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Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 03:27 PM)slats7 Wrote:  

[Image: xfemen-vatican-575x332.jpg.pagespeed.ic.WbQUV-76xk.jpg]

Meanwhile, radical feminists (but I repeat myself) simulate anal sex with crucifixes at the Vatican. But the hula-girl shirt was offensive.

This is Western society in 2014:

Anything display of female sexuality is self-expression. Anything display of male sexuality is sexist.

The reason for this is the idea that men's sexual proclivities are by nature oppressive and women need to "consent" to things to make OK.

This desperately needs to be turned around. But if you tell a woman to put some clothes on because you didn't consent to seeing her nude body all over the Web, they tell you you're "oppressive."

We need to expose this. Any ideas on how to change this sociological landscape? Once women claim "oppression," that gives them the upper hand to say, do, or criticize anything, since it supposedly hurts their "cause."

Comparing this to religion might be one way to do some pushback.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Seems like every day brings a new low in degeneracy and faux outrage barrel-scraping.

SJWs and journalists have no understanding or respect for what genuine human achievement is. They think that landing spacecraft is just stuff that happens.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 04:55 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I found this from the first Google result, a link to a separate article calling Matt Taylor "useless in everyday life":

If you don't feel like clicking, here are the offending paragraphs:


Such is the fate of Matt Taylor, the British scientist who is a key part of the Rosetta team. As he was toasting the probe’s success – albeit amid remaining concerns about its location and future – his sister, Maxine, told London’s Evening Standard newspaper that the heavily tattooed Taylor, in the tradition of absent-minded scientists, could be “useless” in everyday life.

She told the paper: “He gets so involved in everything that sometimes common sense goes out of the window – like losing the car in the car park, silly things. If you go out with him, you end up going round and round looking for a car parking space. He doesn’t like making decisions.”

This is the work of some dark, demented evil. A man can no longer celebrate a great achievement for humanity without a hit piece coming out from his own bitch sister (with the help of progressive media)

I know not everyone on rvf is a big fan of The Fountainhead, but this Matt Taylor story parallels it in some uncanny ways. Ayn Rand was eccentric and inconsistent, but she was no dummy. For those who haven't read it, there are several instances where brilliant men, Howard Roark and Steven Mallory, unveil beautiful works of architecture and sculpture to the public. Because their works are so unconventional and unfitting to the current trends, the cultural elite (Ellsworth Toohey) releases hit pieces in the newspaper telling the sheeplike public why they should hate and revile these beautiful works, and of course the public falls for it.

This thing, feminism, cultural Marxism, SJWs, are best summed up in a quote from the book, given by Steven Mallory. It's one of my favorite quotes from the book:


"Listen, what's the most horrible experience you can imagine? To me—it's being left, unarmed, in a sealed cell with a drooling beast of prey or a maniac who's had some disease that's eaten his brain out. You'd have nothing then but your voice—your voice and your thought. You'd scream to that creature why it should not touch you, you'd have the most eloquent words, the unanswerable words, you'd become the vessel of the absolute truth. And you'd see living eyes watching you and you'd know that the thing can't hear you, that it can't be reached, not reached, not in any way, yet it's breathing and moving there before you with a purpose of its own. That's horror. Well, that's what's hanging over the world, prowling somewhere through mankind, that same thing, something closed, mindless, utterly wanton, but something with an aim and a cunning of its own."

Yep, this whole episode reminded me of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. The whole disrespect of achievement and the focus on feelings.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"


When Did the Left Turn into Rick Santorum?

Jon Gabriel, Ed.C

November 14, 2014 at 5:03 pm ( 31 minutes ago )

Seemingly everyone on Earth watched in astonishment as humanity landed a research probe on a small comet speeding 84,000 miles per hour towards the sun. Well, everyone on Earth except Ms. Rose Eveleth of Brooklyn, N.Y.

The acting technology editor for The Atlantic couldn’t pay attention to the history being made right in front of her eyes. She was too busy screen-capping and zooming-in on a scientist’s shirt to see if it offended her. And, boy, did it ever.

“The dude” is Rosetta Project astrophysicist Matt Taylor, who wore an intentionally kitschy bowling shirt covered with cartoons of ’80s-era pin-up girls holding sci-fi guns. It’s basically a parody of the tacky artwork that adorned everything from Duran Duran cassette covers to Trans Am hoods. Taylor is also covered shoulder-to-ankle in garish tattoos, has the requisite ironic hipster beard and holds international press conferences in surf shorts, purple socks and skater shoes.

Granted, I prefer my rocket scientists with crewcuts, skinny black ties and thick-rimmed glasses, but culture has devolved in the decades since the Mercury missions. That being said, what kind of a buzzkill would deny a brilliant physicist a silly, celebratory wardrobe on the greatest day of his professional life?

Several miserable harpies joined Ms. Eveleth on the public shaming, turning a staggering scientific achievement into a colloquy on restoring Victorian dress codes. For the record, the shirt was made by a woman named Elly Prizeman as a fun gift for her physicist friend. No doubt, she shall be placed in the village stockade for her grievous sin of consorting with a male and having her cartoon ladies show too much ankle. Her repentance will only be accepted when she covers them up in burkas.

Mr. Taylor then made the bad situation worse. Instead of telling these progressive puritans to go pound silicon dioxide, he issued a sobbing public confession straight out of a Maoist show trial. This guy just dropped a dishwasher on an ice cube 300 million miles from home and he’s groveling to a coven of D-list bloggers?

For years the left has characterized conservatives as joyless scolds forcing their morality on a resentful public. But they’ve upended this paradigm by becoming far more judgmental and censorious than so-called social conservatives like Rick Santorum ever conceived of being. The left is demanding so many recantations, the ghost of Torquemada is rolling his eyes and muttering awk-wrrrd.

Following the successful inquisition of the heretical scientist, the shirt’s creator shared a final thought on Facebook:


[Image: Prizeman.png]

As long as people keep caving to the progressive puritans, the cruelty will only get worse.

The last point is critical. NEVER apologize to these beasts!

Take care of those titties for me.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

So here's the cunt who started the whole shirt storm.

[Image: 574ba8164dc32a9aafb904de3d4f58f49ef995ab_291x218.jpg]

Her name is Rose Eveleth. She's the acting technology editor for The Atlantic. She calls herself a "science nerd." The only problem is by her own admission, she isn't smart enough to truly understand science (so apparently she focuses on patriarchies and sexist shirts):


How did you get into science and how did you get into writing? And how did these two trajectories fuse into becoming a science writer?

I got into science first I guess, because my father was into science. We had this nightly ritual where he would come in and I could ask him questions about science. So for a long time that was my answer to the “what do you want to be when you grow up question.” I always really liked writing, but just assumed it would be a hobby rather than a career.

It really wasn’t until college when I was studying abroad and doing research that I realized I’m just not a very good scientist. I didn’t really care as much about the data as I did about the stories I could tell about it. Thankfully, I’ve had several really fabulous mentors who were smart enough to steer me towards science journalism.

[Image: 1191763_o.gif#hysterical%20laughter%20gifs%20320x180]

Take care of those titties for me.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Jezebel's article "Woman Gets Death Threats For Tweeting About Disliking A Shirt" contains exactly zero death threats. Standard.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

This cat had the beard, tattoos and Tony Starkesque mystique but buckled under the shit tests that caught his ass unawares.[Image: confused.gif]

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

[Image: 574ba8164dc32a9aafb904de3d4f58f49ef995ab_291x218.jpg]

-500/10 WNB

"As wolves among sheep we have wandered"

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 09:07 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

So here's the cunt who started the whole shirt storm.

[Image: 574ba8164dc32a9aafb904de3d4f58f49ef995ab_291x218.jpg]

Her name is Rose Eveleth.

So she's unintelligent, useless, and also literally looks like a troll?

[Image: Troll-300x291.png]

Hard to imagine a less relevant person. I sincerely hope she doesn't breed.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 11:05 AM)Nemencine Wrote:  

Unfortunately, he has apologized... he actually broke down in tears while apologizing... fracking unbelievable!

"Rosetta mission scientist Dr Matt Taylor cries during apology over 'offensive' shirt"

Here is a man that has generated over +70 published scientific works in space plasma and their behaviour in magnetopheric boundaries, ... now made to grovel because of a stupid t-shirt...

Like i wrote in this post, some of these feminist even think science is a rape of the feminine nature... given that nature is attributed female characteristics; and science is an invasive, vivisection of nature and her secrets... science "intrudes" into nature without apology.... science "violates" nature without permission... akin to rape. Since science is mostly conducted by men(specifically, white men in the past...) hence, science suffers from male privilege and characteristics akin to rape... the rape of nature... and since nature is the feminine... hence, science is a [white]male rape of the feminine... To get a full dose of such concentrated stupidity, just read up on the work of sandra harding.... I touched on the subject here with regards to ESA mission.

Read some of the other comments... and it is depressing, really. The bitch that started this campaign doesn't even look like a woman... understandably the reasons for her jealousy. Uglier and dumb, she is. Yes, this particularly bothered me given my science background.... i have experienced female cuntiness in research settings before...

From a previous post, here is one of my experience dealing some of these shiteheads.

Quote: (08-13-2014 12:55 PM)Nemencine Wrote:  

..... I used to do research on the 3rd floor of a building at the university; i would come in, work and leave, minding my own bloody business. Guess what? some white cunt decided to file sexual harassment claim against me. Here is the bizarre thing: I never saw this cunt before, let alone spoke to her, i dont even fucking know her name. I work on the bloody 3rd floor, i later learned that this cunt work in the fucking basement. You can imagine my confusion when my Principal Investigator told me about the harassment claim. I didnt even know who filed it, let alone what wing or section of the research building the person was working at. It is one thing entirely if i had talked to her or looked at her in anyways; this is completely different and surreal: i dont even know she existed until my P.I. called me to talk to me.

When the issue was investigated, she finally admitted to not knowing me, not speaking to me before, not even running into me before, but somehow, my presence in that building working late at night make her "uneasy". Weirdly, her way of handling that "unease" is to file harassment suits. She has apparently seen and noticed me, even though i did not even know she existed. It was during the investigation that i learned her name is Kelly, that she does her research in the basement section, and finally put a face to the name. When i asked around about my accuser, some of the lads in the building later told me directly how many times they've took turn fucking her. She get passed around a lot. She is the slut of that research wing. ....
[Image: facepalm3.gif]

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 01:57 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Re post #55 - If any of this comes to pass, he could always go and work for the Russians or the Chinese.

I know you might be half-joking here, but I actually see this coming to pass. In much the way a lot of American men now look to marry foreign, why not give your brianpower to a foreign company and not have to deal with US-bred idiotic political correctness?

If men know they're going to be ruined for one false move, they're going to be paralyzed with self-consciousness and not do their best anyway. This alone would be incentive to work for a foreign company.

That and I bet the secretaries are a whole lot more pleasant...and thinner.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

I'm totally speechless in front of the stupidity in here. Here's a man, achieving a feat worthy of the freaking Noble Prize and these useless, competently useless and incompetent feminazi are going after him for his so called offensive tshirt?

[Image: gtfo.gif]

I invite everyone from the RVF, if/when you achieve something worthy in your field, in your interviews or speeches, be as unapologetic and as masculine and even macho as possible! I know I will!

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

This is beyond scandalous!
In a sane society, how would such a crass act be dealt with? What would be the appropriate punishment for such an act?

Send the Kosacks Putin style?
Stone them Taliban style?
Burn them alive Middle Ages style?
Or indulge them in their anal fetishes by having them gangbanged anally by horses non stop for a full week?

Quote: (11-14-2014 03:27 PM)slats7 Wrote:  

[Image: xfemen-vatican-575x332.jpg.pagespeed.ic.WbQUV-76xk.jpg]

Meanwhile, radical feminists (but I repeat myself) simulate anal sex with crucifixes at the Vatican. But the hula-girl shirt was offensive.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 05:49 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2014 03:27 PM)slats7 Wrote:  

[Image: xfemen-vatican-575x332.jpg.pagespeed.ic.WbQUV-76xk.jpg]

Meanwhile, radical feminists (but I repeat myself) simulate anal sex with crucifixes at the Vatican. But the hula-girl shirt was offensive.

This is Western society in 2014:

Anything display of female sexuality is self-expression. Anything display of male sexuality is sexist.

The reason for this is the idea that men's sexual proclivities are by nature oppressive and women need to "consent" to things to make OK.

This desperately needs to be turned around. But if you tell a woman to put some clothes on because you didn't consent to seeing her nude body all over the Web, they tell you you're "oppressive."

We need to expose this. Any ideas on how to change this sociological landscape? Once women claim "oppression," that gives them the upper hand to say, do, or criticize anything, since it supposedly hurts their "cause."

Comparing this to religion might be one way to do some pushback.

At least many religions have many positive social beneficial side effects unlike this ideology. This ideology seeks only to destroy and subvert, not to build up

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

I feel this would be a prime opportunity to strike back against irrationality.

Even though SJWs "control" most media outlets, this witch hunt is pushing their power so far even moderate leftish are mad at this power trip from the elite left.

You know what would blow the these tranny loving degenerates out of the water? A viral campaign that uses their own tatics to win the masses.

Imagine a video like this one below but titled something catchy like "#SorryMattTaylor":

Imagine a video like this with a guy in suit talking to dramatic/sad music exposing the SJWs for the bully extremists that they are while apologizing and thanking this man in behalf of humanity for his contributions.

Not only would this go viral, but I honestly believe this would be a major win for rationality. As long as you hit the audience with the emotional music and something to do on twitter, you will get away with something like this.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

This is getting way too idiotic.

Why was he made to apologize to these people? How is this acceptable? This is crossing the fucking line.

These SJWs cannot be left to do "their thing."

They must be destroyed. Normal people must be made to realize that the kind of people who write these kind of articles online which influence their thoughts and everyday actions are like the woman above. Complete losers who have given up on improving their lives and now live to find ways of destroying the lives of people they envy. Once normal people understand the way the minds of these losers work, these fucks will be out of jobs and won't be able to bother us anymore.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-14-2014 04:02 PM)supadoopa_paratroopa Wrote:  

If you want a shirt of your own, here it is:

DAMMIT, sold out!


Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:51 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

At least many religions have many positive social beneficial side effects unlike this ideology. This ideology seeks only to destroy and subvert, not to build up

I actually like the religion analogy. In the just the same way you can be religious and a good person and not be the Westborough Baptist Church, you can have a social conscious, and think this shirt thing is ridiculous.

I think social justice is a good thing, and there are a lot of groups in the world (not the west) truly getting fucked. But if you think that a shirt is holding you back when your gender has never been freer, go talk to some Tutsis in Rwanda about oppression. There are people out there campaigning for good, needed social justice. Then these people have the nerve to fly under the same banner.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Matt Taylor is far from being the worst sexist in twentieth century science.

For example, take Albert Einstein. I don't care if he won four Nobel Prizes in physics - this photo of him is sexist:

Clearly, the way he is sticking his tongue out is meant to indicate the act of cunnilingus. And if that weren't enough, he further degrades women by insinuating that they have poor math skills!

[Image: einstein-formule-tableau.jpg]

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

As usual, the scientist in question here handled it exactly wrong. According to this BBC article, he "apologized", and even "broke down in tears."

Instead of standing up for himself and firing back at his persecutors, he curled up into the fetal position and kowtowed to his persecutors.

And this is the type of behavior that hurts all men.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Quote: (11-15-2014 01:29 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

And this is the type of behavior that hurts all men.

As a man, I am willing to hurt a little if it is for the sake of science.

But when science gets hurt, everybody gets hurt.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

I respectfully disagree with the criticism of Matt Taylor for his apology.

My guess he was forced to by the ESA. He’s probably very upset that such a moment of accomplishment for him is being defined by this. Even if he is apologizing on his own accord, I don't fault him.

If I saw a friend, a true nice, decent person, who in their moment of accomplishment being attacked by SJWs, who then apologized because he lives in a feminized culture, I wouldn’t criticism for his apology. I’d drop some red pill knowledge that he has no reason to apologize for being a man. And then I’d go after the SJW fuckheads for attacking him.

Some men are naturally shy, introverted and non-confrontational. I don’t think we should dismiss them, rather we should encourage them to join us by just telling the truth and encouraging them to follow their instincts, that the feminized culture they grew up in is a lie. And in this case he has no reason to apologize for wearing a funny shirt and the SJWs can go fuck themselves for trying to ruin his day. To say to them “I helped land a machine on a comet. I advanced science and participated in human history. What the fuck did any of you feminists do this week aside from complain and be fat and unattractive?” The best way to stick up for someone who is being attacked by bullies is to help him fight back.

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

I hope Russia and China start a big advertising campaign telling scientists to "come work where they're respected and pretty women appreciate them".

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

Doesn't everyone feel great that we live in a society where retards can question the greatest minds of our times for the most frivolous reasons?

Insanity: "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist"

I'm just noticing this #shirtstorm now. Reviewing the articles and the Twitter feed on #shirtstorm, it's clear the feminists lost this one.

Rose Eveleth is now hoping "to just move on with our lives."

The responses range from "you go, girl," to pathetic white-knighting, to a lot of scorn.

She fears she will never live this down, and she's right.

It's going to hurt her career, no doubt. Google is forever. Anyone in a scientific institution contemplating engaging her in any way will see this and think "Uhhhh, nah." Excuses will be made to avoid her, because people will know she's a dangerous cunt. She'll be dead-ended, will apply to new jobs in science journalism, and her CV will be tossed by prospective employers.

Matt should not have apologized, but was probably told to. The European environment for free expression is a lot more constrained than the US one. This is an EU agency.

Still, however much we might not approve of the emotional apology, it probably hurt the feminists a lot, because it illustrated the harm on the emotional level women understand and the triviality of the complaint. So you now have a lot of women defending him.

This is why I am sanguine about a lot of these feminist/SJW things. They will destroy themselves through their own excesses more than anything else. In politics as in physics Newton's Law applies, and the reaction (as long as it is allowed to be expressed) brings society back to a reasonable place.

[Image: B2bwyEYCIAAVNt4.jpg:medium]

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