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Would You Do Her For the Story?

Would You Do Her For the Story?

I know this is in bad taste, but I"m honestly a bit torn here. I started messaging a girl online a few weeks ago, find out she's at school, will be back in town mext month for summer break. She's very interested, and I"m sure given a night out I could get her DTF. I start pressing her saying I want to see more of her, full body pic.

She warns me she has a "height issue"

I get the attached pic...

So I pose the question again, would you do it, just for the story?

(face it blurred out of decency, she's girl next door-ish cute)

Also, how about a general thread about crazy lays from your past, I'm interested in the crazy shit thats happened to some of the guys in the 100+ club

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Would You Do Her For the Story?

lmfao. im pretty sure whiting out her face will not hide her identity

i have a good story that i posted a couple of months ago. It involves a severly obese black woman that felt like she was eating me when i kissed her, a girl with lupus and a hand that was somewhat crippled, and a girl with buckteeth and a pooch. ill see if i can dig it up

heavy drinking was involved.

oh yeah, if you want to get with her just for the story, make sure you drink 2 four locos before the date. make sure she picks you up. Take her to a bar, then go from there!

Would You Do Her For the Story?

[Image: biggrin.gif]

do it. This is too good.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Lol, its principle (I suppose) This is a fairly small forum too, so chance of recognition is pretty slim, all things considered. If it comes down to ethics I'll nix the pic and just describe the situation

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Would You Do Her For the Story?

the following was taken from this thread

Quote: (01-23-2011 11:18 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

The past week has been uneventful for this guy. School started and every class but one is bereft of hot chicks. That is why it is only fitting that i get invited to a get together where ugly chicks are the main attraction. This is my saturday night/early morning story.

i get a text from a friend telling me that he and another buddy are going to this one girl's house later that night. He says they are all ugly but i should come anyway because there will be alot of alcohol. At this time i had two options for the night. i could go to a sausage fest party where there was a keg from a failed party the night before. OR i could tell my standards to fuck off so i could attend this ugly girl get together. I told my standards to fuck off.

I leave my apartment and brought a condom with me, just in case. i arrive at the girls house. I go inside and the first thing i see is huge trampoline int he middle of the living room. Next i see the following creatures. I see a huge obese chick, a super nerdy chick, and a girl with buckteeth(my friend said shes a real freak)

I hand them my gifts of Keystone light can and a single coars light bottle. We start talking and i quote from the video i posted a couple days ago. "I need another drink" I am handed a four loco <3. I quickly start drinking it. Bucktooth says i seem like im judgmental. says im just the guy you have to get to know before you like me. Nerdy girl says im an ass. Fat girl is all over me. I knew i was in for a hell ofa night.

Lots of shit happened. Im going to post some pics and some cliff notes.

[Image: 100MEDIA_IMAG0126.jpg]
Thanks to truth or dare, we were treated to her sucking on bucktooths teet. I discovered that Nerdy girl has lupis. Didnt stop this guy! or did it...

[Image: 100MEDIA_IMAG0127.jpg]
i took this after she gave me a handjob. I started massaging her back and took a step back to take the pic. She had large soft hands!

After this it was around 3 am. We were all laying on the trampoline and getting cozy. Fat girl went up to the bed to sleep/throwup. and lupus girl was laying next to me giving me my second tug job of the night. After about 15 mins she says she is cold and wants to go to the bedroom. I say ok ill meet you in there soon.

I sobered up and realized i was about to bang a girl with lupus. I was not about to do that shit. So i snuck out the house and drove to another friends house and chilled till 6.

Funny night.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

only do it if she's cool with you having a strictly physical relationship. (unless you want to date her)

That chicks life is hard enough. I wouldn't do her for the story if she's into you. But you can clarify with her.

I generally don't have such mercy with women, but this is an unusual case.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

i would definitely have her blow me standing up!!

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Go for it. That's something most guys will never get to do. I have some crazy stories but unfortunately none of this magnitude.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

I'd bang. See if you can spin her around like a top while she's riding your cock.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

If you think she'd pass your boner test, do it. If it were me (and she passed my BT), I'd treat her like a hot chick for a night and rock her little world. Why the fuck not? You get the story, she gets an unforgettable night. Quid pro quo.

Pound it out, homie.

[Image: idhitit.gif]

PS: It is in "bad taste." lol.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Lmao the chairs taller than her. I would do it if her face is decent, you only live once.

I met a girl online a year or 2 ago and went to her apartment. The girl was like 4'8, boney as hell and walked with some kind of weird limp. It felt like my dick was going to pop out of her mouth when I smashed.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

LMAO it's not possible! tell me this photo is photoshoped!
How can you have arms touching your foots???

Would You Do Her For the Story?

I'd hit it.


Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Would You Do Her For the Story?

If you think you can get a good story out of it, the answer is always yes.

I'd just want to Danza-slap her while we're both standing to see if she topples over or kinda rocks back and forth like a weeble-wobble.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-21-2011 03:43 AM)houston Wrote:  

Lmao the chairs taller than her. I would do it if her face is decent, you only live once.

I met a girl online a year or 2 ago and went to her apartment. The girl was like 4'8, boney as hell and walked with some kind of weird limp. It felt like my dick was going to pop out of her mouth when I smashed.

4'8, huh? Hmmmmm...



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Would You Do Her For the Story?

btw, the photo does look photoshopped. Its clearly pretty distorted. Maybe that's what she looks like though, who knows.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-20-2011 09:52 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

That chicks life is hard enough.

I'm sure her life is harder than most, but I wouldn't assume she's emotionally fragile or anything. She's probably gotten enough comments and reactions to her condition to make her pretty resilient. I'm sure she knows what she's getting into.

I don't know if I'd be able to do it. I'd have to see her face. She's got a nice rack, but she might not be fully developed downstairs. Might be painful...or even do the deed. The story might be pretty cool though.

"Ya only live once..."

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Getting her pregnant would be bad.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-21-2011 10:53 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Getting her pregnant would be bad.

Oh, Lord. I wonder what would happen...[Image: huh.gif]

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-21-2011 10:53 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Getting her pregnant would be bad.

Oh, shit, I didn't even think of that! I'm slippin'. She may have nothing to lose.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Would You Do Her For the Story?

If you gone do her......where do you draw the line?? lol

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-21-2011 01:32 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2011 10:53 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Getting her pregnant would be bad.

Oh, shit, I didn't even think of that! I'm slippin'. She may have nothing to lose.

think of all of the potential consequences.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-20-2011 09:52 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

only do it if she's cool with you having a strictly physical relationship. (unless you want to date her)

That chicks life is hard enough. I wouldn't do her for the story if she's into you. But you can clarify with her.

I generally don't have such mercy with women, but this is an unusual case.

This is something I had thought about and will do. IF things progress I'm going to make it very clear I'm not "boyfriend material" and anything that happens is strictly going to be for the sake of fucking.

Quote: (04-21-2011 11:03 AM)CupCake Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2011 10:53 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Getting her pregnant would be bad.

Oh, Lord. I wonder what would happen...[Image: huh.gif]

Well I'm 6'3" so.... four and half foot tall kids?

But yeah, her being bite sized would not make me not wear a condom

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Quote: (04-21-2011 01:56 PM)theIVth Wrote:  

If you gone do her......where do you draw the line?? lol

LMFAO, good question. But like Tuth said, quid pro quo, go for it haha.

Would You Do Her For the Story?

Jesus Christ....

I was once thrown up on while getting a bj as I was driving. But banging a midget is going to be tough bro.

I used to know a little person actress Debbie Lee Carington (she was the cute little thing in Total Recall with the shotgun) and I used to joke around all the time about banging a midget until I met her. I tried to imagine it and I just couldn't go there. I did grab one of her little boobs once though....

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