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Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Bring this thread up because Op had a topic Im fairly knowledge in . Im 22 right now and I have a natural inclination towards getting to know people with a special emphases on their intelligence . I feel the word smart has many definitions and is subjective in a sense. A truly smart girl to me strictly would be common sense, proactive, adept, and constantly thinks(havent met one younger than 25 either) . These are common characteristics ive seen with women and men I meet who are "smart." while for women its a PLUS to be feminine, disciplined, confident yet submissive, have self-belief, their own desires, and even the ability to bond and have fun with others. These are ALL possible and I've met women with some but not ALL of them together.

For me the great interest and very strong desire for a smart girl comes from the fact that I want to be smarter, The common saying is your intelligence and even your income is easily portrayed in the top 5 people you spend most of your time with. As any man looking for a partner I would think long term it would be ideal to have someone smart , adept, being able to change to whatever life throws at you, constantly wanting to grow and become better, basically never settling. I feel that would be the ideal companion , not a hot piece of dead weight.

Another common note is that most if not all intelligent people I met experienced very tough hardship in their lives before and some how that event drives them to this very day and its exhilarating to meet and have someone like that in my life. To me it bothers me how smart people never get along with each other, they have so much doubt in others that they can't seem to notice intelligence even if its sitting right there in their face. It is also a common trait that they tend to do all of the work (not physical of course) because of the lack of trust they have in others in doing it right(rightfully so because most people are not smart) . They seem to look as people as a whole vs me, I look as people as individuals and I do see the rareness of smart people even more so in a women. I constantly meet new smart people with the same common denominator of traits but with surprising personality traits that come along with it.

Adam says to God, "God, why did you make women so soft ?"
God says, "So that you will like them."
Adam says to God, "God, why did you make women so warm and cuddly?"
God says, "So that you will like them."
Adam says to God, "But, God, why did you make them so stupid?"
God says, "So that they will like you"

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

At age 40, it's a genuine waste of my time to feign interest in a basic bitch for 1 out 4 billion vaginas on this planet. Respect your worth!

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Interesting thread. A lot of guys here still seem to have a narrow view of intelligence or IQ. Many people can be very smart in some areas like solving math problems or having a career as a doctor but not smart in other areas like social intelligence and emotional intelligence.

I think most guys that claim to want a smart girl are looking for a girl who is nice and has social intelligence and emotional intelligence but these guys get things confused with other forms of intelligence. They don't realize that a doctor could be on the low end of social intelligence but the doctor's secretary could be on the high end.

This also goes for guys who think they are smart because they score high on an IQ test but they are on the low end of other types of intelligence that those tests don't test for.

Quote: (06-20-2014 04:34 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Know that intelligence has a related Communication Gap, and you can only have True and Genuine Communication with women within 15 IQ points of yourself, as they share your natural vocabulary and ability to comprehend abstract concepts specific to your level of thinking. At 30 points difference, you'll read as Insane to them, and they'll strike you as retarded.
I think there is a lot of truth to this. It is difficult to develop a strong connection with someone who is in a different range of intelligence. However, I don't know of IQ tests that can measure a broader spectrum of intelligence. Those tests usually focus on math, logic, spatial reasoning and sometimes include vocabulary. So I agree but IQ is somewhat of an abstract concept in this context.

TLDR - judge a woman's intelligence by how she interacts and communicates with you and not by her job, degree, or what she claims is her IQ score (that number probably doesn't correlate to the type of intelligence you are seeking in a woman)

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Many 'smart women' are much like smart SJW's. The illogical straw mans are only a few sentences below the surface. In all honesty, if I am looking for a discussion on philosophy, politics, religion etc I will turn to male friends. That isn't to say I don't enjoy such conversations with women, but I would much rather discuss such topics with an open minded woman, over one who 'prioritises intelligence'.

That said, my number one go to personality I look for in a woman is that 'Happy go lucky zest for life'. A girl who is happy to be alive. The actually add value to my life. A 'smart' girl more often than not, only adds 'dumb' arguments.

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Quote: (06-06-2016 01:05 PM)birthday cat Wrote:  

Interesting thread. A lot of guys here still seem to have a narrow view of intelligence or IQ. Many people can be very smart in some areas like solving math problems or having a career as a doctor but not smart in other areas like social intelligence and emotional intelligence.

I think most guys that claim to want a smart girl are looking for a girl who is nice and has social intelligence and emotional intelligence but these guys get things confused with other forms of intelligence. They don't realize that a doctor could be on the low end of social intelligence but the doctor's secretary could be on the high end.

This also goes for guys who think they are smart because they score high on an IQ test but they are on the low end of other types of intelligence that those tests don't test for.

Quote: (06-20-2014 04:34 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Know that intelligence has a related Communication Gap, and you can only have True and Genuine Communication with women within 15 IQ points of yourself, as they share your natural vocabulary and ability to comprehend abstract concepts specific to your level of thinking. At 30 points difference, you'll read as Insane to them, and they'll strike you as retarded.
I think there is a lot of truth to this. It is difficult to develop a strong connection with someone who is in a different range of intelligence. However, I don't know of IQ tests that can measure a broader spectrum of intelligence. Those tests usually focus on math, logic, spatial reasoning and sometimes include vocabulary. So I agree but IQ is somewhat of an abstract concept in this context.

TLDR - judge a woman's intelligence by how she interacts and communicates with you and not by her job, degree, or what she claims is her IQ score (that number probably doesn't correlate to the type of intelligence you are seeking in a woman)

Strongly agree with you Bday Cat. IQ is a good indicator of intelligence, in Western Culture as it correlates to skills in math/science/verbal skills. However, it does place lower emphasis on skills like art/design/creativity.

This is interesting because I believe a great deal of us here, especially new guys, try to approach game with a 'checklist/mathematical formula' mentality. If you spend enough time around here you'll realize that utilizing a fluid combination of mathematical wit and awe-inspiring creativity will yield you not only the best results and conversations with women, but in life.

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

In terms of intelligence and woman, I want a woman who is warm and empathetic and smart enough to have her shit together. Too many times, a "smart" woman brags the living fuck out of her abilities. I dated one chick for a year who studying for a position in the medical field. She would rearrange the letters on street signs in her head to make new words whenever we were in the car together. Since I did the driving, I could not concentrate on this little game, to which she would brag that she was better at word games than me.

That was one instance, however I have many others of women who desperately desire to shove their abilities in your face. I'm in my late 20's and share the OP's thoughts. Many of the women I've encountered are barely charming and offer little in terms of wit and intelligence. Even then, a woman's intelligence seems to be a block of information like a dictionary instead of a passion for the field (despite their profile saying they are passionate about what they do).

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Girlfriend material is more than looks. Of the 24 hours a day, only a small portionwill be spent having sex, or even looking at her. If there'sno substance then it'snot a relationship, just someone to have sex with and get rid of once youcome.

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