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Crazy ex Argy Gf

Crazy ex Argy Gf

So I broke up with my this girl cause she was super jealous and wouldn´t let me talk or associate with ANY girls. She would even become jealous of my cousins or aunts haha.

So anyways I really don´t want to see her anymore or talk to her but she insists on it but I know its just not a good idea... idk I´m still kind of sensitive to the whole break up and just want to put it behind me this is what she wrote.

OK, you are garbage of a person, I´m glad you always think of yourself first because thats the way you´re life will turn out, badly. I regret everything I felt for you and something really bad will happen to you because of the shit you are. I tried many ways to end things right, but I´ve always been wrong thinking that you had a little bit of hear and I hope you fuck lots of girls, get aids, and die. I HATE YOU.

Spanish Orginal mail under here
OK. sos una basura de persona, me alegro que siempres pienses en vos priemro porque asi te va a a ir en la vida, me arrepiento de todo lo q senti por vos y ya te va a pasar algo muy feo por sorete que sos. intenete mil modos de hacer bien las cosas, pero siemrpe estube equivocada penseando que tenias un poco de corazon ojala cojas muchas chicas y te agarre sida y te mueras TE ODIO.

Fuck I swear I´m not an asshole!!! And when we broke up she took my glasses off and took a few swings at my head that kinda hurt a bit too.... kinda crazy.

Anyways I feel better allready for sharing.

Crazy ex Argy Gf

oops I meant to put this in the Everything Else forum... can I change it?

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Dude I dated a chick like this when I was younger. I am assuming you are 19-22? You will soon realize that this is shit and she is saying these things bc SHE FEELS LIKE SHIT, and because deep down, she is unhappy, and you were probably the only thing that made her happy, and you now abandoned her like someone else did (probably father) when she was younger. So to her you are just like the bastard that took off on her. She is severly immature but with time will realize how dumb she was and how good to her you were, though you will never hear this from her.

My advice, and this is what I did, is to not talk to her at all. I mean that. She will eventually start texting you, and after a while they will be very nice, possibly sweet messages, inevitably leading to you two hanging out or doing lunch or something. As hard as it is, ignore everything. No calls, no texts, and it will not be fun or easy during the process of it.

Go out with your friends, and despite what most people say, spend some alone time. Discover who you are with out her, then you will realize the immaturaty of the relationship.

Good luck hope this helps I kinda went off on a whim but who doesnt in this forum?

Crazy ex Argy Gf

And remember, 99.7% of woman are like this, so this wont be the last time if you keep on deciding to have GF's. Best advice I could give you is never have a GF again, seriously. I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. After a couple of months of fucking the spark is gone anyways and all you will be left with is this crap where she tries harder and harder to control you until you finally give in, and then she does and wont respect you lol. Thats how life is with these maniacs if you stick around too long.

There are 3 absolute rules to a happy successful life.

2. Dont get married (or have GF's for longer than 8 weeks)
3. Get a good job or learn how to make some good money

This will leave you will endless supplies of young pussy (from girls who would eventually want to control and destroy you if you let them be your GF) and plenty of money and nice things so you can have a happy and fun life.


Crazy ex Argy Gf

ha ha
welcome to Argentina

Crazy ex Argy Gf

argentina, enough said

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Thanks Sylo and Trudat for the replies [Image: smile.gif] Yea I think thats best not answering anything. I´m slightly afraid she´ll come knocking on my door or something but I doubt it. In one of the emails she threatened that I should lock my door (i´m notorious for not locking the door to my apartment) because no one disrespects her family (implying that I disrespected her and her dad or bro are going to come over and kick my ass? I doubt it, though her bro didn´t like me much. I think she´s playing off the italian heritage she has too.)

Should I go ahead and delete her emails and texts without reading them? thats what I did with my other ex before that because I knew she would lure me back but I doubt this one would.

Oh and true dat your plan sounds good, but once I hit late 30s early 40s I´ll settle down with a hot, cool girl in her late 20´s I think. I want kids and family. Funny to think my future wife might be 12 right now haha.

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Yeah, there is only one possibility in dealing with an angry girl:


Crazy ex Argy Gf

Quote: (05-16-2011 04:04 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Yeah, there is only one possibility in dealing with an angry girl:

Yeah, its funny when a girl is screaming and talking shit and asks why you aren't saying anything [Image: banana.gif]

Crazy ex Argy Gf

argentine-italian... a good mate from the states re-joined the marines after being with one for a few years

they are bullies but as soon as they smell you are tough and no joke, they turn pussies... italian are are not that much known to be brave [Image: wink.gif]

yeah that disrespect line was pulled on me by argentines not only women almost daily

obnoxious is the other word for argentine

Crazy ex Argy Gf

So did you reply to her?

If a girl send me a message like that I would tell her - stop flirting with me. I am not going to get back with you

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Quote: (05-17-2011 03:45 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

So did you reply to her?

If a girl send me a message like that I would tell her - stop flirting with me. I am not going to get back with you

Nope I didn't reply. Don't see any point, just wasting energy I feel. Hey its the girl you met lumiere! hehe

Crazy ex Argy Gf

are you guys in bsas too?

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Quote: (05-17-2011 12:49 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Nope I didn't reply. Don't see any point, just wasting energy I feel. Hey its the girl you met lumiere! hehe

Oh THAT chick. Damn dude that was a long time ago I met you both in BA.

You been seeing her the whole time?

You can do better than that.

Best rid.

Good luck buddy.

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Yup still in BA though on the grind, not partying or going out much.

Thanks Lumiere [Image: smile.gif]

Crazy ex Argy Gf

seems we are the few in b aires. let's meet up for a couple of beers

dump her and run away

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Last night (friday) she sent me a text at 7PM

I really want to do it, I´m telling you first cause I don´t care if I seem like a slut, hehe. Do you want to meet up?

I don´t answer her cause I don´t want to start any more back and forth.

at 1 AM she sends this.

I will love you always.

I swear I didn´t even say anything since the die from aids comment lol

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Quote: (05-21-2011 04:00 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Last night (friday) she sent me a text at 7PM

I really want to do it, I´m telling you first cause I don´t care if I seem like a slut, hehe. Do you want to meet up?

I don´t answer her cause I don´t want to start any more back and forth.

at 1 AM she sends this.

I will love you always.

I swear I didn´t even say anything since the die from aids comment lol

[Image: lol.gif][Image: lol.gif][Image: lol.gif]

Have her come over and bang if you want but good god don't get sucked back into dating her, she sounds absolutely batshit crazy.

Crazy ex Argy Gf

i got a girl like her and am gonna go back to europe mid-june.... will invite her the night before i leave and bang the shit out of here

Crazy ex Argy Gf


Crazy ex Argy Gf

Give her my phonenumber

Crazy ex Argy Gf

Okay, I haven't read over all the posts on this thread, but for any guys out there that might still be following it and to the OP, please do not get involved with any girls that are psychologically unstable, it's just not worth it. Some of you may have read my story a while back in my post entitled "Psycho Chick Experience" : ...

Since then as lame as it sounds I've been slowly working my way out of a depressive funk, and seeked out some therapy for a few sessions, to "help get my mind right." Based on what I told my therapist, he felt that my ex-girl had a psychological disorder, known as "Borderline Personality Disorder." There is a lot of overlap with Bi-Polar, and 75% of people with the disorder are women, I have recently done a ton of research on BPD, and have come to realize my ex-girl was a text book example.

Basically, I am posting this to warn guys to never get involved with girls that have BPD, and obviously the vast maj. will never tell you they have this problem, or have seeked out psychological help to even know they have it. If you are dealing with a psychologically unstable women do some research on BPD, and if you think she has it, distance yourself as far as you can from her, and don't look back. Women who have this, will be highly sexual, idealize you ("you're my king, etc.), proclaim they're undying love and devotion with you, at the BEGINNING, as time wears on the Dr. Jeckyl side of their personality will come out with all the lies, obsessiveness, neediness, psychotic mood swings, paranoid delusions, etc.

I decided to copy and paste the 9 characteristics of BPD, to be clinically diagnosed a person needs to only possess 5, and they can manifest in different ways:

A person with this disorder will also often exhibit impulsive behaviors and have a majority of the following symptoms:

Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment

A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation

Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self

Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)

Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior

Emotional instability due to significant reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)

Chronic feelings of emptiness

Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)

Transient, stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms

Finally, I found a persons experience of dating someone with BPD on a plenty of fish discussion forum, it's pretty basic, but does a good job of describing what it can be like:

the woman i was with would say shes in love..never happier or more day becuase of a question i asked she flips out runs ..and ads strange men to her hotmail.........they need the reasurance of men and are very needy..they cant be alone ..i thuoght i knew her lying in bed beside her spending most days and nites together...but once theres a bit of conflict or she felt someone was getting to close to finding out her private world..she was irational and everything to her was just superficial..on the surface...she became very distant and cold.....very was like i didnt even know her....she was capable of doing anything to the warmth or was like i was a complete stranger....and 24 hours earlier we were intimite and held each other all yes run run you cant change these peole..

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