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Antalya, Turkey

Antalya, Turkey

So Recently I went to Antalya. More pictures and a more detailed rundown in my blog post Antalya, Turkey Datasheet
I went pretty much for vacation...didn't really go off trying to go to night clubs.

I still had the experience of a life time.


The cost of living here is relatively cheap. You can choose pay the tourist cost for everything. Or you can venture 15 minutes out of the old town and find things dirt cheap.
its about 1USD- .46TL . While in the country.. Just divide everything by half.. and that's roughly the cost that you will pay in dollars.
Some people will argue( Get it? [Image: biggrin.gif] ) But, almost everything in Antalya and many other Turkish cities is negotiable. No one will offer you the actual price... they will always ask for more..sometimes twice the actual cost.
Once you understand this... and learn to haggle and can become golden.

Hadrian's Gate

[Image: 1024px-Antalya_-_Hadrian%27s_Gate.jpg]

This gate is right in the Downtown area of the city..You can damn near walk right past it will looking at all the shops on the other side of the street.
But this Gate is about 1900 years old. Not made in the 1900s... but made in the 1000s.[Image: 1024px-Antalya_-_Hidirlik_Tower.jpg]
Its a odd feeling knowing you are walking through a gate that a Roman emperor once walked though..

Hıdırlık Tower

Another Structure that's about 1800 years old. Its been sitting here forever...and now it has he luxury of being right at the edge of a city park.
It got some wear to it..So you can't go inside..but its still an interesting sight to see. As for the park it sits nex to
Karaalioğlu Park
Its also a fun place to go to...The days in Turkish summer are almost always in the 90s. This park has shade...and is right next to the cliffs. A nice breeze rolls through.
Nothing else has to be said.

There is way more stuff in the city but it would only make this write up crazy long.
Most of the stuff can easily be walked to

My favorite places were Perga and the Marina.

Im a big history buff and Perga is a ancient roman ruin city that over 2000 years old.
There were still excavating some of us but it was awesome... walking through a city thats older than some religions.

The marina was also awesome considering its all been in use for 2000+ years.
The old city walls are still there... people still conduct business in the same places.

The people here are some of the friendliest that ive ever met.
even to the point of being annoying sometime...simply because im not use to such kind people.

The little husband and wife hotel/hostel i stayed in had the friendliest couple.
They couldnt speak english to save their lives.. but ever day they helped me write down places i wanted to go in turkish. and tell me how much i should pay, so i dont get ripped off.
They have me water for my day trips and let me store my stuff in their personal fridge.

I met some british guys a long the way and realized they had been paying double.. even 3 times for the same service I was getting in some places

I am the cock carousel

Antalya, Turkey

I really didnt attempt to go to any nighlife venues.
There didnt seem to really be nightclubs in the city.
They are located further away where all the all inclusiv resorts are.. I was just staying in the old town.

I don't know the names of anywhere..But You can just walk around until you find a bar.
Most of them are open air/open street places.. Live bands playing.. or a Tv somewhere playing music or a sports game.

People don't really walk around gaming here.
Turkey is really liberal for a Muslim country... but still conservative in a lot of aspect.
That doesnt mean..Girls were walking around in short shorts.

Id have to say.. a lot of these girls are the most beautiful ive ever seen... sexy beyond reason.. but at the same time.. you know they are pretty wholesome.
Girls here arent giving it up easy...not even to foreigners.
The faces here... are so exotic and striking... almost all the young girls has the best legs ive ever seen.
Even better than slavic girls legs.
Only downside was the lack of ass..Turkish girls dont have much gotta look long and hard for a meaty assed girl.
But in reality... the faces make up for it.

I had a hell of a time just going to hole in the wall Hookah bars.. smoking hookah drinking beer and playing chess with the old guys hanging around.

Every now and then a group of beautiful girls would walk by and the men would point them out to us.
Haha.. me.. a guy in my 20s sitting around smoking hookah laughing with a 60 year old man.. watching girls pass us by.

neither of us can speak each other languages.. but we both understand the concepts.

I am the cock carousel

Antalya, Turkey

[Image: XXaZdbDl.jpg][Image: iTJWKgul.jpg][Image: Cn55I4fl.jpg][Image: pRMpW4Al.jpg][Image: kkuAb5kl.jpg][Image: P7IVGCsl.jpg]

I even did a little tinder digging
[Image: 9XFn1Q6l.png][Image: C3MiJ2Tl.png][Image: vuEz7jql.png][Image: tmofqMKl.png]

I am the cock carousel

Antalya, Turkey

^ you think these girls are beautiful? [Image: huh.gif]

Antalya, Turkey

She has a picture of her and her cat.......

Antalya, Turkey

In my post I mention that i didnt go to the city for the girls.
I just posted a couple random tinders for the hell of it...with the name turkishcandy.. you should know..there are much better women.

I am the cock carousel

Antalya, Turkey

Antalya is all about its resorts. There is a huge amount of pussy flow during summer. I would rather prefer going to Alanya or Kemer where girls from fsu or europe come for only one purpose. If you're interested in exploring historical stuff, it's more than enough taking a day or two off and see them.

Antalya, Turkey

alanya and kemer great...

Antalya, Turkey

Somehow the account i had all pictures on got deleted... so i think slowly this thread will be full of dead images.
Nothing super important was here though.. I saved most of the pictures of girls and examples.
if i come back to the thread and its got a bunch of black images, ill reupload them

I am the cock carousel

Antalya, Turkey

Antalya has thousands of years of history riddling with ancient aegean-roman style antique cities all over , the night life , world class hotels, life style , opera-ballet house , concerts , festivals , the dreamy beaches , the ski resort (half an hour away from the beach with helicopter), mountains , the amazing landscape where thousands of german, dutch people live permenantly and 5 million tourists every year.

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