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Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

How long before they demand the slutty coeds wear burqas?
This almost seems like an onion article, nope, it's liberal academia at its finest

You would think young, white liberal women would understand the gravity of Islam's spread throughout the world.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly


“This opportunity represents a larger commitment to religious pluralism that is at the heart of Duke’s mission,” added Christy Lohr Sapp, the chapel’s associate dean for religious life. “It connects the university to national trends in religious accommodation.

Can they accommodate due process next?


Last month, three days before final exams, Duke expelled McLeod, a senior who was on the Dean's List, under what the university is calling a new sexual misconduct practice. (However, university administrators, foreseeing a potential lawsuit, permitted him to take his final exams.) He is the first Duke student to be expelled for sexual misconduct in recent history. Because of his expulsion, he cannot get his degree, and without a degree, he cannot accept a job offer from a Wall Street investment firm, where he is to begin in July.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Quote: (01-14-2015 03:34 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

You would think young, white liberal women would understand the gravity of Islam's spread throughout the world.

The leftists at the colleges I attended treated both Islam and Muslims like interesting exotic pets rather than people, which is pretty much how they treat every other minority group they claim to care about. Most don't really care about them and aren't all that interested, but they're compelled to act like they are to keep up appearances.

I took an Understanding Religious Traditions (they should've called it Understanding Historical Grievance Mongering for its overwhelming focus on Native Americans and the Holocaust) class back in 2006 that was a total joke. When we got to Islam this Muslim girl in class was saying how wonderful Muslim women had it in the Middle East, how great Islam was, etc. and the giggling airheads were eating it up.

Anyway, a friend and I objected to this and some other points she made and argued with her. We got stared at like we were the most evil people in the world, because challenging a pet minority's beliefs is inherently illiberal, mean, and bigoted in the minds of these fools.

I was surprised, though, because our dyed-in-the-wool hippie professor went on to recount a story about some of her Muslim students high-fiving each other on 9/11 and how she was offended by that. She was pretty much a flower child well past her expiration it wasn't something I expected out of her.

I don't think she would've brought it up had we not challenged the girl.

Back on topic, Duke is a private school so it can do whatever the hell it wants. Just convince people you know who are thinking about going there to avoid the place.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

These liberals......
They are fake and really really stupid. First, many churches don't ring their bells in town because it may offend or bother others. Now they want the call to prayer. liberal thinkers usually get squashed in a sharia system. Name the liberal party in iran? Saudi Arabia? Sudan? Yemen? Exactly, you can't.

Next thing will be segregated classes.
After that, it will be hard core religious student groups who may intimidate others and pass out hate pamphlets (see the UK)
Then, all other religious celebrations will be banned and their holidays will be celebrated on campus. Just watch.
Islams goal is to conquer. I can't believe people don't see that these demands being given are gonna continue into more.

If they want the call of prayer go to a muslim country not a secular. Muslim dominated countries for the majority have rules that discriminate against the other. The Quran if it does mention love for non believers, I haven't read it yet. It mentions slay them. That it does.

Moral, don't commit social suicide like they did in England, Belgium etc. If a mosque in my neighbourhood is allowed to do call to prayer in the early hours of the morning you bet, I'm gonna get a truck with loud speakers ( a few trucks) and go to wealthy neighbourhoods and where the politicians live and blare that each day 7 days a week. Then, will go to the vacation spots where it will be supposedly quiet, and blare it too.

The Middle East universities produce nothing. How many islamic universities produce the next Nobel winner? They produce a bunch of unemployed individuals who learn chants and say death to America etc. But, will be tge first ones in line to the embassies of the infidels to get a visa to work.
Folks, to protect our way of life, the ruling class will need to see what their kids lives will look like if they allow any religious accommodations to happen. Get your speakers and trucks ready.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

A healthy dose of concern is always a good thing but don't get too invested in this. Never in a million years will the U.S. become Muslim or adopt its value system. A conservative campus movement, basically the opposite of the 60's, will sweep this all under the rug soon enough.

Good luck blasting a Muslim call to prayer in the Appalachians or Texas or Alabama, or anywhere outside a campus.

I'm writing this in California on a business trip. We have demographic/immigration problems, but nothing threatening. Against Islam, I actually see the influx of Hispanics as a good thing, when most other countries must rely on Muslim immigration to barely sustain themselves. Europe is fucked.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Why oh why is history repeating itself so easily when we have at any point in time the best resources and knowledge in human history.

I'm no doom monger but little waves like this may be seen as some pet project as pointed out above but they encourage others. Its like having suicides in a small town come about because of copy-cat actions.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Quote: (01-14-2015 05:56 PM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

A healthy dose of concern is always a good thing but don't get too invested in this. Never in a million years will the U.S. become Muslim or adopt its value system. A conservative campus movement, basically the opposite of the 60's, will sweep this all under the rug soon enough.

Good luck blasting a Muslim call to prayer in the Appalachians or Texas or Alabama, or anywhere outside a campus.

I'm writing this in California on a business trip. We have demographic/immigration problems, but nothing threatening. Against Islam, I actually see the influx of Hispanics as a good thing, when most other countries must rely on Muslim immigration to barely sustain themselves. Europe is fucked.

There is no "Muslim threat" in America, and there never will be.

Muslims are more secular than ever here in the US you can thank 9/11 for that.

The UK and Europ have a Muslim immigration problem, also you'll never see Sharia Law or Moral Patrols EVER here in the states.

As for the call to prayer ? I'm impartial, I don't care, it's not like Church bells don't ring on the hours or on a Sunday.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Quote: (01-14-2015 06:32 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2015 05:56 PM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

A healthy dose of concern is always a good thing but don't get too invested in this. Never in a million years will the U.S. become Muslim or adopt its value system. A conservative campus movement, basically the opposite of the 60's, will sweep this all under the rug soon enough.

Good luck blasting a Muslim call to prayer in the Appalachians or Texas or Alabama, or anywhere outside a campus.

I'm writing this in California on a business trip. We have demographic/immigration problems, but nothing threatening. Against Islam, I actually see the influx of Hispanics as a good thing, when most other countries must rely on Muslim immigration to barely sustain themselves. Europe is fucked.

There is no "Muslim threat" in America, and there never will be.

Muslims are more secular than ever here in the US you can thank 9/11 for that.

The UK and Europ have a Muslim immigration problem, also you'll never see Sharia Law or Moral Patrols EVER here in the states.

As for the call to prayer ? I'm impartial, I don't care, it's not like Church bells don't ring on the hours or on a Sunday.

I am not a Christian, but two things:

1. The West's heritage is Christian. It's part of the landscape, ecosystem, or however you want to put it.

2. Church bells are so much more aesthetically pleasing than the Muslim call to prayer.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

You'll never hear church bells in Saudi Arabia or Qatar so I don't see there should be Musim prayer calls in America or any other historically and culturally Christian countries for that matter.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

They can cater to Muslims all they want in colleges but corporate America is not as accommodating. I remember reading an article where a Muslim man wanted to pray five times a day while "on the clock" at his corporate job. They tried to accomodate him by saying he could pray as long as he punched out during the prayer sessions. It didn't end well and they ended up firing him. College is one thing but Islam is not compatible with the fast paced corporate world.

Team Nachos

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

So this is gonna be chanted at Duke university every friday?

Oh boy [Image: popcorn5.gif]

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Somehow I bet if they broadcasted a Catholic mass over the loudspeakers at the university every Sunday that all the students would be "triggered" and start geeking out about it. There would be protests to shut down the "hate speech" being promoted by the university.

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Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Maybe Muslims can handle our feminist problem here in the US. They can have all the fat entitled white girls as far as I'm concerned. I think burkas as very slimming.

Team Nachos

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Quote: (01-14-2015 09:48 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

So this is gonna be chanted at Duke university every friday?

LOL!! This is hilarious. I can't imagine walking thru Durham and hearing something like this.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Separation of church and state and how it's offensive to say merry christmas etc. I remember not so long ago Walmart wanted to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree. I mean c'mon. They wanted Christianity out, fine. But to replace it with this??? Omg....sorry ohh my Allah.

Duke is a private university and can do whatever it wants. I hope other groups start to make demands and request accommodations.

The demands and accommodations will continue and grow.

I lived amongst muslims for 2 years and heard the call of prayer. If you happened to live near one you will be hearing it at 4 am etc. People don't get it. I mean they have prayer times written down by the minute, I doubt that precision existed years ago. So I'm dubious about it. Anyhow, I would hear it in the malls played softly, you barely noticed it. Do I want to hear it in a secular country in malls or in a school, nope.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

I read both links and it says it's gonna be chanted for 3 minutes, in Arabic of course, and amplified from the bell tower. Muslim prayer, from the bell tower. This is like taking a shit on Christian values. Anyway.

There was a time in Turkey when Muslim prayers were chanted in Turkish. Ataturk made it mandatory in 1932. Everybody understood what it meant, naturally. After he died and his party lost the elections for the first time, the new prime minister from the conservative party changed it back to Arabic in 1950. In the end, he ended up getting hanged for high treason. Yes, we executed a prime minister in the 60s. Now, most Turkish people don't know what the hell this call means, not most of it anyway. This is not about praying. This is about glorifying the Arab culture and tying it to Islam, which in this case is a Trojan horse for a cultural invasion.

My point is, there is neither an obligation nor logic in combining Islam with Arabic language and culture. If you wanna let Muslims know about praying time, there are easier ways to do it, like Ataturk did, than loudly singing in Arabic from towers for 3 minutes.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Good post Turkish......

The bell tower, imagine the minaret had a bell to notify mass or a Christian service, there would be death threats. Seriously, death threats.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

The Dhimmi-tude is strong in that campus. Its amazing that with such a small population in the US they have so much power compared to say Europe. And SJW and leftist are already enslaving themselves as second class citizens when the Muslims don't have much power here yet.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

I think they need to go further, free education for Muslims. Preferably more religious ones. Hell, why not go overseas and find some?

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Quote: (01-14-2015 09:51 PM)The Reactionary Tree Wrote:  

Somehow I bet if they broadcasted a Catholic mass over the loudspeakers at the university every Sunday that all the students would be "triggered" and start geeking out about it. There would be protests to shut down the "hate speech" being promoted by the university.

Which is kind of ironic considering that the Catholic Church is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world.

For all of its faults, the Church has done far more to feed, clothe, shelter and educate the world's poor and downtrodden than these limousine-liberal SJW turds ever have.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Glad to see our elite betters grabbing their ankles and incrementally accepting sharia without putting up a fight.

Take care of those titties for me.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

First, Salat is not just on Friday afternoon when the students are going to the bars. It's every day, 6 times a day, starting before the dawn. For Duke the times appear to be:


Churchbells in most American cities aren't allowed to ring before 8am. But Salat is called twice before then.

Secondly, these people need to buy a plane ticket and go visit a Muslim country for a while. The Kingdom of Jordan is gorgeous, has the major tourist site Petra, and has state sponsored mosques, where the tower some dude would climb up and sing from has now been replaced with these monster PA systems that bristle out of the towers. Seriously, they've got more speakers than a Death Metal band.
[Image: 39323106.cms]

Every city in Jordan is full of dueling mosques trying to see who can have the loudest PA system screaming out their particular CD of songs. You know when they test all the civil defense sirens in town on a certain day at noon? It's like that every day, six times a day, starting at 6am.

It's not like anyone sings this shit live anymore, either. All the mosques just play different CDs over their lo-fi but insanely loud PA systems. There is no acknowledgement of progressive hearing loss from long term exposure to loud noise in arab countries.

Here's some kid trying to sell it hard to English speakers, but giving an idea of how fucking oppressively loud it is.

Then it becomes largely a mishmash once you get multiple mosques in the same area all going off at the same time trying to overplay each other, like in Amman, Jerash, or even Jerusalem.

There's a reason why western countries have repeatedly fought against mosques having outside speakers, which is the first step in creating muslim ghettos by driving away all non-muslims. And violating OSHA noise standards. And pretty much every community noise control law there is.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

They decided against it.
Not sure why...doesn't say... probably pressure from those who don't want to be lynched

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Actually it's 5 times a day. There is no adhan at dawn. Dawn marks the time when you actually can NOT pray. But, it doesn't matter. It's still loud and aggressive. And if you are not used to it, it will wake you up around 5 am every morning. Thanks god I live 20 minutes away from the closest mosque.

When I was a kid, I thought adhan was supposed to sound beautiful to Muslim ears just like church bells sounded nice to Christian ears. I thought there was something wrong with me for finding adhan repulsive and scarry, and then liking those church bells that I hear in the Hollywood movies. The truth is, it sounds exactly like what it's meant to sound like: oppressively loud and long. 3 minutes every time, 5 times a day makes 15 minutes a day. If you had an all-time favorite song and you listened to it once a day, you would be sick of it by the end of the 2nd week. Muslims listen to this for 15 minutes a day, every day for their entire lives, and they weirdly find it pleasing and spiritual. Talk about self deception.

Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer weekly

Quote: (01-16-2015 01:39 AM)GeroMeroHero Wrote:  

They decided against it.
Not sure why...doesn't say... probably pressure from those who don't want to be lynched

The Univ rep said "It didn't have the desired unifying effect."

All 100% bullshit.

My bet: Big shots from the Alumni association got in touch with their pals in the upper echelons of the University and said "Do this shit and you'll never see another dime donated by me, or any child of mine attend there."

Debate over. Money makes the world go round.

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