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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

My experience in sales has taught me to 'Never let a lead die'.

As a target, elimnate her. NEXT her. Don't invest anything further.

With that being said, a follow up takes zero energy if you just send something simple. When some time has passed, do something random like send her a picture of your penis a picture with no text of you looking awesome. I once sent a picture of me and another girl and asked the textee if my 'fuck buddy was hot enough for me'. Total hail mary but she responded.

At that point in time, unless you're living in a small town or something, nothing is off limits. Use these flakes as an experiment to see what kind of vile shit that you can use to reopen them.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

In the US at least, women get so much attention nowadays, that some of them actually like to "back a guy into the corner" only to justify he is "creepy" or has reached "creeper status" once he sends a follow-up text after she hasn't replied. It makes them feel special & wanted, although they like to feign they're annoyed by it. It's how they entertain themselves. The guy (oftentimes normal cool guys with decent jobs) sent her 2 texts in a row without her replying - so he's obviously so obsessed with her and it means her value must be higher than Mt Everest.

This is most common among women in their mid/early 20s although occasionally older as well. Even the ones who seem all giddy when they meet you, ones that you knew were a lock just a few years ago - now have so many men in orbit they might not even see your text. Just think of all the the attention the average non-fat woman (whether college educated or ghetto welfare queen) gets via kik/Snapchat/Whatsapp/Skype/regular text.

Some of them have said it's like a candy store. All they have to do is pick out what they want to try at the moment.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

*bumping* a non-response text is always try-hard and desperate. I'm not saying it doesn't work, obviously people have had success doing that, but it's never NOT desperate. We live in a time of ultimate thirst among men and ultimate options for women. Two weeks ago I opened a girl on on okc and got her to text me:

Her: "Hello General Stalin, this is XXX"
Me: "Hey XXX what's up"
Her: *never responded*

WIA mentioned in another thread about approaching based on initial attraction vs. trying to build attraction. Building attraction over text is ridiculous. If a girl is not warm and accepting of you over text then trying anything more is just a waste of time in my opinion.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-11-2015 12:42 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

We live in a time of ultimate thirst among men and ultimate options for women.

Hear, hear!

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (03-04-2015 06:14 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

But don't just "next" her. Don't give a shit whether or not you can get her out anymore, but use her as target practice. Send funny texts, restart text, spam text, have fun with it with NO outcome attachment.


Nothing to lose, don't waste a chance, send ONE MORE text.

Make it count but, try something funny, mysterious or offer bribes, buy her a meal, say you have a "gift" for her, or post some soppy curious out there quote that may get through to her... think about what she was like when you chatted and try hit her hooks.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Try a restart in a few weeks even.. Might just be bad timing on her part.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Honestly, it means your interaction wasn't meaningful enough in the first place.

It all depends on the quality of the interaction. If you talk to a girl for two seconds about the tacos she's eating and get digits, there's like a 10% chance she's going to respond. Even if you're good looking. I found that if I had even a 20 - 30 minute conversation and got digits, it rarely resulted in a returned text.

The key is to take the first interaction as far as it will go. Get her to leave the initial meeting spot with you, or at least chill with you and your friends if you stay there. Tell elaborate stories and get her interested. This applies whether it's a girl you met online, or whether it's a cold approach.

If the first interaction was memorable, she'll return your texts. Hell, if they're into you, they'll drop everything they're doing and move mountains just to see you.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

I remember this stage of game. When I was going on a lot of OKCupid dates, and then randomly approaching women in bars / coffee shops, chatting them up, and asking for digits. Wondering which ones would text me back, if my game was on point, etc.

At some point, you'll bang enough girls and come to a few realizations. Or at least I did. Some random thoughts...

1. There is no logical rhyme and reason to women. It's almost entirely emotion based. They have no master plan, other than to meet a guy they feel a "spark" for.

2. "Game" is simply a way to understand and interact with women - being whose actions are dictated by emotion and not logic. Creating that "spark" is a matter of appealing to emotion rather than logic.

3. Once you understand this, women are relatively predictable. There is no deeper meaning in their texts or thoughts. They don't have some master plan for you. They're simply playing it by ear, going from one emotion to the next.

4. What women truly desire, even though feminism claims otherwise, is to be led. They are a giant ball of emotion, swaying from one direction to the next. What they want is a man who is a steadfast bullwark against this, who can withstand their emotions and lead them. A man who doesn't give into their emotions, who doesn't chase her when she starts acting dramatic, and who doesn't have the need to send a gay text like "Hi Suzie! I really enjoyed our date last night. I can't WAIT to see you again! [Image: smile.gif] ).

5. The point - women want a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. Sitting around wondering why she didn't text you back is feminine. Sending her a text like "Hey, I have a gift for you!" is feminine. Thinking that her brain operates on any sort of logic when it comes to matters of sex is feminine.

You want to get more texts returned? Go to the gym and get big. Start a business and make some money. Go read a book about Sparta and their society. Become a man who truly does not give a fuck if they return your texts, and you'll find you're a guy who a lot of girls are texting.

I can't remember the last time I've cared about whether a girl responded to a text message.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Oh, I've had better luck calling dead numbers than texting. Especially if it's been longer than a year and you have no idea who the girl is, what she looks like or how you met her. Just break down and start calling some of the girls to get them out for drinks. If you have a hundred dead numbers, and you call ALL of them, you are bound to get a few bites, the girls will sometimes just be curious because they have no idea who you are either.

The line I used, maybe it is a bad one, is that I just broke up with a long term relationship, that is why I had not contacted them sooner, and had her number in my phone and couldn't remember who she was, so I wanted to call to get her out. Facetime can work as well, but I've found that I almost always have to text them first to get them on facetime, they won't go on facetime with me unless they actually have some idea who I am.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (10-12-2015 04:04 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

The line I used, maybe it is a bad one, is that I just broke up with a long term relationship, that is why I had not contacted them sooner

I use something similar to that. One other thing I do is tell them I broke up with my girlfriend not sure if I'm still with her have been having arguments. I had one girl tell me "that's fine focus on your girlfriend". Then out of the blue calling me at 1am for a booty (fuck) call a week later. The chase for validation out there is extraordinary.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Sometimes girls just want to test your interest to see if you will chase them, and other times they honestly forget due to all the social media garbage on their phones, and the attention they are getting everywhere else. Also a time span of 2 days can be the difference between her being happy and horny, or her being on her period, pissed off, or unhappy with something totally unrelated to you. A female's attention span and mood swings are similar to that of a child, so approach it with that mindset.

With a new girl I've just met I always send a 2nd message if she doesn't respond 24 hours after I've sent the 1st message. On average, 25% of the time, the 2nd message has done the trick to get a dialogue going and set up a date.

If no reply 3 days after the 2nd message, I delete the number.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Question - what if the girl is in your social circle?

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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

To the OP, your first text wasn't very good. Are you trying to get in her pants, or are you trying to be her friend? If it sounds like a thirsty beta text (it's boring at best), you can't expect to get a response. Your solution is not to figure out what to do when she doesn't respond to a crappy first text, it's to find a better first text. As others have mentioned, the interaction before then is crucial, but even with a great interaction, a weak first text is going to get a weak response, or worse, no response.

Quote: (10-12-2015 10:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Question - what if the girl is in your social circle?

What's that matter? Is your social circle so weak that you think the way you interact with a girl in your social circle should be hugely different from any other girl, you should work on your social circle.

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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (10-12-2015 10:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Question - what if the girl is in your social circle?

I try never to go after girls that I work with, or friends of friends. Everything becomes public and you can't have the flexibility to do as you please.

That said, if she is in your social circle she should be at least replying to your texts. If she isn't, what kind of a social circle is it ?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

My initial reaction is always this girl was digging me, can't be she's not responding, maybe she didn't get it. Honestly though the worst thing you can do imho is follow up. Don't respond and wait for her to, if she doesn't she doesn't but if you send a follow up it's all over anyway.

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

Quote: (10-13-2015 04:29 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 10:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Question - what if the girl is in your social circle?

I try never to go after girls that I work with, or friends of friends. Everything becomes public and you can't have the flexibility to do as you please.

That said, if she is in your social circle she should be at least replying to your texts. If she isn't, what kind of a social circle is it ?

Not in my social circle, but she is at a place I frequent alot.

Me thinks it was to see if I was going to chase, which i did not. Now she is looking at me like i did her something wrong.

I agree with Jamaicabound - I only give one chance. Let some other fool fluff up her ego.

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