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Robin Williams RIP

Robin Williams RIP

This is just saddening...he was absolutely hilarious as a comic:



TIBURON -- Robin Williams, the former College of Marin student who rose to stardom as a comedian and Oscar-winning actor, was found dead Monday at his home in Tiburon.

The cause of death is pending, but the preliminary investigation suggests he died of suicide by asphyxiation, said sheriff's Lt. Keith Boyd, assistant county coroner.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Robin Williams RIP



Robin Williams RIP

Shit, such a great actor. I loved how he played the professor in the movie "Departed".

Robin Williams RIP

And I was planning to rewatch one of my favorite childhood movies, Flubber.


Robin Williams RIP


Robin Williams RIP

Didn't he have a horrible ex wife that was taking him for everything he had, so he had to go back to work and took on that terrible TV show?

Maybe I am getting him confused with someone else. But I thought I heard about a year ago he was struggle due to the divorce courts and his ex wife.

Robin Williams RIP

So fucking bummed about this guy. He got me into watching stand up comedy. My first dvd of stand up I bought was Live on Broadway.

This guy was a fucking genius ! Sucks he went out this way !

Robin Williams RIP

Shitze, it was really suden. RIP.

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Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Robin Williams RIP

^^^Agreed, his stand up was legendary, I wish he put more of an emphasis on that in his career.

This is terrible. He was a truly gifted actor, too. I used to think of him a just a goofy clown acting-wise until I saw him in Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting.


The Peru Thread
"Feminists exist in a quantum super-state in which they are both simultaneously the victim and the aggressor." - Milo Yiannopoulos

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 06:15 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Didn't he have a horrible ex wife that was taking him for everything he had, so he had to go back to work and took on that terrible TV show?

Maybe I am getting him confused with someone else. But I thought I heard about a year ago he was struggle due to the divorce courts and his ex wife.


After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV


Robin Williams reveals he is having some major financial issues and has been forced to downsize since his two divorces. Williams claims he is selling his big house, and will be returning to steady work on a weekly television sitcom.

Williams, 62, claims he has been left on the verge of bankruptcy after two costly divorces, and must now sell his $35 million estate just to pay his bills.


“Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money’, but they changed it to ‘alimony’. It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet,” Williams said.

But being twice divorced hasn’t stopped Robin Williams from going for that third marriage, Williams is currently married to graphic designer Susan Schneider whom he married in 2011.

Robin Williams RIP


related, this year a Brazillian comedian (33 yrs old) also killed himself by asphyxiation, dude was found by his childhood friend hanging in the bathroom with a belt around the neck, he was divorcing.


Robin Williams RIP

Great actor, great comedian.

The sketch he did on Louis CK's show was about a friends funeral. At the end, he and Louie agree whoever dies first, they'll go to the others funeral. It looks like CK will be busy this week.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Robin Williams RIP

One of the true greats of the world. An absolute genius.


Robin Williams RIP

RIP Robin Williams.

Robin Williams RIP

One Hour Photo showed his depth and bredth of ability, IMO. Great man. Rest in Peace.

Robin Williams RIP

He was one funny guy.


Robin Williams RIP


I wonder if his 3rd wife was about to divorce him and that was too much to take.

Robin Williams RIP

Good Morning Vietnam was one of my favorite movies starring the man himself. What a damn shame.


Robin Williams RIP


Guess he's rather die than put on drag for the Mrs. Doubtfire sequel.

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Robin Williams RIP

My dormmates and I laughed so hard at this that the stoners wondered what we were on:

From Hook to Broadway, Robin always put a smile on my face.


Robin Williams RIP

He was real good in One Hour Photo and Insomnia. I didn't like Good Will Hunting but he was decent in that as well. It's a damn shame.

This is another lesson in what happens when you let manipulative cunts overrun your life and you don't protect your finances.

Robin Williams RIP

I respect.

I've been around a long time and hate to use the word but he really 'creeped' me out. I know it sounds weird but I think it started on mork from ork and that reverse aging thing where his baby was an old man and he was reverse aging into an infant. I was a kid watching this but he never stopped rubbing me the wrong way.

God rest his sole

Robin Williams RIP

sigh...he bowed out at 62.


Robin Williams RIP

Did I spell that? Soul or sole?

Robin Williams RIP

You were talking about his shoe before El Mech.

RIP Robin Williams. Did not expect him to die.

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