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Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

I'm considering making a big life change, quiting my job and moving to Atlanta (which is in my home state, for what its worth). Currently I live in a smaller city in the Midwest (pop. ~350k), where I had no connections prior to moving.

It seems that in my current city people tend marry young and start families, and the population of young professionals is pretty low (I'm 29 btw). After about a year here on the dating scence I'm totally burned out, decent quantity, a couple of college girls, but no decent prospects even for plates. Nothing but average girls with (generally) high demands and flakiness. I've been dating down with only one exception.

I'm trying to flesh out if this is more of a game issue on my part, or just structural limitations in my environment, such that changing my environment could pay dividends.

Now certainly the lackluster quality of American women has been widely discussed here, and I don't think moving to a bigger city will be a cure-all, but a big city has to provide more opportunity then what I have now: In a city like Atlanta its up to me to build my own boat, no complaints..

So, have any of you actually moved primarily because of a bad girl situation in your prior place of residence, and did moving to a bigger city help improve your prospects/life experience/satisfaction with women?

*Note: My current job is not incredible, stable, easy, but worth leaving for greener pastures. That said, with risk should come reflection.

Thank you,


Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

I moved from DC to Houston, and the talent down here is several notches above what you can find in DC - there is simply no comparison. Sure, there are a lot of fatties as well, but to me they are invisible because it's a city approaching 7 million metro and there are plenty of hot chicks everywhere.

Don't know about the chicks in Atlanta, but it sounds like it will be an upgrade to your dating/sex life than what you currently have. If I were you, I'd make that move the first chance you get. You won't regret it.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Do you like black women?

If so, move to Atlanta.

I had a great time there and met some amazing women.

If white women are your thing, you're looking at the wrong city my friend. Apart from Emory and Tech, you're going to be stretched at 29 years old.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Quote: (03-09-2015 10:31 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Do you like black women?

If so, move to Atlanta.

I had a great time there and met some amazing women.

If white women are your thing, you're looking at the wrong city my friend. Apart from Emory and Tech, you're going to be stretched at 29 years old.

I do like black girls, at least certain types..[Image: angel.gif]

What other cities would you suggest? I'm not stuck on ATL, though I do have friends and connections there, which make it appealing.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

For someone 29 and single:

Denver because it's healthy, safe, and easy to get laid
NYC because of partying, art museums, public transit, picnics in central park, and the overall quantity of women
Miami Beach / Ft Lauderdale for Latina women, the beach, and $200 flights to Colombia/ Peru/ Dom. Rep.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Quote: (03-10-2015 12:58 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

For someone 29 and single:

Denver because it's healthy, safe, and easy to get laid
NYC because of partying, art museums, public transit, picnics in central park, and the overall quantity of women
Miami Beach / Ft Lauderdale for Latina women, the beach, and $200 flights to Colombia/ Peru/ Dom. Rep.

Don't a lot of people call Denver "Menver" because of the bad female/male ratios for men? I've heard bad things about Denver albeit I've never visited.

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Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Quote: (03-10-2015 08:14 AM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2015 12:58 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

For someone 29 and single:

Denver because it's healthy, safe, and easy to get laid
NYC because of partying, art museums, public transit, picnics in central park, and the overall quantity of women
Miami Beach / Ft Lauderdale for Latina women, the beach, and $200 flights to Colombia/ Peru/ Dom. Rep.

Don't a lot of people call Denver "Menver" because of the bad female/male ratios for men? I've heard bad things about Denver albeit I've never visited.

Never heard that one and i live here.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Are you also considering:


I suppose you could also consider Miami, but personally I hated it there.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Well you can find out about different cities from the comfort of your own home. Consider "moving" your online dating profile to different cities and running experiments. Compare results: messages > responses > phone#s, etc.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

I don't personally know much about Atlanta game wise. Been there a few times. A lot of black people and since you said you were interested in black girls that might be good. I know some white girls from there, they seemed a bit artsy and hippie-ish. From my experience in Atlanta it seems to me that there is a lot more competition between black men. It has been awhile since I was last there but each time I have been there I have been amazed at the number of high class black men in that city. I just am not used to seeing at compared to other places I have been.

Either way, my suggestion would be a state university city. If the student population is between say 18-30k that would be good because it give you anonymity which means less social stigma on the girls. Also, with 60%+ of the female body (actually more because those are enrollment numbers usually which means there are more women than that due to all the men failing to make it past sophomore and junior year) there are a lot of chicks who have no other option than to date and fuck outside of the male student body. On top of that, if you are looking for the 22-25 year olds then having a job and generally having your shit together and having some game puts you light years ahead of many of the other guys in their age group.

I lived in Knoxville, TN for several years and the trick was to have a condo right down from "the strip" where you could easily bounce back from the bars. I lived in the Fort and all the parties and drunk people made it fucking easy to get laid. You had to either by so blue pill that you wouldn't touch a girl or actively work to stay away from the party scene to not get laid. Even so, you would probably still get laid at least once a year or so. It is really that easy. Find any state U with a big football fandom and it is crazy during game season. In the off season there are going to be keggars galore.

I knew a lot of guys older than you who worked as bartenders and in the restaurant and service industries and sold a bit of weed on the side and they were constantly getting college girls. I don't think they really had much game either, but they would still get laid once or twice a month.

To give a few examples of times I could have gotten laid if I knew about the red pill then and game.

One time I had just came back from the bars downtown and just got done walking my dog. Two drunk girls get in the elevator and one proceeds to lean over and make out with me. He friend got pissed and dragged her out of the elevator the next floor. I didn't do anything other than stand there looking kinda nervous and say hi.

Another time I came back from buying a 24 pack and two girls were drunk and saw my beer. They each flashed me for a beer and then asked where the party was, I said I didn't know....easy to lines and 50 ft of walking and they would have been in my apt....grrrh, I hate thinking about all my fucked up blue pill mistakes.

So, my advice would be to look at some small to large cities with a party state U near by and work out the logistics to make it a easy walk from where the bars and party spots are.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @ http://www.rooshvforum.network/thread-35074.html

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

I've never been impressed by Atlanta, frankly -- it's very car centric, which IMO makes it harder to date. The downtown is kind of blah... Austin is cool, but if you're not hipsterfied it's hard to find a niche - and it's kind of small coming from a big city. Dallas is probably my favorite Southern City -- but again, need a car.

If you really want options move to NYC or Chicago. That's what I'm doing.

When your in your 30s, you probably won't want to deal with the college scene as much so take that into consideration for your future move.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Quote: (03-10-2015 01:38 PM)lycosidae Wrote:  

Dallas is probably my favorite Southern City -- but again, need a car.

Also the biggest con for Houston, imho. If not for the sprawl and the national laughingstock of our public transportation system, it would be right up there with Chicago and NYC.

Another caveat with Houston is either you get a lot of smart college chicks or 30+ divorcees, but not much in between because girls down south tend to marry in their early-mid 20s. If you're in your 20s, you'll do quite well with college chicks here. If you're an older guy, chicks older than 30 will be beating down your door to get at you if you've got good game.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Yeah city makes a gigantic difference.

Anyone telling you otherwise simply doesn't care about pussy quality and ease of dating.


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Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

Representing the TX if you want quality the future is here. Austin(though on a bit of a downward slide) or Houston are your best bets. All of the guys and girls I know from Dallas that moved down here say Houston is infinitely better for things to do. Mainly because the structure of the city is even worse than Houston(hell atleast we got Midtown and Washington Avenue or if you are feeling it and want the 30% chance of approaching a lesbian on accident Montrose too).

I'll keep repping this place and telling guys to come down here. It's only getting better and from various sources the girls in Houston are getting hotter and the parties in Austin bigger(Austin will always have quality for years).

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Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

It depends on what your strengths are, if you have a lot of money, are tall, are very smart... At 29 it sounds weird but you are already old for San Francisco in my view. There's too many rich guys, spoiled girls. Youth worship is strong there.

Another thing is if you like large or medium cities, it's a personal thing, I've never liked cities much over a million.

I once did a tour around the whole West, from San Francisco ( I was aging out of liking there) down to Moab (tourist town, too small and seasonal) Denver (seemed like too many guys and provincial) Bozeman ( too small and getting expensive) and Seattle, not bad, a smart city but rainy.

I recommend such a trip, you really get a sense of if you feel comfortable and like the climate for one thing.

Other Dark horses to consider if you like medium size cities.

Sacramento-- Warm dry climate, near the Sierras and 90 minutes from SF.
Davis-- 10 miles from SacramentoSmall, clean college town with upper middle class girls who aren't fat at the huge State school
Minneapolis, might be too similar to where you are now. Blonds that aren't too bitchy.

Knowing when to fold 'em and move to a better city.

I recommend New Orleans, 7 days a week party atmosphere. Matter a fact, this coming weekend-St. Pat's Day, is one of the biggest party weekends down there. There is a different bunch a A$$ that travels down there from all over the US each weekend to let there hair down, no relationship necessary. I have found it very easy to make "friends" down there. Word of caution: the city and culture down there is centered around drinking quite heavily. Not a health conscious city. One other note, its a very easy city to get around and not very big compared to Houston/Hotlanta.

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