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Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

This is a question for my business mentor. He's in his late 40's, but still in ridiculously great shape and good looking. Picture Orlando Bloom on a bodybuilding routine. He's been riding easy lays his entire life on money, looks and the police/military niche, so I don't really trust his game. Recently, I taught him to use Tinder.

He's been seeing a tight 39 year-old blond for 3 months. According to him she's a freak in bed and also makes six-figures working at home for some finance corporation. I've met her in person to confirm her appearance and wealth. He called me two nights ago, and said that they just came back from the Bahamas. She paid over $5000 for the entire trip, but then she dragged him to a jewelry shop and wedding seamstress when they got back. Obviously, she's pressuring him to put a diamond on, and pulled the classic, " I'm the best thing that ever happened to you." cliche. He wants to propose and make me a best man.

This is the Good Girl/Bad Girl list:

- Married for 17 years. Two kids that appear to be raised traditionally. According to her, she divorced because the husband cheated on her. Make whatever you want of that accusation.
- Former UCLA cheerleader.
- Abnormally high sex-drive. According to my mentor, she can go up to 4 times a day.
- Clingy. Often calls to check up.
- Finance/Management Job: Possible ball-buster.
- All her Facebook friends are married. She the only single girl in her social group.
- Extravagant lifestyle demands.
- Whenever she hosts, my mentor reports that he feels uncomfortable once he enters her house. Instinct says she's cheating.

- She pays for everything, and pampers him like a sweet housewife.
- Mentor has confirmed with reverend that she's been dedicated to her church for 23 years. Pays her tithes frequently, and they have skipped multiple dates together to go to church.
- Sweet, glowing feminine eyes... no thousand cock stare.
- Well-kept lifestyle, body, hair and no tattoos.

My advice was the following:
Listen to the balls. My speculation is that the reason he feels uncomfortable at her place is because if she's been hosting other men, he can sense it. All the leftover sweat and pheromones from another man trigger a subconscious signal to him and makes him uncomfortable. She is a high-T woman, putting up a desperate front.

Is my assessment correct? I'm asking here because there might be an age or cultural caveat I'm unaware off. When I met her in person, my instincts sensed nothing repulsive, but the incongruence suggests differently. All advice is appreciated. Thank you for reading this long list.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

She is 39.

Your mentor should import a young foreign girl under the guise of a domestic assistant and marry her if he really wants a wife. If I were to be single again at that age my main concern would be having a wife that I could trust and depend on when I got old. Having a wife that is also old isn't certainty on that front.

As nice as she may be, she's independent and old, thats no wife material. You want mutual dependence in wedlock.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (02-27-2015 03:48 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

She is 39.

Your mentor should import a young foreign girl under the guise of a domestic assistant and marry her if he really wants a wife. If I were to be single again at that age my main concern would be having a wife that I could trust and depend on when I got old. Having a wife that is also old isn't certainty on that front.

As nice as she may be, she's independent and old, thats no wife material. You want mutual dependence in wedlock.

[Image: 1253885876_suicide.gif]

I agree - he can do a lot better.

The biggest red flags:

+ 39 and divorced - who cares if he cheated on her, that's no reason to blow up a marriage in my opinion - I know women who stayed by their men and they re-invigorated their bond - likely he was too Beta for her or she made his life miserable

+ Gold/silver digger - you can rest assured that he will pay much more as soon as they are married

+ pressure to get married no surprise - she knows that she will hit the wall with a vengeance soon

+ Bad feeling about this - his intuition is likely correct coupled with her high sex drive. She must have gone wild at least after the divorce - if not even while they dated.

+ Church going does not mean jack-shit now. Churches are teaching mostly feminism light - sometimes even extolling the virtues of "casual dating". That does not mean much now.

+ 39 with him being in excellent shape and 49:

Let's see - for a long term relationship with some good provisioning and being in shape he should be getting:

[Image: smv_curve1.jpg]

So 30-33 for a girl who wants to settle down with a man with money is not impossible.

That said - if she were a perfect angel with no red flags, then I would say - fine go for it - you may still love and cherish her in 30 years, but with all the red flags?!

[Image: jordan-belfort-absolutely-not-the-wolf-o...street.gif]

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

She busted a marriage with kids because he appearently cheated. Who will pay for those kids?

If they are grown, it may be good, but otherwise, he should like Dr Howard said and import a foreign bride. They are often better anyway. At 49 years old, it will be hard to get a USAian girl with a high SMV, unless he's willing to put buttloads of money.

Pressure to get married is often a VERY bad sign that something is waiting for them down the road. Proceed with caution.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Thanks for the answers.

He never intended to re-marry at all, this girl was a Tinder catch. I think she's just riding him so well that he's being blinded from his other options. Either way, right now he's leaning towards the diamond.

He's already been married and divorced too. He has a 23 year-old son, 21 year-old daughter and 13 year-old son. I'm assuming that raises his SMV right, because it's the "wedding ring and kids" effect.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

She was on Tinder. Enough said.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

The $5000 for the Bahamas trip seems like a loss leader to me. The intense sex sounds like the dance of Salome but this time, it won't be John the Baptist's head on a platter but your friend's balls and wallet. The diamond ring is only the beginning of the Returns of Investment.

I doubt that I would want intense sex four times per day when I am nearly 50. This means that the risk of living with a seething, spurned woman is very high for your friend.

As mentioned above, would you marry and put all your wealth on the table as surety for a tinder woman?

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Show these charts to your friend. He sounds like he is 'a leading man' within his social circles.

Leading Men Age, But Their Love Interests Don’t


Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (03-01-2015 03:16 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Show these charts to your friend. He sounds like he is 'a leading man' within his social circles.

Leading Men Age, But Their Love Interests Don’t


Actually those SMV charts perfectly apply for men like in the example. Some have attacked Rollo's chart when only focused on raw sexual attraction - then yes - the peaks for both ages are younger. But if you combine Beta Bucks - career, education, emotional stability, readiness for family and marriage - then 36/37 is the peak for most men - regardless whether you have a meaningful career or not. The 36yo will be much more a combined AlphaFucksBetaBucks candidate than the 27yo version. With women their marriage value does not rise with age - there are no added benefits beyond 23.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

The thing is that when a woman REALLY has her eyes set on a man, she will go to ANY extent to please him. Then, once she has gotten what she has wanted things start going downhill. The question to ponder over is - why does she want the ring when she's already been married once? It's not like she's in her early 20's and wants to fulfill that fantasy of walking down the aisle and throwing that bouquet of flowers that she has been sold ever since she was a little girl.

If your mentor is really into her and if marriage is what he really wants then perhaps the best advice you can give him is to start with cohabitation first and then re-evaluate the whole the whole situation after 1 year. At any rate, a 49 year old and a 39 year old, who have already been married and who make 6 figures, are mature enough to understand that a piece of paper and a piece of rock doesn't make any difference to the overall quality of their relationship.

Also, you mentioned he has been seeing her for 3 months? Unless that was a typo, he has to be really out of his mind to even consider marriage.

Game is a necessary evil

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

I think he needs to eject ASAP.

I hope you are able to help him.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

nothing wrong with keeping her around as a sex partner. but thats about where it ends.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Thanks for the answers. I'll try to drop the age curve on him without dropping too much red-pill or being too intrusive. He still sees her as an angel a bit. Is it too late to send him to Roissy archives or Roosh? Keep the verdicts coming in...

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (03-01-2015 09:44 AM)haywire Wrote:  

The thing is that when a woman REALLY has her eyes set on a man, she will go to ANY extent to please him.

Folks gonna miss this even though it's the first line.


Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (03-03-2015 01:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2015 09:44 AM)haywire Wrote:  

The thing is that when a woman REALLY has her eyes set on a man, she will go to ANY extent to please him.

Folks gonna miss this even though it's the first line.


I'm glad you liked that, WIA.

I would further elaborate on that by saying that it's actually very easy for women to game men - just keep acting nice and keep giving the man what he really likes and he will stay happy forever. It's a linear road, as men being logical and rational thinkers fall for that easily - which man wouldn't like a woman who keeps on giving him what he likes? And as we all know same is not the case with women, hence that stereotype of nice guys ending up last.

You gotta ask your buddy - what qualitative difference would a wedding make to this relationship? If it's about living together then they can do that anyway, and infact that's exactly what they should be doing. That way the woman gets what she wants(unless she has the ulterior motive of tying down a man through wedding), and the man also gets to evaluate the whole scenario.

Now, I wouldn't like to act all cynical and doubt the whole thing - she really might be rare and exceptional and if love/relationship is what your buddy wants then more power to him. But 3 months is really a very short time to know someone enough to make such a huge commitment. And he wouldn't like to end up in a divorce drama at his age all because of a hasty decision, would he?

Game is a necessary evil

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (03-03-2015 03:50 PM)haywire Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2015 01:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2015 09:44 AM)haywire Wrote:  

The thing is that when a woman REALLY has her eyes set on a man, she will go to ANY extent to please him.

Folks gonna miss this even though it's the first line.


I'm glad you liked that, WIA.

I would further elaborate on that by saying that it's actually very easy for women to game men - just keep acting nice and keep giving the man what he really likes and he will stay happy forever. It's a linear road, as men being logical and rational thinkers fall for that easily - which man wouldn't like a woman who keeps on giving him what he likes? And as we all know same is not the case with women, hence that stereotype of nice guys ending up last.

I'll do you one better.

She needs to act nice, give him what he wants... for a time.
Then she can ease up on the frequency, up unto the point where she only has to promise and not ever deliver. After a while, the man learns not to even ask. Yet he continues to do her bidding.

Most guys minds will immediately jump to sex.

But if you've been in an LTR, sex is just the tip of the iceberg.


Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (03-03-2015 03:50 PM)haywire Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2015 01:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2015 09:44 AM)haywire Wrote:  

The thing is that when a woman REALLY has her eyes set on a man, she will go to ANY extent to please him.

Folks gonna miss this even though it's the first line.


I'm glad you liked that, WIA.

I would further elaborate on that by saying that it's actually very easy for women to game men - just keep acting nice and keep giving the man what he really likes and he will stay happy forever. It's a linear road, as men being logical and rational thinkers fall for that easily - which man wouldn't like a woman who keeps on giving him what he likes? And as we all know same is not the case with women, hence that stereotype of nice guys ending up last.

This is true to an extent but I think that once a man realizes that "the one" is a myth girls will have a lot harder time gaming him. Once you learn the truth some women will never be able to give you enough to make you stay.

I banged out this chick from a group that I am a leader of on a few different occasions last year and she fell hard. I backed out before she got hooked hard because she was a good chick compared to most and I didn't want to fuck her shit up but it was too late.

My roommate ran into her at the bar a while back and apparently she told him, "I just don't understand. I gave him everything." She wasn't lying either. She gave me as much as a girl could give. She was buying me bottles of top shelf liquor, making me dinners, and giving me sex whenever I wanted.

What is the lesson here?

A woman can give a man everything he wants, but that doesn't mean she will ever be everything that he wants.

Any average joe would have locked this chick down in a heartbeat. This girl was one of those getting hundreds of likes on retarded instagram pics from betas fawning all over her, she was in the top sorority, etc.

Still, her nose bugged me. I didn't really like her voice. I didn't like the way she dressed. I could go on and on.

If you tell this guy anything explain to him that there is no true love. That should set him free in my opinion.

Knowing that there is no one true love has helped me turn away a lot of girls who seemed good on the surface.

Even if this chick is legitimate who cares? It is better to lose a girl who seems great that to risk being stuck with a rotten one.

Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

Quote: (03-03-2015 04:49 PM)General Mayhem Wrote:  

A woman can give a man everything he wants, but that doesn't mean she will ever be everything that he wants.

Quote: (03-03-2015 04:49 PM)General Mayhem Wrote:  

Knowing that there is no one true love has helped me turn away a lot of girls who seemed good on the surface.

Even if this chick is legitimate who cares? It is better to lose a girl who seems great that to risk being stuck with a rotten one.

Y'all are killing it today.


Good Girl/Bad Girl Duality for Older Women

All these quotes make me realize like I have always had a deep feeling about that you need to mow through chicks quickly and only go after ones that cross your looks barrier if you want to end up keeping one around.

For how rare a girl that fits your life is even wasting 3 months with a fuck buddy that doesn't cut the mustard is a huge loss on time improving on all fronts or going after girls that do cross the line.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

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