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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Not brand new to game, but new to this forum. Been gaming for about 9 months. I keep running into this situation and thought someone here has similar experience.

I collected 15 numbers in the last 30 days, and 7 of these 15 girls never responded to my initial “hey angela its jagnum. how are you?” Response rates are 53%, first date percentage is closer to 15%, although a few of these girls are still TBD.

Seems the last time the topic was addressed here was 2010, http://www.rooshvforum.network/thread-3226.html and many comments suggested calling instead of texting to begin with. I’ve been using text because to quote Bang:


“With text I get a 75% reply rate (with phone, it’s closer to 66%). That may not sound significant, but over a couple years that means I’m taking out a lot more women. I prefer talking on the phone, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding.”

To dive right into the topic: when she fails to respond to your initial text and you choose to send a follow-up, WHEN do you send it and WHAT do you usually say?

I’m aware that the following are true:
  • probability of getting a date is VERY low, in my experience, no more than 5%
  • it only takes me a minute to send another text
If we meet Sunday, I usually send an initial text Tuesday. The follow-up would probably be Thursday early afternoon. Here’s some stuff I’ve sent in the past. Nothing seems more effective than the rest:
  • What’s up, poster girl? (from CliffList)
  • whats up
  • hey again angela. hows it going
  • Minus a million points
  • I know this passionate and interesting guy, you should really meet him.
Obviously the best answer: work on your game so this happens less often. I’m trying to improve myself every day, in every conversation, but its slow going and results are elusive.

I’m curious to know how guys in the community respond when she ignores your initial text.

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:02 AM)Suits Wrote:  
If you're serious about self improvement and make real effort, this forum will always have your back.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

First off, how are you getting these numbers? Daygame? Clubs? Online dating? Tinder?
These are all factors in whether or not she will be interested and for how long.

Maybe you didn't hook her enough initially.
A lot of the time it's the vibe you are giving off.
Or maybe you started strong but towards the end you "scared the cat"
Try making the conversations last longer around 15 minutes to solidly hook her.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Next her. Are you getting other numbers in the mean time? Don't let this number be your only one, otherwise you're going to become needy.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

If you did not get a response from your initial "hello" text, then the attraction may not have truly been there when you got the number (despite what your senses may be telling you at that point).
Sure, firing another text takes only a few moments and there is a possible 0.1% chance that she will magically be compelled to respond to a second unanswered text.
So whats the harm in sending that second text? Not much, really; this brings up the pride / pussy debate. I sit quite strongly in the pussy camp, but in this case I'm going to lean towards pride and simply delete the number and continue approaching more women.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 05:50 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Next her. Are you getting other numbers in the mean time? Don't let this number be your only one, otherwise you're going to become needy.

In my humble opinion, this is all that really needs to be said.

This is the shit thing about the rise and rise of texting. You really give up a measure of control; if you get no reply, there's fuck all you can do about it. Sending anything else at all will immediately reek of desperation.


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Guys we can't just next indiscriminately like it's TV commercials. Sure, don't be needy, go out and game other girls and absolutely don't let her be your only number.

But don't just "next" her. Don't give a shit whether or not you can get her out anymore, but use her as target practice. Send funny texts, restart text, spam text, have fun with it with NO outcome attachment.

Like Gio said, if everyone just gave up after 2nd try, not a lot of shit would get done.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

What I will sometimes do if put her in the "hail mary" text bin. Like, you hit her up on a sunday night with, "tonight" or some shit like that and meet up with her for drinks at a place near me if she responds. But that is a very low investment solution to a girl who has super low investment in me.

it works maybe 0.01 percent of the time, so I wouldn't bother with it unless I was super bored.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 06:14 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Guys we can't just next indiscriminately like it's TV commercials. Sure, don't be needy, go out and game other girls and absolutely don't let her be your only number.

But don't just "next" her. Don't give a shit whether or not you can get her out anymore, but use her as target practice. Send funny texts, restart text, spam text, have fun with it with NO OUTCOME ATTACHMENT.

Like Gio said, if everyone just gave up after 2nd try, not a lot of shit would get done.

I don't know. I don't see that a girl who's basically already 'next'ed you has much value as target practice.

Maybe there's a 1 in a 100 chance that you could use some gimmick to reignite some semblance of interest.
Didn't Roissy once recommend waiting a couple of weeks and then sending another text, using the wrong name for the girl? I kind of like that one. If I had to recommend any follow up text to getting ignored, it'd be that. Just

'hey stacey how are you'

See if you get a bite from her ego.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Offer her $50,000 to come to Dubai with you.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

My biggest game or lack of game regrets have been oneitis related

So much wasted time.

I think it's ok to give another it shot but be honest with yourself. If you get that feeling where you're worried and overly preoccupied about her response or lack of response I do think nexting this is a good move

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

How solid the # is depends on how good you were when you met her.

Otherwise you've got a bunch of weak leads.
- send hail mary/restarts
- put them all in a list, and send a regular restart

That's all you can do.

The lesson to be learned here is that you should stop getting phone #'s.

You can bang a girl out, having her calling out your name and shit. She can fix breakfast for you in the morning (in theory at least, lol). And when you try to hit her a up a day later, you get nothing but silence.

For us vets, things have changed. Chicks used to call you back. Used to text you back.

Chicks are getting so much attention nowadays, that you're better off
- spamming your online targets
- running one night stand stuff during night game
- only instadating during day game.

And building fame should be the next thing you start doing.


She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 06:14 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Guys we can't just next indiscriminately like it's TV commercials. Sure, don't be needy, go out and game other girls and absolutely don't let her be your only number.

But don't just "next" her. Don't give a shit whether or not you can get her out anymore, but use her as target practice. Send funny texts, restart text, spam text, have fun with it with NO outcome attachment.

Like Gio said, if everyone just gave up after 2nd try, not a lot of shit would get done.

I see what you're saying, but if she completely doesn't reply shes disrespectful. You're better off just nexting this hoe and moving on. It's not like he went out on an amazing day 1 with a chick and then she went radio silent.

She gave him a number (low investment) and then didn't reply (clearly doesn't give a fuck). She should be either nexted or put in the "mass text" pile.

There are girls out there that the OP can spend more of his time on.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

If I feel I had a solid interaction with her I'll send another text. You don't really have anything to lose.

A lot of the suggestions here are good for restarting the conversation.

Something I've noticed is that a lot of my dates never started off easy. Like

I'll text a girl after getting her number and then I'll send something which she won't respond to. I leave it for a while and a week later she responds and when I suggest drinks she obliges. It may be worth keeping girls that don't t respond to you on the back burner.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

I had this happen last week. This week I called her and she was happy to hear from me. I didn't ask why she didn't answer my text.

I don't care.

I'm the King of Beijing!

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

53% is pretty good. I give girls one chance, two if they are especially hot then I delete them from my phone.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

A 15% date rate is pretty high. It's important to tell how you're getting your numbers.

But if she hasn't responded to your text, it's likely telling you one of two things:

1. She just gave you her number to get rid of you.
2. She was attracted at the time, but something changed her mood.

You can try your restart texts but I wouldn't put too much energy into it. Then again, maybe this is part of why my text/phone game needs to improve.

Edit: While I'm here, any of you guys have tips for restarting, particularly with WhatsApp? A real hot girl I mentioned in the approach thread is on there and she's hot enough that I want to give some restart game a try.

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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

If a girl doesn't reply to my initial texts, I would send her an honest text in the second one. I managed to date the hottest girl I dated from daygame doing this. However, it's going to be low success rate because you're on the back foot.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

FUCK the bitch, find another better looking bitch , its that simple mate.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Or even better text her sister

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 05:49 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

First off, how are you getting these numbers? Daygame? Clubs? Online dating? Tinder?
These are all factors in whether or not she will be interested and for how long.

To break down those fifteen numbers, mostly day-game:
3 coffee shops (1 date, 1 reply not interested, 1 no resp)
3 grocery store (1 text but ignored offer twice to hang out, 1 reply not interested, 1 tbd)
2 bus (1 no resp, 1 put off meeting until morning she was leaving town)
2 crowded bars on sat (no resp)
1 empty bar on sunday (no resp)
1 friend's party (date)
1 dinner adjacent table (no resp)
1 waitress (tbd)
1 at a conference (tbd)

Hey guys props to everyone who took the time to write.

I'm probably going to stick with the cocky-funny line, which I inadvertently didn't include in the initial post.
  • What’s up? You’re already playing hard to get? Nice. Write me. (from linked thread in original post, originally David de Angelo)
I also like the ideas: calling out of the blue a few days later, "sending funny texts/restart texts/spam texts", a hail mary "im not too busy to swing a drink tonight", calling her the wrong name a few weeks later, send an honest text - care to elaborate what "honest text" means?

follow up question: any funny texts/spam texts/restart texts you guys have used with success?

Thanks again to all. A lot of respect for guys like Tuthmosis for taking time to contribute.

Why not invite them to Dubai ...
"hey want to go to dubai for free and get $50,000 to do so"
to see what she responds.

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:02 AM)Suits Wrote:  
If you're serious about self improvement and make real effort, this forum will always have your back.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

If you want a life where women pursue you you have to stop pursuing them. Stop the madness !

The only thing that is not pursuing is approaching.

Stop asking girls on dates. Stop asking them to get together. Again, traditional dating no longer relevant, girls just wanna hook up.


About the 6 minute mark he makes some great points

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

definitely next her but don't delete the number. if you do enough approaches and online game, you eventually end up with dozens if not hundreds of near worthless numbers. send out mass texts that make no sense. "great weather we've been having!" when its raining. "happy saint paddy's day!" when it isn't saint paddys day. shit like that.

you will get a few responses eventually, probably, but they will be things like "who is this?" then you have to have some sort of good transition game "I honest'y don't remember where we met or what you look like, we exchanged phone numbers but never went out, we can try now though"

I suggest that having a huge number of near worthless numbers can actually be of some benefit because of the mass texting.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-09-2015 06:07 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

definitely next her but don't delete the number. if you do enough approaches and online game, you eventually end up with dozens if not hundreds of near worthless numbers. send out mass texts that make no sense. "great weather we've been having!" when its raining. "happy saint paddy's day!" when it isn't saint paddys day. shit like that.

you will get a few responses eventually, probably, but they will be things like "who is this?" then you have to have some sort of good transition game "I honest'y don't remember where we met or what you look like, we exchanged phone numbers but never went out, we can try now though"

I suggest that having a huge number of near worthless numbers can actually be of some benefit because of the mass texting.

When you're starting out this can be a great way to have an abundance mindset.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

My favorite reply to "who is this?" is to say "kanye west."

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

I don't believe there is a definitive answer.
It could be a shit test to see what your next move is. This has happened a few times and the girl texts me out of the blue down the road.
Some girls may not text back if they feel you may have someone or you are a player.

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