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Can a girl be helped?

Can a girl be helped?

I realize the very premise of this sounds white knight so I will offer some context.

I'm dating and having sex with a few women right now. Other women....and I'm enjoying myself.

The girl in question is one I dated and banged a while. This happened a while back. I used to have feelings for her but can tell they have subsided as when I see her, I don't have that 'pull' that I used to. Don't get me wrong, I'd still bang her and maybe add to my rotation if possible and We still talk and have lunch from time to time.

I have a feeling based on what she's saying she may want life advice from me to in next week. Corny as it sounds, I care about her as a person and don't really care to see her as a miserable sad person later in life. She's 26 now and has an on off thing with her not so great ex ( according to her) Guess he gives her the gina tingles or something due to the on off nature of their relationship. Here's the kicker, she's in her last year of college and in her mind is focusing on career, but I can tell from a recent conversation she doesn't really know what to do with her life.

So the question....if she asks me life advice when we get together next week, should I lay out red pill truths .....or better put....what could one tell a girl in this situation to give her the best advice without having her hate you? Explain the more cocks a woman has had...the more she can't bond? She needs to focus on maternal things and not career? These would be the bluntest ways of putting which is probably in a woman's best interest long term....but surely , would cause blunt force trauma to her's and my relationship.

Part of me wants to say 'fuck it' and let her just hit the wall in her 30s with some dude that treats her like shit. I must admit, I do have an alterior motive, that being, I know if I give her advice and open her up emotionally, a good bang is highly likely [Image: banana.gif]

At the same time, when someone who I consider a friend or that I like as a person asks me for advice, I like to try to give them the best advice regardless of their sex. I don't know whether to just let her figure it herself and decline helping if she asks....or actually try to help if she asks....and what to say.

I also realize, since taking the red pill, that women are almost completely governed by their emotions and also governed by what is currently 'in the moment' this is another reason I'm thinking any advice I give her may make total sense and be convincing, but be swept under the rug at a not so later time.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Can a girl be helped?

Women always shoot the messenger. You can try, but my advice is don't save her.

Can a girl be helped?

Quote: (10-23-2014 06:16 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Corny as it sounds, I care about her as a person and don't really care to see her as a miserable sad person later in life.

Dude, women are born miserable. They grow up miserable. They die miserable. Good luck changing that sport. [Image: smile.gif]

Can a girl be helped?

I just pictured you laying out some truths for her. And her jumping up calling you an "asshole" and swinging at you.

She's not worth it.

Can a girl be helped?

Agree with the aforementioned. Saving a girl is not worth it, since more often than not they are their own worst enemy due to their insecurities.

Can a girl be helped?

No, the only thing you should be laying on her is your dick.

You can giver her all the advice in the world and still turn into friend zoned frank. Especially when she's back and forth with her ex.

[Image: Funniest_Memes_you-can-lead-a-horse-to-water_5069.jpeg]

Can a girl be helped?

If you still want to fuck this girl, forget about giving her "advice". Just tell her whatever you need to get in her pants.

If you don't care about fucking her anymore, why not say the truth? Tell her that if she is a normal woman, the only thing that will make her happy and give her a fulfilling life is being a mother, having a family and raising a few kids with a decent man. She can fool herself about "career" all she wants but none of that shit will matter to her down the line. And at 26 she doesn't have much time to waste if she wants to have a good family and 3 kids or so.

She may well hate you for it but if you don't want to fuck her anymore, what is there to lose? Although it's never likely, sometimes the truth delivered bluntly but calmly and without the least hysteria will have an effect on someone's life. She might remember what you said 2 years down the line after riding the carousel a little longer and it will suddenly strike her as the truth -- and then you will maybe have done a good deed. Who knows? But expect nothing.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Can a girl be helped?

Recommend her a book or two. If she hasn't put in the work herself then there's no point in you laying everything out for her, you can put her on the right track, but don't try to solve her problems. Right now she's probably blind to them and doesn't have the ego to openly accept honest criticism.

Only give advice to very specific questions when she's done the work herself.

Would tell the same thing to a guy.

Can a girl be helped?

This is something that has been tried before.

I don't think it has ever worked. Women do not choose for themselves, society chooses for them. I emphasize, society, not one individual. They are lead by the values of the collective, in the tribal days they had to be.

Can a girl be helped?

Quote: (10-23-2014 09:17 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

This is something that has been tried before.

I don't think it has ever worked. Women do not choose for themselves, society chooses for them. I emphasize, society, not one individual. They are lead by the values of the collective, in the tribal days they had to be.

Rather profound.

By this logic, today's western society, which induces women to ride the carousel, put career above family, and settle for beta bux at the wall, results in women doing just this.

The friend I speak of, indeed, seems to be going in this direction somewhat. She's not really riding the carousel at this point, per se as she is exclusively dating, but still most other points she is adhering to.

So, by your logic, the society decides and to this, I agree.

Maybe I could just tell her this. I'm sure that wouldn't generate any denial or nascent rage ( sarcasm)

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Can a girl be helped?

Quote: (10-23-2014 09:32 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2014 09:17 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

This is something that has been tried before.

I don't think it has ever worked. Women do not choose for themselves, society chooses for them. I emphasize, society, not one individual. They are lead by the values of the collective, in the tribal days they had to be.

Rather profound.

By this logic, today's western society, which induces women to ride the carousel, put career above family, and settle for beta bux at the wall, results in women doing just this.

The friend I speak of, indeed, seems to be going in this direction somewhat. She's not really riding the carousel at this point, per se as she is exclusively dating, but still most other points she is adhering to.

So, by your logic, the society decides and to this, I agree.

Maybe I could just tell her this. I'm sure that wouldn't generate any denial or nascent rage ( sarcasm)

A woman who leaves the tribe to go out into nature is a dead woman. You can never make a woman do that, it is practically impossible. It doesn't matter what you say, she will probably only hate you for it. Society has failed her, for sure, but that is her problem. Empathy will not give you any benefits in life. You like her, just enjoy her while she is there and when you release her out into the wild, whatever happens was going to happen anyway. It is not your business.

Can a girl be helped?

People who constantly need to seek other peoples advice, without taking action themselves, are people who are just looking for validation for their own shitty mistakes.

You cannot help someone who will not help themselves first.

A humble gentleman's blog about pussy, cigars, and game.

The Problem With Nightclubs

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Can a girl be helped?

Quote: (10-23-2014 06:25 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Dude, women are born miserable. They grow up miserable. They die miserable. Good luck changing that sport. [Image: smile.gif]

Amen to that! The bible story of Adam and Eve basically says women are cursed. The whole story is to explain women's miserable existence. OK I'm not religious and so I think it's just a story. But it means that some guy 3,000 years ago thought women were miserable, too! Women's nature hasn't changed in all that time.

Moral of the story? Ivan is exactly right. Trying to make your woman "happy" can only guarantee that one person is miserable.

Care to guess who that one person IS, kemosabe?

Can a girl be helped?

Oh, I don't know about that. I've seen plenty of women who are miserable, and I've seen plenty who are far from miserable. On the whole, I don't think women are particularly more or less miserable than men are. To quote from Schopenhauer's great essay:


You need only look at the way in which she is formed, to see that woman is not meant to undergo great labor, whether of the mind or of the body. She pays the debt of life not by what she does, but by what she suffers; by the pains of child-bearing and care for the child, and by submission to her husband, to whom she should be a patient and cheering companion. The keenest sorrows and joys are not for her, nor is she called upon to display a great deal of strength. The current of her life should be more gentle, peaceful and trivial than man's, without being essentially happier or unhappier.

If a woman has her animal life all sorted out, if she has a man, children to take care of, a social life, and things to do throughout the day, she can live in a perfectly contented state of squirrel busyness and satisfaction. It is also true that she can be utterly miserable if these conditions are absent.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Can a girl be helped?

Try it robreke: give her advices.
You'll see how pointless it is: women are not led by logic.
Prepare your best speech, find the best arguments and present them to her in the most understandable and accessible way.

At best, she'll pretend to be interested and willing to follow them (but won't).
At worst, she'll get angry at you for "judging" her.

But I still advise you to go for it, learn from that experience.
So next time, you won't even think about trying.

Can a girl be helped?

Quote: (10-23-2014 06:25 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2014 06:16 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Corny as it sounds, I care about her as a person and don't really care to see her as a miserable sad person later in life.

Dude, women are born miserable. They grow up miserable. They die miserable. Good luck changing that sport. [Image: smile.gif]

By the way, I think this is the truest thing ever written on this - or any other - forum!

It literally has the power to SAVE LIVES!

EVERY time I'm involved with a hot drama queen (like that married chick I got involved with), I try to remind myself of the following:

- This chick is hot, and so I may be getting a case of one-it is.
- But would she make me HAPPY if I moved in with her, married her? NO! She CAN'T make me happy because she herself IS NOT HAPPY. In fact, most women are not happy UNLESS they're not happy!
- This is doubly-true is today's society, where women have too much power in relationships. It's unnatural - the only way most women can be happy is in being under the control of a strong man.
- What does this unhappy woman bring to the table? Good judgment that will help my life? Not any of the women I've known. Money? Ha, rarely! Even the ones who earn well, tend to spend more than they earn. And if they have a baby, forget about it! You'll be subsidizing her and those kids until the day you die. So WHAT, then? I know! Her pussy! Her hotness, her youth, her charm! But will that LAST? No. In fact, the day I move in or marry her is the day the supply of affection starts to dwindle.
- All this adds up to the following: Date hot, young women. Make love to them. Take nice vacations with them. Even have LTRs with them. But NEVER move them in and NEVER marry them. A woman's shelf life is pretty short. It's like buying a dog: That cute pup you bring home today, so small and's hard to imagine, but in 10-14 years, he'll be an old dead dog and you'll need to replace him. Well, that hot chick you're with today? Some time between 34 and 40, she'll become an OLD HAG and will need to be replaced with a NEW young, hot, hard-body. But if you sign a contract to give half your stuff to this one woman, you'll never get to have the next one! It's like if you had to drag that old, dead dog around on its leash the rest of your life...long after the dog died!

Can a girl be helped?

You can't save anyone nor should you try. It's on her to save herself. Let her find Jesus or something like that.

Women were put on this earth to hitch their wagon to a man, help him achieve his dreams and reap the fruits of his labor. It's up to her to choose her level of commitment.

Team Nachos

Can a girl be helped?

Quote: (10-25-2014 12:24 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Women were put on this earth to hitch their wagon to a man, help him achieve his dreams and reap the fruits of his labor. It's up to her to choose her level of commitment.

Indeed. Somewhere along the line, the "helping" part got lost...the "reaping the fruits of his labor" part, however, is still going strong!![Image: suspicious.gif]

Can a girl be helped?

I don't see any harm in giving solid advice to anyone who ask for it, male or female.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

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