EVERY type of game works on ugly girls.
Social circle
They all work!
I'd like to say that I have more experience dealing with ugly girls than 80% of the people on this forum, and trust me when I tell you that all the qualities of typical hot girls are present in them. They don't show it (though in this culture they start showing it more and more so you get the worst of both worlds), but deep inside them is all the bitchiness and manipulative survival instincts of any hot girl.
In fact, ugly girls are thirsty as hell to show these qualities and be able to tell themselves, "Yeah, I'm attractive. This hot guy was buying me stuff and I didn't return his call. I'm in demand! Hahaha." Sure, they may fuck you (though it's more and more common for ugly girls to straight up reject you for beta behavior), but they will also try to stick their talons in you and use their "hold of attraction" to manipulate you and take advantage of your "nice guy" nature to get more of what they want. Especially if you're the only source of "male attention income."
I can
promise you that game works on ugly girls, fat girls, and self-conscious girls. And honestly, I would rather be beta to Tianna Gregory than to Lindy West. Beta game on ugly girls is a recipe for disaster. At best you get shot down and feel broken pride for "taking it light" on a supposedly easy bang, and worst case scenario, you have a girl who thinks she can control you.
What's worse is, I have actually seen guys with game awareness try beta game on mediocre girls and get sucked into their traps because he started believing they were the best he could do. If he had frame and game from the start, he would have a harem of mediocre girls that could've increased his sense of self-worth, decreased his outcome dependence and helped him climb to hotter girls.