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Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

That still does not make sense. Your little sister is acing ratchet and like well a little sister and you do nothing? She's attacking YOUR husband and you chill and do nothing and smirk at the whole thing? Maybe soulless Beyoncé is a robot but I don't buy any of those assesmeents that have been "leaked". They sound like simple cover stories from Jay-z/Beyoncé's team to cover it all up. Plus people think this is he first time Solange has been to and drank at a high end event? Her sister was making millions when she was 15, she had her own millions by 20, married a millionaire when she was 17. I don't buy she had THAT MUCH ratchet pent up in here to make her go ape shit over some minor shit over her friends. I would be naive enough to think she would know how to handle herself at these types of events.

If you look at that after pic of them exiting the elevator Jay-Z looks the most distraught, while Solange does not even look stressed or sloppy like a typical blacked out drunk chick would.

I've seen my sister roundhouse my other sister off way less things just for SAYING shit about her husband. My sister tried to diss my others sisters husband once and she didn't even think twice but to give her a undertaker choke slam, and then diss her after the fact as to why that is why she was still single with man lmao.

Those leaked stories of this just being ratchet behavior don't add up.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

[Image: e7bcs6.jpg]

[Image: 1390245791664.jpg]

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-14-2014 12:01 AM)jariel Wrote:  

[Image: e7bcs6.jpg]

so says the jewellery store owner

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

[Image: attachment.jpg18667]   

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Good points kosko. Good points.

The only reason Beyoncé wouldn't fight back would be to not stoop to that level and not risk messing up her wardrobe... she was at a function that is Soley based around what you wear. I mean that is why you pay security.

Who knows? Funny though.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

It's coming

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

poor guy [Image: sad.gif]

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Beyonce's reaction here was the tell, they both think he is a scumbag, and sounds consistent about what people have been saying about him for years. Divorce coming in 3... 2... 1....

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-12-2014 06:53 PM)svenski7 Wrote:  

TMZ Elevator Video

Is Jay-Z beta?

I saw the video and I was really surprised.... How can a woman lay her hands on me not to talk of my wife's sister...

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-14-2014 07:56 PM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

poor guy [Image: sad.gif]

The look she gave him was that "you can get it" look.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Me: "You would be singing a different tune if he hit her back"

Feminist: " as you should, because he is obviously bigger and stronger and clearly able to defend himself without violence. why are you men so obsessed with violence and revenge?"

[Image: facepalm.png]

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Wait, so Jaz-Z's banging Solange? Why? She's kinda fugly.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Nah but jay z cheats on Beyoncé. And he banged rhiana. So that was part of the whole problem.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister


"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-13-2014 07:18 AM)J DOE Wrote:  

It's crazy how entitled to violent outbursts these women on twitter feel. Almost none of them are saying "she shouldn't have attacked him like that" It's all "JayZ must have had it coming, I wonder what he did?"

When a man swings first his always his fault when a women swings first it's still his fault. We can't get a break lmao

Yes, exactly. This underscores why women are respected less in the workplace: because they often go off on people like insane, distressed rabid animals and everyone knows they can and will get away with it.

If you pulled this as a guy, changes are you'd get your head handed to you then and there or in the parking lot after work by another guy. So there is a built-in code as to how polite you have to behave man-to-man. It's unconscious, but it's there in all our interactions (including here).

Women don't have to live by that code -- one of the many reasons they're mostly unfit for the working world, something our forefathers knew but we forgot.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-14-2014 07:56 PM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

poor guy [Image: sad.gif]

Some of the guys have this situation completely in the wrong light.

If one watches the video linked above and the video of the elevator fight with their third eye open, they'll understand this thing for real.

These people are American royalty, but there is clearly a very dark side to their relationship, again these two videos tell something of their story.

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Solange gets spike in sales and concert tours for attacking Jay Z, Chris Brown goes to jail. SMH!

Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-14-2014 12:12 PM)vinman Wrote:  

It's coming

One "rapper" already beat them by a few years.


Jay-Z "beaten up" by Beyonce's sister

Quote: (05-24-2014 01:33 AM)Seboist Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2014 12:12 PM)vinman Wrote:  

It's coming

One "rapper" already beat them by a few years.

Brian Pumper AKA The Gape Man. This dude's shit is hilarious!
[Image: laugh2.gif]

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

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