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Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

The hamster is strong in this one ....

Most hamstery quotes :

"I am not the first woman that is much younger than him. Non of his wives were as old as him," Cathy explains.

"I have a good teacher as he has been married four times before."

"Of course it's nice to life a luxury life. But it's not very important to me," she says.

"I could date a 30-year-old, but he might die too."

As for the guy? There is no fool like an old fool.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Age gaps are like thigh gaps: keep 'em spread.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Couple of things:

He's 82 and rich as hell, so I doubt he gives a damn at this point.


"Did you ever worry she wanted you for your money?" Philip asks Richard.

"I am always worried. Ladies are very dangerous. To be married is dangerous," he responds.

"I like to fight with the young ladies. It's better for me."

And this bolded part is partially why the way she is:


But Cathy admits her family were not best pleased when she told them she was to wed Richard.

"My dad cried in at my engagement," she admits.

"At first he asked what I was doing. But I wanted to do it.

"I would have married an 80-year-old man who didn't have money for love."

Her father probably never called her on her shit because he sounds like a crybaby pussy. Look at her posture and her facial expression in that third pic. She's got those dead psychopathic eyes. She knows what's she's doing.


"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:08 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

"I would have married an 80-year-old man who didn't have money for love."

But she didn't.

Women are rationalization hamsters to the end; rationalization hamsters love to deal in hypotheticals, it's how they can cope with lying to themselves about their realities.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:14 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:08 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

"I would have married an 80-year-old man who didn't have money for love."

But she didn't.

Women are rationalization hamsters to the end; rationalization hamsters love to deal in hypotheticals, it's how they can cope with lying to themselves about their realities.

I don't think it is a rationalization on her part. It's an out-and-out lie and I don't even think she believes it. Like all women, she's mercenary. That's how they are. But she's not being subtle about it because she has big bucks coming her way when she frivorces this geezer or he kicks off.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love


"I dated a lot of young boys – they are only looking out for themselves. They like football and many women.

"I have a six-year-old daughter to look after – I need a man."

You are a 25 year old beautiful girl, but a single mom. Your dating life is not going well, you can't find a nice beta and your daughter spooks potential suitors. You work in a hotel with no sight of ever accomplishing something in your career. You meet an 82 year old multi-millionaire who is willing to bail you out, provide you and your daughter with a lifetime of luxury and comfort. And it won't be long before he dies. What would you do?

You are an 82 year old guy with a dick that's barely working. You are about to pass away from this world into a dark oblivion. All your money won't mean jack shit very soon. You have a chance to be with a 25 year old German hottie in your last moments, and maybe some nice fuckie-fuckie on the side, and the alternative is dying lonely. What would you do?

They both did what they had to do, a mutually benefitial agreement.
[Image: 57-year-age-gap-on-This-Morning.jpg]

The only thing that is offensive about this marriage is the amount of people who are offended on her behalf.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

I would love to see ONE example of a younger woman marrying an old dude that is poor as hell. [Image: lol.gif]

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

She married him for love alright. A love of his money

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Not sure what the problem is. If he is rich MOST girls are trying to marry him because of money otherwise they would just date him. Older people tend to skip marriage all together .So better that he get a 25 yr old out of the deal then some 65 yr old.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:21 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

You are a 25 year old beautiful girl, but a single mom. Your dating life is not going well, you can't find a nice beta and your daughter spooks potential suitors. You work in a hotel with no sight of ever accomplishing something in your career. You meet an 82 year old multi-millionaire who is willing to bail you out, provide you and your daughter with a lifetime of luxury and comfort. And it won't be long before he dies. What would you do?

Agreed, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's natural for women to look for security from high-status men. The alternative is what now exists in the Anglosphere, where women have become ugly, hyper-sexual sluts who provide no value to any man.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

I'm not really seeing the problem here. Dude gets a hot(and likely crazy) bitch to fuck for a few years before he croaks, she inherits his money and blows it all on prada bags and lines of coke. Fair trade

[Image: agree2.gif]

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:21 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  


"I dated a lot of young boys – they are only looking out for themselves. They like football and many women.

"I have a six-year-old daughter to look after – I need a man."

You are a 25 year old beautiful girl, but a single mom. Your dating life is not going well, you can't find a nice beta and your daughter spooks potential suitors. You work in a hotel with no sight of ever accomplishing something in your career. You meet an 82 year old multi-millionaire who is willing to bail you out, provide you and your daughter with a lifetime of luxury and comfort. And it won't be long before he dies. What would you do?

You are an 82 year old guy with a dick that's barely working. You are about to pass away from this world into a dark oblivion. All your money won't mean jack shit very soon. You have a chance to be with a 25 year old German hottie in your last moments, and maybe some nice fuckie-fuckie on the side, and the alternative is dying lonely. What would you do?

They both did what they had to do, a mutually benefitial agreement.
[Image: 57-year-age-gap-on-This-Morning.jpg]

The only thing that is offensive about this marriage is the amount of people who are offended on her behalf.


They both did what they had to do, a mutually benefitial agreement.

Which is what most marriages should be any way. The only thing I take issue with here is that he is probably honest that he loves her for her youth and beauty, but she is being dishonest. Other than that, mozeltov.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 03:59 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

The hamster is strong in this one ....

Most hamstery quotes :

"I am not the first woman that is much younger than him. Non of his wives were as old as him," Cathy explains.

"I have a good teacher as he has been married four times before."

"Of course it's nice to life a luxury life. But it's not very important to me," she says.

"I could date a 30-year-old, but he might die too."

As for the guy? There is no fool like an old fool.

I do not agree at all with your quote about him beeing an old fool.
I think the guy is an example to all, 82 years old and banging (or at least hanging with) a hot girl with 25. He has nothing to loose at that age, it is a win-win for all involved.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 03:59 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

As for the guy? There is no fool like an old fool.

Why not? Are we not saying that men are capable of gaming at any age on this forum? Dont we have here broke guys in their 40s or 50s banging 18 year olds on the regular?

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 05:27 PM)KofiKingston Wrote:  

I'm not really seeing the problem here. Dude gets a hot(and likely crazy) bitch to fuck for a few years before he croaks, she inherits his money and blows it all on prada bags and lines of coke. Fair trade

[Image: agree2.gif]

[Image: agree2.gif]

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

The only dudes are jealous are the poor fuckers and the beta suckers.

Honestly, who gives a shit?

I WB her so hard. She's so hot & a bit Machiavellian too.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 06:13 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2015 03:59 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

As for the guy? There is no fool like an old fool.

Why not? Are we not saying that men are capable of gaming at any age on this forum? Dont we have here broke guys in their 40s or 50s banging 18 year olds on the regular?

The funny thing is that I met him once personally over a business deal that went nowhere. I also had some business with one of his sons.

While his wealth now surpasses 100 mio. $ that is no biggie in Austria or Germany, since there are 10.000 people in Vienna alone who have more than 10 mio. $. But he is quite famous in the German-speaking countries as he went for years on reality TV shows and hosts international celebrities during the Vienna Opera ball.

[Image: Kim-Kardashian-goes-to-the-Vienna-Opera-Ball.jpg]

He is very charming in person, though a complete and utter Beta who leads with his wallet - that was even the case in his younger years.

He spent decades married to this uppity woman who denigrated him publicly on TV:

[Image: Lugner-DW-Politik-Wien.jpg]

He fucked those girls here in recent years:

[Image: Kolibri.jpg]

[Image: Richard-Lugner-Katzi.jpg]

[Image: 1.246.814]

But the best Hamster talk is this by his new wife:


I would have married an 80-year-old man who didn't have money for love."

Right - no way - I would not even call the guy a Playboy - he actually believes in the big love, is always looking for the next ONE, has thus massive oneitis and that is why he married again I guess.

But he is no complete fool and smart enough to have her sign a pre-nup.

Also her statements are huge slut tells apart from being a single mother:


"I dated a lot of young boys – they are only looking out for themselves. They like football and many women.
So she fucked a lot of exciting Alphas - her settling came early, but was a good career move. Since the guy takes certainly massive doses of Viagra she will likely be a widow within 10 years or shorter.

As far as he is concerned - he is actually a truly nice and charming guy and has a good heart. Of course he is a male attention dandy, but actually would be an ideal old-school provider husband - too bad they are not in demand any more.

And you are right gents - I don't think he gives a damn that she likes him 90% for his money and some fame. She plays the Game well and lets and old men feel good, gives him some hot sex and is good eye-candy for his dandy-lifestyle. She likely thinks that she will be at best free to resume Alpha fucking at age 36 - only difference is that she will be rich - if she is lucky he may be fertile & gets her pregnant - then she truly inherits a lot.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:39 PM)Socrates Wrote:  

I would love to see ONE example of a younger woman marrying an old dude that is poor as hell. [Image: lol.gif]

"When their romance bloomed in 2008, Ana Verdin-Hernandez was 22 and Gerardo Herrejon was 63. Ana's friends and family were scandalized. How could she throw away her youth on a man with an eighth-grade education and three children older than her?"

You said young woman marrying a poor old dude,did not say anything about green cards,sir [Image: nuts.gif]

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 07:00 PM)Sailor Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:39 PM)Socrates Wrote:  

I would love to see ONE example of a younger woman marrying an old dude that is poor as hell. [Image: lol.gif]

"When their romance bloomed in 2008, Ana Verdin-Hernandez was 22 and Gerardo Herrejon was 63. Ana's friends and family were scandalized. How could she throw away her youth on a man with an eighth-grade education and three children older than her?"

You said young woman marrying a poor old dude,did not say anything about green cards,sir [Image: nuts.gif]

63 is not 83 - also the guy looks like someone with massive Game and he is in good shape for his age:

[Image: 600]

Only with massive doses of TRT and other goodies can you still look moderately attractive to young kittens:

[Image: dr-jeffry-life.jpg]

50 year old Alphas with Game can attract very young attractive girls - 60-65 is pushing it, but might work too. But to look like Dr. Life here at 75 you need to be wealthy anyway since the stuff he takes is expensive.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

The most effective lie is one that even fools yourself. Maybe she doesn't realize she's lying to herself. She might think of him as an old fool who she tricked into rescuing her and her bastard from a middling existence, but she might conflate the man and the money and think she really does love him. (Obviously she loves the money.) Women can hamster themselves into a lot of spots.

If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts. - Camille Paglia

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

I have less of a problem with this than with the gigantic fattie who got the modeling contract who we were talking about on another thread.

Gold-diggers and May-December romances have always been part of our society. Fat acceptance has not.

And on a personal note, let's just say that if I was forced to choose between paying this woman or getting it for free from the morbidly obese model, I'd be racing to the bank.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 07:46 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I have less of a problem with this than with the gigantic fattie who got the modeling contract who we were talking about on another thread.

Gold-diggers and May-December romances have always been part of our society. Fat acceptance has not.

And on a personal note, let's just say that if I was forced to choose between paying this woman or getting it for free from the morbidly obese model, I'd be racing to the bank.

[Image: potd.gif]

I bet if she were a fat monster the article would be less about "money/golddigger" and more about "successful man in love with plus-size single mom".

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

[Image: crazy_cathy_01.jpg]

[Image: spatzi-flitterwochen.jpg]

[Image: 926667_685765141474453_1963361181_n.jpg]


PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

Quote: (01-27-2015 05:27 PM)KofiKingston Wrote:  

I'm not really seeing the problem here. Dude gets a hot(and likely crazy) bitch to fuck for a few years before he croaks, she inherits his money and blows it all on prada bags and lines of coke. Fair trade

[Image: agree2.gif]

It's not really a fair trade. He should just stick to p4p if he's going the obvious millionaire beta bucks route. He's overpaying for her services.

Gulf arabs have this system down to a T. They are almost always beta bucks but they at least have the common sense to utilize a rotating harem and keep their assets on lock.

Playboy model insists she married 82-year-old multi-millionaire husband for love

My initial reaction was "That's sad. She couldn't get a rich guy 10, 15 years older?" But as pointed out, the guy cums dust. She'll barely have to fuck him and in a few years she's financially secure for the rest of her life and still relatively young.

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