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Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Kampot is my favorite town so far in Cambodia. It's a gem. But there is no action there. I did everything in and around the vicinity as well. Not much reason to stick around. But it should be on everyone's itinerary.

I hit all the sights in kampong Thom today. The ancient city of isanapura (sambor prei kuk) was capitol of water Chenla and is the most important preangkor site in Cambodia. There's a small museum in town and a few other sights.

Pushed it to seim reap and arrived right before a downpour thankfully. My bags are tight where I left them. Double thanks. Better room than I had before at Heart of Angkor and the last one available, a walkin right after me was turned away.

Get cleaned up and turn in my laundry. Get some antibiotics from pharmacy. Diarrhea last several days. Thai doctor I've been flirting with on tinder recommended norafloxin 400mg. Pharmacist give me 5 days for $5.

Eat some food and open a Chinese mixed 3 set. My energy is low and I'm almost ignored. They give me a second shot but I just play the convo out and let them chat in Chinese. Same thing happens at club later with different mixed 3 set of Chinese.

I planned to get four hours sleep but my phone keeps buzzing. I get all these texts from girls all over cambodia and Thailand that I'm not interested in. Even if I was they're in different cities. I'd have to have spreadsheets to keep it straight.

Last night i went through and messaged every girl on tinder I'd matched with but didn't bother opening the profile of. It took me 3 hours to message them all. I just sent them my new YouTube channel to get subscribers. A few were cute but I'll lose track way before I'd ever get to meet them in person.

I finally try sleeping at 10:20. Get woken up by more texts from an MLTR in Japan. Answer some more texts from friends.

Now I haven't rested at all. I can hear the music from bed. I'm not gonna get a good nights sleep wondering how the night looks on pub street.

I head out. Rain earlier seems to have kept crowd away. Nothing much at any of the clubs. There's always a few decent Khmer sets but running them solo usually fizzles out. And the whole time I'm trying to figure out if this girl is a freelancer.

I don't see anything striking in the club. A few hot girls with their boyfriends dancing sexy. I don't like the smoke if there's no targets.

Do some street approaches. Nothing turns me on. Skinny Khmer twinks are owning the street in front of temple with erotic dance moves. I guess it's better than watching them marathon makeout in center stage of club like last weekend.

This is my third Saturday in SR. I don't know why but every Sat night has sucked here. It's strange. I feel like I'm missing something. Maybe the real hot Khmer go to another club or area??

I sit outside and watch to see if any new hot girls go into temple. A french girl sits next to me. I open her and she moves to come sit pressed up against me. She wreaks of smoke. I'm thinking ew I do not want this in my bed.

I'm also trying to decide if banging her will make me feel disgusted with myself. I guess if you have to ask then the answer is probably yes. She's willing to go for a walk with me but her English sucks.

I make up and excuse to stay and sit. I'm just not feeling it. This must be how girls feel when they send mixed signals. She gets up when her friends finally come out. I'm looking at her body thinking not bad. But I guess I'm just too tired. Which sucks bc tomorrow I have no plans since it's supposed to rain. Perfect excuse to bang all night.

It's 12:30 so I go back in temple club. Even less attractive targets. I have noticed that the earlier you go the hotter the girls. Like right at 11.

I walk home thinking what am I missing? I see a tinder girl with a guy on her arm. We never met and I wondered if she was a pro. From he mismatch I'd say she has to be.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Just realized I'm missing my mophie powerstation battery pack. I know I took it on the trip. I'm not sure if the girl snatched it or its possible it was taken when I left my bag unattended for an hour while on a tour. Though the gate was locked in the nature preserve there were two guys there when I came back.

I returned my bike yesterday and they charged me an extra $50 for the damage. I was too tired to argue. I'm sure I could have payed half but the rate they gave me for renting for so long it was a wash on a per day basis.

Antibiotics had me feeling knocked out. I booked a $55 tour to get to Koh Ker Temple and Beng Melea today. Left super early at 7am so didn't go out on pub street. My bus tomorrow to kompong Cham leaves 7:30 and pickup even earlier.

On a date right now with a local but she brought her sister. After the sister tried to order the most expensive dish (lobster lol) I made it clear they could have some of the two large pizzas I ordered or they'd have to pay for themselves. Tired of being an ATM and not even getting thanked. Of course when they hear that they order the cheapest dishes. People can say it's cultural not to say thanks and saving face that richest person pays but when people do this kind of shit it's really hard to not get jaded.

The first Cambodian girl I met on day one from tinder in pp walks through lobby of my hotel yesterday. I see her gross fat friend who cockblocked walk by first. I don't recognize her. Just think ew gross fat girl. But she's giggling.

Then the friend comes by. I learn she came in afternoon and was out wasted Friday but stayed in Saturday hungover. Confirms my theory why sat suck here. It's mostly locals and the die hard backpackers.

This girl had texted that she was dtf. That she wasn't looking for a boyfriend. Just short term romance. But when I text her to stop by my room she's like for what? I'm like to show you my postage stamp collection. She's like I'll see it next time. I'm like uh you know why. She's like oh no I just want yo be friends. Like wtf lady we went through this once before and I broke down your Slut defense. I just text back asking her to let me know if there's any cute girls out tonight bc I have an early day tomorrow. Them throw her a cock pic for good measure.

I'd wondered why the girl who's stuff I put outside the door left without a fight. I should have checked her bag and mine. Can't wait to be done with this country.

Girls on my "date" just left without even saying goodbye. They had initially indicated they might even be trying to get the brother to join us for dinner lol. Why don't I just buy groceries for the whole family to eat alone at home? These Khmer know exactly what they're doing. I think the only way it cannot bother you is if you're living here and genuinely trying to marry into a proper family. Otherwise it's about the furthest thing from normal for a tourist leaving in the morning to want to deal with. These girls barely spoke the whole time and the sister had this expression of disbelief arms crossed. They barely ate any of their own food (rice and vegetable). I'm thinking so you weren't even hungry yet you were ready to order the two most expensive dishes for yourselves... Honestly how is that not going to reflect badly. Like how much of an desperate loser would a guy have to be to see you again. My feeling is they don't care about that. It's just a free meal. Just texted the girl "hehehe"

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Caught an early bus to Kompong Cham. Only one per day from Siem Reap at 7:30am. Not much to see here. Covered it in a half day. Most people headed for eastern Cambodia will probably just want to Kratie.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Ran some game along the waterfront. Pretty conservative girls in groups. Took my Facebook but shyd away at a handhold. Retarded to think anything would happen being here one night.

Did check out sky bar on top of a big hotel. Only foreigner there. Met some Univ kids in elevator and sat for a beer with them. One spoke English. He pimped two girls to me for $100. The cuter one wanted $50 when it was time to go. The fat one pictured here $15. I said no thanks and prob not even if she was free.

I was just telling someone that even college educated Khmer do not have the classy values you'd expect. I even posted on FB about it and people argued how they went to Cambodia on group tours and loved it. The people were splendid blah blah.

I'm like you have no idea what it's really like then. You were in a bubble.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Pic of fat one

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Quote: (01-17-2017 11:50 AM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

Ran some game along the waterfront. Pretty conservative girls in groups. Took my Facebook but shyd away at a handhold. Retarded to think anything would happen being here one night.

Did check out sky bar on top of a big hotel. Only foreigner there. Met some Univ kids in elevator and sat for a beer with them. One spoke English. He pimped two girls to me for $100. The cuter one wanted $50 when it was time to go. The fat one pictured here $15. I said no thanks and prob not even if she was free.

I was just telling someone that even college educated Khmer do not have the classy values you'd expect. I even posted on FB about it and people argued how they went to Cambodia on group tours and loved it. The people were splendid blah blah.

I'm like you have no idea what it's really like then. You were in a bubble.

I'm not going to make any sweeping statements until I have more time on the ground in March and April, but I have run into a couple of guys outside the tourist zone who are seemingly involved in every business under the sun. They work in a restaurant but are simultaneously pimping apartments, motorbikes, girls; you name it. It is something I never encounter, outside of the very touristic areas, in Thailand.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Sorry pics didn't seem to post. It's really depressing to have these kinds of interactions over and over in Cambodia. Basically all my options feel like crap here.

When I meet the normal locals who are conservative and standoffish I feel unnecessarily creepy just for talking to them.

When I meet the more liberal upper middle class kids they offer me girls for money and I feel unnecessarily creepy!

Tuktuk drivers offer it unsolicited too. ALMOST every Khmer girl I take ona date expects me to pay for everything even when it's obvious I'm not going to get a kiss.

99% of the backpackers do not pass my boner test. I got lucky in Siem reap. On the weekends a few decent girls from SG and HK fly in for mini vacations. They're easy pickings if only bc picking them up runs normally. There's no weird cultural barrier to deal with. You dance with them. Get a drink. Bounce them. They give you token anti Slut defense. You push pull. They fuck you. It costs $1.50 in beer at temple club lol.

Hit Kratie today by minivan. Took 4 hours to get here. Had to finally act ticked off at the driver waiting an hour outside Kompong Cham. He's like it's ok. I'm like no it's not ok. It's been in an hour sitting here. Wtf are you doing?!

He looks shocked and whips out his phone. We drive to another street and someone comes out with box he's been waiting for. I'm like typical cambodia. It's sitting there the whole time while someone jerked off.

Ive already seen the Mekong Irrawaddy river dolphins in Laos. So kratie doesn't have much attractions. The biggest Wat in Cambodia is an hour north of town. Drove up to see it. On the grounds is a turtle conservancy that raises some soft shelled turtles.

Going to mondulkiri tomorrow. Saen monoram has several waterfalls and nature reserves around it. Then I'll hit rattanakiri province and I'll have seen everything in Cambodia.

Planning to take a bus to Vientiane Laos. My MLTR there is taking off a month to travel the northern half of the country with me. She's the prettiest laid I met in my two months there last winter. She gives amazing massages and mostly pays for herself. Being in Cambodia really made me appreciate her. If you're taking a decent girl for granted come to cambodia and experience the land where every hot girl is a virgin or whore.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

How is Phnom Penh compared to Siem Reap? I went to Siem Reap in June last year and it reminded me of a third world country in Africa. Is the vibe different in Phon Penh?

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Siem Reap is a tourist town. There is one pub street and only one real club (Temple). Most nights it sucks with zero hot girls. Sometimes there's a handful of tourist sets that are hot.

PP has multiple venues (none good). The good looking girls all expect money. PP is annoying bc it seems not like you can go to one place night after night and hope you'll run into a group of local girls out for drinks. I've met normal girls in PP and Fucked them but they were 6-7s.

By comparison take Vientiane where there is really only one bar and one club. I went there every night for a week straight. I braved lady boys and whores but after a week I finally ran into a group of local girls out for drinks. Had there been multiple destinations all spread in different neighborhoods id have missed them. Hooking the local 9 was easy. It was meeting her that took the real effort. Even then I almost didn't approach bc I was worried she was too skinny and attractive to not be a ladyboy.

Cambodia is the Africa of Asia. I actually just said that on Facebook. Just tonight I had a girl I've been gaming online ask me to buy her a phone. No Khmer girl can resist seeing if you'll buy her shit. She was asking me to come over and Fuck her. But she wants an iPhone. In her mind it's perfectly normal. It's a fucked up country. No man with anything going for him would stay her any longer than he has too.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Have you hit up any of the local venues? I seem to remember there being several decent places in Siem Reap outside of the tourist strip.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

I must say that I surely enjoyed the "shittyness" of Cambodia, it had its own spell, everything was raw and real.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

I use the same line when someone asks me what PP is like; "have you been to Sub-Saharan Africa?" It's a shithole, no doubt but BlackUniform is correct, 'it's raw and real' and I won't mind staying for a few months to explore a little more.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

I don't know what "raw and real" means but if that makes you feel better about the socioeconomic disaster that is PP that's good for you. I guess that means taking a random train to nowhere and swimming around in pond with a knife pretending you're Rambo then saying you saw the country lol.

Cambodia is still an agricultural society so PP is not representative of the way of life. For instance the $10 hookers who let you approach and immediately put hands on their ass and cunt are the opposite of the traditional Khmer virgins I've run into in small towns and villages who will say hello and barely shake hands.

Two nights ago in kratie I got the handshake and turned it into firemans carry. Ran down the waterfront with girl on my shoulder laughing. She at least walked with me but when I was trying to hold her hand just saying I'm Khmer (meaning too traditional).

i wouldn't call the rest of cambodia raw and real. PP is more sad and pathetic than raw and real.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Ok which of you opining that its the same, has been to sub-saharan Africa - not saying you haven't but which one of you has. And where. I've been to Mozambique and to South Africa. Certainly not the worst of ss-Africa. Then I have the same level of knowledge about the true shitholes - like the Central African Rep, Dem Rep of the Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone.

Let me tell you. Phnom Penh, as an experience, has very little to do with those place. I've been to PP several times, probably 12 days in total over this visits. Stayed in different parts of town, and intermingled heavily with locals for various reasons (and I don't mean in the riverside girlie bars) PP is not a chaotic hellhole of crime. Its poor, sure. So is much of SE Asia away from the "rich" capital cities. You can find places in Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, etc without looking to hard, where economic progress is on the same level (or less than) as Phnom Penh. But you're not gonna get hacked by a machete wielding mob for being white in PP, you can go out and have a civilized meal, you can stay at a true five star hotel (such as the Intercontinental). And you can do all of this pretty reasonably. You're not gonna get hounded every moment by the desperately poor, wherever you go, just for being a foreigner.

Things would of course change drastically outside the city. Just as they do outside HCM, Jakarta, etc.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

The fact that PP draws in poor unskilled rural laborers to be exploited by the elite class is very similar to Africa or other shithole mega cities elsewhere. The majority of decent looking to hot girls turn to prostitution for quick money unless she's lucky enough to land a decent job or somehow get an education.

Extremely rare. I met one college educated girl. Had me fuck her ass so she could save the pussy for marriage. Another was depressed her education still meant she'd be stuck working in PP the rest of her life. When I tried to show her how to travel and start a YouTube channel I might as well have been speaking klingon. She complained up the ass and stole from me before I sent her home for being a pain in the ass. I took some day trips out of PP with a sweet girl who worked for a big international hotel. But I was bored of fucking her pretty quick and LJBF her.

Being solicited all the time is one thing. Being aware it's part of a larger socioeconomic inequality is another. For instance in PP despite the massive population density there's relatively few decent looking Khmer girls who are willing to quickly bang a foreigner. They're either going to want money or a the illusion of a serious relationship. Or they'll be not so attractive (never worked out nor dieted or just not very pretty in the face).

I read through the posts on PP. Seems Im was the only one whos gotten laid repeatedly with non pro Khmer and I'll admit they were average looking. I meet girls here everyday who have some version of the same horrific life story. What's more they have no role models. All the educated professionals got killed or driven off in the 1970s. Few returned and the ones who can still get out take the opportunity to leave Cambodia. The only actual role models these girls have are their poor farmer parents who's rice crop repeatedly fails or some uneducated peer who moved to the city to work for $4-5/day or prostitute herself. Think about that and tell me it's not similar to war torn shtholes like darfur or Sierre leone.

If you come to Cambodia in a group tour or with a girl (or you don't mind fucking pros or so-so looking locals) then it's much easier to feel cambodia is an ok place. Maybe even enjoy yourself.

If you like fucking attractive women who don't take cock for money it's a depressing place. The ruins at Angkor, the islands, the nature of mondulkiri, etc are all worth seeing and nice distractions for a few days.

Alternatively if you're 40+ out of shape guy with no game I could totally see spending months in PP. The whores would love your ass. You'd even get attention from semi gold diggers hoping to land a caretaker. Met lots of those. Some not so bad looking. They proudly showed me pics of their hideous older foreign boyfriend that makes the other girls jealous.

As I write this retired elephants are wandering around me on a nature preserve in mondulkiri province. There's plenty to do in Cambodia for 6 weeks or so provided you move around and don't waste time sleeping all day bc you were getting drunk with ugly prostitutes.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Oh yeah for teenage Rambo wannabes reading this. You can play army in Thailand. Don't try that shit in Cambodia. There's unexploded ordnance everywhere. Don't wander off trails even around temples. In fact in certain areas the Khmer Rouge held up in the temples into the late 1990s bc they knew govt wouldn't bomb the heritage sites. The big tourist places have been demined of course, but still. Or in other cases especially close to the Thai border there are tons of mines even today. In prasat preah vihear there was fighting between Thailand and cambodia as recent as 2011. Remining of the ruin is said to be a problem. Tell me this is not similar to places in Africa and you must have spent your days sleeping and nights getting drunk with prostitutes and not in the "real and raw" (lol) cambodia. Because it shares lots of similarity with war torn countries there.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Again, this is only applicable to PP, but i did manage to bang two very decent looking (i'd say 6/6.5) middle class girls. One her parents own a biz, second works for a multi national. Both off tinder. Maybe you got unlucky TM? The pool is so small though, maybe 100 tops if that. But I am EA looking, so could possibly pass for Chino Cambodian, open up that non pro pool.

Spot on with the rest of your analysis, Cambodia is a dump.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Yeah 6-7 in looks is about the best you can do or she'll want money and there's not that many of them. I banged several 6-7s too in PP. I banged 3 off tinder in one day. Whoopy for me [Image: sad.gif] It's really pitiful when I think about it.

Just had lunch at a Bonung ethnic village. Talking with them again so similar to Africa. Indigenous tribe is largely illiterate and moves around land with no concept of private ownership. Now being squeezed out by ethnic majority from lowlands moving in to cut the forest and put in plantations. Even the ecotourism to village is run by outsiders.

If you can't see how this is strikingly similar to some of the worst shitholes of Africa just read the New York Times and watch a few documentaries. You don't need to travel to every corner of cambodia or Africa to see the big picture.

Understanding the socioeconomics doesn't help much when you're on the ground day after day. I've gotten better at spotting the prostitutes. I've come to expect the good girl standoffish routine from the local girls.

This is why I switched from republican to democrat. When there's no educated middle class working decent jobs a society's options for quick sex plummet. I don't need to have all the money. I prefer everyone else to have enough that they've got the fee time and a bright enough future to sport fuck.

Throw in Islam and Cambodia could even be as big a shithole as the Middle East. The Khmer Rouge already defaced most of the cultural relics and destroyed the culture to the point once vibrant cities like Battambang have all been forgotten on the tourist route. The civil war really only just ended in several parts of the country. Yeah it's the Africa of Asia. And until the Khmer Rouge finally toppled it was the Middle East.

Sure you have fine dining options in PP & SR. Yes you don't need to worry about ethnic cleansing mobs. Maybe your bag gets snatched or a girl stills ur phone. This is why I love Asia and prefer traveling here over everywhere else. Even the bad areas are still pretty safe. Cambodia is still a shithole. The only thing that will change that is a viable opposition party and fair elections. Then they're still going to have to transition from agriculture and educate an entire generation of farm/village kids. Will it happen anytime soon? Idk.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

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Post: #158RE: Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014
How is Phnom Penh compared to Siem Reap? I went to Siem Reap in June last year and it reminded me of a third world country in Africa. Is the vibe different in Phon Penh?
First of all, the question was to compare PP to Africa, not all of Cambodia. So you've changed the premise to suit your argument, congrats (though I still don't think its comparable). PP isn't like Monrovia, where you'd be afraid to walk around alone, maybe even in the daytime in some places.

Its poor, it has a war torn history, ok. But so do many places. News flash, most of the world is poor, not just Africa. And most places that have a large economic disparity are going to have some of the elements of the society you've so thoroughly (redundantly) identified here.

I've been to PP three times, and Siem Reap once. I've been to Pontoon, HOD, etc. on one of those trips. I didnt spend my time with hookers (thought you seem to have invested (wasted) a fair amount of your time with them, from your entries to this thread - why waste the time, and then not even follow through). I didnt go to PP to find girls - I went once to have a look and hang with a RVF legend who lived there - we're still friends. The other two times went to source textiles for sale in China (which we did successfully). Visited all the PP markets and found what we were looking for (I've done the same thing in a few asian countries, Sri Lanka, and Nepal being a few).

Dude you have just a seriously bad attitude. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy I find, traveling. If you go into a place, act like its a burden to be there, that the local people are all beneath you, then what kind of experience do you expect. Why the fuck are you even there - you've hated Cambodia for running on months it seems, yet you're still there. GTFO already - you're just a troll on this thread, a car accident people look at on their way to find some genuine information about the place. Start another thread, if you want, but enough already.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

Quote: (01-19-2017 08:44 PM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

I don't know what "raw and real" means but if that makes you feel better about the socioeconomic disaster that is PP that's good for you. I guess that means taking a random train to nowhere and swimming around in pond with a knife pretending you're Rambo then saying you saw the country lol.

Cambodia is still an agricultural society so PP is not representative of the way of life. For instance the $10 hookers who let you approach and immediately put hands on their ass and cunt are the opposite of the traditional Khmer virgins I've run into in small towns and villages who will say hello and barely shake hands.

Two nights ago in kratie I got the handshake and turned it into firemans carry. Ran down the waterfront with girl on my shoulder laughing. She at least walked with me but when I was trying to hold her hand just saying I'm Khmer (meaning too traditional).

i wouldn't call the rest of cambodia raw and real. PP is more sad and pathetic than raw and real.

Lol, I used word "Cambodia" not PP.

Besides been to Phreah Vihear you scared fuck.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

From what you wrote here it sounded like your time in Siem Reap was spent drinking with tuktuk drivers and prostitutes. And that when you tried with good looking locals it went nowhere.

I didn't add much culture info to the thread initially bc it was already covered in previous posts. And also bc pp doesn't have much to see.

If you read my posts they all mention the culture/tourism things I did in each place and any insights I had into nightlife.

Everything I write is honest. At times I've been pretty frustrated and tried to communicate that. Not sure why you wrote I spend a lot of time on prostitutes. I pretty much ignored them.

The reason I decided to shore a prostitute in SR was bc I read that you were having such a good time doing it. And also someone on another thread said my game was so poor I couldn't even shore a prostitute. More like don't want to. So I did it. My experience it was pretty bad. I wouldn't do it again unless she's a high class escort. In which case she's not going to just bitch a little then leave angry.

I think I have a pretty good attitude. It's been a by soured by some of the egos on this board though who act like they own threads and have zero tolerance from dissenting opinions even when it's backed by on the ground experience.

My first post was a nice cheery piece explaining how to easy mode Osaka where I was living for 3 months. I got all this hate and skepticism followed by a 3 day ban for defending myself. It's great you have met other RVF and I repped. I respect that but drop the ego please.

I retired very early in life. I don't need have a two week vacation to piss away like most people. So I don't need to jetset or run away if a place is tough. I can stick it out and finish. Even when I enjoy a place my ultimate goal is the same. Not daily enjoyment. But walking away with a complete experience and understanding of the country/region bc I diligently and systematically visited everything there is to see and do there. It also makes my documentaries and YouTube channel comprehensive.

It's easy to hop around on a pleasure seeking/business trip. It's hard to stick it out and see everything. Then walk away with a comprehensive understanding of a place. That's my goal and within a week it will be complete. I've done this in several countries now.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

All of cambodia is a socioeconomic disaster now just recovering. Saying raw and real is a meaningless catchphrase I'd expect to hear from a teenager. If you've been to prasat preah vihear and played Rambo with a knife I'd love to hear who the soldiers stationed there reacted.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

They were cool for the most part, some of them had a face expression AKA "I will kill you." others were waving etc. one of them gave me two pacs of Cambo cigs after I gave him a wooden ring (TH for 70BHT) that he liked, otherwise some officer that spoke broken english seemed to like the fact that I am from post-socialist country for some reason.

Yes, it probably a disaster and it's probably meaningless phrase, but why should I really care, that is problem of Cambodians, not mine, skip that NGO shit.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014

From what I wrote here?? Where douchebag? I said I've been to Siem Reap once, stayed at the Meridien with my girlfriend at the time (from China), in a suite. What the fuck are you talking about? I neither drank with tuk tuk drivers (not that I would never do that) nor did I shore (or pay) pros (tho I did once in PP, my first trip, shore a pro). And I certainly didn't spend my time disrespecting anyone.

Quote: (01-20-2017 01:49 AM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

From what you wrote here it sounded like your time in Siem Reap was spent drinking with tuktuk drivers and prostitutes. And that when you tried with good looking locals it went nowhere.

I didn't add much culture info to the thread initially bc it was already covered in previous posts. And also bc pp doesn't have much to see.

If you read my posts they all mention the culture/tourism things I did in each place and any insights I had into nightlife.

Everything I write is honest. At times I've been pretty frustrated and tried to communicate that. Not sure why you wrote I spend a lot of time on prostitutes. I pretty much ignored them.

The reason I decided to shore a prostitute in SR was bc I read that you were having such a good time doing it. And also someone on another thread said my game was so poor I couldn't even shore a prostitute. More like don't want to. So I did it. My experience it was pretty bad. I wouldn't do it again unless she's a high class escort. In which case she's not going to just bitch a little then leave angry.

I think I have a pretty good attitude. It's been a by soured by some of the egos on this board though who act like they own threads and have zero tolerance from dissenting opinions even when it's backed by on the ground experience.

My first post was a nice cheery piece explaining how to easy mode Osaka where I was living for 3 months. I got all this hate and skepticism followed by a 3 day ban for defending myself. It's great you have met other RVF and I repped. I respect that but drop the ego please.

I retired very early in life. I don't need have a two week vacation to piss away like most people. So I don't need to jetset or run away if a place is tough. I can stick it out and finish. Even when I enjoy a place my ultimate goal is the same. Not daily enjoyment. But walking away with a complete experience and understanding of the country/region bc I diligently and systematically visited everything there is to see and do there. It also makes my documentaries and YouTube channel comprehensive.

It's easy to hop around on a pleasure seeking/business trip. It's hard to stick it out and see everything. Then walk away with a comprehensive understanding of a place. That's my goal and within a week it will be complete. I've done this in several countries now.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Data Sheet 2014


Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.

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