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Guys whov'e been: Baltics or Scandinavia for game?

Guys whov'e been: Baltics or Scandinavia for game?

Are Norway, Sweden, and Finland the same or better than Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia for game?

Who has more hateful, unapproachable girls?

Cock blocker dudes who start fist fights?

Is it accurate in saying that the Baltics are cheaper with more approachable women?

Guys whov'e been: Baltics or Scandinavia for game?

I'm no expert but I found that Finish girls were the friendliest in Sandinavia. I've only been to Estonia, but girls there were far better looking than anywhere in Scandinavia. I've heard that girls in Latvia are better looking than Estonia but haven't been.

Guys whov'e been: Baltics or Scandinavia for game?


+ English universally understood
+ Low competition from local dudes
+ One-Night-Stand culture & relatively easy lays
+ Girls have their own apartments
+ Friendly female attitudes
+ great public transport
+ daygame friendly environment
+ safety

- Quality not as high as in the Baltics
- more obesity
- The most expensive region in Europe for almost everything (food, alcohol, transportation, accomodation, nightlife)


+ Hotter girls
+ Cheaper than Scandinavia
+ Friendly female attitudes
+ daygame friendly

- ONS more difficult because of small population size of the countries and everyone-know-each other-dilemma
- Level of English not as good as in Scandinavia (but still better than in other European countries)
- Higher chance of encountering aggressive local dudes, especially in Russian areas (but it's a calculable risk and still less dangerous than other parts of Europe)
- Girls more likely to live with their parents (logistics)
- slightly more conservative attitudes
- influx of stagg parties and thirsty British, Italian or Turkish sex tourists in some places (especially Riga)

I like both the Baltics and Scandinavia and the mentalities of the people there. They are both worth a trip. Currently, I would lean slightly more to Scandinavia and Finland if I had the chance, but more because of ease of bangs. Talent is better in Baltics, though.

Guys whov'e been: Baltics or Scandinavia for game?

Nice, Flint summed it all up. Scandinavia is easy for one night stands, but you will have to look around for slim, feminine girls. The real question though is your budget, scandinavia will burn 200 dollars a day easy.

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