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Academia is toxic to red pill men, and why I'm dropping my PhD program

Academia is toxic to red pill men, and why I'm dropping my PhD program

This thread is like arguing about game with a bunch of virgins.

Academia is toxic to red pill men, and why I'm dropping my PhD program

Quote: (09-26-2018 10:04 PM)spydersuit Wrote:  

This thread is like arguing about game with a bunch of virgins.

Great that you know exactly how the world revolves, my friend [Image: wink.gif]

Academia is toxic to red pill men, and why I'm dropping my PhD program

OP should probably contact Mike Adams for some advice, although Adams was already a few years on tenure track before becoming a Christian conservative and all-round pain in the ass for his employer and SJW/feminist colleagues.

Academia is toxic to red pill men, and why I'm dropping my PhD program

Quote: (09-26-2018 09:55 PM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Cobra you are missing the point. Those with graduate degrees are more represented across all c suites compared to those who don’t have graduate degrees (regardless of specialty/business).

On the first bolded point above: I think we knew that already as a general fact across ALL graduates and ALL C suites. Again, generally.

As far as the second bolded point above: You are now diluting your generalization and extrapolating that generalization itself to individual specialties and businesses, which is a logical flaw. This is the part I disagree with because it's simply untrue. To prove that it's un true I already told you which profession I'm in and what happens there. Again, PhD's and Graduate degrees are not indicators of success in terms of power or wealth in the Accounting and Finance world. They are hallmarks in the academic part of this world but again, these are not the powerful and wealthiest in this profession. This is a fact. Your generalizations do not apply there.

Again, not disagreeing with your general statement. Just pointing the logical flaw in applying that generalization to everything in the general population of educated people.

Quote: (09-26-2018 09:55 PM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Those with graduate degrees make more over a lifetime than those who don’t. This might be shocking to you, but many executives with graduate degrees are managing business units outside of their graduate specialty (completely unrelated). These are facts. PM me when you make it out of HR cosulting and into the C suite. I will send you a hooker to celebrate.

"Many" executives with graduate degrees are managing business units outside of their specialties, generally, yes but many executives in my field are not. You can't point out some facts selectively and ignore other facts unanimously.

I'm not trying to debunk your arguments from a general standpoint. I'm just pointing out that the general concept that PhDs and graduates are somehow more skilled and "red pilled" in every profession and specialty is utter nonsense.

I have made it out of Accounting with only a Bachelor's degree and now part owner of my business which is consulting. No need for a hooker. I like game.

Edit: Geez, I realized you triple posted TWICE! I know you're out to prove a point but that might be a lot. Might a suggest a brisk walk outside and a few approaches?

Also, I noticed something:
[Image: attachment.jpg40158]   
[Image: attachment.jpg40159]   

Have you literally been refreshing and viewing this thread like a thousand times???? Not even Elon Musk gets that kind of attention.

Sorry man. I had to. No hard feelings. I was waiting for a call.

Academia is toxic to red pill men, and why I'm dropping my PhD program

Haha. Ok. Lets go hit on women.

Killing the time inbetween meetings. PhDs in the accounting world and finance are rare altogether. MBAs are not. The title of the is PhDs are toxic to red pill men. That is bullshit. The tech industry is toxic to red pill men. Human Resources is toxic to red pill men. Academia doesn’t give a shit about your beliefs and tenure protects those beliefs and ideas. Just ask Jordan Peterson. A PhD can greatly empower someone that finishes it except in the humanities. That shit is worthless, but any level degree in that shit is worthless. I never made the claim that they are more red pilled. In my experience, those that have them tend to be more independent minded. Education is what you make of it. There is greater upside to a PhD, than downside, and quitting because you can’t handle some SJW bullshit is a bad reason to quit. You will encounter that BS almost everywhere, everyday, in the western world. You can potentially have more of an impact by molding and shaping all these young minds, rather than running away from the problem. Academia is a place to shape future generations of youth, and the idiotic attitude among many red pilled men that academia and education is a waste of time, is naive at best. We end out missing an opportunity to prevent the blue pilled/ SJWs from taking even greater power.

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