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Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

I just read Roosh's posts 'Do it for the notch', 'I have standards excuse' and 'Boner test' for the 100th time. He is right, at some point you just have to be realistic. Not everyone can bang 10s daily, especially if your local talent is woeful and your looks and bankroll are subpar. And I am really trying to raise my notch count to a respectable double figure.

Question is, when you target fatties and uglies do you throw the negs, push and pulls, lmrs, custom suits, asds and aloofness out the window? Do you run complement/cuddle game, oneitis, provider, be yourself game? Because even ugly girls require some effort.

Don't debate me.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Dude, with 5s and below, they'll usually be happy to get attention from any half decent man, espeically if they've had a couple of drinks.
Just have a couple of funny tales, build a little kino and drop the shoulder once you get to somewhere a bit more private.
After that, come up with some reason she should come to your place, to check out some prop you have there, etc, and proceed, building more kino as you go.
The bang should not be that hard to achieve, but bro, don't make a habit of banging 5s and below, at the start it's fine, as you're building up your experience, but once you gain some confidence, aim for 6s and upwards, your dick will thank you for it.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Your best bet is to raise your value as a man.
There's nothing wrong with having an attractive gf because all the other options are fat ugly girls.

I spent some time in a small town a few hours from where i live.
I was assigned to work there for 6 months.
After 4 days i only saw 3 decent girls that didn't have kids or one on the way. I gamed all three of them and had one become my main bitch for the remaining 5 months.
Smashing hot pussy is always nice regardless of how many times you hit it.

Conversely it sounds like what you're thinking is: "i can have home cooked meals prepared by a beautiful woman but i'd rather eat mcdonalds and burger king on alternating days"

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

You can lower your standards somewhat, but no need to really dumpster dive, because you'll feel like you're losing either way whether or not you can get a fattie in bed.

The good thing about gaming less attractive girls is that you can do whatever you want and feel less outcome dependant. Try whatever you feel like trying, practice on them, even ask them for feedback if you like. Then use what works on better looking girls.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Sex isn't risk free, no matter how careful you are. Is banging an ugly and/or fat chick really worth catching something nasty? This is an unsubstantiated claim but I would imagine that low class girls also carry a higher risk of having something you don't want to catch.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

The attractive girls aren't necessarily harder, just different.

This relates to an older thread, where a lot of us have found to have better success with the girls in the 8-9 range than the 6-7 range. The girls in the 4-5 range can be the easiest, but sometimes these girls are even more interested in feeling like a "hot bitch" and shooting a guy down in dramatic fashion than getting banged.

Some of the most ruthless, rude rejections I've experienced were from girls that I'd regret banging if I actually had done it.

Don't necessarily think it will be easy pickins. Girls can tell if you're genuinely attracted or not. You should at least get with girls who pass the boner test, even if they're a bit thick or whatever.

Also beware, big girls tend to struggle with hygiene. Be sure to have an open window and a fan running...

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Quote: (10-15-2014 01:13 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Question is, when you target fatties and uglies do you throw the negs, push and pulls, lmrs, custom suits, asds and aloofness out the window? Do you run complement/cuddle game, oneitis, provider, be yourself game? Because even ugly girls require some effort.

Ugly girls require the same amount of unpredictable effort as the pretty ones.

No girl is grateful to have some random dude in her life that wants to give her dick. Outside of the maimed and disfigured, most chicks get more attention than is right. Even post menopausal chicks can get some young dick if they market themselves as cougars.

As for the mind games of building attraction - like everything, you have to play it by ear and calibrate.

In terms of your outer game, the pretty ones don't require custom suits either, but dressing you best is always a good move. It often does more for you mentally than it does for her.


Does beta game work on ugly girls?

The lowest you should ever go is a 6 really and those are plain Janes with a feature you like or cute but not attractive girls. I always go for those when I see them and I consider them like I do 7s aka genuinely attractive girls.

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Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Quote: (10-15-2014 01:13 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

I just read Roosh's posts 'Do it for the notch', 'I have standards excuse' and 'Boner test' for the 100th time. He is right, at some point you just have to be realistic. Not everyone can bang 10s daily, especially if your local talent is woeful and your looks and bankroll are subpar. And I am really trying to raise my notch count to a respectable double figure.

Question is, when you target fatties and uglies do you throw the negs, push and pulls, lmrs, custom suits, asds and aloofness out the window? Do you run complement/cuddle game, oneitis, provider, be yourself game? Because even ugly girls require some effort.

I don't know why you would even devote time into coming up with a strategy on "gaming" an unattractive girl. Yes, we can't all bang 10s but there is nothing wrong with a cute girl with a sweet personality. Keep your expectations high on the kind of girl you deserve to be with.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

EVERY type of game works on ugly girls.

Social circle

They all work!

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Thanks for the input. It's just that I'm in the midst of a dry spell and 4s and 5s are beginning to look like 7s. Yeah, it's that bad.

Don't debate me.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Quote: (10-15-2014 01:29 PM)amity Wrote:  

Dude, with 5s and below, they'll usually be happy to get attention from any half decent man, espeically if they've had a couple of drinks.

I see you've never been to San Francisco.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Quote: (10-15-2014 04:10 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2014 01:13 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Question is, when you target fatties and uglies do you throw the negs, push and pulls, lmrs, custom suits, asds and aloofness out the window? Do you run complement/cuddle game, oneitis, provider, be yourself game? Because even ugly girls require some effort.

Ugly girls require the same amount of unpredictable effort as the pretty ones.

No girl is grateful to have some random dude in her life that wants to give her dick. Outside of the maimed and disfigured, most chicks get more attention than is right. Even post menopausal chicks can get some young dick if they market themselves as cougars.

As for the mind games of building attraction - like everything, you have to play it by ear and calibrate.

In terms of your outer game, the pretty ones don't require custom suits either, but dressing you best is always a good move. It often does more for you mentally than it does for her.

Agree with WIA. I dont understand why guys think ugly girls are easier to game. Do they think those ugly broad would be grateful that she gets to be with you? No. The ugly obese western woman sincerely believes that she deserves Ryan Gosling. IMO ugly girls can be sometimes one of the meanest people with hyper sensitive mental explosives.

I find gaming cute girls who are not necessarily head turners to be the easiest and most pleasant to game. To some extent they have some social awareness, know how to deal with men but doesn't YET have the high maintenance of 9s.

And no you shouldn't be gaming ugly girls. They should game you or pay you to have sex with them.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

If you're really in the middle of a dry spell, you can game what seems easier for you, but don't make it a habit. Ugly girls can (but not necessarly) be easier to game if they didn't get attention for a while. Most ugly fat whores are still attention-whores and want more than Brad Pitt for boyfriend. It all depends on the girl.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Ugly girls are only good for pumping and dumping.
That sounds harsh but these girls often have an unrealistic assessment of their own attractiveness. It's not 100% thier fault as this is in part due to the state of men these days.

If they pass the boner test fuck them until they don't any more and move on with zero remorse.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?


EVERY type of game works on ugly girls.

Social circle

They all work!


I'd like to say that I have more experience dealing with ugly girls than 80% of the people on this forum, and trust me when I tell you that all the qualities of typical hot girls are present in them. They don't show it (though in this culture they start showing it more and more so you get the worst of both worlds), but deep inside them is all the bitchiness and manipulative survival instincts of any hot girl.

In fact, ugly girls are thirsty as hell to show these qualities and be able to tell themselves, "Yeah, I'm attractive. This hot guy was buying me stuff and I didn't return his call. I'm in demand! Hahaha." Sure, they may fuck you (though it's more and more common for ugly girls to straight up reject you for beta behavior), but they will also try to stick their talons in you and use their "hold of attraction" to manipulate you and take advantage of your "nice guy" nature to get more of what they want. Especially if you're the only source of "male attention income."

I can promise you that game works on ugly girls, fat girls, and self-conscious girls. And honestly, I would rather be beta to Tianna Gregory than to Lindy West. Beta game on ugly girls is a recipe for disaster. At best you get shot down and feel broken pride for "taking it light" on a supposedly easy bang, and worst case scenario, you have a girl who thinks she can control you.

What's worse is, I have actually seen guys with game awareness try beta game on mediocre girls and get sucked into their traps because he started believing they were the best he could do. If he had frame and game from the start, he would have a harem of mediocre girls that could've increased his sense of self-worth, decreased his outcome dependence and helped him climb to hotter girls.

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

To quote the Hodge twins...

"Those tens are too much work. Go find a five sitting in a corner by herself, walk up and say, damn girl, you're a ten."

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12)

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

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Joseph Campbell

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

Ugly girls are often more eager to please in the bedroom.

You don't have to look at her when she's sucking your cock.

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

I noticed that when I'm in a dryspell, it means that something concerning my vibe is a little off and that women can smell it from a mile away! It seems that you're in the same situation that we've pretty much all been in at a certain point. Reassess all the areas of your game and try to tweak some areas, whether it's the words you use, the way you create attraction and rapport, anything.

Also reading some game books really help during this process, even if you already read them in the past! Daygaming is a great way to practice some new material on unsuspecting women. They're not expecting to be hit on, so the Bitch shield stays home and you get the unfiltered reaction from the Game that you're spitting at them. If it's weak, believe me you'll know! This helped me a lot to get the skills to deal with the Flaky Bitches from Craigslist now. Give it a try!

Does beta game work on ugly girls?

I live in DC where the 4s and 5s act like they're 10s. Running beta game on 4s and 5s is not a valid strategy in the slightest here.

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