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What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

Ah I remember a time where the bullies thought it would be fun to bully me for being Indian. They didn't think it was as much fun when I headbutted one of them

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

I think the kid handled it pretty well. And girls and women are actually worse when it comes to bullying. They are vicious but in a psychological way. Those type of wounds never really go away and fester until someone pulls an Elliot Rodger. I would tell my kid not to give a fuck what anyone says about them. Words are wind.

Don't debate me.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

I think that making fun of someone's religion is not racism, no more than making fun of someone's politic orientations is racism... except when it comes to kids, since the little boy obviously didn't chose to wear that religious symbol that makes him stand out in a weird way (according to western standards)

As a parent, I would not put my son in this situation in the first place and force him to wear any religious symbol. For bullying as a whole, I would get him a subscription in a martial art club and tell him that what doesn't kill him will only make him stronger.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

Brian: I've met home schooled kids who weren't weirdos.

la_mode: Home schooling does not mean keeping a kid in a cupboard in a dungeon for eighteen years. For thousands of years, kids have been raised without the institutions we call schools. Mass education at a specific location is a relatively recent development for the vast majority of humanity.

Quote: (03-04-2015 10:23 PM)pheonix500000 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2015 09:59 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Whatever I might think of various religions, assimilation vs multiculturalism, etc. (I'm sure many of the regulars are aware of my positions), it's just tacky and lower class to start harassing people because of how they dress. Don't socialise with them, don't employ them, etc., but it's crass to actively give them a hard time.

I second what Roosh said about public schools. They're vicious, feral places. I always laugh when people bring up the "socialisation" argument against home schooling. Yeah, because the socialisation at public schools is so wonderful... That said, I wouldn't even limit it to public schools. I went to a private school and it was like Lord of the Flies at times, including being actively encouraged by some teachers. I think it's mass education in general, not government education specifically.

If you want a pretty jaundiced view of humanity, go and become a teacher for a few years. Glad I got out.

Hey dude can you expand on that?

what happens when you become a teacher?

You see a whole lot of interesting things. You see the feral kids, of course, and just how predatory and disruptive they are to other kids and their education. You see the parents of those kids -- usually, the sins of the children are the sins of the parents. You are also privy to a lot of things you probably weren't aware of as a student. You see just how lazy and incompetent many of your colleagues are, and how many of them have an agenda. You get to see all of the little power struggles and other petty bullshit in the staff room. Many teachers don't start that way (though many do), but get ground down over the years or learn to play the game in order to survive, which brings me to the next point. You get to see the inner workings of the administration and curriculum and what a farce those things are. The administration is probably the worst thing, actually, if you have any standards (academic or behavioural) for your students. You get to see the insane levels of resources (time, money, energy) that get expended upon education and the really, really poor returns on investment that result.

One thing that is often discussed in education circles is why teachers don't get paid more or respected more, why they don't attract more really amazing people (particularly in the fields of science and mathematics), and so on. They do, but those people leave very quickly. The attrition rate for teachers is something like 50% in the first five years. Believe me, it doesn't even necessarily have anything to do with the money. It's that the system is so irreversibly broken at this point that short of completely scrapping the whole thing, barring anyone formerly involved with it from re-entering it, and starting from scratch, nothing is going to change. All of the underlying assumptions and practices are so toxic and dysfunctional it would take something that radical to improve things.

The education system is the front line of what is wrong with society. All of the miscreants out there don't suddenly materialise at the age of eighteen. It's a process that takes ~12,000 hours to complete. Many kids come out of school barely literate and numerate (if that), and have virtually no knowledge of science, the humanities or anything else. They have few, if any, practical skills, can't speak another language, can't play a musical instrument, etc. One might very well ask what it is they do for those 12,000 hours. If we allotted the average person here the same amount of time spent upon science, history, a language, music, etc. as gets devoted to those things in school, I bet they could come away with levels of knowledge or ability orders of magnitude higher than those of the average high school graduate (let alone the dropouts). It's mind-boggling just how poor a return on investment the education system is. You'd freak out if a doctor, engineer or hedge fund manager produced such woeful results.

Furthermore, their social skills are atrocious. They can't, and don't, interact with one another in anything even remotely resembling a civilised manner in a lot of cases. Many people will say that that's how the real world is. That puts the cart before the horse. The real world, the adult world, is like that because there are now several generations of people who have been allowed to run feral as children and adolescents that that has become the dominant culture, and so what we think of as normal. A lot of people like to talk about how children are sweet and innocent and so on. Children are cruel and horrible to one another a lot of the time. Often, the education system either ignores it or actively encourages it. That's all well and good: survival of the fittest and so on. Yet you can't build an advanced, functional society on that.

People emerge from the education system acclimated (to differing degrees of success) to the broader culture people regularly complain about here. That has to tell you something. Like I said, these people don't just materialise out of nowhere at the age of eighteen. All of these nasty, narcissistic morons we constantly discuss at this forum were made. They were actively, intentionally produced. Education is not about education as people say it is. It's about knowing your place as someone else's rube. Just keep your mouth shut and your credit cards maxed. Fall on anyone who dares question the status quo like wolves. Perfect.

People go into the education profession hoping to shape young minds, impart knowledge, and all of that other nebulous stuff. Of course, some schools are better than others, but by and large, the ability to really effect change a la some Hollywood movie is so minimal or infrequent as to be statistically insignificant. Generally, at best, you're constantly putting out fires. At worst, the whole thing is Kafkaesque.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

Quote: (03-05-2015 09:28 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

Ah I remember a time where the bullies thought it would be fun to bully me for being Indian. They didn't think it was as much fun when I headbutted one of them

Exactly. The liberal sodomite degenerates preach about how violence doesnt solve anything, but it's really just the exact opposite.

Remember Casey Heynes? he pwnt his bully and became world famous for it, and has shitloads of fans. Even though his 15 minutes of fame was all the way back in 2011, I actually got in touch with him and we had a good few conversations for a while. That was back in mid 2014, but even then he told me how he was always congradulated when he walked around. He still had thousands of people talking about him each day.

And if all else fails, these bullied kids could always go cho. Those columbine creeps killed the nerds but they really reignited the discussion about bullying, and had a MASSIVE effect on schools.

Then again, zero tolerance is bullshit. I once got suspended for a week after some mexicunt fuckface soicked me. I punched back. If I didnt, I would've been called a pussy, a faggot, etc, and I would've still got suspended.

Stand up to your bullies, beat the shit out of one you can take on, fuck them up when they least expect it, and jolt away from the situation. I guarantee noone will fuck with you again in that school.

But my advice wont apply to most of us, because we're adults now. If any of you lurkers are underage b& then take our advice; stand up for yourself.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

While I think it's important to teach kids self defense, it's not always in their nature.

As I've mentioned before, I threw some punches back in the day defending a kid being bullied. And while I'm somewhat athletic and have always been in decent to good shape, I'm by no means a big guy, nor a natural fighter. Plus I always played sports and had bigger friends, so no one really messed with me.

What I think is under discussed is bullying by adults in the workplace. I've witnessed it constantly, and experienced it. Almost always its a woman. On one occasion I actually saw an old boss who was awful at an event. We got into an argument and I calmly told him we could settle it like men. He soon realized I wasn't kidding and left. Again, not because I'm intimidating, but he knew I meant it and would've kicked the everliving shit out of his old ass. With women it's more complicated, because they always cry when confronted.

My overall point is that even if it is not in someone's nature, bullying needs to be handled directly. If a kid could potentially handle it, and it would be a fair fight, then I would encourage it (just as my father did when I was a kid). I think our society has indeed become soft, not just in how it ignores young men and boys in favor of foolishly inflating young women/girls self esteem, but at times there is nothing wrong with a little fisticuffs to settle a disagreement.

But sometimes it's too much for a kid to handle, and I think it's a lot to ask for a child to 'man up' and deal with it. So my answer would be, I'd probably pull that kid from school, especially a kid that young. Fighting one bully is one thing, but if everyone is ganging up on you, I don't care if you're Bruce Lee, it's a lot to handle.

So to me it falls under the 'retreat to fight another day' category. I know that may sound like a pussy, but I think it's realistic. Perhaps this kid will grow later, or even just going to a different school would help. Either way I think it's important for boys to not only be taught to defend themselves, but to defend other boys who are physically weaker than them. If anything, they could end up working for them one day.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

One of the most blue pill institutions in America is public education. A veritable factory churning out betas. Every once in a while a 'blem' alpha will be produced but modern society and higher education will be there to neutralize the threat.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

I would have taken this kid to the boxing gym or gotten him wrestling or something years ago.

People don't tend to fuck with you so much when they know you'll beat their ass. They fuck with you even less when they know a lot of your friends will beat their ass, too.

What would you do if you were the father of this kid? (Bullying)

Quote: (03-04-2015 07:28 PM)DrewP Wrote:  

Adolescents are just plain psychopaths. When I was in middle school I recall hearing things far worse than this on a daily basis. Someone calling an Arab-looking student a "terrorist" wouldn't even ping the radar given the stuff I remember; we're talking death threats, wishing another Holocaust to Jewish students, beating up kids who seemed gay, etc. Female teachers would routinely cry over the shit they witnessed.

If you really want to see the kind of maliciousness kids take pleasure in, here's your video. They even go so far as to make fun of the fact that this lady's son committed suicide.

This is way more upsetting than the first video. These "kids" are in HS. They know better by then. The first video looks to be 5th graders (my nephews grade) so they're about 10-11.

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