you stopped making loan payments until you contacted them again and made the settlement offer?

Also, is your credit still wrecked? If not, how long did that take to be restored?

Yeah, I'd say it was about six or seven years from the time when I stopped paying until I got back in touch with them. I frankly have no idea how my credit presently is, but it is likely better, maybe much better, than it was when I had all the loans and other debts. I never use credit and have absolutely no inclination to do so. When I finally move away from here, I plan on renting an apartment and will need at least decent credit to do so, unless I want to pay for a year or six months upfront or something. That is about the only reason I can see that my past, present, or future credit will even be brought up. I can't stress enough how important it is to pay for things in cash and to not use a credit card unless you absolutely have to.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-31-2015 01:15 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-31-2015 01:07 PM)Krivo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 02:37 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Due to problems which that job caused me, my savings was eventually all gone and what I was making there was insufficient to make any more student loan payments, so I eventually stopped paying altogether.

Within forty eight hours, I had my first client come in and I never really looked back. A year after I opened, I got a big case, one which the vast majority of lawyers could only dream of their whole careers. After I settled that, I made a deal with the student loan companies, who had been trying to contact me for years with no success. They basically thought I disappeared off the face of the earth. I gave them a lump sum payment (or maybe multiple lump sum payments. I don't even remember right now), to basically forgive all of my student loan debt. My credit was wrecked, but I didn't owe anybody anything, so I couldn't have been any happier.

So it was about 6 or 7 years from the time you stopped making loan payments until you contacted them again and made the settlement offer?

Also, is your credit still wrecked? If not, how long did that take to be restored?

Yeah, I'd say it was about six or seven years from the time when I stopped paying until I got back in touch with them. I frankly have no idea how my credit presently is, but it is likely better, maybe much better, than it was when I had all the loans and other debts. I never use credit and have absolutely no inclination to do so. When I finally move away from here, I plan on renting an apartment and will need at least decent credit to do so, unless I want to pay for a year or six months upfront or something. That is about the only reason I can see that my past, present, or future credit will even be brought up. I can't stress enough how important it is to pay for things in cash and to not use a credit card unless you absolutely have to.

I use credit cards to earn airline miles etc, to have a record of most of my purchases, and for convenience. But I make sure to never carry a balance.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Same here, I pay it off every week.

I advocate for good credit use, like the one Krivo described.

I am against carrying a high debt burden.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

I'll second the congratulations.

College these days gets a bum rap in some quarters of the manosphere for being a bad investment. But it served me well in the job market, plus I learned a lot and had a lot of fun while I was there. And I'm still friends with a lot of my fellow students and professors.

If you want to talk bad investments for men, take the focus away from college and look ahead towards marriage. That's where you're more likely to get far less value for your money...and far more grief.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Post 9/11 GI Bill all the way baby. I'm lucky enough to have gotten into a top 20 MBA program starting this fall and the only date I'm going to take on is a few extra grand for living expenses. Compared with the 6 figure starting salary you can expect from the school in question (BASE salary, both median and mean) it shouldn't be hard to pay it off within a year or two.

Congrats RVF College Class of 2015!

Quote: (05-31-2015 07:59 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Post 9/11 GI Bill all the way baby.

Congrats to all who graduated.

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