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2016 Presidential Election
016 Presidential Election
I was thinking the other day how quiet both parties have been about the upcoming election. This thread is to discuss the candidates and everything election related.
016 Presidential Election
It's assumed Hilary will head the Democratic ticket. If she does run I see her winning. The media will go wild in promoting her because she's a woman set to succeed the first non-white president.
016 Presidential Election
The economy needs to take a plop. That will make the election season interesting.
016 Presidential Election
Hilary is staying quiet to allow the Benghazi débâcle blow over and I would be very surprised if she isn't the next president.

016 Presidential Election
If Hilary wins in2016, then the logical next step is going to have the first faggot president in 2020. The forefathers of this once mighty and great nation will be doing triple and quadruple palm faces in their graves.

What a tragedy!
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:11 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

Hilary is staying quiet to allow the Benghazi débâcle blow over and I would be very surprised if she isn't the next president.


That is true, but it was also true in 2008: She was the odds-on favorite, and their was no way a first term senator who had only been in Washington FOUR years was gonna overcome that, even less likely because he was a BLACK dude!

Then, as Tom Leykis says, "Here's how much America didn't want a female president: We elected a black guy"
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:13 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

If Hilary wins in2016, then the logical next step is going to have the first faggot president in 2020. The forefathers of this once mighty and great nation will be doing triple and quadruple palm faces in their graves.

What a tragedy!

US and UK politics are basically pandering to elements of the 'broken coalition' while securing banker backing.

The only remnant that Americans have of the republican democracy is their right to bear arms.

Quote:Carroll Quigley Wrote:

Why do we have democracy in this country? I'll give you a blunt and simple answer, which means, of course, that it's not the whole truth. We have democracy because around 1880 the distribution of weapons in this society was such that no minority could make a majority obey. If you have a society in which weapons are cheap, so that almost anyone can obtain them, and are easy to use — what I call amateur weapons — then you have democracy. But if the opposite is true, weapons extremely expensive and very difficult to use — the medieval knight, for example, with his castle, the supreme weapons of the year 1100 — in such a system, with expensive and difficult-to-use weapons, you could not possibly have majority rule. But in 1880 for $100 you could get the two best weapons in the world, a Winchester rifle and a Colt revolver; so almost anyone could buy them. With weapons like these in the hands of ordinary people, no minority could make the majority obey a despotic government.
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:11 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

Hilary is staying quiet to allow the Benghazi débâcle blow over and I would be very surprised if she isn't the next president.


One can only hope that she gets hammered relentlessly for that and her numerous other blunders.
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:19 PM)The Father Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2014 05:11 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

Hilary is staying quiet to allow the Benghazi débâcle blow over and I would be very surprised if she isn't the next president.


That is true, but it was also true in 2008: She was the odds-on favorite, and their was no way a first term senator who had only been in Washington FOUR years was gonna overcome that, even less likely because he was a BLACK dude!

Then, as Tom Leykis says, "Here's how much America didn't want a female president: We elected a black guy"

She made the mistake of not neutralising/ paying off the young and inexperienced Obama early. She could have arranged a top job in her administration for him and a free run for his 2016 campaign. This probably would have done Obama good as becoming president so early has put him out of his depth.

Larry Nichols helped formulate the Clinton's 'broken coalition' strategy for Bill's Arkansas elections. This strategy has all but replaced the labour interest in Western 'Left' parties with the interests of 'identity politics'. He is probably one of the few allies of the Clintons who didn't mysteriously disappear.

Anyway, he says Hillary has 2016 in the bag.
016 Presidential Election
(Long way out) prediction:

Dems run Hillary Clinton for President and the telegenic Martin O'Malley (Maryland governor) for Vice President

GOP runs Jeb Bush for President and Rand Paul as Vice President

GOP will think that they have all their bases covered by 1. Running a household name who converted to Catholicism and married a latina. 2. With Rand Paul they'll think that they have an ever-growing, disillusioned libertarian faction of the party locked down as well.

While a sure-thing on paper, in real life Hillary is not charismatic. When riled-up during a stump speech it sounded like your mom yelling at you. Still, it's safe to assume that she's been preparing for this and will likely give a better show in 2016. Keep in mind, the national numbers are well away from the Republicans after Bush vs. Kerry. Women, minorities, and the majority old enough to collect social security will go for Hillary and that should be enough for her victory. If Hispanic turnout happens to be high, the only Spanish speakers voting for the GOP will be the Cubans. RE: Benghazi: The mainstream media will make take the weirdest of the Benghazi critics and broadcast them to the nation, thereby making them look like political nuts.

Get ready for "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY" - nonsense while we're essentially given a choice between McDonalds and Burger King for dinner.
016 Presidential Election
The winner will be Corporate America.

Either way, I want Hillary to win. It's going to be fun watching neocons roll over their graves over the "fall of the west", "the death of the white man", and "gubbmint takeover". Hillary for #trollcandidate

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:39 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

RE: Benghazi: The mainstream media will make take the weirdest of the Benghazi critics and broadcast them to the nation, thereby making them look like political nuts.

You seem to be implying that anyone taking Benghazi "seriously" isn't already pretty far from the mainstream.

The Republicans still haven't decided on a winner in their civil war between the "appeal to moderates and women" and "elect us to the federal government because the fed is evil" branches in their party. They're still seen as the anti-minority, anti-women, anti-young, party of rich, white men, which limits their ability to win a majority of votes in Americas ever growing cities.

The Democrats will be torn between Hillary and whoever wins the "I'm not Hillary" vote. However, a lot of dems have forgiven Hillary for fighting Obama in 2008, and since Iraq won't be a major issue, she'll probably have it on lock. No one considering voting Democrat is going to listen to Sean Hannity harp on about Benghazi unless someone finds a timestamped video of Hillary screaming, "Blast those motherfuckers like it ain't no thang!" to her terrorist subordinates. Not even really possible, and astronomically unlikely.

There is, however, The Rent Is Too Damn High Party.
[Image: C423028D.jpg]

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth
016 Presidential Election
I think we owe it to the world to do everything we can to stop Hilary from getting the nomination or winning. Once men convert, they stay converted.

I don't say it because she is a woman. I say it because of Benghazi, and I say it because of her live reaction to the brutal murder of a foreign leader:

There are better videos out there but I can't be bothered to look.
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:21 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

The only remnant that Americans have of the republican democracy is their right to bear arms.


Quote:Baldwin81 Wrote:

(Long way out) prediction:

Dems run Hillary Clinton for President and the telegenic Martin O'Malley (Maryland governor) for Vice President

GOP runs Jeb Bush for President and Rand Paul as Vice President

GOP will think that they have all their bases covered by 1. Running a household name who converted to Catholicism and married a latina. 2. With Rand Paul they'll think that they have an ever-growing, disillusioned libertarian faction of the party locked down as well.

While a sure-thing on paper, in real life Hillary is not charismatic. When riled-up during a stump speech it sounded like your mom yelling at you. Still, it's safe to assume that she's been preparing for this and will likely give a better show in 2016. Keep in mind, the national numbers are well away from the Republicans after Bush vs. Kerry. Women, minorities, and the majority old enough to collect social security will go for Hillary and that should be enough for her victory. If Hispanic turnout happens to be high, the only Spanish speakers voting for the GOP will be the Cubans. RE: Benghazi: The mainstream media will make take the weirdest of the Benghazi critics and broadcast them to the nation, thereby making them look like political nuts.

Get ready for "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY" - nonsense while we're essentially given a choice between McDonalds and Burger King for dinner.

I like this. It sounds feasible. I'm not sure the Republicans would be stupid enough to run anyone with the Bush name again. I might be wrong, though.

the peer review system
put both
Socrates and Jesus
to death
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:39 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Get ready for "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY" - nonsense while we're essentially given a choice between McDonalds and Burger King for dinner.

Hahaha! Love it!
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:39 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Get ready for "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY" - nonsense while we're essentially given a choice between McDonalds and Burger King for dinner.

Hahaha! Love it!
016 Presidential Election
You seem to be implying that anyone taking Benghazi "seriously" isn't already pretty far from the mainstream.

I wasn't implying that the mainstream takes Benghazi seriously. If anything (even if poorly worded) I'm implying that the trend will continue when the issue is brought as close to the forefront as possible in the 2016 election. The media will show the, ahem, least mainstream people they can find....

No one considering voting Democrat is going to listen to Sean Hannity harp on about Benghazi unless someone finds a timestamped video of Hillary screaming, "Blast those motherfuckers like it ain't no thang!" to her terrorist subordinates. Not even really possible, and astronomically unlikely.

Agreed. They also won't listen to any heretofore unknown "oddballs" (publicized by the media) that try to swiftboat the venerable Ms. Clinton either.
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 05:13 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

If Hilary wins in2016, then the logical next step is going to have the first faggot president in 2020. The forefathers of this once mighty and great nation will be doing triple and quadruple palm faces in their graves.

The most important debate surrounding the 2020 election: will they have to change the title of First Lady to First Matey when two dudes move into the White House?
016 Presidential Election
I say Hilary won't win. Any potential opponents, Democrat or Republican, already know she is going to run for President. They've already started gathering intel on her and Bill and the smear campaign against her is going to hurt bad.

Considering the constant flow of progressive propaganda that's being fed to us, the Democrats are going to win again despite screwing up in the White House, unless there's a real bad scandal by Obama and team (considering how he's been getting a pass in everything including Benghazi, the VA scandal, the Bergdahl scandal and high unemployment, it would need to be something really bad). The Republicans will be painted as anti-woman (again) for opposing federally subsidized abortions and birth control. Heck, looking at the current trends, whoever advocates for a near-complete obliteration of male rights will win the election.

Its going to be a pain in the ass to watch it. Small businesses and anyone who's not filthy rich already will get screwed. Other countries will realize that democracy is among the worst political systems in the world and will not be motivated to adopt it.
016 Presidential Election
Quote: (06-08-2014 08:05 PM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

Other countries will realize that democracy is among the worst political systems in the world and will not be motivated to adopt it.
It's true that democracy is a horrible political system. That's why the founders didn't create a democracy. They created a constitutional republic. Unfortunately, it's been gutted by all three branches of government.

It's also been propagandized away - note how often politicians refer to America as a democracy, implying that what the majority wants, the majority gets; this works out great for power hungry politicians. This is inimical to the founders' intent. Only the libertarian (and some tea party) politicians refer to America as a constitutional republic.

If you ask random people on the street or your friends, "Is America a democracy?", more than 9 out of 10 will say "Yes". Democracy is a pit stop on the road to tyranny.
016 Presidential Election
I think america is still too shallow to elect an old lady as president regardless of politics. She might win the dem nomination, but when average joes and janes look at her next to a bunch of 50 and 60 year old men she'll look worse and worse and that kind of gut reaction is important for the middle group of low-info voters.

My guess anyway.
016 Presidential Election
Anyone hear how Hillary admitted she made the wrong decision on voting for the Iraq war (genocide)

Good god imagine her in office (I think she will win by a landslide) " I regret the decision to offer Americans the choice of McDonalds or Burger King. If I knew what I know now back then, I would have never made that decision."

Its not like Hindsight is 20/20 or anything....
016 Presidential Election
I'll definitely be stocking up on firearms related gear in advance of the 2016 election. Progressives are never going to rest until they gut the Second Amendment.
016 Presidential Election
"Voting" is arguably the biggest ruse in American history.
016 Presidential Election
Here's a better game plan:
Instead of worrying who will win the 2016 elections and the impeding negative consequences of it which will result in more erosion of basic rights for the people, instead, make it your goal to bust your ass till then to get your acts together, learn a skill and build a capital and or online biz and get the hell out of this sinking ship. There's no hope for America. It's only going to get worst. Instead, save yourself gents and expatriate and renounce your US citizenship at the first chance you get.

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