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Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Hello everyone!

I have been a long time rooshvforum 'reader' but never actually followed through to make a forum account until now. Last summer I went on a eurotrip with a friend and happened to discover rooshv forums near the end of my trip (regretfully). Anyways I fell in love with being in EE probably for largely the same reasons as any of us, the big one being the women are not north american.

I'll cut to the chase , a friend is going to Poland to visit some family and I jumped on the opportunity to do some travelling again (round 2 woohoo). Here's the situation, she wants to do some exploring first before landmarking in Poland to see her family. When the time does arrive for her to pit stop in Poland I have the full month of October to cruise around EE and practice some gaming methods which are derogatory to try here (I live in Vancouver, Canada). She is staying in wroclaw and I do know that is a great courting ground but I'm against setting up base there for obvious reasons..

Currently, I'm torn between deciding on a place to landmark and launch my game assault. I wan't to stay in a place long enough to develop a solid hunting ground and good logistics so will probably spend the entire month of October in the chosen country. I have an absurd attraction to slavic women so was thinking of aiming my sights to CR, Poland, Ukraine, even Budapest, but I just can't make a decision and am enlisting in fellow Roosh V forumers.. I have visited all of these countries before but the mate I was travelling with was a cockblock to say the least so going solo has won my heart over already. I will have basically the full month of October and despite reading countless threads I just can't decide as a rookie traveler where to go. I really want my hungarian and CR flags but based off readings here have determined they are a little more difficult to attain.. The goal for me is to go on as many dates as possible with local women and setup a little harem of sexy tour guides.

I am a 22 year old Canadian male looking to have mini relationships with women roughly the same age as me and just have a good time and live in the cities as one of them. I've never had any issues courting women locally, have above average looks, 6'1 200lbs and work in the oilfield here so I have a larger budget this time around..

Enough rambling, where should I go and why?
Any tips/hints are greatly appreciated


Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Hard to go wrong but I advise on avoiding Ukraine. You're young, don't speak Russian, and it's not a place for game/travel newbies.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)


Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Stick to 2nd and 3rd tier cities for not only a greater probability of having sex with a local, but also to get a better sense of the culture.

Although Belgrade, Serbia could be an exception.

Sure do Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, etc. but don't neglect some lesser known places like Slovenia, Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia...keep in mind in the summer, MUCH of the nightlife and things going on moves to the seaside cities.
I was only in Slovenia for a weekend, and couldn't get traction for a bang, but really enjoyed that country and saw a lot of potential there.

Check out my datasheet that could give you some tips:

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Quote: (06-09-2014 03:51 PM)mbare Wrote:  

Stick to 2nd and 3rd tier cities for not only a greater probability of having sex with a local, but also to get a better sense of the culture.

Although Belgrade, Serbia could be an exception.

Sure do Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, etc. but don't neglect some lesser known places like Slovenia, Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia...keep in mind in the summer, MUCH of the nightlife and things going on moves to the seaside cities.
I was only in Slovenia for a weekend, and couldn't get traction for a bang, but really enjoyed that country and saw a lot of potential there.

Check out my datasheet that could give you some tips:

I'm currentally traveling in EE. Budepest right now, Poland on Wed.. I've been reading the country reviews and just bought the Roosv's guides. I'm not really sure were to go since it is June. Any suggestions and when do the college girls leave their college cities?

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Good call on the Ukraine . I am going during the fall so I assume students will be back in their hovels and 2nd tier cities will be more of a gold mine .. Brno maybe ?

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

You want Hungarian and Czech flags, so I would suggest tier 2 cities in those country.
Someone did a report on Brno - do a search.
October is a interesting month, so you might want to attack university towns.
As a Canadian you might consider Slovakia, another hockey crazy country. Just don't forget to pack your jersey eh!

Our New Blog:

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Yeah I've done my readings on Brno not so much Hungarian cities though as I was under the impression the language barrier in Hungary is bad . I visited Budapest last year and there was a lot of great talent but it was impossible to communicate .. I'm thinking I'll hit up second tier cities 10 days at a time Poland cz and hungary, haven't read too much on Slovakian cities .. Need to develop a back story as well as it may seem unusual for a Canadian guy to be renting an apartment in a city like Brno .. Any ideas ?

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Ps that's a healthy datasheet cheers to you mbare

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

I have not traveled extensively in Europe , but i am currently living in Tallinn, Estonia. I think this is a great place to start as everyone speaks English Here and there are beautiful women in abundance. The infrastructure is very good and the costs are acceptable. Rent an apartment near olde town and dress up in nice clothes when you go out. I roll solo every night and usually at the minimum at the end of the night have a few numbers for prospects.
I am not sure how it will be in the fall....

p.s.- Ive been here a week and got 3 notches, Including a 3some! All have been girls with Blue eyes and legs up to their armpits.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

That's another thing I haven't rolled solo yet so I'm eager and nervous at the same time, Estonia hmm haven't done much reading into the baltics again due to speculation of the russian language barrier . Cheers I'll look Into that

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Quote: (06-09-2014 05:58 PM)fstrdnl Wrote:  

That's another thing I haven't rolled solo yet so I'm eager and nervous at the same time, Estonia hmm haven't done much reading into the baltics again due to speculation of the russian language barrier . Cheers I'll look Into that

Russian language barrier???

[Image: attachment.jpg10459]

If you concentrate on the under 30 population more speak English than Russian, especially in Lithuania. Also, in Riga and Tallinn after Russian English is the 3rd most popular language and many (with the exception of the Russian minority) are tri-lingual. Language should be the last of your worries, what you should worry about though is the relatively high costs of going out now in all 3 Baltic capitals, the need for tight game and the fact that places like Vilnius can be tough as British,Spanish, and German guys are everywhere on stag parties.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

I have a solid bankroll here in Canada so that's not really the worry, I only have a month to burn so I want to be as efficient as possible for someone new to foreign game.. As for the English I suppose I turned a blind eye to that and after reading more into the Baltic threads they've become more a blip on my radar .

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

I'm not sure about exact dates, as to when students leave and go home/to a summer vacation spot. I never had much of an issue with it. I just know some smaller cities/student towns clear out in the summer, such as Ljubljana. If you PM me with your itinerary, I probably have a contact in that country and can ask them what the situation is.

Thanks. And I never had an issue with a language barrier in Hungary or other countries you're thinking about. And I went to Hungary 4 times, once renting a car and driving all over the place. As someone else mentioned, as long as you stick to the 30 and under crowd, you should be good to go.

I hear you about Estonia. I'd love to go back there someone. Butterfly lounge is all I have to say.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

I am in a similar predicament (where to go for vacation)......I am currently in Russia, have already done Ukraine a I am edging towards Belarus......however, the more I read other forum posts I keep thinking what about Yerevan or Tbilisi.......

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

In my humble opinion, Bulgaria is a hidden gem often ignored.

Many beautiful girls, many have at least a basic understanding of English, at least in Sofia, and foreigners are at a minimum, less competition. Also very cheap. Your money will go a long way.

It's not uncommon when I'm there for girls to literally stop what they're doing and pay close attention whenever I walk into a store, cafe, bar, etc, especially me having blond hair, which really sticks out here. Opening is extremely easy. There's high interest as foreigners are at a minimum and are considered a novelty.

Sofia is empty during the summer but come Oct, it's one of the best times to be there. Fall/spring are the golden seasons. Also very easy to hit up Belgrade from Sofia.

Of course, basic understanding of cyrillic is recommended. But you're going to run into that issue in most EE countries.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

1+ for rainy

A couple of weeks ago I made a short trip to Sofia and had a blast. Most of the girls a stunning, they show interest because they see that you are a foreigner. You walk along the street/ shopping malls and you are downright patterned. I never experienced that before in life.

Keep in mind that there are not as many blonds..

The girls I saw in the clubs.. man they could move their asses [Image: biggrin.gif]

And it's cheap, really cheap! In my opinion the food is good in general, around Sofia there are also opportunitys for going into the wild/bouldering/downhill biking or something similar.

Edit: If I have the money I would invest in real estate there..

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Quote: (06-10-2014 03:57 PM)RandomGuy1 Wrote:  

1+ for rainy

A couple of weeks ago I made a short trip to Sofia and had a blast. Most of the girls a stunning, they show interest because they see that you are a foreigner. You walk along the street/ shopping malls and you are downright patterned. I never experienced that before in life.

Neither have I. It was the first time I thought, wow, so that's what it feels like to be a celebrity.

I've even had little kids wave at me on the bus/tram and the girl I'm with laughing and saying, he thinks you're from Hollywood.

If anything, it reminds be a bit of Poland without the western infiltration and without the competition from other foreigners.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Would 4 days be long enough for a flag in Bulgaria ?

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Guys,and to all newbie travelers here.

This might sound strange for you but, try to not overthink or overcomplicate the decision of where to spend your trip. If a place interest you then go to this place and check it out. No reason to rush here,I know the feeling of wanting to taste every candy in the box. You are still young and have plenty of time for more trips in the future.

I've been in that boat, and believe me. Rushing through things and having a tight travel plan with a very detailed travel schedule has cockblocked me so many times. You always meet a cool girl or discover some new cool stuff on the last day in a city which would make you want to stay longer.
It fucking sucks to have tickets booked at that point.

Traveling is also about game. Always try to keep your doors open so you can change place whenever you want and to wherever you want.

I'm not saying you need to stay a month in every place, give it a few days and if it sucks then change. Just don't have a too detailed plan, don't plan too long in advance that you will spend this and this many days in this city.

There aint such a thing as a perfect playground or played out places.
We are all different persons with different tastes who travels on different times and meets different people which gives us different experiences.

Just because 20 guys have had a good time in a city it doesn't mean you will.

Randomness plays sometimes big part.

Hell, I got my Japanese flag in Iran and my Brazilian flag in Japan.
That was all about randomness.

Listen and read about other guys experiences but don't take for granted that you will have the same.

Try to go with flow and don't make so many detailed plans.
You won't regret it.

Good luck on your adventures.

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)


Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Personally I'd stick to Poland and the Baltics. I was in Budapest this year and coming from Wroclaw, there seemed to be a lack of talent. There were many gypsies and fat people (obesity seems to be a problem there compared to Poland) I also think most cute girls were turists. I don't know about 2nd tier cities in Hungary, but overall I'd avoid it for the girls. Bulgaria might be an interesting place. You could opt for SE Europe and go to Sofia, Bucharest and maybe even somewhere in Serbia. I've heard English won't be a problem there and I think they're probably less "spoiled" than say Poland.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Fall E.E. Trip (need advice!!)

Quote: (06-09-2014 04:34 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Hard to go wrong but I advise on avoiding Ukraine. You're young, don't speak Russian, and it's not a place for game/travel newbies.

Really? I heard on this forum that a place in western ukraine like Lviv would have a decent amount of english speakers among young people. I don't speak russian and was planning on going there, just hope it isn't just wishful thinking on my part.

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