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LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 04:26 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

Day 14: Shit happens

As I sat beside her friend and put my arm around her, "Hello bonita." I said, then the girl turned toward me to say Hello. Then the most awkard moment hit me. This was the same girl that I had just banged 6 hours beforehand. When she realized it was me, she gives me the "You son of a bitch" eyes because I told her that I couldn't spend the evening with her after I fucked her because I was working. Fisto and I both look at each other in shock and I motion to Fisto that we needed to take off Asap.

[Image: ohshit.gif]

Linux - you banged your way through all the hot girls in your neighborhood and have to go round 2 now. It was bound so happen sometime. There is a limit to the hot girls in the party phase in each area.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Going down on a clean and gorgeous young girl in her prime is drinking at the fountain of youth.

And some girls taste absolutely delicious.

[Image: giphy.gif]

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 02:34 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2015 12:43 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

I like the taste of pussy too. What I don't like is the herpes aftertaste that comes from eating out 5 Tinder sluts a week.

But hey, to each his own.

I am more than willing to take the risk. In thirty years time I will have bad eye sight, shitty bones and probably ED. I would rather look back and remember banging some A grade Colombian pussy than worrying about some STD that won't actually affect me too much all things considered. Plus coming from Northern America my chances are probably a lot lower if anything of contracting an STD.

There is nothing that beats the taste of a young tight fresh 18-22 year old Colombian pussy and then sliding your dick in shortly afterwards. The local mango smoothies are a close second.

In thirty years you will be in your mid 50s. As long as you take very good care of yourself and continually exercise, and have some wealth as a cushion, those are still high quality years where you can bang away on 20 something year old pussy without paying. The bad eyes and bones and such doesn't really happen until your mid 70s if you have good testosterone levels and don't abuse your body.

Just wanted to point that out. Otherwise I mostly agree. But I think STD rates are higher in Colombia than North America. I also like eating pussy, but getting herpes (no cure) is something I would really like to avoid. And yes, I'm talking about the bad kind of herpes not that cold sore bullshit, you can definitely contract the bad kind by eating pussy...all it takes is a slight shaving cut or a little open sore + some vaginal fluids and hooray.

I rarely fuck black women or poor girls (not for racism or class reasons), they both have much higher STD rates. Oh, and hookers, definitely don't want to be banging hooker pussy.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 04:26 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

Day 14: Shit happens

It took me until today to process what happened the night before. I had gotten two bangs that day and didn't really care if I got the third. Fisto and I went down to the bar so I could meet this new chick off Tinder who was also bringing one of her friends. She tells me that she is at the first table when we walk into the bar. I didn't really remember what she looked like so I figured we would sit with both of them and figure out who like who and play it that way. As we approach from behind, I decide I am going to the sit beside her friend that she brought instead of her, in order to say hello to her.

As I sat beside her friend and put my arm around her, "Hello bonita." I said, then the girl turned toward me to say Hello. Then the most awkard moment hit me. This was the same girl that I had just banged 6 hours beforehand. When she realized it was me, she gives me the "You son of a bitch" eyes because I told her that I couldn't spend the evening with her after I fucked her because I was working. Fisto and I both look at each other in shock and I motion to Fisto that we needed to take off Asap.

We excuse ourselves immediately and I throw down 4 shots of Jack Daniels. At this point Fisto is laughing at me and telling me I should go for the threesome. Afterall, the inital girl had no idea I just fucked her friend 6 hours ago. So we walk back out and I sit beside the girl I was initially suppose to meet and put my arm around her and do my normal thing. The girl I already banged was furious across the table. It was a no-go from the start.

The story only gets worse from there. But it doesn't matter. 2 hours after that event, Fisto and I smoked a cigar by the pool and Atlantic banged a girl so hard she needed pain relievers.

Shit happens.

Ummm, let me point out the obvious here. Your girl who you banged 6 hours before was not staying at home pining for you, or cooking a meal to bring you while you were working.
She was out with her friend cruising for fresh gringo dick. I'm sure that before you got there, she had already proudly bragged to her friend about the big gringo dick she had been bouncing on that day. Why not call her out?
I mean, let's be honest about what has to be going on here. When you get a couple bangs a day, do you think you are finding some chaste woman who is doing her once or twice yearly casual bang? Nah, and I don't think there are many women like that at all. I love sluts though, they make the world go round, and we understand each other.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-16-2015 10:01 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2015 08:31 PM)Coldfire Wrote:  

3. Have European features
What if you're black?

Hard to say, I haven't met any black RVF guys in Colombia and don't recall seeing any obviously foreign black men in Colombia at all but I do know that there's quite a lot of black people in Colombia, more so in certain cities (Cali, the coasts, etc.) and there are interracial couples although it doesn't seem to be as prevalent as in the US. As far as I can tell, the experience of a black person down there isn't so much about race as it is class, so if you're well dressed and in a nice night club buying bottles then you're obviously not low class. That being said, you really just don't see many black folks at the nicer restaurants in the Zona Rosa of Bogota (which doesn't have many black people, historically). Even in Cali, which is about 30% black, you don't see many in Granada or the fancier night clubs in Menga, I took a black girl to Lola's there one night with Atlantic and some friends and she was the only black person there except for security. After four months in that city I still never found any black clubs in the nicer areas, if any of you do then let me know, apparently there's in Juanchaco but that's 45 minutes outside of Cali. The reality is that down there, the white guys who look like Atlantic, Fisto and Linux get the most attention, but for those of us who don't look like that, its a good idea to improve your Spanish and step up the salsa game. If you're looking for black chicks then you're in luck as there's some real beauties down there (especially Cali), I'm sure the afro-Colombianas would be open to dating an African American guy. Again, there haven't been many reports from black RVF guys on Colombia but I'd be interested in seeing how they do, I'm sure they'd find a sweet spot down there somewhere, Colombia is the type of place that there's something for everyone as the girls don't seem to have a big laundry list of requirements for guys to meet, which is why my short ass gets laid with some quality chicas down there.
From talking to countless colombian girls over the years, there is no doubt that a good looking white guys is tops in the hierarchy, in terms of attracting girls who are looking for foreigners. A black or latino guy can do well here, but he will have to speak some spanish, and work harder, simply because the niche does not exist for us, of certain girls willing to just come over fast and fuck.
The difference in SE Asia and Peru, is that in these places you dont have to be confident, in shape, decent looking or have your shit together, as a white guy, to do well.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 02:25 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2015 07:29 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I am just finishing a 6 week stint in Cali, where I banged 14 chicks, mostly 18 to 21. It wasnt so easy for me hehe. I dont have components 1, 3 or 6, so consequently my tinder matches are relatively few and girls who I invite to my place super fast, usually put up good girl bullshit resistance.

Dude those are some very good numbers. From reading your recent posts it seems you are a little jaded with Columbia perhaps but I think you are still killing it. That is some impressive game right there. Nice work.

Yes, my numbers werent bad. But I did get jaded,because I realized that girls in Cali, have some of the qualitIes I so detest, in Ecuadorian girls. Except, that calenas are better looking and the 18 to 21 yr olds are fair game.
I am still hoping that Barranquilla or Manizales are at least 20 percent better, so I can start settling down in Colombia 4 or 5 months a year.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Are you going to be in Cali during May?

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 11:04 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Are you going to be in Cali during May?

No brother. Warsaw, Kiev and Moscow are set for the next 3 months. Will be back in Colombia in late July, probably to Barranquilla. Have fun here in Cali. You guys should do very well.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 04:28 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Just wanted to point that out. Otherwise I mostly agree. But I think STD rates are higher in Colombia than North America. I also like eating pussy, but getting herpes (no cure) is something I would really like to avoid. And yes, I'm talking about the bad kind of herpes not that cold sore bullshit, you can definitely contract the bad kind by eating pussy...all it takes is a slight shaving cut or a little open sore + some vaginal fluids and hooray.

Exactly. I literally just ate pussy like 10 minutes before logging on here, believe it or not.

But the thing was, the girl was a virgin and not some Tinder slut. Nothing wrong with banging sluts, nothing wrong with eating pussy, but they are two things I try not to mix.

I'm only licking if she's a girl I want to keep around and I've vetted her hygiene.

But I didn't mean for this to turn into some huge argument though. If guys want to stick your tongue in every random girl off the street that gave up the pussy in 5 minutes, knock yourself out.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Let's move on from the pussy eating, par favor...

I had the strangest fuck ever this morning. A girl comes over that I met off Colombian Cupid. I run my same style. 30 minutes later she is bouncing on my dick and then all of a sudden she jumps off, grabs her clothes and her phone, pops on her panties and then runs out the door half naked to the elevator, tits flapping in the air. I am sitting in the bed wondering what the fuck just happened. I don't hear from this girl for two hours and I'm pissed because I have to lay in the bed and finish myself off.

I finally get a message 2 hours later that says "I'm sorry, I was embarrassed, can I see you again?"

Something is int he drinking water in this city.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:00 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Day 16: Crazy Fuck

Let's move on from the pussy eating, par favor...

I had the strangest fuck ever this morning. A girl comes over that I met off Colombian Cupid. I run my same style. 30 minutes later she is bouncing on my dick and then all of a sudden she jumps off, grabs her clothes and her phone, pops on her panties and then runs out the door half naked to the elevator, tits flapping in the air. I am sitting in the bed wondering what the fuck just happened. I don't hear from this girl for two hours and I'm pissed because I have to lay in the bed and finish myself off.

I finally get a message 2 hours later that says "I'm sorry, I was embarrassed, can I see you again?"

Something is int he drinking water in this city.

I'll take she suddenly remembered about having to meet her husband for some reason for 200, Alex.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 11:19 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

Exactly. I literally just ate pussy like 10 minutes before logging on here, believe it or not.

But the thing was, the girl was a virgin and not some Tinder slut. Nothing wrong with banging sluts, nothing wrong with eating pussy, but they are two things I try not to mix.

I'm only licking if she's a girl I want to keep around and I've vetted her hygiene.

But I didn't mean for this to turn into some huge argument though. If guys want to stick your tongue in every random girl off the street that gave up the pussy in 5 minutes, knock yourself out.

Stop implying that every girl I am getting is some sort of ragging gringo slut. Scotian and Linux can vouch for many of my girls but a lot of them have very low notch counts and are of high quality. I have turned down plenty of girls who I was questionable about. I don't like the subtle remarks that these girls are all whores. If you want more info PM me but a lot of my girls are upper class and quite young.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

, Atlantic isn't banging any sluts.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:06 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Stop implying that every girl I am getting is some sort of ragging gringo slut. Scotian and Linux can vouch for many of my girls but a lot of them have very low notch counts and are of high quality. I have turned down plenty of girls who I was questionable about. I don't like the subtle remarks that these girls are all whores. If you want more info PM me but a lot of my girls are upper class and quite young.

That is often true - we underestimate around here the power of a masculine man with Game. Besides - many girls are not DTF all the time - they are mostly in LTRs or in cycles where they would ignore even high-value men.

Guys like LINUX can very well bang plenty of normally good girls, that happen to meet him at the right time and the right place while being horny. He may very well be one of the few "indiscretions" she had in her life.

Around here we often don't see the other side of the male world thinking that most men know and apply Game, self-improve themselves or have excellent natural perception on how to turn on women.

No - they don't - this is the Secret Society in a way and if you go to a place where you have an automatic higher value, then it is comparable to a NFL star / B-level movie star going on tinder and banging models and plenty of otherwise "good" girls who have a single-digit notch count.

Some of the girls certainly may be slutty and some may be not - but the thing is that both of them will behave slutty around the right kind of man. The Red Pill wisdom teaches us that all girls are sluts when the right kind of man coaxes out that sexual creature out of her - the difference between a slut and a "good" girl is that the "good" girl at least tries to be someone's exclusive slut and more or less keeps the notch count in check.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:00 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Day 16: Crazy Fuck

Let's move on from the pussy eating, par favor...

I had the strangest fuck ever this morning. A girl comes over that I met off Colombian Cupid. I run my same style. 30 minutes later she is bouncing on my dick and then all of a sudden she jumps off, grabs her clothes and her phone, pops on her panties and then runs out the door half naked to the elevator, tits flapping in the air. I am sitting in the bed wondering what the fuck just happened. I don't hear from this girl for two hours and I'm pissed because I have to lay in the bed and finish myself off.

I finally get a message 2 hours later that says "I'm sorry, I was embarrassed, can I see you again?"

Something is int he drinking water in this city.

You gave that hoe a orgasm that she didn't know what to do with... so she freaked out and ran.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:31 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

You gave that hoe a orgasm that she didn't know what to do with... so she freaked out and ran.

It's possible, but when I give a girl that kind of orgasm, she doesn't have the coordination to get up and do anything.

I've never met a Colombian woman who was legitimately single, I would wager most have a man in their lives in some capacity, but they don't usually feel bad about taking another man's dick, perhaps this one did.

I'm sure Linux will see her again if he wants to, but I wouldn't, I can't trust anyone who exhibits outrageously, unpredictable behavior, any chick who stops during sex and runs out the door is on a mental level I don't care to dive into -- she was embarrassed, then why did you come over bitch? If you're not ready to play, don't step on the fuckin' field.

At the end of the day, there are just too many emotionally and mentally healthy (enough) women out there who want to get piped down, I'll save my strokes for them.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:06 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Stop implying that every girl I am getting is some sort of ragging gringo slut. Scotian and Linux can vouch for many of my girls but a lot of them have very low notch counts and are of high quality. I have turned down plenty of girls who I was questionable about. I don't like the subtle remarks that these girls are all whores. If you want more info PM me but a lot of my girls are upper class and quite young.

A notch is a notch. I don't think he meant that you are only banging hookers or something.
And from all reports, it does sound like you are getting high quality young and very attractive women.
But as for their notch counts, how could you possibly know that? By asking them?
Basically, if a good looking woman (high 7 or better) is 22, and she wasn't a virgin when you nailed her, she has probably had a couple dozen dicks, which is 4 or 5 a year since 17. Women are skilled at portraying themselves as the innocent type who has had "1 or 2 serious boyfriends" but that type has likely had 20 or so dicks and not the 3 or 4 she will admit to when asked. In their mind they make all sorts of exceptions for ones that don't count for their number - I was on vacation, I was drunk, I was in love, I wasn't in love, etc etc.
A woman will never tell the truth when asked about how many men she has fucked.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Man, this thread is getting depressing. I think Atlantic and Linux have been around enough to know the reality of things.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-16-2015 08:31 PM)Coldfire Wrote:  

3. Have European features
What if you're black?

black dudes will be fine there. Just pipeline, learn some Spanish, and be read to approach.

Make friends with the guys and girls there because they will try to hook you up.

Colombia was the first real solo international trip. I would of had a lot more confidence if I went somewhere else first. Oh yeh, tinder seems like it's a big help as well.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:06 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Stop implying that every girl I am getting is some sort of ragging gringo slut. Scotian and Linux can vouch for many of my girls but a lot of them have very low notch counts and are of high quality. I have turned down plenty of girls who I was questionable about. I don't like the subtle remarks that these girls are all whores. If you want more info PM me but a lot of my girls are upper class and quite young.

Come on, man. I'm just going on what you said in the post that I replied to.

Quote: (04-16-2015 01:27 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

I don't screen heavy at all. In fact I think going sexual over messaging pushes them away. I lost a LOT of bangs in February doing just that. I can't screenshot at the moment on my phone but my chats are fast and direct. 'Nice pics'..''Do you speak English'...'What are you doing today'...'Come hang out'...'Whats your whatsapp'. That is it and the rest is sorting out logistics.

As Scotian told me... 'Clear basic sentences with no jokes or complicated words'. Leave all that for when you meet them. Be normal and basic over text. No fancy text game PUA stuff.

I push for early in the day meetups and meet them in the lobby and say lets go relax in my room. If they say they aren't comfortable then I will drink/relax in the hotel bar but this hasn't happened yet - they have all come straight up to my room. I ask if they want a drink (2 have, 1 hasn't, 1 was in the morning) and just lay down on the bed beside them and just chat.

I have used what I am going to call 'boiling a frog' escalation. Turn it up fast but with no sudden jumps ahead that spook them.
Hug and kiss on the cheek when you meet them.
Stroke their back and legs when they rest on the bed.
Kiss their neck when you get up to grab some water.
Kiss their forehead when you sit back down.
Squeeze their ribs playfully when they say something funny.
Push them back when you are making fun of them.
Kiss them properly after a few minutes.
Then kiss their neck and stomach.
Start getting into heavier kissing and towards sex. I usually give them a good massage too before and go down on them also. This gets me more hornier than letting a girl go down on me before sex.

This is all mixed in with playful banter and jokes. I go fast but I am not pushing hard. If a girl wants to leave or stop I will pull back immediately. Usually I will do a lot of this with a girl on top giving the freedom to stop easier which makes her even more comfortable. I stop every so often to change a song or show her something online.

I learned a lot in February about how these girls think and what they like. It might take guys a week or two to dial it in but once your understand the difference it is possible to get very fast lays. I have had a few quick lays elsewhere (Northern America/Europe) before but they have been very consistent down here. Plus I am not a huge guy (although I am in okay shape) and I have a fun vibe so maybe that disarms girls a bit.

This week has been a lot of online, because they don't drink in these parts till closer to the weekend, but this style of game is also working on day game girls and numbers from bars back in Bogota. Last nights girl was from a bar number a few weeks ago. I don't like relying on online game 100% but early in the week here there is not too many other options. I could go to the mall and run game but honestly I am enjoying a lazy week.

To recap:

You meet these girls online, have almost zero conversation, they come straight to your room, and give up the pussy faster than women in North America.

And these aren't sluts?

I'm not saying these chicks are fucking the whole town, but if all it takes is "Nice pics, come to my hotel" to smash, the girl is a slut. Even a lot of sluts aren't THAT easy.

I'm sure those aren't the only girls you're fucking. I am not knocking your game by any means, and I enjoy reading your posts.

But that was the date "formula" you posted. You even specifically said that none of them have been uncomfortable coming straight to your room. Even in your previous reply to me, you said nothing about turning down questionable bangs. You just said you don't care about STDs.

Quote: (04-17-2015 02:34 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2015 12:43 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

I like the taste of pussy too. What I don't like is the herpes aftertaste that comes from eating out 5 Tinder sluts a week.

But hey, to each his own.

I am more than willing to take the risk. In thirty years time I will have bad eye sight, shitty bones and probably ED. I would rather look back and remember banging some A grade Colombian pussy than worrying about some STD that won't actually affect me too much all things considered. Plus coming from Northern America my chances are probably a lot lower if anything of contracting an STD.

There is nothing that beats the taste of a young tight fresh 18-22 year old Colombian pussy and then sliding your dick in shortly afterwards. The local mango smoothies are a close second.

How are my comments a subtle jab when I already made the same comment directly to you and you embraced it?

Personally, I would not eat a girl's pussy who did what you described. That has nothing to do with your overall taste in women. It refers specifically to what you wrote in the post that I replied to. Maybe the chick is smoking hot... I'm still not doing it.

Do you, man. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. The only reason I'm expanding on my thoughts at this point is because people keep replying to me.

Quote: (04-17-2015 01:21 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

That is often true - we underestimate around here the power of a masculine man with Game. Besides - many girls are not DTF all the time - they are mostly in LTRs or in cycles where they would ignore even high-value men.

I'm not underestimating anything. "Nice pics, come over to my hotel" is not overwhelming some chick with game.

I'm sure Atlantic has good style and looks that help, I'm sure he exhibits plenty of game in other circumstances, but the situation he described sounds like a girl who was down for some dick and just needed an invitation.

The reason this has become such a big argument is because guys keep trying to extrapolate my comments into some general discussion on game, when they were referring to a detailed post on a very specific kind of situation.

If a girl from Tinder comes straight to my hotel with only a few messages and fucks me 30 minutes later, I have no desire to put my tongue on or in her vagina. Agree or disagree, I don't care, but stop trying to take my comments out of context as if I'm telling guys never to eat pussy (that is not directed specifically at you, Zel).

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Who really cares what Atlantic is tapping? What is up with you guys harping on that? He's corroborating his stories with pictures.

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]

In my book, that is cause for respect and celebration, not passive aggressive accusations.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Lol why you have to sad the happy thread 4V?

But honestly I've seen so many exceptions that I don't think you can paint it like this. You can generally tell what her deal is if you have a healthy suspicion and don't have a weak ego. Sometimes the justification for them moving fast is 'I haven't been laid in 6 months, this guy is attractive, and I don't know when I'll meet another similar level of guy, so why not'.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Y'all must learn the fake chow technique.


LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-17-2015 03:12 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

In my book, that is cause for respect and celebration, not passive aggressive accusations.

Who's being passive aggressive? I've said exactly what I wanted to say.

I have no idea why some of you are getting so bent out of shape over a simple disagreement about eating pussy, especially those of you who aren't even involved.

I'm sure Atlantic can take up for himself.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

I just want to eat pussy in peace.

[Image: PRsUjK7.gif]

Lets get this thread back on track...

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