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Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend


I'm doing a short term volunteer project for my work in either Romania or Bulgaria, close to the capitals late March. I'll have 4 days (Thursday - Sunday) off and contemplating which city to pick.

So far, my EE / FSU experience is limited to 2 weekend trips to Warsaw (both successful).

Relevant background information:
- Good looking.
- Do not speak any EE language (fluent in English, German and French though).
- Money is not an issue.
- Two friends may fly over for the weekend, otherwise I'll be solo.
- Not looking for paid sex (but I don't have issues with golddiggers).

I realize there is a lot of information available for both cities, but a lot seems outdated and contradictory.

Thanks a lot!

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-30-2015 04:45 AM)Aaron- Wrote:  


I'm doing a short term volunteer project for my work in either Romania or Bulgaria, close to the capitals late March. I'll have 4 days (Thursday - Sunday) off and contemplating which city to pick.

So far, my EE / FSU experience is limited to 2 weekend trips to Warsaw (both successful).

Relevant background information:
- Good looking.
- Do not speak any EE language (fluent in English, German and French though).
- Money is not an issue.
- Two friends may fly over for the weekend, otherwise I'll be solo.
- Not looking for paid sex (but I don't have issues with golddiggers).

I realize there is a lot of information available for both cities, but a lot seems outdated and contradictory.

Thanks a lot!

Never been to Romania but been to almost everywhere else in EE including Bulgaria and I'd think Romania is known for some very good looking girls, and for brunettes is borderline on par or just below Ukraine. Whereas having been a lot in Russia and Ukraine and then going to Bulgaria I don't see the women being as good looking. They are still better than the US/UK in Bulgaria and you'll get some wow factor but not like Russia, Ukraine and (I assume) Romania.

Several of my friends who've been to Bulgaria, Romania and Russia pretty much agree with my above assessment, as does the consensus in a few EE threads I think.

Check out the Romanian threads and also this one that compares the Bulgarian women with others from EE:

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Been on both countries many times.
Bucharest for sure is much better option.
Girls are much more attractive, more blonds and as a result the girls on 6-8 range are more open to meet. In Sofia, a 7 can think she is a goddess as there aren't many.
Also Bucharest old town- Lipscany is very nice, most of it is only for pedestrians and they are lots of bars and nightlife spots there, also good for day game, if you book a room in or near it, this would be great to do everything near. Only the upscale clubs in weekend are far and require a taxi (cheap)
Bucharest also have more things to do, shopping malls, some historical sites and more.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend


shopping malls, some historical sites and more.

Which shopping malls and historical sites did you have in mind that can be recommended?


Only the upscale clubs in weekend are far and require a taxi (cheap)

What nightlife areas are there apart from Lipscani?

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Bucharest. Good luck getting an ons in Sofia it's damn near impossible.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Apparently it's trendy these days people to assume that a country known as romano-bulgaria exists, I swear back in the days bulgaria was always linked to russia and not romani but...I guess "fashion" (and natural borders...) change over time.

So anyway:

Romania is better, they also use the latin alphabet and speak english better.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Bucharest seems the preferred choice, thanks.

Looking at Wikitravel, I notice that Bucharest has an extensive paragraph on 'Stay Safe'. The sentence Trying to pick-up/chat-up a local girl whether in a public place or a bar/club is a sure way to get into trouble struck me as odd, especially since Wikitravel is generally pretty mild on safety warnings. Can you guys relate to this warning?

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-30-2015 11:27 AM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

Bucharest. Good luck getting an ons in Sofia it's damn near impossible.

I did it.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

^^That's pretty damn impressive without p4p. My European friends struggle with Bulgarian girls quite a bit. I do especially well in Varna but Sofia it's always a mixed bag.

I'd still recommend Bucharest.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-30-2015 03:37 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

^^That's pretty damn impressive without p4p. My European friends struggle with Bulgarian girls quite a bit. I do especially well in Varna but Sofia it's always a mixed bag.

I'd still recommend Bucharest.

Varna = Russian, English, German girls (during the Summer of course).
Sofia = 99% Bulgarian and 1% Turkish.

I am not shocked your friends struggle with Bulgarian girls though. Personally, I still consider them hotter than the "Russian world"(Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian) but also they aren't as hot as many of them think they are + their attitude sucks most of the time.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-31-2015 01:13 AM)bacardi123 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2015 03:37 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

^^That's pretty damn impressive without p4p. My European friends struggle with Bulgarian girls quite a bit. I do especially well in Varna but Sofia it's always a mixed bag.

I'd still recommend Bucharest.

Varna = Russian, English, German girls (during the Summer of course).
Sofia = 99% Bulgarian and 1% Turkish.

I am not shocked your friends struggle with Bulgarian girls though. Personally, I still consider them hotter than the "Russian world"(Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian) but also they aren't as hot as many of them think they are + their attitude sucks most of the time.

Don't want to go off-tangent but that is one big statement you're making my friend (and one that I and I think 99% of the forum would disagree with). I did see some stunners in Sofia but it was nothing like the daily fare you'd get in Moscow or Kiev.

So where did you see all these top-tier girls in Bulgaria? At the Black Sea beach resorts?

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-30-2015 10:37 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  


shopping malls, some historical sites and more.

Which shopping malls and historical sites did you have in mind that can be recommended?


Only the upscale clubs in weekend are far and require a taxi (cheap)

What nightlife areas are there apart from Lipscani?

For the malls and sites just use Trip Advisor, all info there.

I am not aware of another nightlife area with many bars/clubs in walking distance other than lipscani.
There are upscale clubs mainly in the north of the city, each in different location, I prefer Lipscani by far as it is much more fun and down to earth girls while in the clubs its more show off and attitude girls.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-31-2015 03:40 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2015 01:13 AM)bacardi123 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2015 03:37 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

^^That's pretty damn impressive without p4p. My European friends struggle with Bulgarian girls quite a bit. I do especially well in Varna but Sofia it's always a mixed bag.

I'd still recommend Bucharest.

Varna = Russian, English, German girls (during the Summer of course).
Sofia = 99% Bulgarian and 1% Turkish.

I am not shocked your friends struggle with Bulgarian girls though. Personally, I still consider them hotter than the "Russian world"(Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian) but also they aren't as hot as many of them think they are + their attitude sucks most of the time.

Don't want to go off-tangent but that is one big statement you're making my friend (and one that I and I think 99% of the forum would disagree with). I did see some stunners in Sofia but it was nothing like the daily fare you'd get in Moscow or Kiev.

So where did you see all these top-tier girls in Bulgaria? At the Black Sea beach resorts?

I knew some people here will go the Spanish-inquisition way when I express an even slightly negative opinion about the Russian girls [Image: confused.gif]. How about:
It's just a matter of personal opinion? Like Roosh here mentioned once when I "degraded" Russian girls.

As to the question: Everywhere. Obviously clubs have higher concentration of talent but the streets of downtown Sofia aren't bad either. Clubs like "Chervilo", "Biad", "Escape" in Sofia may have some.

With all that being mentioned, I'd say many Bulgarian girls have a bit of 'xenophobia' in them. That is: They will date a guy only if he is from: Germany, Italy, Spain or probably America(just probably). Everyone else: never heard/seen it. Sure some of them are dating other bulgarians, but it's more of a lack-of-choice situation then what they really want to.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Thanks much. I'll be posting a data sheet upon return.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Most of the hot girls on the bulgarian black sea resorts are actually bulgarian. The scandinavian and russian tourists are honestly not that great looking and often fat. Bulgaria is perhaps the only place I've seen russian females without any make up and I'd be lying if I say I was impressed.

Bucharest is probably the better option though, you have virtually 0 advantage if you are a foreign guy in Sofia.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-30-2015 03:37 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

^^That's pretty damn impressive without p4p.

Thanks. It was with a Bulgarian girl that I met online.

Not p4p.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

I'm a Scandinavian (not the stereotypical blonde though, I could easily enough be mistaken for a local here) who has been living quite happily in Sofia for two years now, but for a very short vacation I would probably also recommend Bucharest.
As mentioned the old town in Bucharest is a great and very compact nightlife area - Sofia's nightlife is more spread out in the center, and not as lively, and the other option are the large clubs in Studentski Grad (student town) around six kilometers from the center. Way too loud and obnoxious for me at 38, but probably the best chance of getting a SNL (something I still haven't pulled off her in Bulgaria - unless a 12 hour "first date"/weekend trip counts - although I don't do much night gaming anymore).

Plenty of very attractive girls here in Sofia as far as I'm concerned - daytime or nighttime - but not quite a match for Bucharest. As far as attitudes go I don't have enough experience with the Romanian girls for a comparison. Plenty of bitchy girls in the Sofia clubs - but that's pretty much clubbing 101, isn't it? - but elsewhere and during daytime most girls are generally fairly friendly and open. Whether they speak enough English for a conversation is hit and miss though, almost regardless of age.
As someone else mentioned, definitely no foreigner status advantage here. I often feel it's more like the opposite, at least for dating.

As far as my general opinions of the cities go, Bucharest probably makes for a slightly better sightseeing city, although frankly I'm not particularly impressed with either in that regard. Some impressive buildings and otherwise a heavy mix of old and new and ugly run down commie blocks in some of the poorest outer districts.
With only four days I imagine you won't have time to get outside the city - otherwise Sofia has a major nature attraction in the 2.1 km high Vitosha mountain right south of the city (literally in the backyard of the southern city neighbourhoods).

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (02-02-2015 02:32 PM)Lucas88 Wrote:  

Bucharest is probably the better option though, you have virtually 0 advantage if you are a foreign guy in Sofia.

What is this based on? Is the culture there particularly unfriendly to foreigners? I cant imagine there's a huge amount of expats in Sofia, so i would have presumed being foreign would at least carry some novelty, no?

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Lived short periods in both cities. Definitely Bucharest, even if I prefer the Sofia vibe.

It's also true that being foreigner is neutral or negative, very rarely an asset. It is mildly better in Bucharest. Bulgarians are surprisingly friendly if you don't fuck up the initial interaction, and their level of English is high. Bucharest is simply bigger, has more foreigners, and there's a better chance that being foreign is an asset and not a liability there.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Lots of Romanian girls in London now working in bars/pubs/clubs and i must say the quality is impressive. Though they stick to their own at the moment (hopefully that trend changes), unlike when the floodgates opened to the Polish migrants (early 2000s) and their girls jumped onto the cock carousel as soon as they walked through Heathrow Airport.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

OP here - I have made both trips now and stayed in both places for around 5 days. In my view, Bucharest indeed wins on the important aspects. See below.

Girls (attractiveness): Bucharest by far
Girls (easiness): Neither, but Bucharest has the edge
Nightclubs: Bucharest
Foreign factor: Neutral in Bucharest, negative in Sofia
Sightseeing: Neither, but Bucharest has the edge
Friendliness of guys: Bucharest
Friendliness of girls: Sofia
Cost of Living: Sofia

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Surprised to hear that being foreign is negative. I've lived and travelled throughout Central/Eastern Europe, and always found it was a positive, to varying degrees. Maybe there's a different degree of 'foreignness'. Being British, i've generally found as long as you're not acting like a Stag Party goer, girls in EE tend to be receptive. Old cultural cliches like British gentlemen, Colin Firth, James Bond, Hugh Grant etc still resonate, however outdated for the most part they are IRL. I can see how some girls wouldnt necessarily want LTR's with foreigners, but for short term or casuals i've often found they like the novelty.

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-18-2016 06:48 PM)serpico Wrote:  

Surprised to hear that being foreign is negative. I've lived and travelled throughout Central/Eastern Europe, and always found it was a positive, to varying degrees. Maybe there's a different degree of 'foreignness'. Being British, i've generally found as long as you're not acting like a Stag Party goer, girls in EE tend to be receptive. Old cultural cliches like British gentlemen, Colin Firth, James Bond, Hugh Grant etc still resonate, however outdated for the most part they are IRL. I can see how some girls wouldnt necessarily want LTR's with foreigners, but for short term or casuals i've often found they like the novelty.

I think it's country-dependent. Some foreigners have a bad reputation, and people end up stereotyping. I heard, for example, that in Romania they aren't too fond of Russians, and the British, but love Americans and Canadians. Just how it goes I guess!

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Bucharest is way better than Sofia IMO, Sofia up their with my least favourite European capitals

Bucharest v Sofia for long weekend

Quote: (01-19-2016 05:15 AM)BangBoy123 Wrote:  

Bucharest is way better than Sofia IMO, Sofia up their with my least favourite European capitals

Why? Care to expand on that.

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