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LGBT tainting new video games and movies

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

I played through roughly half of this game before I lobbed it out the window and into the back alley of my apartment. I've just had enough of this sh1t. Star Wars was my earliest memory. I fondly remember both of my parents sitting me at the last row in the premiere of Return of The Jedi, I recall the roar of the falcon overhead, it was awesome. My father said I sat their eyes wide the entire time, I was 2 years old.

While this article is a little old, I've been hearing rumours of a potential GAY CHARACTER in the new star wars movie and I have to ask, why is this necessary??? Why is any gay character necessary in ANY videogames/action movie. Gays are supposed to be 1% of the population, why are people pandering so hard to this movement?!?!

My friend sitting beside me said that he wished there was an option where you could vent the guy out of the airlock... I mean it takes me right out of the game every time I have to listen to this dickweed go on about his husband, its gross... if I were the cpt, I'd tell him never to speak about it again. It wouldn't be so bad but it seems as though there is an LGBT / Strong woman component to virtually every new game, tv show and movie being released nowadays. Are there really so many gays wandering around?
Was sitting playing this zombie game the other day, state of decay... and I sit there and listen to the female characters BERATE the male characters constantly then you are forced to rescue a girl's homosexual brother from hordes of zombies... and later rescue his boyfriend, you are forced to complete this mission in a sandbox game.

I'm seriously getting sick of this sh1t. I picked up a few movies the other day and end up tossing them out after listening to the constant b1tching and whining from female characters... please ROK write a critique on LGBT/Female Empowerment being forced into movies and games today...

I had every nintendo game and was an AVID gamer up until the last few years when just about everything released has some sort of slant to it... the industry is wiping itself out by pandering to these people.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Write it yourself. pretty sure they accept submissions if they're good

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

RPGs are nerd central and they're not going to step into the limelight by denying it because they're unable to counter the arguments.

Now try that in first person shooter games and you will lose sales pretty quickly.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

I know what you mean.

Heck, I couldn't even accept satire of video game characters as gay back when the shitty cartoon 'Drawn Together' showed Link (from Zelda) as this flaming queer. Just catching a few minutes of that perversity (even in "good humor") has tarnished those wondrous games for me.

As for 'Star Wars', well, I was about as active a member of the SW community as you can find (I even made a fan documentary). And while many in the SW community might feel a bit uneasy as they see their fantasy world devolving into social justice bullshit over the past decade (in the EU and elsewhere), they are not the sort of people to stand up for principle and resist this corporate bullshit. Tomorrow, Disney could declare that Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are gay lovers, and no fan would dare to protest, for fear of being called "homophobic". They'd first defensively say that it messed with continuity, but then they'd be shouted down ("That's just code for your gay bashing!") and they'd then fully tuck tail and run.

It's just the way everything is in the West nowadays.

(I'd also add that you're seeing an ever-increasing percentage of superheroes becoming black. I don't like this, but, again, nobody would dare speak out against it. And, of course, it reflects the new America, where white children have been the minority since at least 2011, and long before that if you don't count Indians and Arabs as whites.)

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

The LGBT war is as good as won, now is the push for transsexuals and next will be the normalisation of pedophelia called inter-generational sex:

Your games will suck even more as your kickass-character has to listen to his transgender woman-in-arms pining about her/his 10-year-old husband - hehe

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Yeah it's brutal how pc they're making games and comics these days. Movies and Hollywood were always blue pill by nature to appeal to women but now everything panders to women.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Meh, that's just Bioware. It's the same story with their Dragon Age franchise. And seriously, the romance element is maybe 5% (or less) of the game and if you're keen to let your virtual avatar have it on with a pre-programmed computer image designed to look and act like a member of the same gender, who really gives a fuck? It's a computer game.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 06:37 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The LGBT war is as good as won, now is the push for transsexuals and next will be the normalisation of pedophelia called inter-generational sex:

Oh, yeah. I know a flamboyant gay high school teacher who openly and salaciously talks about ogling his sophomore students and going through the locker room just to see their bodies. (Separately, the really creepy part is that this is an all male high school and one can easily imagine that loneliness and pent up sexual energy could easily push these kids into homosexuality, like at a prison.) He was telling this to two older women and one of their husbands, and not one of them dared to tell him that he was a sick pedo and they were going to inform the school of his lust for his students. They wouldn't dare, lest they be called homophobic.

Gay men love very young boys with a lust far greater than the lust straight men have for sexually-primed women (late teens to mid-twenties). As soon as a man has hair on his chest and his torso fills out, most gays have little desire.

So the market need is there (gay men's natural tastes), the advertising hook is there (call anybody who opposes you names that will get them fired and ostracized), and the marketing budget is set (the entire MSM, preceded by their shock troops in the internet social justice activism scene). Legalized pedophilia is coming for gay men to the USA. 2024 at the absolute latest.

[I should explain that the reason I didn't call the school or the cops after hearing the fag teacher talk like that was because I was simply overhearing it, as he was one of my roommates at the time, and I had so much going on in my own life at that moment that I was just too overwhelmed to make a report to this school.]

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 06:02 AM)DavidMI Wrote:  

(I'd also add that you're seeing an ever-increasing percentage of superheroes becoming black. I don't like this, but, again, nobody would dare speak out against it.

This is very interesting and I am mixed over it. I used to read comics when I was young and I enjoyed the characters as they were. I felt that Stan Lee made enough concessions to introduce black characters that they didn't need to be super imposed into certain comics etc.

For instance, I watched Daredevil and was disappointed to find Michael Clarke-Duncan (RIP) play Kingpin. I was hoping to see a big fat white guy play the role.

They did have genre of black comic heroes coming out (a lot more in the 90s) but the way America is..if you put out a Marvel film with a black hero as the main protagonist, it is immediately seen as a black film and then tons of cats won't go..which is the weird thing about America.

If you put out a film with white protagonist..such as Captain America or Thor..then it's just seen as a normal film.

So the only way to introduce black heroes is to slip them into a mainly white film..i.e Captain America. I would have preferred to see a white Nick Fury but...



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:05 AM)Moma Wrote:  

This is very interesting and I am mixed over it. I used to read comics when I was young and I enjoyed the characters as they were. I felt that Stan Lee made enough concessions to introduce black characters that they didn't need to be super imposed into certain comics etc.

Perry White, the Human Torch, Nick Fury, Kingpin, all the people in Asgard (Thor's homeworld), they're apparently going to forgo Hal Jordon in favor of a black Green Lantern for a Justice League movie....the list goes on.

(I know that some of these movies are actually repeating the comic books, which initially made the changes to reflect the new U.S.A. So the racial transference isn't limited to Hollywood at all.)

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

I've still got my old, non-PC geek media and I'll be clinging for the duration.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

I used to teach kids to read with Archie Comics... the year before last though they made up this story with archie dying, then last year they had this gay guy on, now they have some affirmative action girl in a wheelchair. I'd have no problem if she was just another chick that archie was railing but common man... seems like we are being bombarded on all fronts with this crap.

“In my eyes, Harper’s basically the epitome of confidence,” Kats reflects. “It’s not easy growing up different. People stare and they glare. Like me, Harper’s turned her differences into gifts. She’s proud of her disability. She owns it. She’s eccentric, she’s sassy, and a total diva.”

How about this: She's a stay at home kind of girl who likes to cook and clean, after she finishes baking archie a cake (no disability there), she sits him down beside the tv and faster than betty or Veronica can react she brings him a soda and wheels around to sit beside him and make out. Nope... instead we've got some feminist meal on wheels spouting off about 'acceptance' and her disability.

Next we are going to see a fat acceptance girl named Kate who is hideously obese and a transgender cis male named candy who comes to riverdale, joins the football team and then later decides he feels like a girl.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:18 AM)DavidMI Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:05 AM)Moma Wrote:  

This is very interesting and I am mixed over it. I used to read comics when I was young and I enjoyed the characters as they were. I felt that Stan Lee made enough concessions to introduce black characters that they didn't need to be super imposed into certain comics etc.

Perry White, the Human Torch, Nick Fury, Kingpin, all the people in Asgard (Thor's homeworld), they're apparently going to forgo Hal Jordon in favor of a black Green Lantern for a Justice League movie....the list goes on.

(I know that some of these movies are actually repeating the comic books, which initially made the changes to reflect the new U.S.A. So the racial transference isn't limited to Hollywood at all.)
Kingpin was ridiculous. All they had to do was slap a white suit on butter bean.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:30 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I've still got my old, non-PC geek media and I'll be clinging for the duration.

100%. I have two full boxes of my old comic books, emulators for every old console system imaginable, and I am very, very discerning in which new games I play. (I read no new comic books, but read my oldies all the time.) You can't be beholden to the modern American media, because it hates you.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

I thought Mass Effect was a good series. You can make the choice for your main character to be homo or not. I banged a hot blue alien girl and a short haired girl with tattoos who was actually hot enough to raise my digital boner. The hottest girl in Mass Effect 3 was some intern girl on my ship. I spit game to her every chance I got, when I finally convinced her to come back to my quarters for what I thought was a sure space flag...... she drops the bomb on me and says shes a lesbian!

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

There's a myriad of narrative issues with Mass Effect 3. The issue was changes to the writing staff. As far as it being more inclusive, I recall those inclusions being pushed by this woman, Jennifer Hepler.

Note a few quotes collected here:

[Image: 295Cx.png]

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:47 AM)Slick Shimmer Wrote:  

There's a myriad of narrative issues with Mass Effect 3. The issue was changes to the writing staff. As far as it being more inclusive, I recall those inclusions being pushed by this woman, Jennifer Hepler.

Note a few quotes collected here:

[Image: 295Cx.png]

In theory, an androgynous ogre like that would write the best romance, because their only means of romance would be through fiction. In practice, their misanthropic hatred of non-freaks is more pressing than fantasy romances.

I do think it's cool, though, how you regularly see gamers stand up and make videos calling out their industry on the social justice activism bullshit. Yes, the games are losing the battle, but you're sure as hell chronicling the decay and saying clearly, "This is phony and I don't like this."


LGBT tainting new video games and movies

In contrast to what the whale says, Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series is largely considered to be poorly written. The only people who legitimately like it are screaming teenaged girls who hardly know literature as it is.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Sad and pathetic. This is a part of the progressive effort to make straight guys who've admired another man come out as gay. Look at it, 'admiration' has become 'man-crush'. Video game heroes of games played by largely virgin nerds who can't land a chick for their own lives are gay.

This will only serve to make male virgins in their late teens and early 20s 'come out' when in fact they just need good style and some game to overcome their issues. Instead, progressive video game developers are making them have a skewed view of their own sexuality.

I wouldn't be surprised if the American male population is largely gay or bisexual by the time I die.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

I hope video games continue to become increasingly fagged up. Maybe then more men will realize what a complete fucking waste of time they are and do more productive things with their time. A major reason that modern men are so pussified and emasculated is because they spend so much time staring at screens instead of interacting with the real world. I would say that no man over the age of 16 should be playing video games, but frankly I don't think that goes far enough. I don't think children should play them either. They are basically electronic drugs that provide the illusion of accomplishment and competence. This is the major reason that previous generations of men were so much more capable than today. Instead of spending their youths glued to video games, they were actually learning real-world skills (i.e. carpentry, mechanics, sports, hunting, etc...).

Anyone who disagrees with what I'm saying is probably addicted to video games. If this post made you upset I encourage you to stop playing video games entirely for 60 days, then see whether or not you agree with me that video games are nothing more than a huge timesink that robs men of the motivation to pursue other more worthwhile activities.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 11:07 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

I hope video games continue to become increasingly fagged up. Maybe then more men will realize what a complete fucking waste of time they are and do more productive things with their time. A major reason that modern men are so pussified and emasculated is because they spend so much time staring at screens instead of interacting with the real world. I would say that no man over the age of 16 should be playing video games, but frankly I don't think that goes far enough. I don't think children should play them either. They are basically electronic drugs that provide the illusion of accomplishment and competence. This is the major reason that previous generations of men were so much more capable than today. Instead of spending their youths glued to video games, they were actually learning real-world skills (i.e. carpentry, mechanics, sports, hunting, etc...).

Anyone who disagrees with what I'm saying is probably addicted to video games. If this post made you upset I encourage you to stop playing video games entirely for 60 days, then see whether or not you agree with me that video games are nothing more than a huge timesink that robs men of the motivation to pursue other more worthwhile activities.

If I think back to the amount of times I could have gone out and gotten laid vs. burning my eyes out on call of duty.... even just online gaming vs. call of duty.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:18 AM)DavidMI Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2014 07:05 AM)Moma Wrote:  

This is very interesting and I am mixed over it. I used to read comics when I was young and I enjoyed the characters as they were. I felt that Stan Lee made enough concessions to introduce black characters that they didn't need to be super imposed into certain comics etc.

Perry White, the Human Torch, Nick Fury, Kingpin, all the people in Asgard (Thor's homeworld), they're apparently going to forgo Hal Jordon in favor of a black Green Lantern for a Justice League movie....the list goes on.

(I know that some of these movies are actually repeating the comic books, which initially made the changes to reflect the new U.S.A. So the racial transference isn't limited to Hollywood at all.)

I would just like to comment on the black green lantern character.

Created in 1971. The character was also used in the 2001-2005 run of the Justice League animated cartoon. Because of that, he has a large casual following, especially since the piss poor writing of the first movie with Hal damn near killed any other chance at a franchise with Hal.

There is also an Arab Green Lantern, and a gay one.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 05:20 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

I had every nintendo game and was an AVID gamer up until the last few years when just about everything released has some sort of slant to it... the industry is wiping itself out by pandering to these people.

Funny enough Nintendo ain't having non of that gay stuff, recently being blasted by the MSM and the community of "gaymers" (the wierdest group of people, fat emasculated nerds with bad hygiene) with their newest game Tamodachi life not allowing same sex couples:

Just listen to the gaymer's whining:

-"Gay gamers are having their digital rights restricted in the new game Tomodachi Life"
-""I want to be able to marry my real-life fiancé's Mii, but I can't do that. My only options are to marry some female Mii, to change the gender of either my Mii or my fiancé's Mii or to completely avoid marriage altogether and miss out on the exclusive content that comes with it.""

WTF is this shit fuck

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Cool. I hope they make all competing media suck. More room for me.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

LGBT tainting new video games and movies

Quote: (06-23-2014 12:48 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2014 05:20 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

I had every nintendo game and was an AVID gamer up until the last few years when just about everything released has some sort of slant to it... the industry is wiping itself out by pandering to these people.

Funny enough Nintendo ain't having non of that gay stuff, recently being blasted by the MSM and the community of "gaymers" (the wierdest group of people, fat emasculated nerds with bad hygiene) with their newest game Tamodachi life not allowing same sex couples:

Just listen to the gaymer's whining:

-"Gay gamers are having their digital rights restricted in the new game Tomodachi Life"
-""I want to be able to marry my real-life fiancé's Mii, but I can't do that. My only options are to marry some female Mii, to change the gender of either my Mii or my fiancé's Mii or to completely avoid marriage altogether and miss out on the exclusive content that comes with it.""

WTF is this shit fuck

I don't think North American urban gays realize how easy they have it with almost everything.

If they were in parts of Africa, they'd be worried about survival. If they were in the MidEast, they'd worry about not being executed for their 'thoughts'. If they were in Eastern Europe, they'd worry about social excommunication. If they were in the rural South, they'd worry about getting beaten if 'discovered'.

But they're in an environment where their lifestyle is celebrated and encouraged instead of castigated. Instead of being grateful, they worry about same-sex relations with other Miis.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being homosexual. But I do think that demanding homo-marriage, being effeminate and trying to convert others to your lifestyle through media manipulation is outright terrible.

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