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LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Banged an 18 year old this evening. The best moments were when she didn't speak. The girl was annoying. I heard some knocking on my door when I just got inside this girl, so I thought it was Atlantic, I yelled "busy", 20 minutes later, it happened again. I'm now pounding this girl from behind grabbing her hair, and I look back and the maid opens the door. I grab a pillow and throw it at her and yell , "Get the fuck out." She is standing there looking at my ass and this girl pressed against the wall and starts saying ."O,, Lo siento," I still don't have any idea why she came into my room at 5 pm. She was acting mad that I threw the pillow at her.

Tonight, Fisto started talking to three girls and we took them to a bar. Sure enough, here comes the third fat friend who has an issue that her cousin is outside pouting because she won't fuck him because she is on her period. I'm not lying. This girls has been fucking her cousin on a regular basis for months now and now he is outside eating a soft serve ice cream, crying like a bitch, because she wont spread her legs tonight. These girls feel the need to comfort their friend instead of going to the hotel pool with us, so we split and go home. These Barranquilla women are crazy as hell.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

this is one of the best threads I've ever seen on RVF

LINUX is it fair to assume that you look like a fitness model? I was in Colombia and fucked a decent amount of girls but that was before tinder. Nothing even close to 1 per day though ..

Your main strategy is match girls on tinder, set up dates, then escalate like crazy?

Amazing work .. I'm inspired. I've probably done a whole lot of bullshitting in Spanish when I could have just been escalating .. I have a lot to learn from you

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

^^ No offence, but that last girl has a serious v-taper going on. Thought I was looking at a naked dude there for a second. [Image: lol.gif]

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-15-2015 03:31 AM)bacan Wrote:  

LINUX is it fair to assume that you look like a fitness model?

I've assumed that his avatar is him. In which case, yes if the fitness model is the hulk in white-face [Image: smile.gif].

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Fucking your cousin isn't unheard of among the lower classes and rural folk in Colombia but hey, at least he wasn't trying to fuck a donkey!

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

I'm a normal looking guy. Nothing extraordinary. I'm meeting girls on all avenues, tinder, colombian cupid, and badoo. Also going to start day game in Cali. Life here is just like the nightclub, you can be the guy in the corner sipping his beer, trying to look cool or you can hit the dance floor and smack some ass.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-15-2015 08:00 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

I'm a normal looking guy. Nothing extraordinary. I'm meeting girls on all avenues, tinder, colombian cupid, and badoo. Also going to start day game in Cali. Life here is just like the nightclub, you can be the guy in the corner sipping his beer, trying to look cool or you can hit the dance floor and smack some ass.

If that's you in the avatar I wouldn't call you a normal looking guy.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Doesn't get any better than this. Now I'm sitting by the pool drinking some coffee. Life is good . Life is damn good. Not sure where Atlantic and Fisto are but I'm sure Atlantic is banging a 9 off Tinder and Fisto is fucking the front desk clerk.

Who knows? I have another pool date at noon and one tonight. Gonna need some more whiskey and they have free some watermelon in the lobby.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Ya I got my morning bang too.


LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Day 13 , 23 years old

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

The bodies on the girls on this page are ridiculous.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Linux...Atlantic....das it mane. You guys are killing it over there. Its also motivating to see a different approach to game. More about escalating and good presentation to get you further.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

This is just stupid fun dude.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

[quote='LINUX' pid='1000698' dateline='1429113304']
Day 13 -- 19 year old -- Two pops by 9 am.

[Image: jg75o2.jpg]

That so... Little Dark [Image: shy.gif]

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

i will say one thing Linux,,,,you are hitting a niche. Girls who want a good looking gringo with the features that go with it, aggressive, charismatic.
I do not get the reactions you get, being latino or even worse on Tinder. Just like Peru, but to a lesser degree, women dream of white guys with game. For others, it just takes more time and work, But yes, the lesson for all in Colombia .....escalate ASAP. It will never hurt you.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-15-2015 07:32 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Fucking your cousin isn't unheard of anywhere in Latin America.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-15-2015 03:42 PM)~wrIghter~ Wrote:  

Linux...Atlantic....das it mane. You guys are killing it over there. Its also motivating to see a different approach to game. More about escalating and good presentation to get you further.

What I have been using:

-Have a date where you can escalate in private or get to such a location as soon as possible. Basically get her to your room ASAP. Anything else is just holding you up.

-Daytime is better than night. Most of my fastest bangs have been between 12 and 5. Today the girl came over at 10am and I had it in by 10.15am. First time meet up. That being said there is nothing wrong with nighttime meet ups but they flake a bit more and are more likely to want to go somewhere/drink.

-Start kissing and getting physical right away. Preferably within seconds. Seems strange the first few times but it works and the girls love it. This applies to in your room and meeting up in public.

- Girls are by and large DTF. They want to come over and just fuck. A lot of it is just helping it happen in most enjoyable way possible for them.

- There are definitely some girls looking to game you for free stuff. If they start mentioning...
food -'are you hungry?' or coming at lunch/dinner time
bringing friends
suggesting places to go
suggesting the Mall
...than beware. Don't let them decide where to go and if possible bring them to a cheap nearby place if you do go for food. It just works better.

As for the rest just be confident, direct and fun. Linux is big but not huge and neither of us have model looks. I lost 10 pounds since my first day down here so the weight thing isn't a big deal but it helps a bit of course. Also One A Day is Brazilian so its not all about being white either. I think presentation, confidence and being charismatic are the big three.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

This reminds me of this thread about how I noticed how people with no Spanish in Bogota getting laid more than foreigners who did speak Spanish:

I just had another thought now that I didn't then, since I saw people banging girls who did speak English, and you guys seem to be getting girls who don't even speak English.

Since you can't even really talk, it's like the only thing you have to do is bone. They're not gonna try to tell you anything or expect you to tell them anything so what the hell? Why not bone?

I love learning foreign languages so it's my instinct to learn when I'm abroad but maybe with chicks in Latin America it's ultimately not even important...

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Got a second girl last night making yesterday my first day with two new separate bangs. 23 yr old with a very hot body. I met her in a nightclub back in February during carnival for 5 minutes and grabbed a number. I was the first guy to ever go down on her and then got the bang shortly afterwards. I ended up fucking her quite rough (and hurt her back/stomach) so I had to borrow some painkillers for her off Linux and let her stay the night.

4 girls in 4 days on the coast.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Damn yall are killing it down there. Major props.

The stories are both inspiring and arousing...

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-11-2015 08:22 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Day 9: Fucking a Model -- All day

Well gentleman, this concludes my trip to Bogota. Tomorrow I leave for Barranquilla where I will try to spend some time with Atlantic and Fisto instead of fucking all the time.

Here is the total tally,

12 fucks in 9 days
6 Anal
10 creampies
3 750ml of whiskey
15 Viagra
1 vial of test cyp.

I fucked a new girl everyday except for the one day where I choose to do my Physics lab and shut my phone off. Some days I had three women , some two. I did repeats on a few women that I enjoyed.

Here is my recommendation: If you are aggressive, good looking, self-reliant, and have a good physique, go to Bogota and have some fun. If none of those things describe you, one of those SouthEast Asian countries will be a better fit for you. The way you act, your attitude, your demeanor, your aggressiveness, how direct you are, and the way other people see you, is largely determined by the things you've experienced in your life. It can't be learned by reading. It's learned actively.

And I leave you with my final Bogota bang:

[Image: syl36h.jpg]

That's a lot of test man.

A vial = 10mL. Assuming it's pharma test, it should be 200mg/mL (UGL is most frequently 250mg/mL, although it can be anywhere from 200-400). So that's 2 grams test in 9 days, or 1.5g/week. Most I've ever gone on cycle is 1g/week. For reference, 200mg/week is the max trt dose, and 500 mg/week is a standard 1st cycle dose.

Do you take an AI (aromatase inhibitor for non gear users, its purpose is to control estrogen)?
I would have some serious bacne at that dose. For me the sweet spot is 750 for 12 weeks, with 250-500 deca thrown in.

Congrats on all the bangs, already a +1 from me.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

Quote: (04-15-2015 08:16 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Today the girl came over at 10am and I had it in by 10.15am...

Start kissing and getting physical right away. Preferably within seconds...

Girls are by and large DTF. They want to come over and just fuck. A lot of it is just helping it happen in most enjoyable way possible for them.

This is interesting stuff. I consider myself very aggressive, but that to me just means going for a bang every time I meet a girl, usually it takes a few rounds of drinks and a couple hours. Outside of a nightgame environment I've never escalated as far as fast as you on a first meetup (i.e. penetration within 15 minutes).

A couple questions:

1) I think you said most of these girls are from online. Do you screen heavy via text and your profile that you're just looking for a quick bang? That would help explain it.

2) If a girl pulls back, do you keep running scorched-earth aggressive game, or start moving slow? I usually do the latter, but maybe I'm backing off too quickly

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

I don't screen heavy at all. In fact I think going sexual over messaging pushes them away. I lost a LOT of bangs in February doing just that. I can't screenshot at the moment on my phone but my chats are fast and direct. 'Nice pics'..''Do you speak English'...'What are you doing today'...'Come hang out'...'Whats your whatsapp'. That is it and the rest is sorting out logistics.

As Scotian told me... 'Clear basic sentences with no jokes or complicated words'. Leave all that for when you meet them. Be normal and basic over text. No fancy text game PUA stuff.

I push for early in the day meetups and meet them in the lobby and say lets go relax in my room. If they say they aren't comfortable then I will drink/relax in the hotel bar but this hasn't happened yet - they have all come straight up to my room. I ask if they want a drink (2 have, 1 hasn't, 1 was in the morning) and just lay down on the bed beside them and just chat.

I have used what I am going to call 'boiling a frog' escalation. Turn it up fast but with no sudden jumps ahead that spook them.
Hug and kiss on the cheek when you meet them.
Stroke their back and legs when they rest on the bed.
Kiss their neck when you get up to grab some water.
Kiss their forehead when you sit back down.
Squeeze their ribs playfully when they say something funny.
Push them back when you are making fun of them.
Kiss them properly after a few minutes.
Then kiss their neck and stomach.
Start getting into heavier kissing and towards sex. I usually give them a good massage too before and go down on them also. This gets me more hornier than letting a girl go down on me before sex.

This is all mixed in with playful banter and jokes. I go fast but I am not pushing hard. If a girl wants to leave or stop I will pull back immediately. Usually I will do a lot of this with a girl on top giving the freedom to stop easier which makes her even more comfortable. I stop every so often to change a song or show her something online.

I learned a lot in February about how these girls think and what they like. It might take guys a week or two to dial it in but once your understand the difference it is possible to get very fast lays. I have had a few quick lays elsewhere (Northern America/Europe) before but they have been very consistent down here. Plus I am not a huge guy (although I am in okay shape) and I have a fun vibe so maybe that disarms girls a bit.

This week has been a lot of online, because they don't drink in these parts till closer to the weekend, but this style of game is also working on day game girls and numbers from bars back in Bogota. Last nights girl was from a bar number a few weeks ago. I don't like relying on online game 100% but early in the week here there is not too many other options. I could go to the mall and run game but honestly I am enjoying a lazy week.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)

VolandoVengoVolandoVoy , I didn't finish the whole vial. I definitely don't run 2 grams a week or anything close to it. I'm running 200mg week, as prescribed. Anything over 600mg is overkill for me and stable levels are more important to me right now.

LINUX Bangs Colombia -- A 90 Day Journey (NSFW)


1) I think you said most of these girls are from online. Do you screen heavy via text and your profile that you're just looking for a quick bang? That would help explain it.

2) If a girl pulls back, do you keep running scorched-earth aggressive game, or start moving slow? I usually do the latter, but maybe I'm backing off too quickly

Yeah, I am the same as Atlantic. I don't talk about anything sexual over text. Also, Atlantic and I are different. I don't talk to girls who speak English, it's a turn off for me, and like him, if I have a girl in bed who says no, I tell her to leave. I don't mess around with that stuff. It's either a yes or a no, leave, or stay. It's black and white.

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