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Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.


Two are confirmed killed (including the shooter). 4 are in critical condition.

The story is still developing but that's what I've heard so far. Just have a look at some of his past tweets:

[Image: 20090802e1f0566f279e7d60685cc3af12b4d30b.png]

Here are links to their twitter pages.

Jaylen(the shooter) twitter page: https://twitter.com/frybergj/

Gia(his ex) twitter page: https://twitter.com/giasoriano12

I don't expect the pages to be up for long, but his twitter page is nauseating, considering it reeks of "oneitis."


Turns out that Gia girl wasn't his girfriend (although, she was still shot at). His girlfriend was/is this girl:https://twitter.com/Shilenegeorgiaa as evidenced by the shooter's instagram account: http://www.enjoygram.com/jaylen_ray_33

I could be wrong about the motive behind it all (since most of the info i heard was off twitter) but he clearly knew the kids he ended up shooting. Nonetheless, Mods can delete this thread if need be.

"If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more daring."- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Rudderless beta teen goes on a killing spree.

Where was his father?

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Quote: (10-24-2014 05:36 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Rudderless beta teen goes on a killing spree.

Where was his father?

I'm also wondering if he have a history of being on psychotropic drugs (anti-depressants).

Sounds like a serious case of oneitis. The cheatin' girl theme is nothing new and was the cause I guess (but of course she didn't deserve to die).

Maybe one of the takeaways should be "look how shoddily boys are treated bc Feminism tells young teenage girls "you don't need a man" so they cheat more and cause incredible emotional damage." Yeah, sure that will happen.

Fucking asshole has to shoot 4 others too??

Hate to say it but another school shooting is not surprising.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Another point for the incel gang?

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Yup I called this, shot his ex, shot his ex's new bf.

Is this what we've come to ? "I'll kill you/myself if we break up"

Fuck I was just bummed when my first ex and I broke up, guess what I did ? Went out and partied and tried banging new girls !

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Quote: (10-24-2014 05:50 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Yup I called this, shot his ex, shot his ex's new bf.

Is this what we've come to ? "I'll kill you/myself if we break up"

Fuck I was just bummed when my first ex and I broke up, guess what I did ? Went out and partied and tried banging new girls !

When I was in high school I was irritated when a girlfriend broke up with me. I wasn't really hurt or anything. My thoughts were more in line with "Your excuses are invalid".

I don't understand how a breakup green lights shooting up a school. Kid was just pathetic.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

This is what happens when you don't learn/apply game.

"Oneitis" definitely should be something that is worth being diagnosed for. There are many guys just like him turning into nutcases because of one vagina.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Sooooo, if colleges needs to teach men not to rape ™, should high schools now start to teach girls not to cheat?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

There are men who get mad when cheated on and then there are these psychos. He wanted to hurt them and after crossing that line he simply went on until he felt his number was up.

Hallmark of a psycho.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

One thing I've noticed is just how illiterate so many of these teenagers are now. Somehow these kids make it to high school without being able to communicate at even a third grade level. They can't seem to form basic sentences or spell the simplest words. When I read through the Twitter exchanges from those kids and their friends, the conversations seem to be almost complete gibberish.

There's definitely been a major cultural change that's bringing about these shootings. When I was a kid, incidents like this were almost totally unheard of.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

This recent school shooting is reason #99 to get out of USA...full of stupid people and loosers.
Badamson has a great point. How this country is still a world power is beyond belief, this new generation is getting dumber and lazier.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Quote: (10-24-2014 09:39 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

This recent school shooting is reason #99 to get out of USA...full of stupid people and loosers.
Badamson has a great point. How this country is still a world power is beyond belief, this new generation is getting dumber and lazier.

There's crazy psychos & serial killers all over the world.....though I do understand your sentiments

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Quote: (10-24-2014 08:41 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

There's definitely been a major cultural change that's bringing about these shootings. When I was a kid, incidents like this were almost totally unheard of.

A feminist will tie it to video games in 5... 4... 3... 2...

Spitballing here: could it be the fact that women don't even pretend to be nice to guys anymore?

EDIT: Looks like Sarkeesian already did. Stay classy, lady.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Again and again, my advice to high school boys like this is to go after a girl who is two or three years younger. You have instant "higher value" by simply being older. The girls will look up to you and won't give you much attitude.

I think many boys are becoming more and more disconnected from both parents. You can live in the same house with a parent and still be very disconnected.

The other thing is that for some of them, suicide just isn't enough. Thousands of kids commit suicide and never make national news. If you commit suicide and take a few innocent people with you, you get a whole lot more attention. You can go out in a "blaze of glory."

I have a second cousin once-removed who survived taking three from Cho at Virginia Tech. I still felt sorry for him.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Not to make light of this (or any other mass shooting), but they are rare and do happen in other nations, rarer still because of lower populations. These seem to be happening more because we have better access to information in real time than at any other time in history. Same goes for bad weather. Things seem worse than they really are.

You're still statistically as safe living in the entirety of the US (outside of certain inner cities) as you are in many other western European nations. In some rural areas of the US, even with most of the citizenry owning firearms, you're safer than just about any place else. Perspective is always needed when looking at tragedy like this.

That said, this kid is most likely mentally ill, like every other mass shooting / bombing outside of terrorism (and I bet quite a few terrorists are quite mentally ill). Very sad stuff.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Quote: (10-24-2014 09:47 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2014 09:39 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

This recent school shooting is reason #99 to get out of USA...full of stupid people and loosers.
Badamson has a great point. How this country is still a world power is beyond belief, this new generation is getting dumber and lazier.

There's crazy psychos & serial killers all over the world.....though I do understand your sentiments

Because life is seen as cheap in those places which the majority are developing nations. A country such as the USA should not be like it is, there is way too many murders and deaths from psychos and stupid shit.

When you can compare your murder rates to places like Africa, Brazil and Mexico you should know there is a problem.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Quote: (10-24-2014 10:05 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2014 08:41 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

There's definitely been a major cultural change that's bringing about these shootings. When I was a kid, incidents like this were almost totally unheard of.

A feminist will tie it to video games in 5... 4... 3... 2...

Spitballing here: could it be the fact that women don't even pretend to be nice to guys anymore?

EDIT: Looks like Sarkeesian already did. Stay classy, lady.

Bingo. Thunderf00t covered it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzpue3MPuko

If I was conspiracy minded I'd say the Anita Sarkeesian threat in Utah as a false flag, or this school shooting itself was a false flag, in order to support the upcoming election and the pushers of gun control.

Instead, I'll just say the group think runs deep enough that you don't need a false flag, you just need enough emergencies to put in action the brainwashing that started over a generation ago in order to advance a political class.

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.

Whatever the leftist drama queens in the mainstream media say, these attacks are still relatively rare.

And no matter what side of the gun debate you are on, it shouldn't take a genius to deduce that these people are crazy first and foremost (i.e. they didn't just pick up a gun and go crazy) and if they didn't shoot up the school would find a way to cause damage some other say, whether by knife or some sort of bomb.

I'm not a fan of semi-automatic weapons, but let's face it they are banned in most of the bigger cities around the country anyway, and it's only a matter of time before you're going to be able to print out a gun on the internet which opens up a whole new can of worms...

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Marysville High School Shooting: Boy shoots his ex for cheating and her new bf.


Jaylen Fryberg, who witnesses said gunned down students at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, is the cousin of two of the wounded, their grandfather said.

The boys, identified as cousins 15-year-old Andrew Fryberg and 14-year-old Nate Hatch, are at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Susan Gregg, the hospital's spokeswoman, said. Fryberg is in critical condition and Hatch is listed in serious condition, she said.
Gonna be some weird family reunions.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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