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The Poland thread

The Poland thread

As a Sensitive New Age Guy Hyper Beta, who is, in my defense, very book-smart, I can tell you my wimpy schtick goes over 1000's of times better in EE than in CowboyTown, I mean the USA.

Within a week of of arriving I ALWAYS had middle class and up good but sexy girls ready to freaking marry me and to put out to sell me on the idea.

It's hard to describe how different it feels.

The Poland thread

Quote: (04-25-2011 08:43 PM)Sirob Wrote:  

Have not yet completed my Poland trip, but based on my experiences so far:

1) Be prepared to answer "Why Poland?" Every girl will ask you this and you better have a good answer
2) Getting a make out is not too difficult, but getting the girl to go home with you is a monumental exercise in frustration. I am writing this after spending the last 2 hours in trying to get a girl back to my apartment (I failed).
3) If you are a foreigner with money and well dressed, girls WILL notice you. However that does not give you any edge. You still have to prove to her that you are not simply looking for a one night stand.
4) Krakow girls are developing the sort of bitch shield that is more common with western girls. I spent 3 hours day gaming today and was blown outright by some girls without so much as a sorry. In comparison, the Wroclaw girls who rejected me were almost apologetic in comparison.
5) Polish guys are the worst chodes who have simply lucked into the draw of genetics. In the last 6 days in Poland, I have come upon just 3 guys who I would consider as good looking, well groomed and stylish. Note that this applies only to the guys born and bred in Poland. I saw plenty of stylish expats/foreigners, but I doubt that they are getting any action.

More to follow.

Take into consideration that during tourist season the Rynek (main square) is filled with drunk tourist (mostly Britsh men) who blatantly proposition any woman as though she was a prostitute. I wouldn’t do any day game at the Rynek. Instead I recommend you go to the Galleria Kazimerz.

The Galleria Kazimerz is a shopping mall that is far enough from the city center to discourage the average tourist but its only a 20 minuet walk depending on where you are staying.

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-01-2011 08:02 PM)Brian Wrote:  

Secondly, I think social circle game is kind of a fallback for what happens when you dont feel comfortable approaching outside of your social circle.

No, it is exactly the opposite. Social circle game is the main game there, and approaching outside of your social circle is relatively rare. A lot of people never approach just because they don't need to.

The Poland thread

I've arrived in Poznan and am pleased with what I see so far. After a full weekend I'll give some first impressions.

The Poland thread

Cool! I think you're going to have a good time in Poznan. If my Wroclaw impression is anything to go by, Poznan should be a pleasant experience.

Don't sidestep day game in the smaller cities. I had a blast with day game in Wroclaw and only fcuked up logistics prevented me from getting a notch.

Quote: (05-04-2011 02:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've arrived in Poznan and am pleased with what I see so far. After a full weekend I'll give some first impressions.

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-04-2011 02:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've arrived in Poznan and am pleased with what I see so far. After a full weekend I'll give some first impressions.

Looking forward to it.

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-04-2011 02:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've arrived in Poznan and am pleased with what I see so far. After a full weekend I'll give some first impressions.


Can't wait to come there myself

The Poland thread


The Poland thread


Hello Poznan, Poland!
4 May

I fucked the hottest girl in the world, but there will be no picture. Just take my word for it
5 May

That didn't take long.


The Poland thread

Quote: (05-06-2011 04:59 AM)LÉtranger Wrote:  

That didn't take long.


The Poland thread


Hello Poznan, Poland!
4 May

I fucked the hottest girl in the world, but there will be no picture. Just take my word for it
5 May

That's ok. As long as Al Qaeda verifies it, you are all good.

The Poland thread

First impressions:

Girls in Poznan (pronounced kind of like Poz-nine) are *significantly* better looking than Denmark. It took me 3 days of walking around in Vesterbro (Copenhagen neighborhood) to find ONE decent chick. No exaggeration. Not the case here. The talent is very respectable.

The girls do have slavic faces with the big nose and wide cheekbones (you mustn't mind big noses like on Iranian girls if you come to Poland). They have graceful style, decent bodies, and sweetheart personalities. Ass could be a tad bigger, but I know Brazil has fucked up my perceptions on that forever.

About 33% of girls have weak or no English.

Most foreigners that stay here are young exchange students or businessmen that come through briefly for the trade fairs. Almost no real tourists.

I'm seeing promise with day game, but there's a lot of individual variation. Some girls will be really reserved/shy while others will be chatty, and I think it depends on how secure she feels with her english. Night game is much more fun though since alcohol is dirt cheap, girls are in flirting mode, and the quality is higher.

Couple more things:

1. Girls have a serious thing for guys from Spain. Girls keep asking me if I'm from there. Now I know why Pepini (from Portugal) has had such good things to say about Poland. Honestly I feel semi-famous with all the love I'm getting and right now being Sunday I'm soaking in an afterglow of sorts (great flag). This has been quite a nice surprise.

The thing is that I see Spanish guys in the bar, and unlike the stereotype of them having game, I sure don't see it. I feel like I'm out-Spanishing the Spanish guys. I hate to sound arrogant but the male competition is so weak I actually feel like I'm quite a catch here.

2. Girls actually like Americans... I can't believe it. One girl gushed about my accent before asking for my number. Apparently all Polish girls dream of going to America. I say I'm from Washington DC and the common response is, "Oh cool I want to go there!" Their interest in the USA reminds me of Brazil.

3. They won't understand why you're in Poznan, because the think it's a shitty city, and will be very skeptical in general of your intentions. Everyone (and I do mean everyone) will interrogate you on why you're here, sometimes before even asking where you're from. There's two best answers: work or study. Girl may think you're full of shit if you say you're "staying" in Poznan for any other reason since it's a "boring" business city. I use the work reason, since it's true, and it helps. One girl said, "I don't mean to be rude, but are you rich?" Compared to them, yes I am!

My experiences so far have conflicted a bit with what I've heard:

1. Polish guys. Yes they don't have much style, and they're not the best looking guys in the world, but they make up for it in masculinity and alphaness. While they don't have much approach game, it's true you see busted dudes with beautiful chicks. I guess what I'm saying is don't stall and stare at a chick all night without doing anything just so a drunk Polish guy can swoop her up.

2. One-night stand culture. Girls are DTF. A while back there was a guy bragging he bangs every night in Poland. Was he a troll? Probably. Do I see that actually happening? Yes. Quality control would be an issue but it's possible if you're a foreigner with game. Swing for a hotel room and thank me later. Forget everything you may have heard about Polish girls taking a while to get intimate and just do your thing.

3. Social circle. For at least 5-7's you can roll solo dolo and pull. Girls are so friendly to the lone foreigner that I wonder how helpful social circle work will really be from an ROI standpoint. I'm not going to bother.

4. Humor. They get light sarcasm really well. Just calibrate the girl: if she has strong english, you can joke and tease a bit more. If a girl has poor English, I give direct answers to her questions and use only obvious humor that will be impossible to miss.

Bottom line for my first weekend experience: lots of pretty, English-speaking girls who like foreigners, especially with dark complexions (sorry blonde guys!). Seriously if you look Latin, have decent style and game, you will mop the floor. Other guys should still do quite well.

It's too early to call, but I want to say that Poland is Brazil for olive-skinned guys. I'm very very very happy with how my time here is going. [Image: amuse.gif]

The Poland thread

Yep, this is pretty much EXACTLY what I thought you'd say [Image: smile.gif] I spent a couple of months in Krakow last year and like you, have a dark complexion (which meant that I don't get much outright love in somewhere like Brazil) but I was getting approached outright a ton in Poland.... I think that your look is very important in Poland and for once it isn't in favor of that classic Euro blonde look.

Also like you say, I found Polish girls to be a lot more DTF than people suggest - it really wasn't hard to get them back the same night if your venue selection was good. What's the general Poznan nightlife like? Some decent bars and clubs?

Glad you're enjoying yourself and it must be a welcome relief from Denmark... I am likely to be heading over again for a few weeks soon.

Got any good hookups for accommodation there? Monthly apartments etc.

The Poland thread

I'm curious how important personal style is in Poland, and what kind of style is popular there? I am also a middle eastern/mediteranean looking guy, and usually dress either with more of an urban/hip hop style or more of an upscale GQ look. I'm assuming that Poland is pretty safe, can a guy rock some nice jewelry like (watch, gold chain, diamond ring/earring), and not have to look over his shoulder? Would that look go over well there and DHV, or would it come off as try hard? Also based on what you've seen do you have a shaddy mafioso element like you might find in (Hungary, Latvia, Russia, etc.), or super aggressive alpha guys who want to cock block or start fights?

Never considered going to Poland, and don't usually travel mainly for women, but based on what you're saying Poland does have a lot going for it, factor in cheap cost of living, and probably at least a little cool history, culture, nature, and it may be a place I should start thinking about.

The Poland thread

Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying Poland - I think you will find most of Eastern Europe enjoyable (although you wont see many big asses). One of the cool things about traveling around are the highs and lows, and how coming off a shitty stay in Denmark you can bounce right to a great situation like Denmark.

The Poland thread

Great to know that you are really enjoying your time in Poland! Must be a welcome relief after the frozen landscape of Denmark.

Am curious to know about your experience in one aspect. I distinctly felt that the middle eastern/north african look will not go down well there. Whats your take on that?

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-08-2011 12:20 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Bottom line for my first weekend experience: lots of pretty, English-speaking girls who like foreigners, especially with dark complexions (sorry blonde guys!). Seriously if you look Latin, have decent style and game, you will mop the floor. Other guys should still do quite well.

It's too early to call, but I want to say that Poland is Brazil for olive-skinned guys. I'm very very very happy with how my time here is going. [Image: amuse.gif]

Thanks a bunch Roosh, Very encouraging Initial Impression about Poland, 1 + for finding a place where Dark Skin has some levearge and travelling all the way to find one for the team..........Great now I am dreaming about Poland [Image: angel.gif] ........

@ MiXX : I am sure you are reading this

1.Girls like guys from Spain (Ding)

2.Seriously if you look Latin, have decent style and game, you will mop the floor (Ding Ding Ding ding.........)

I see a trip to Poland Mixx [Image: banana.gif]

"Timidity is dangerous, Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity." (Robert Greene)

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-08-2011 12:33 PM)KanyeWest Wrote:  

What's the general Poznan nightlife like? Some decent bars and clubs?

Pretty cheesy so far, but the girls go out so I'm not going to judge harshly. I still have a lot of research to do.

Quote: (05-08-2011 01:25 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

I'm curious how important personal style is in Poland, and what kind of style is popular there?

The guys dress very simple, kind of like what was popular State-side 10 years ago. At the club they wear jeans and a stripped collared shirt. T-shirts and Adidas jackets are common.


I am also a middle eastern/mediteranean looking guy, and usually dress either with more of an urban/hip hop style or more of an upscale GQ look. I'm assuming that Poland is pretty safe, can a guy rock some nice jewelry like (watch, gold chain, diamond ring/earring), and not have to look over his shoulder? Would that look go over well there and DHV, or would it come off as try hard?

You should be fine in the main areas. I really don't know if girls would dig this look though.


Also based on what you've seen do you have a shaddy mafioso element like you might find in (Hungary, Latvia, Russia, etc.), or super aggressive alpha guys who want to cock block or start fights?

Not shady at all. If you approach a big mixed-set group the guys may get protective, but nothing aggressive.

Quote: (05-08-2011 03:17 PM)Sirob Wrote:  

I distinctly felt that the middle eastern/north african look will not go down well there. Whats your take on that?

Problem is those guys typically have no game or style. If you have that look, but are "Westernized", I don't see why you won't pull.

The Poland thread

Great report. If you like Poland, I suspect that you will be blown away by places like Ukraine, Macedonia and Romania.

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-08-2011 12:20 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

First impressions:

Girls in Poznan (pronounced kind of like Poz-nine) are *significantly* better looking than Denmark. It took me 3 days of walking around in Vesterbro (Copenhagen neighborhood) to find ONE decent chick. No exaggeration. Not the case here. The talent is very respectable.

The girls do have slavic faces with the big nose and wide cheekbones (you mustn't mind big noses like on Iranian girls if you come to Poland). They have graceful style, decent bodies, and sweetheart personalities. Ass could be a tad bigger, but I know Brazil has fucked up my perceptions on that forever.

About 33% of girls have weak or no English.

Most foreigners that stay here are young exchange students or businessmen that come through briefly for the trade fairs. Almost no real tourists.

I'm seeing promise with day game, but there's a lot of individual variation. Some girls will be really reserved/shy while others will be chatty, and I think it depends on how secure she feels with her english. Night game is much more fun though since alcohol is dirt cheap, girls are in flirting mode, and the quality is higher.

Couple more things:

1. Girls have a serious thing for guys from Spain. Girls keep asking me if I'm from there. Now I know why Pepini (from Portugal) has had such good things to say about Poland. Honestly I feel semi-famous with all the love I'm getting and right now being Sunday I'm soaking in an afterglow of sorts (great flag). This has been quite a nice surprise.

The thing is that I see Spanish guys in the bar, and unlike the stereotype of them having game, I sure don't see it. I feel like I'm out-Spanishing the Spanish guys. I hate to sound arrogant but the male competition is so weak I actually feel like I'm quite a catch here.

2. Girls actually like Americans... I can't believe it. One girl gushed about my accent before asking for my number. Apparently all Polish girls dream of going to America. I say I'm from Washington DC and the common response is, "Oh cool I want to go there!" Their interest in the USA reminds me of Brazil.

3. They won't understand why you're in Poznan, because the think it's a shitty city, and will be very skeptical in general of your intentions. Everyone (and I do mean everyone) will interrogate you on why you're here, sometimes before even asking where you're from. There's two best answers: work or study. Girl may think you're full of shit if you say you're "staying" in Poznan for any other reason since it's a "boring" business city. I use the work reason, since it's true, and it helps. One girl said, "I don't mean to be rude, but are you rich?" Compared to them, yes I am!

My experiences so far have conflicted a bit with what I've heard:

1. Polish guys. Yes they don't have much style, and they're not the best looking guys in the world, but they make up for it in masculinity and alphaness. While they don't have much approach game, it's true you see busted dudes with beautiful chicks. I guess what I'm saying is don't stall and stare at a chick all night without doing anything just so a drunk Polish guy can swoop her up.

2. One-night stand culture. Girls are DTF. A while back there was a guy bragging he bangs every night in Poland. Was he a troll? Probably. Do I see that actually happening? Yes. Quality control would be an issue but it's possible if you're a foreigner with game. Swing for a hotel room and thank me later. Forget everything you may have heard about Polish girls taking a while to get intimate and just do your thing.

3. Social circle. For at least 5-7's you can roll solo dolo and pull. Girls are so friendly to the lone foreigner that I wonder how helpful social circle work will really be from an ROI standpoint. I'm not going to bother.

4. Humor. They get light sarcasm really well. Just calibrate the girl: if she has strong english, you can joke and tease a bit more. If a girl has poor English, I give direct answers to her questions and use only obvious humor that will be impossible to miss.

Bottom line for my first weekend experience: lots of pretty, English-speaking girls who like foreigners, especially with dark complexions (sorry blonde guys!). Seriously if you look Latin, have decent style and game, you will mop the floor. Other guys should still do quite well.

It's too early to call, but I want to say that Poland is Brazil for olive-skinned guys. I'm very very very happy with how my time here is going. [Image: amuse.gif]

Great initial thoughts, Roosh.

Are you going to visit other cities in Poland as well? Be great if you could do a Bang Poland or maybe even a Bang Eastern Europe if you visit enough EE countries.

The Poland thread

Roosh...fuuccck!! How can you post this now as I am planning my trip to Montreal??? Polish Girls like guys from Spain?? that's me...and you cannot possibly look anymore latin than me..I am the poster child for a latin looking guy from Miami!!

FFUUUCCCCKKK...Now you're gonna have me thinking all night I should cut my trip to Montreal in half, and go spend the other half in Poland!!


The Poland thread

it could be that a new gold mine has been found. ive traveled through most of europe..not poland though....but met enough polish women outide of their country to know that there was huge potential. next year i will go there, slovenia, macedonia around this time of the year as it is the best time logistically. i was in brazil paulo last year but now im open to the idea that brasileiras can be beat though it is unlikely. im going to joao pessoa and brasilia for 3 months in july..will post data sheets. as a latin looking guy who knows portugues i maybe be biased but i am looking to rooshs final thoughts when his trip is done. unless one is into asian chicks what could be better?

The Poland thread

"Girls have a serious thing for guys from Spain."

Good Data Sheet in and of itself.

Poland just shot up my list.

Maybe Sept.


The Poland thread

Quote: (05-08-2011 09:24 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Roosh...fuuccck!! How can you post this now as I am planning my trip to Montreal??? Polish Girls like guys from Spain?? that's me...and you cannot possibly look anymore latin than me..I am the poster child for a latin looking guy from Miami!!

FFUUUCCCCKKK...Now you're gonna have me thinking all night I should cut my trip to Montreal in half, and go spend the other half in Poland!!


Too bad you can't just be in a few places at once bro. Seriously, it seems like everytime you get set on one trip a user suggests two or three more incredibly intriguing options on this forum and you end up cussing like a sailor at the potential. Must be frustrating.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

The Poland thread

interesting how brazil....including its women... made me forget colombia (lived in medellin and cali for a couple of months)though it is a great country also, ecuador, peru. in the end its like the nba playoffs---only the top will be remembered. we will see which country wins the roosh european playoffs.

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