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Energizer rituals for the morning

Energizer rituals for the morning

Hi everybody

Which rituals do you practice to start the with energy?

I see that all successful in their chosen field have some kind of ritual in the morning.

Personally,one thing that helped me incredibly a lot was to start taking cold showers just right after the alarm clock rang.

After that, a good cup of coffe felt great.

Credits to the cold showers thanks to boytoy

Which rituals do you recommend?which habits to implement in the daily life?

Energizer rituals for the morning

Sex with women.

But really, 5 minutes if hogging, 5 minute sprint, squats with dumbbells, cold shower, all good to go.

I usually save coffee for a bit later

Energizer rituals for the morning

The Zhikr - a few times round my bedroom and I'm good to go.


Energizer rituals for the morning

Quote: (04-23-2015 10:38 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

The Zhikr - a few times round my bedroom and I'm good to go.


Energizer rituals for the morning

*I set my alarm clock across the room so I have to get out of bed and walk across the room to turn it off. Since I started this I never hit the snooze button.

*Max out push ups

*50 body weight squats

*Cold splash of water on the face

Energizer rituals for the morning

Cold showers + Breakfast for champions.

Make every day count.

Energizer rituals for the morning

Get up early, have a good meal, juice, mini cold shower before going to gym, regular shower after. I try to drink a gallon of water before 2 pm, and continue as you get thirsty; this makes your skin look good all day.

Energizer rituals for the morning

Getting up in the morning is definitely a big challenge for me. I take one or two cup of coffee and for the rest of the day i'll be on green tea. But I need to give a try to those cold shower.

No ugly women, just lazy women.

Energizer rituals for the morning

A cold shower has great benefits but I haven't been able to make it a part of my routine yet. I need to get over that mental block and make it a daily ritual.

When I lived in a hotel for four months, as part of a graduate internship across the country from my home, access to a gym became difficult. I would immediately bang out 100 push ups the minute I woke up and it definitely pumped me up for the day.

Energizer rituals for the morning

30 minutes of being in a haze while I make and drink a cup of coffee. There is no way I can face a cold shower or exercise during that first half hour. Then shower, a good wetshave, yoga and 10 minutes bodyweight exercises.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Energizer rituals for the morning

Right after waking, while still lying down extend your arms and legs straight upwards and hold for thirty seconds. This increases circulation and makes you completely alert.
Source: some "how to be a spy" manual for kids I read 25 years ago.

Energizer rituals for the morning

Biking to work. It's much easier and quicker for me to get out of bed since biking to work, instead of driving.

Energizer rituals for the morning

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Energizer rituals for the morning

Did he really need to do a cold shower youtube video IN THE SHOWER?

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Energizer rituals for the morning

Can anyone recommend some good music to wake up to in the morning for an alarm?
Thanks to the miracle of modern technology I've now got the option to have pretty much any song for an alarm but it's hard to think of anything suitable.
Something along these lines is what I mean:


Energizer rituals for the morning

I start with a glass of ester and 10-20 minutes of full body stretches. Something like yoga but not quite so intensive. Once I hrt those muscles nice and stretched out I feel pretty fantastic.

So stretching then a glass of water with a shot of apple cider vinegar and coffee afterwards as I sit down on my computer yo start studying and learning.

On weekdays where I'm up at 5 am I don't bother because my job sucks and I can't wait to get off work and work on developing my skill sets

Energizer rituals for the morning

Quote: (04-23-2015 10:30 AM)Giorgioo Wrote:  

Hi everybody

Which rituals do you practice to start the with energy?

Credits to the cold showers thanks to boytoy

Cold ass showers Credits to Cr33pin

[Image: hey_over_here.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

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