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Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Thanks for all the responses. Just to clarify, this is for High School, not college. It's also a rather conservative Christian High School, so they are probably already half-way on board with me (besides the girls in my class, who are gonna have their pouty faces on the whole time).

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

That being said, I'm definitely going to narrow my topic down to something more specific. I really like the angle that proves feminism is a religion, but also showing the link between unhappiness and feminism seems like a good angle. I'll definitely be active in this thread for the next few months at least, asking for advice and such. I have a list of books which might prove helpful to me (it was also an assignment for the class). Some of the books include The Way of Men, The Rational Male (thanks JoyStick), The War on Men, etc.

I think I'm going to get The Way of Men regardless of whether I decide to do this topic or not. It looks amazing.

One thing I've found most interesting is that most of the books on anti-feminism I have seen were written by women, not men.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

This piece for a magazine was written by a British academic in 1997, and is way ahead of its time.

It is written using a pseudonym, the author's name is Adrian Leftwich. I know very little about him.

I have been meaning to forward this article to Heartiste for some time, if anyone could I'd be grateful, as his exegesis of it would be interesting.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Here you go:

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Anything that involves value-judgment terms like "destroying" sounds like a political hack piece.

If you, as above suggested, did something simpler like correlational studies of increasing cat ownership with decreasing fertility; you make the point with numerical data that can't easily be questions.

Then , if someone starts accusing you of thinking "women can't be independent" because you point out they all have cats, you can throw i back on them "You think women with cats aren't independent?"

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Be sure to include something about the Duke lacrosse so-called rape case. It was a classic case of false allegations gone crazy.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

A quick update for you guys. I decided that "feminism is destroying the west" is a bit too big, so I'm narrowing it down onto defining what the masculine gender role is. I may even whittle it down further by focusing on the classical idea of "virtue" and how it originally only applied to men. I have a nice list of 20 books I'm in the process of acquiring that will hopefully make me well educated on the biology of gender in the brain.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Quote: (09-04-2014 12:10 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Check this essay out too:

Pump and Dump

Extremely impressive post. Easily one of the best written on the topic.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

A senior thesis in high school? In what?

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Quote: (09-29-2014 05:29 PM)Hades Wrote:  

A senior thesis in high school? In what?

I go to a classical school where we still study Aristotle, Plato, Augustine, Aquinas, Locke, Machiavelli, Rousseau etc. This paper is supposed to be the magnum opus of our 12 years of classical education. Something I think every student should have.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Where is this so I can send my kids there, lol.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

You should also read Thomas Ball's last statement:

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

I would recommend also Christina Hoff Summers work and Gad Saad, check out both of them on twitter, they have some excellent rational, non-hysterical analysis of how the socially accepted female imperative perpetuated by much of the MSM undermines and tries to discredit masculinity.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

That's a good way to piss off the entire faculty and get expelled. Sell out and write it on black children.

Blair Naso publishes on ROK every Thirsty Thursday. Send him mail, read his articles, and buy his literary anthology.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Quote: (10-01-2014 08:38 AM)blairnaso Wrote:  

That's a good way to piss off the entire faculty and get expelled. Sell out and write it on black children.

It's a high school class in a conservative-leaning Christian school. I already passed the subject by my teacher and he said it looks great.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

I'd argue that feminism is merely a symptom of other things that are really destroying the West.

I've got the dick so I make the rules.
-Project Pat

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Is anyone willing to read my preliminary confirmatio? I will pm it to you if you say yes. I would just post it up here but I don't want my teacher finding this account by accident.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

I'd like to read it.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

A better one to write might be how feminism is destroying relations between the sexes and bringing back Victorian prudishness. We just talked about this in a thread the other day.

Although if you've already started I can see why you wouldn't want to change topics.

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Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Quote: (09-04-2014 07:31 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

One thing I've found most interesting is that most of the books on anti-feminism I have seen were written by women, not men.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Quote: (09-29-2014 10:01 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

A quick update for you guys. I decided that "feminism is destroying the west" is a bit too big, so I'm narrowing it down onto defining what the masculine gender role is. I may even whittle it down further by focusing on the classical idea of "virtue" and how it originally only applied to men. I have a nice list of 20 books I'm in the process of acquiring that will hopefully make me well educated on the biology of gender in the brain.

Wow, this is really impressive. You'll be able to discuss this stuff better than 99.9% of people out there and see the whole historical framework looking backwards.

Writing my Senior Thesis on How Feminism is Destroying the West

Quote: (09-29-2014 10:01 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

A quick update for you guys. I decided that "feminism is destroying the west" is a bit too big, so I'm narrowing it down onto defining what the masculine gender role is. I may even whittle it down further by focusing on the classical idea of "virtue" and how it originally only applied to men. I have a nice list of 20 books I'm in the process of acquiring that will hopefully make me well educated on the biology of gender in the brain.

There are too many angles to tackle. But I like the fact tat you are ambitious to take it on!

I'd start with the book "Men on Strike" by forensic psychologist Helen Smith (Phd). What she means is that under feminism, men don't get the rewards of regular sex for supporting children, for instance, that traditional marriage promises. Therefore, men are being rational actors in not marrying as much at all anymore. Marriage it too one-sided. Divorce is fiscal rape - with almost none of the rewards of being a parent. Women can have it all! - but men get screwed.

Smith has also written at her web site for years, and at, a column more recently.

You can also search Unuiversity of Tennessee Law Prof Glenn Reaynolds web site for his snarky links to the biology of sex, marriage and dating, and rape, if these are the angles you need to go to support your thesis - at his aggregator web site,

(Helen is Glenn's wife, by the way.)

Good luck!

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