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A Transgender Childhood

A Transgender Childhood

This is scary on so many levels, from the crazy mother and submissive father to the whole narrative... This is just crazy, I can`t even do not know where to start... And this might be your future.

A Transgender Childhood

- Short haired mother. Looks dykish.
- A child at a very young age was diagnosed with depression because he was acting out and smashing stuff.
- Put on medication for all sorts of things. Very powerful drugs to suppress behaviour

14 medications, 17 doses a day. A child.

Man, this kid is going to be the typical fucked up tranny that resides in a city surrounded by a wealth of cock. An all too familiar pattern here.

Mental issues exasperated by medication and empowering behaviour by his parents. His real father is nowhere to be seen by the way and instead some chump step dad is trying to raise him.

Once puberty hits this kid, by the looks of it his bone structure has started to flesh out, he will spiral into a sea of depression and self-loathing which will dirve his/its homo behaviour into overdrive. Something I see with a lot of trannies that I have talked too. They're just 'different' in a way.

The interviewer is a tranny I reckon.

A Transgender Childhood

If this is not child abuse, I do not know what is.

Deus vult!

A Transgender Childhood

Wow doctors now a days have a name for everything, transgender whatever... poor kid is going to commit suicide one day because her parents didn't teach him that he is wrong. He will never carry a baby because he is NOT a girl, only way to get married is to marry another weirdo and the chances of that are so slim because they usually all commit suicide. I say great job dad, you should have been a better father.

A Transgender Childhood

This is why Russia isn't overly happy to approve adoption to the West.

It's scary that there is no questioning about the environmental factors that could have caused this to the child.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 06:26 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  

This is why Russia isn't overly happy to approve adoption to the West.

It's scary that there is no questioning about the environmental factors that could have caused this to the child.

We know that Bisphenols and Parabens in early childhood & pregnancy have the effect of having more females born as well as the males born being more feminine.

In addition to being exposed to environmental toxins, the kid received likely 50 doses of hyper-toxic vaccines, a steady diet of GMOs and in addition to that psychotropics which likely destroyed a greater part of his life brain capacity.

The kid should have received extremely nutritious food & supplements for depression - L-tryptophan works 100x better without side-effects.

Then the boy should have gotten a therapy which would have helped him accept the fact that he is a boy. I would even consider putting him on testosterone if blood-results showed too little T. He likely would become gay, but that is even healthy compared to the fucked-up existence of a tranny - a male brain, neural system, musculature, height, bone structure and while trying to be female. Not even feminists like those "women".

But since we know that global policies want to destroy all healthy males, families and lower population-growth, creating more trannies is a great plus. This little fella will hardly live above 50 like most of his brethren.

A Transgender Childhood

"The effects are permanent and effects include rendering a child sterile as an adult."

That's natures way of ensuring that biologically deficient creatures don't procreate to the next generation.
This is absolutely one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Poor child will live a completely screwed up life.

A Transgender Childhood

If you read behind lines you know what happened...

The liberal parents wanted a girl, when they got a boy they were dissapointed.. so much that they adopted a girl.. and pampered her to no end.

The boy was not ok with someone else earning most of their parents affection, especially someone with a different bloodline, adults can rationalize this, but the child saw this for what it is.

In a desperate attempt to gain back their parents affection the boy got angry and unruly. When the only response was being fed with drugs he changed strategy and tried to copy the girl by choosing girlish clothes and toys, so that he would be like the one his parents loved.

The stupid and egocentric parents happily decided that this means that their child is a queer. They gave him a lot of affection and confirmation as a girl and the boy thought the has done the right thing.

Watching this validates my belief that 99% of homosexuals are socially conditioned to be thyat way not born that way.

A Transgender Childhood

Sorry, but this is the real thing. I watched the video -- this is one of the most feminine creatures you'll ever see. I only wish most American biological females were half as feminine as that.

This is not something that the parents willed into being and it's not something that can be trained or wished away. Just as some boys are born to be fags, some at the extreme end of that spectrum are essentially born to be trannies. It may not be a pleasant reality but it's a reality nonetheless. It is not a large number, and it never will be, but they exist. This is definitely one such case.

The idea of giving all these antidepressants and psych drugs to a toddler is truly terrifying and essentially criminal (on the part of the docs). But he/she is off the meds now and seems to have made it through unscathed (possibly because of the protective benefits sometimes conferred by extremely high endogenous female hormone levels, and just good overall health).

The lie promulgated by current society is that a boy being born a fag or a tranny is something completely normal, and just as good and desirable an outcome as any other. This is false, of course: no sane parents would want their kid to turn out this way. It is obviously an aberration, a genetic error of some kind.

However, it is no lie that some people are in fact born like this; and in those cases, there is nothing to do but try to make the best of it. Yes, it will never be a normal life, but each creature should be allowed to live the life that is appropriate and fitting to what it is. I have a great deal of sympathy for these parents, and I think they're doing the best they can. The docs who prescribed all these insane psych drug cocktails are another matter.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

A Transgender Childhood

Thoughts so far...

Death Threats

@5:30 "...the parents received death threats..."

Really now?

This is something I hear all the time from MSM documentaries - the apparent ubiquity of death threats - but for the first time this stood out to me, possibly because they were on a military base at the time.

Death threats are Serious Business. Cops will usually take them seriously, and Military Police especially. For one thing, you've got way too many weapons on a military base to ignore this sort of thing; for another (despite the Liberal stereotype) soldiers in general display more self-control than their civilian counterparts (grouped by IQ, social class, et cetera). Soldiers are higher testosterone, but they're also less chaotic.

If there'd been death threats there would have been prosecutions, obviously these 'threats' are overblown victimology on the part of the parents. Yet the MSM doesn't examine these statements, they just take them at face value.

Life Sucks, Wear a Hat

Another thing: even if he truly wants to be a girl, and this isn't a case of something else in his life screwing him up, he can't be a girl. He was born as a boy, and he's going to need to learn to be a man, or else he'll remain a failure.

Here's the thing: you don't get to choose who and what you are. Your ethnicity, your country, your class, your looks, your intelligence, and your sex - all these are hard facts of reality that you need to deal with. Cripes, I wish I didn't have male pattern baldness; I used to have awesome hair. But I do, so I shave my head. When you're born reality hands you a certain deck of cards. You can ignore it and pretend to be somebody you're not, but that never takes you anywhere.

White Women, Eastern Men

A possible trend I've noticed, is that white women will often marry Eastern men, because they're easier to dominate. I think part of it is a latent worship amongst Easterners for white culture, or possibly just that they've got less testosterone. Either way, the 'wife' winds up marrying a man who acts like her son, and they're never truly satisfied.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 12:29 PM)Mage Wrote:  

If you read behind lines you know what happened...

The liberal parents wanted a girl, when they got a boy they were dissapointed.. so much that they adopted a girl.. and pampered her to no end.

The boy was not ok with someone else earning most of their parents affection, especially someone with a different bloodline, adults can rationalize this, but the child saw this for what it is.

In a desperate attempt to gain back their parents affection the boy got angry and unruly. When the only response was being fed with drugs he changed strategy and tried to copy the girl by choosing girlish clothes and toys, so that he would be like the one his parents loved.

The stupid and egocentric parents happily decided that this means that their child is a queer. They gave him a lot of affection and confirmation as a girl and the boy thought the has done the right thing.

Watching this validates my belief that 99% of homosexuals are socially conditioned to be thyat way not born that way.

It's a nice theory, but it's next to impossible to "condition" any child to be another gender.

How do we know? This gets unpleasant, so be prepared.

Back in the 1970s, doctors did something called "gender reassignment surgery." When penis mutilations occurred during circumcision (which supposedly happens a lot), instead of repairing the penis, they decided to cut it off entirely and raise the boy as a "girl."

The result was total, unmitigated disaster. One particularly awful case was the late David Reimer, who committed suicide around ten years ago. His life is documented in the book "As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl."

The thinking back then was that we're blank slates who are "socialized" to be male or female, but we can go either way depending on how we're raised (i.e. what you said). This proved wildly untrue. They found boys didn't become females when they had penises removed and were given dolls, fingernail polish, etc. They remained boys -- but very freaked out boys who ended up with lifelong issues.

(Next time someone blindly believes in science, mention that the insanity of penis removal and raising boys as girls was was considered "scientific" up until around 1980.)

Although I'll agree the parents are weird, I don't think they could have conditioned what you see here. And it's a slightly different topic, but I also disagree "99 percent of homosexuals are socially conditioned." Most are conditioned by parents not to be that way.

For example, I grew up with a gay cousin and from day one, we all knew he was different. He'd cry easily, he loved to cook with the aunts, and he loved to dress up. His parents pulled their hair out about this and would constantly request we play ball with him and get him into "guy stuff." We tried. Nothing worked. He's now exactly the same as he was as a kid, except taller.

On a similar note, you could not have "conditioned" me to be attracted to men at 12, when my friends and I were little pervs, sneaking Playboys out of the 7-Eleven. Hell, at age 6, I remember my friends and I going on about the "massive boobs" of the gym teacher, Miss Goldstein. This stuff is inborn.

It's important to separate the media's cheerleading of this topic from what's going on with these actual people. Sexual identity is somewhat fluid in females but generally fixed in men. I don't think this kid was putting on a show -- "he" was just different and really does appear to be a girl born male.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 01:35 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Sorry, but this is the real thing. I watched the video -- this is one of the most feminine creatures you'll ever see. I only wish most American biological females were half as feminine as that.

1.This is a video montage to give you this opinion.

2. Since his parents WANT him to be feminine he is not told about GIRRRRRRRRRL POWER like real girls! He is raised like real girls should be rised, but are not!

3.He has ben drugged with prozak and now estrogen.

4. When he laughs you see that he is a boy. He thinks this transgender thing is a game he is playing so good, everyone loves him. He will be in this wonderland until he will have to face the world without his parents.

A Transgender Childhood

@12:59 - look at that giggle, when the doctor asks him if he'd rather have a vagina and breasts.

Most kids that age are extremely bashful about their sexual organs - either that or a little bit too... proud (there was an episode of Royal Canadian Air Farce where a map of Canada kept 'showing off' its CN tower).

Kids at this age are curious, but shy - they're not quite ready to deal with what's happening to their body - but they're prone to 'playing doctor' with their peers - NOT with the adults around them.

Openly discussing his genitalia with his doctor and mother present is abonormal. This is presexual excitement you see on his face. Furthermore, he's treating it as 'magic' - he's ignoring the reality of what's being discussed (infertility and mutilation), and imaging a world where he gets to be a girl - though you can hardly blame a kid for ignoring reality.

It really appears that he has a developing sexual fetish of seeing himself as a girl; he isn't feminine, he's just fetishistic.

"I want to go through puberty so I can be like all the other girls."

A bit of a stab in the dark, but I'm suspecting that this is his way of reconnecting with his biological father. He wants a seductive pair of tits and a vagina so that he can win back his father, seduce him back, likely he heard a story at some point about how his father left his mother for someone younger and hotter.

@16:16 "Would you love me if I were a boy?"

Sad face.

Look at her expression immediately following that. Something like "Then why did you love dad???" Shortly thereafter you see the incipient masculine protesting against female control.

"They aren't sure of who they are, and they can't offer their parent that reassurance." It is the PARENT'S ROLE to give their child a positive identity! Blast it all to Hell...

You can see some major Locus of Control issues here; children assume that they control everything in their environment. Their parents got divorced? It's their fault for not cleaning their room.

This kid is constantly evaluating his own identity based upon how it affects his parents, and is simply unable to comprehend the fact that his parents will love him no matter what he does - children CANNOT comprehend this during their early stages of development, which is why it's incumbent upon the parents to provide them with stability and identity.

"I want to be a mommy..." God, that's sad.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 01:35 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Sorry, but this is the real thing. I watched the video -- this is one of the most feminine creatures you'll ever see. I only wish most American biological females were half as feminine as that.

The #1 sign of a tranny is that they are cartoonishly feminine. Trannies and drag queens love to dress up as femininity cranked up to 11 - not always the femininity that we desire mind you, sometimes they go for the 40 year old menopausal queen - but it's always a femininity that "doth protest too much."

Heck, the most feminine creatures on the planet are infertile XXY chromosomed intersex children, who get a double-dose of oestrogen. Real women have the occasional bit of upper-lip hair.

Exacerbating this is our culture, which masculinizes girls.

If he were truly feminine, you'd expect him to act *less* feminine.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:28 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

It's a nice theory, but it's next to impossible to "condition" any child to be another gender.

It's possible to condition people to become mass murderers and suiciders. Why not transsexuals? Note that he is not old enough to like either boys or girls. We are talking about his self image not sexual preferances.

This child was not conditioned by their parents plot, but the circumstances, the surrounding adoration for the feminine which was displayed to him in three levels:
1)His fake sister was more loved than he by parents.
2)His mother was dominant over his father.
3)The whole society is feminized.

The scientists, you mention, who tried to raise boys as girls failed. We don't know why. Perhaps they were themselves too good male rolemodels. Perhaps they didn't force the idea that females are superior. Perhaps the 1970 were not femiized enough. People have been trying to build flying machines since antiquity and failed until they succedded only in relatively late history. Failure doesn't means something is impossible. It happened in this scenario half-deliberatly anfd half-accidently.

Note that he hasn't even reached the age when he should develop sexual interest. Perhaps he will dicover that he likes girls altrough he considers himself a girl. Maybe his sexuality is not changed, only his self perception. And self perception is a very mallable thing.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 01:35 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Sorry, but this is the real thing. I watched the video -- this is one of the most feminine creatures you'll ever see. I only wish most American biological females were half as feminine as that.

This is not something that the parents willed into being and it's not something that can be trained or wished away. Just as some boys are born to be fags, some at the extreme end of that spectrum are essentially born to be trannies. It may not be a pleasant reality but it's a reality nonetheless. It is not a large number, and it never will be, but they exist. This is definitely one such case.

The idea of giving all these antidepressants and psych drugs to a toddler is truly terrifying and essentially criminal (on the part of the docs). But he/she is off the meds now and seems to have made it through unscathed (possibly because of the protective benefits sometimes conferred by extremely high endogenous female hormone levels, and just good overall health).

The lie promulgated by current society is that a boy being born a fag or a tranny is something completely normal, and just as good and desirable an outcome as any other. This is false, of course: no sane parents would want their kid to turn out this way. It is obviously an aberration, a genetic error of some kind.

However, it is no lie that some people are in fact born like this; and in those cases, there is nothing to do but try to make the best of it. Yes, it will never be a normal life, but each creature should be allowed to live the life that is appropriate and fitting to what it is. I have a great deal of sympathy for these parents, and I think they're doing the best they can. The docs who prescribed all these insane psych drug cocktails are another matter.

In the begging the boy shows what seems a normal masculine behavior (for a boy) and then they drug him to suppress it. They probably reduced his T level to the bottom with no return. They gave him drugs at insanely early age and prob destroyed his entire neurochemistry for his entire life. I dont really think that its genetic in this case, I have the opinion that cases this are extremely rare, but this it not one of them.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 10:02 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 06:26 AM)Cheetah Wrote:  

This is why Russia isn't overly happy to approve adoption to the West.

It's scary that there is no questioning about the environmental factors that could have caused this to the child.

We know that Bisphenols and Parabens in early childhood & pregnancy have the effect of having more females born as well as the males born being more feminine.

In addition to being exposed to environmental toxins, the kid received likely 50 doses of hyper-toxic vaccines, a steady diet of GMOs and in addition to that psychotropics which likely destroyed a greater part of his life brain capacity.

The kid should have received extremely nutritious food & supplements for depression - L-tryptophan works 100x better without side-effects.

Then the boy should have gotten a therapy which would have helped him accept the fact that he is a boy. I would even consider putting him on testosterone if blood-results showed too little T. He likely would become gay, but that is even healthy compared to the fucked-up existence of a tranny - a male brain, neural system, musculature, height, bone structure and while trying to be female. Not even feminists like those "women".

But since we know that global policies want to destroy all healthy males, families and lower population-growth, creating more trannies is a great plus. This little fella will hardly live above 50 like most of his brethren.

With environmental factors I was more referring to the environment that the child has been growing up in with the short haired mom and feminine dad. Interesting though what you mention about bisphenols and parabens.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:39 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 01:35 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Sorry, but this is the real thing. I watched the video -- this is one of the most feminine creatures you'll ever see. I only wish most American biological females were half as feminine as that.

The #1 sign of a tranny is that they are cartoonishly feminine. Trannies and drag queens love to dress up as femininity cranked up to 11 - not always the femininity that we desire mind you, sometimes they go for the 40 year old menopausal queen - but it's always a femininity that "doth protest too much."

Heck, the most feminine creatures on the planet are infertile XXY chromosomed intersex children, who get a double-dose of oestrogen. Real women have the occasional bit of upper-lip hair.

Exacerbating this is our culture, which masculinizes girls.

If he were truly feminine, you'd expect him to act *less* feminine.

Yes, trannies act hyper-feminine for the very simple reason that they are hyper-feminine. They are indeed touchingly cartoonish parodies of femininity, because that is their nature. This kid fits the pattern perfectly.

It is true that in a culture that (unfortunately) raises girls in a more masculine way, trannies are some of the most feminine creatures around; and I think this is what confuses so many guys who crave femininity, and are fascinated and repulsed to find its most obvious trappings in a creature that is not really a female. But don't blame the trannies; they are pretty much as God made them. It's the biological women that are screwed by being forced into athletics and being expected to "work their butts off" to produce "fucking great science".

I find it odd that both the wider culture, on the one hand, and much of the manosphere, on the other, feel the need to be half-right, and utterly inconsistent, about these matters. The wider culture pretends to believe the absurd lie that men and women are really no different from each other and all their differences are socially constructed; but it insists that matters of sexual identity (gay or straight) are inborn and beyond our control. Much of the manosphere, on the contrary, takes the mirror image positions: recognizing the obvious and immense biological differences between men and women, but insisting that matters of sexual identity are somehow socially conditioned and produced largely by environmental factors.

The truth, of course, is that all these things are inseparable from each other, and in all cases are dominated by hard and fast, inborn, biological differences. As DoBA correctly noted in his excellent post earlier in the thread, you just don't produce kids that behave this way by trying, or by somehow indoctrinating them, and of course the same is true of the default male sexuality as well. These are some of the most profoundly unchangeable things about a human being -- particularly a male -- and that makes perfect sense given their absolute evolutionary primacy.

To believe that this kid could grow up as anything other than a hyper-feminized creature -- essentially a tranny by hook or by crook -- defies common sense and observation. These traits are obvious to the naked eye, and show themselves from a very early age, almost as surely as actual differences between boys and girls show themselves. I think that we should accept this reality, just as we accept the obvious realities about the innate differences between men and women.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:33 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

@16:16 "Would you love me if I were a boy?"

Sad face.

Look at her expression immediately following that. Something like "Then why did you love dad???" Shortly thereafter you see the incipient masculine protesting against female control.

"They aren't sure of who they are, and they can't offer their parent that reassurance." It is the PARENT'S ROLE to give their child a positive identity! Blast it all to Hell...

You can see some major Locus of Control issues here; children assume that they control everything in their environment. Their parents got divorced? It's their fault for not cleaning their room.

This kid is constantly evaluating his own identity based upon how it affects his parents, and is simply unable to comprehend the fact that his parents will love him no matter what he does - children CANNOT comprehend this during their early stages of development, which is why it's incumbent upon the parents to provide them with stability and identity.

"I want to be a mommy..." God, that's sad.

And look how she questions him so hard about that!

After the kid says:

"Well I guess I would be...

a boy... I dont know."

She immediately goes

"No, honey. " /they cut after that/

"I need to listen to you. Youre my mom."

"What if you said to me to be a boy and Id have to?"

"No, no..." /they cut after that/

That kid just wants love and attention as any other child. But they are not going to give that so easily, will they? The kid is afraid of her. It reeks of confused feelings and bad communication between child and mother.

What scares me more what kind of childhood had the mother to begin with if this is the aftermath..Oh good, the creeps... Its like a cycle that never ends, a dammed snake that bites its own tail. It poisons everything.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 03:55 PM)Kvothe Wrote:  

And look how she questions him so hard about that!

After the kid says:

"Well I guess I would be...

a boy... I dont know."

She immediately goes

"No, honey. " /they cut after that/

"I need to listen to you. Youre my mom."

"What if you said to me to be a boy and Id have to?"

"No, no..." /they cut after that/

That kid just wants love and attention as any other child. But they are not going to give that so easily, will they? The kid is afraid of her. It reeks of confused feelings and bad communication between child and mother.

What scares me more what kind of childhood had the mother to begin with if this is the aftermath..Oh good, the creeps... Its like a cycle that never ends, a dammed snake that bites its own tail. It poisons everything.

Good catch - that's some straight up NLP right there.

Some comments on NLP: it works, it definitely works, I've had it done on myself and it took two days of puzzling to figure out what happened... but it only works for the short-term. You can't fundamentally alter someone's personality using it. The PUAs who employ it might be able to get a girl into bed with NLP, but they won't be able to establish long-term attraction, and the discomfort she feels the next day is where date rape accusations are born (this is just one of the many differences between PUA and Game).

However - *if* you have somebody trapped into a long-term relationship with you, NLP can be employed to gaslight them. You still won't change their fundamental nature, but you'll make them question reality to the point where they accept your version of events.

In this case, the mother is an amateur employing it - after all, NLP is just codification of normal communication. She doesn't know she's doing it, but the effect is the same. The boy hears the "No, no, no!" which you emphasized when he mentions being a boy, not the context in which it appears.


The XXY is hyper-feminine - but the tranny is a cartoonish feminine, it is a parody of the feminine. It is a rejection of the self, embracing your perception of the Other. It's not that you're truly feminine - it's that you hate being masculine.

But in hating masculinity, you can't truly understand what femininity is (and vice versa, see feminists); ergo, you ape what you think the other is. It is very comparable to the Narcissistic Shell.

And as for whether or not you can condition somebody's sexuality? You're bloody right you can. Put a 16 year old in prison for ten years and rape him every day. Eventually he'll start to like it. Force a woman into sexual slavery, and the same thing will happen. Star Trek DS9 did an excellent episode on this, "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night".

A Transgender Childhood

So, a dike has a kid.

Now, she "struggles and suffers" because, get this, a 3 year old throws a tantrum. Unthinkable right? So she goes to a doctor that gets paid to write prescriptions and give him antideppressants and antianxiety drugs. To a 3 year old.

Then little sleepy Joe gets told that he is now a girl. Because his dike mother hates men so much she married a simp for the checks, and adopted a girl. Thats ONE less kid that simp is NOT having.

Then little Joe has his toys taken away, all his clothes are now pink and grows in an environment where everything is tailored such as he never has any contact with a masculine role model. That would be considered healthy for any normal child, regardless of gender. But Joe is not a normal child right? No, he has a body full of mind crushing drugs ever since he first dared to cry. Since he was old enought to say "ME". But there is no "me" in his world, only mommy. This is all about her, about her struggle, about her suffering, about how brave she is for having a transgender child.

Then he gets pumped full of estrogen, before his own body is old enough to produce its own hormones. To insure that he never grows up to be a man.

Then one day, perhaps as soon as he turns 13, his dick will be cut off, again, before his own shrivelled balls get old enough to think by themselves. Before he has any choice, before he can decide for himself wether he wants to be a man or a fag, before he is old enough to have any sexual interests, he gets told what those interests would be.

Mommy wanted a girl, so you better act like a girl.

A Transgender Childhood


I always, just always wanted to know what it is behind the minds of these people. I just cannot imagine their inner monologue, they inner lives. I could understand they logic even if it is faulty when verbally expressed, but hell I cannot really know how someone could to this to his own child. Is it a hormone/physiological matter or is she just conditioned to be utterly insane? That child is going to be defected and the cause is messing his neurochemistry.

A Transgender Childhood

American medical care is truly fucked up.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 04:26 PM)Kvothe Wrote:  

Is it a hormone/physiological matter or is she just conditioned to be utterly insane? That child is going to be defected and the cause is messing his neurochemistry.

She not insane, shes just a woman. And as such, she will never be logical, selfless, or honorable. All that matters is her. Her needs, her desires, her thoughts. So, she thought her kid was too much to handle, sedate him. She thought her kid acted a bit feminine, castrate him

Thats why children need a male figure in their upbringing. So they know that, even if they have none, sense and logical courses of action exist in the world. It gives them something to aspire to, if strong enough, or something to find shelter in, if they prefer weakness. Hence, the need for religion and governments. They provide a shepherd for the sheep, and an outlet for the wolves.

And in a world where masculine discourse and actions are increasingly forbidden and punished, we will be seeing more and more cases like this.

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 04:26 PM)Kvothe Wrote:  


I always, just always wanted to know what it is behind the minds of these people. I just cannot imagine their inner monologue, they inner lives. I could understand they logic even if it is faulty when verbally expressed, but hell I cannot really know how someone could to this to his own child. Is it a hormone/physiological matter or is she just conditioned to be utterly insane? That child is going to be defected and the cause is messing his neurochemistry.

I offer one hypothesis regarding trannies - also to a degree gays:

1. there is biology:
Sexes have an automatic tendency to be heterosexual, estrogen-mimickers as well as other chemicals can induce more gender-bending behavior and even create a more masculine or feminine inclination. We know this and this is fact (proven beyond shadow of doubt).

2. Plus you have the emotional & mental conditioning that can start as early as 3-5 years of age. In an environment where the female is exalted, the kid is abused some may become gay or desire to be more feminine or masculine.

3. then there is an additional explanation for those who consider reincarnation a potential reality. Let us assume that reincarnation is true and Souls reincarnate again and again. Let us also assume that Soul usually chooses a couple lifetimes as a male and then a couple lifetimes as a female. After having had several lifetimes and centuries of years spent in female bodies, Soul may rebel at the thought of having to be born a man. That resistance may be carried on into the lifetime and the person will try to be a woman again. Now due to the current technology and also "emotional" support of the "Gender-Bending"-culture that person has the opportunity to change his/her sex. It will be mostly cosmetic and will never result in the male actually managing to become female. But the choice is his. There is no escape in reality. He will be born again and again as a Man until he feels comfortable in his masculinity and learns what has to be learnt in that form. Now I know that I assume a lot of ifs in that regard, but you should not forget that roughly half of the world population sees reincarnation as a very possible reality or believes in it.

It would be a logical explanation of the phenomenon - all assuming that reincarnation is reality. Either way - most people would likely state that so many things have been done wrong with the kid that such a course of action would not be recommended by anyone with a sane mind. If one of the Manosphere guys here had such a son he would never let him be drugged, indoctrinated etc.

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