Quote:rudebwoy Wrote:
Do you know how CR compares with Poland, as far as guys dating up or down is concerned?
I think you are missing the point.
Whether the local guys date up or down, has no bearing on you.
You should be more concerned about your "foreign status" and how you will be percieved.
The question the OP raises is legitimate.
But dating "up" or "down" is not an exact science - in most countries if you glanced at couples, the woman would be the "better looking" of the two because her attributes displayed to the opposite sex are concentrated within the domain of aesthetics indicating fitness to bear and raise children. Men do have pure genetic fitness as attributes (genetically handsome, height, muscle), but there are also many other areas where the man can make himself more sexually attractive, these things not always being obvious on first glance.
However, the post originating from Roosh known as the "busted dudes test" is a useful if incomplete metric. You can make valid conclusions from it but at the same time your own results may differ drastically for many different reasons. Even if you think you have a reliable conclusion from the BDT, rudebwoy is correct in his expression of the limitations of this crude test. But to say that it has (absolutely) "no bearing" on your results is not correct. In some places, the test can be accurate for me. In other places, it does not correlate reliably with results. For example, in the southern parts of the UK (but not London), I have seen some beautiful girls who were with desperately average boyfriends. Are they "convenience" boyfriends or are these girls really head over heels in love with them? No one knows for every couple but more of them are than aren't. Similarly I see ripped guys walking hand in hand with an average girl, or at least a girl nowhere near as pretty as the one that just walked by with her boyfriend who looked like a closet gay. I have seen hot girls hand in hand with socially castrated guys who could pass as faggots quite regularly. Is that an indicator that the dating market in the UK will be good? Obviously not, because we all know it is shit.
I saw fewer super hot girls walking with average guys in France and Germany, but got far better results there. I also got better results with hotter girls who have the better personalities.
It is not that the condition of the SMP is not extremely important, it absolutely is. It's like (IIRC) Warren Buffett said any management team of a big company can look great when the sector as a whole is doing well, but when the market conditions deteriorate, that's when the clothes come off, or something to that end...
The point being, if you're going to chase after girls, you want to get the maximum return. The question/accusation of "you can't get american/british/australian girls so you go to EE where it is easy" (or similar) has been addressed by many men who have expatriated for greener pastures (read: more favorable SMP), including Roosh himself. Yes, of course you should improve yourself, and a lot of that improvement will take place at home where you need time to prepare, but when you finally have the choice between one very bad SMP (UK, USA) and other significantly better SMPs, then while it is not a guarantee that you will succeed in whatever country/city you choose, you are stacking the deck more in your favor as opposed to scrapping for every single morsel just for survival. Take a look at what is happening to mining stocks right now: even the most stellar management will not keep these companies from either going under or losing billions and billions from their market cap. They can "improve" up to a certain maximum point, and then it is down to market factors (in this case commodity prices)... out of their control... Yes as men we must take responsibility but also not be blinded by our pride so much that we cannot admit where this or that factor is out of our control and we need to adapt accordingly.
In short, choosing the right SMP is a very important decision. Self-improvement has its limits in a very poor SMP. If there is a very, very favorable SMP (as some of us experienced in high school), super hot chicks will just naturally end up at your house, without any conscious knowledge of "game". Go out into the big wide world in 2016, the evolution of the internet, smart phones and social media obsessions, and you will find that no conscious level of game that I had in highschool gets you nothing, and even with a ton of self-improvement, I can't say I have gotten a girl hotter than I did in high school. They were prettier, more feminine both in mind and body. That is the difference.
The "busted dudes test" is just that, a quick test. It's not anywhere near a 100% foolproof way of measuring how good a certain city/country will be to you. I think, OP, you need to live in a place for a month or two, hit the pavements hard and see what you get. Out of your two choices I would not pick Austria, more expensive than CZ and I think the girls would be more feminine in CZ. However I think there are better places in EE than CZ. If you're so set on CZ though just go for it and see what happens. I was "forced" to various areas of Germany and France for work (wouldn't have gone otherwise) but I was pleasantly surprised at how much better I did with women in these western countries. Poland may have declined slightly but certain cities still might be great for us. We never know until we try.