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Relationships are a bad investment for men

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Warning: An essay approaches! The following are my thoughts on relationships from an economic perspective, presented in the format of a short article.

In matters that involve relationships, feelings often creep in and it becomes impossible to make objective decisions based on the facts. We all know a guy who is completely whipped, who exists in a clearly destructive relationship that is hampering his development as a man. Despite the advice of his peers, he will continue to stay in that relationship until it blows up in his face. All the while, he'll reason that others simply do not understand the problem as well as he does, and that he alone is capable of determining the best course of action, unaware of the fact that he is performing the relationship equivalent of doing 80 mph in a car with a blown tire down a winding highway with his eyes closed. He gets bogged down in the specifics of navigating the road, whereas any dumbass watching can figure out that he needs to stop the fucking car and get out. While this can be humorous when it happens to an acquiantance, it becomes less so when a close friend or family get involved in this situation. Even more dire, you may find yourself in a relationship much like this, without even realizing that it's happened. One of the most powerful methods a female has of disarming you in preparation for your financial and emotional destruction is her ability to lead you away from logic and reason, guiding you to a land of "feeeeeeelings", where subjectivity rules supreme. I hope to arm you with an effective counter by providing a logical assessment of the value of a relationship over time, with the intent that you should read it if you ever find yourself or a loved one in a relationship that is harmful, and snap out of the delusion that a relationship is worth more than its weight in happiness.

In the beginning of a relationship, you are effectively trading your attention and energy for sexual relations and female companionship. Realize that a woman draws value from your attention and energy as a high value male, and that you, as a man, do not truly seize value from mere attention. A female must perform both sexually and domestically for you to receive fair payment for your valuable resources. She must be joyful to be around and sexually stimulating. However, to her, negative attention is as valuable as positive attention.

If you are not a bitch, you will succeed in making a fair deal, and will not accept one that is ridiculous. The pitfall of the blue pill man is that he will provide attention and energy (energy often takes the form of money) in exchange for nothing. He is incapable of realizing that a transaction is taking place, as he does not value his own attention. However, this isn't a blue pill-bashing article, so I'll assume you're aware of this transaction at the onset of a relationship.

Lured by the promise of consistent, new sex, you may find yourself dating monogamously or having a "main girl". This deal is attractive because it minimizes your costs and gives you the greatest return-on-investment (ROI) for your time/energy/attention. However, you must realize that from a female perspective, your attention will slowly become less valuable. She will begin to sink her claws in, attempting to extract greater amounts of resources. Your first date with her, a drink at a bar before a trip home for the bang, was initially sufficient as a trade for sex. However, she will soon start suggesting movie dates, dinner dates, and more expensive drinking expeditions. These have both a greater time (thus attention) and monetary (thus energy) investment from you. However, she views this as correct in her eyes, as your attention has depreciated and she requires more of it for continued sex and good behavior. If she is unable to extract attention in this manner, she may start to lash out, starting arguments and demanding that you "define the relationship" and insisting that you "don't make her feel special". In a relationship, the typical man may either acquisce to her demands or will become angry, not understanding what is wrong. Either of these result in her receiving increased attention and will satisfy her temporarily, until your attention depreciates yet again.

The relationship arms race has thus begun. Played over millions of times in relationships all over the country, women will start requiring greater gestures of attention and energy in return for providing sex and good behavior. Soon, you will find yourself taking the female on a trip with you, or lavishing her with gifts and "anniversary dates" at great expense to your own time and energy. Although her sexual assets have depreciated to you as well, she will demand you provide the same value for them, ignoring the transactional nature of all relationships.

Oftentimes, this culminates in a giant display of attention and energy known as a "wedding", which comes with an expensive ring and a honeymoon vacation. Of course, she will reward this nuclear bomb of attention with a significant amount of sex, but after the honeymoon this often dries up. You have used your trump card, and she gratefully accepted it, but now you have no cards to play. You can never outdo your ultimate display of fealty to her, and thus, frustrated, she will begin to withdraw sexually and treat you with less respect. After all, since you are no longer providing wedding-level attention for her sex, you don't deserve wedding-level sex in her eyes. Often she will begin to nag and bicker, hoping to get a rise out of you and goad you into blasting her with negative attention. Notice, of course, that following these fights you will have fantastic sex, in keeping with the transaction of attention for sex. Eventually, having been given constant prompts from her bitchy divorced friends and thirst dudes to go trade her sex elsewhere, she will decide that your attention is no longer valuable enough to her for her to stay around. Of course, she'll also take half your shit on the way out, to collect on sexual fees unpaid.

A woman is merely a good bargainer, and you cannot fault her for this. She's not interested in a fair trade any more than you are. She wants valuable attention for her sex, and if (when) her sexual value depreciates, she will do her utmost to hide this and insist on the same price. There are only two ways around this, and since this article is obviously economically influenced, I will continue with the theme: You can either work to increase your percieved value, through becoming a better man and forcing her to feel that she must consistently compete with other women for your attention, and you can diversify like any good asset managed. Thus, if one of your investments collapses, you have not bet your entire sex life on a single woman. These of course boil down to relationship game and plate-spinning, and I will not suggest a path for you.

Either way, it is vital for you to examine the transactional nature of all of your relationships with women, so that you can determine which are providing a good ROI and eliminate those that are not. If you are not receiving sufficient happiness in exchange for your time and attention, then you should discontinue allocating assets to that entity. By insisting on objective results, you will avoid the common pitfalls of the modern couple and become fulfilled in your interpersonal life. Personally, I'd suggest quarterly reviews of your women, but somehow I don't think they'd appreciate the idea.

Relationships are a bad investment for men


Relationships are a bad investment for men

Nice article

Relationships are a bad investment for men

The cost of women Return on Investment (ROI);

•The number of hours you have spent with women
•The amount of money you have spent on women
•The amount of energy wasted by dealing with said women
•The career opportunities missed by dealing with women in your life
•The interests you have put aside by having women in your life

And the final calculation, how much did all of that money, time, energy and missed opportunity ADD to your life? Really calculate it, I want a hard number in dollars.

Its likely your only return on investment was easy sex and briefly not feeling lonely.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

If you are spending high amounts of money on your women, you are doing it wrong. the best women I have had LTR with did not want to date me for my money, just my time.

Be a skittles man. ultimately if you are trying to appease them with nice dinners and gifts, they will resent you. So don't. Just fuck them well. Go to the beach with them. Go hiking with them. Enjoy them and they will enjoy you.


all of that said, just make sure you really like the chick before putting her in a relationship. if all you like is her looks, then pump and dump

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Quote: (05-09-2014 11:57 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If you are spending high amounts of money on your women, you are doing it wrong. the best women I have had LTR with did not want to date me for my money, just my time.

Be a skittles man. ultimately if you are trying to appease them with nice dinners and gifts, they will resent you. So don't. Just fuck them well. Go to the beach with them. Go hiking with them. Enjoy them and they will enjoy you.

I have to disagree, I have been with what seemed like the coolest women imaginable in the beginning. And in the end, they are all looking for a payday.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

I'd add that she is requiring more and more from you for 1) sex and 2) good behavior - but you're typically not gaining better sex and better behavior.

But this is known once you've taken the red pill.

If someone finds themself in this position
- in a relationship
- close to starting one
- thinking about one

How would YOU advise them to get a better deal?


Relationships are a bad investment for men

I agree that women are almost never a sound financial decision (notwithstanding those who have sugar mommas, respect [Image: youtheman.gif]).

However, as you stated, they are useful for sex and companionship. My essay is merely explaining that you need to look at relationships from a resource point of view. It's certainly possible that you can reduce the amount you spend on sex+female companionship (both time and money) by being in a relationship rather than being single. But it's important that you constantly check yourself to make sure the balance hasn't tipped, and bow out if it has. The EXACT value of sex and female companionship to you is a personal decision and often varies depending on where you are in your life, but the alternative to a relationship should always be considered.

In short, make smart investments to get maximum results from minimum input.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Quote: (05-09-2014 01:10 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

I'd add that she is requiring more and more from you for 1) sex and 2) good behavior - but you're typically not gaining better sex and better behavior.

But this is known once you've taken the red pill.

If someone finds themself in this position
- in a relationship
- close to starting one
- thinking about one

How would YOU advise them to get a better deal?


Go after women from different countries who are not American women.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Quote: (05-09-2014 01:10 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

I'd add that she is requiring more and more from you for 1) sex and 2) good behavior - but you're typically not gaining better sex and better behavior.

But this is known once you've taken the red pill.

If someone finds themself in this position
- in a relationship
- close to starting one
- thinking about one

How would YOU advise them to get a better deal?


Personally I have always been fascinated by people that were on this board who are in relationships and defended them. There is plenty of other information out there on how to "game" in your relationship, to which I see none being offered here.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


Relationships are a bad investment for men

Agree w/ Eradicator

Like any "good" investment, you have to do things to ensure that you see proper returns

In layman terms, that just means demanding that they do more than just show up and look pretty

I was always told "fair exchange is no robbery"

Any "relationship" in my mind, should find her being spontaneous with gifts, liberal with affection and open to be apart of the things I enjoy doing. Still a relationship may not be the best investment for a guy, but this is the ONLY way I know to better your chances at any equally satisfying situation.

I think some guys are too quick to throw money at an emotional problem

Giving gifts to get back in her "good graces" is like getting her buzzed with some low grade weed. Sure, she will be "buzzed" for short time, then she's back to her old entitled self.


Relationships are a bad investment for men

The worst thing that can happen inside the framework of a relationship is to have your chick give up on you

Stop going the "extra mile", stop doing things to make you feel special, stop putting in the effort to look al

At this point, she's become "satisfied" or "comfortable"

Comfort leads to stagnation, which is spells death to any alliance


Relationships are a bad investment for men

As 'selfish' as it my sound, I judge the quality of what a LTR brings into my life by how much she does for me.

Loyalty, ease of life, non-obtrusive, and essentially waiting on me hand and foot is what I require.

Surprisingly enough, or not surprisingly, when you have high value, it's not that hard to find a girl to do those.

Otherwise it's a time sink for me and if there's one thing I seriously hate, it's having my time wasted.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

As I mentioned in the OP, if you're insistent on being in a relationship, then you need to insist on a good deal as well. Like I said, however, women begin to value the same attention less over time. You need to counter this by reminding her of the value of your attention. This is done in similar ways to that of a new girl: You need a push-pull mechanic in your relationship, where you provide attention sporadically in reward for her good behavior, but not all the time. It's similar to training a dog using the method of Pavlov. You have to get her to perform an action (be sexually exciting and pleasant) independent of its outcome (your attention) so that when you deliver any attention, it's highly valued by her. Another foolproof way is social proof. You need to appear high value, with many options as far as women are concerned. You need to make it appear as if you attract women and as if easy sex and pleasant attention from women is not valuable to you, so that your significant other feels the need to supply more of it in exchange for your attention.

Relationship game is similar to single game, at least in short-term (>1 year) relationships. After that, however, you begin to deal with her biological clock and it becomes pretty tedious. I can't speak intelligently to successful long term game because I haven't and won't try it, but I'd imagine you need to continue to award her sporadically for her investments. Really, it's similar to how a gambler is rewarded sporadically for his actions, and therefor will sit at a slot machine all day pulling that lever and walk out with no cash when he's done. I guess I don't have the heart for that [Image: tard.gif]

Quote: (05-09-2014 01:10 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

I'd add that she is requiring more and more from you for 1) sex and 2) good behavior - but you're typically not gaining better sex and better behavior.

But this is known once you've taken the red pill.

If someone finds themself in this position
- in a relationship
- close to starting one
- thinking about one

How would YOU advise them to get a better deal?


Relationships are a bad investment for men

Compare it to the ROI of running game and spinning plates. How is the trade-off?

LTR is consistent, regular, and dependable sex. Comfortable and acceptable expectations leveraged by steady and comfortable investment (let's face it, if you're not a bitch then you are not going to LTR a girl that expects more out of you then you feel like giving out). Female company on tap, and a partner who will make your life regularly more comfortable.

Game is generally inconsistent sex that comes and goes in waves (harems and dry spells). Gaming women generally requires a decent amount of overhead (time, money, energy to meet women, plan dates, build comfort/attraction, etc.) all for sex. The upside is you have no responsibilities to any women if you don't care to keep a regular around, and you have freedom to have guilt-free sex with multiple women.

It really all comes down to how much you value strange pussy and being alone vs. being with a consistent women. A lot of men feel the investment of going out and spending money on drinks and dates all week, running text game on girls, going through dating profiles and playing the numbers game is worth it because the thrill of getting new bangs and gaming women is simply fun. Some men would rather shack up with a girl long term and get some comfortable pussy on lock and do fun/romantic bf/gf shit for a few years.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Yup I'm right in the middle with a "main girl" but I'm always on the hunt, so it wouldn't really phase me if she left or not. You know I realized this last night at the bar I was watching the hockey game and told her she could tag along. She's paid for stuff before she didn't offer to pay for a simple beer last night. In my head it kind of bugged me, so next time I'm going not going to pull my wallet out and see what she does. We talked about going to punk rock bowling but I made it clear she's paying for half of everything and she was stoked.

It's funny when you take a step back you see things very clearly.

Stay Frosty gents.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Woman - you give her an inch, she takes nine.

I like how you take the economic/business perspective on dating. A woman expects you to shower her with attention(time) and money. What we don't realize is that we are getting doubly fucked. All we really have in life is our time on this earth and we trade our time for money. So in essence, we are getting double taxation by having a relationship with a woman in the traditional way most guys think.

And we should treat it as a business since marriage is essentially a business with a contract. Most people don't see it that way which includes my friends and family. The way I see it is I'm going into a business upfront that has 50% failure rate which has marginal returns but includes the risk of me losing 50% of my assets plus emotionally raped for life. Who wouldn't want to take that business deal?

You're definitely right about depreciating value of our attention to women. I think it's in human nature to take things we get easily for granted so we require more of it to justify why we tolerate it. It's like when I first bought my sports car, I was so happy and really enjoyed driving it everywhere. But after about 3 months or so, it's now nothing new because I've become accustomed to driving it. It's almost mundane because the initial excitement is gone. Materialism is like a drug just like attention. We need bigger and better fix to get to the next high.

It's also culturally influenced I feel. Women love to brag to their friends about their guy. So they are always competing with one another.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Very well written. I want to write but people like you intimidate me.

Quote: (05-09-2014 02:36 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

As 'selfish' as it my sound, I judge the quality of what a LTR brings into my life by how much she does for me.

Loyalty, ease of life, non-obtrusive, and essentially waiting on me hand and foot is what I require.

Surprisingly enough, or not surprisingly, when you have high value, it's not that hard to find a girl to do those.

Otherwise it's a time sink for me and if there's one thing I seriously hate, it's having my time wasted.

I tell my LTR this and she understands and complies. All her friends think im abusive. I don't think valuing my time is abusive. Sure its selfish but i'm just honest about my selfishness. Nobody does anything selflessly.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Another huge strike against LTR's is the continuing decrease in the value of a man's attention on a woman.

Your value as a man has to be much higher for your attention to count for what it used it.

Higher value men will win more and more of the stakes as the world becomes a smaller and less expensive place for everyone.

Holding onto an attractive woman's interest over the long term will be more and more difficult as time goes on.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Quote: (05-09-2014 03:21 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

It really all comes down to how much you value strange pussy and being alone vs. being with a consistent women. A lot of men feel the investment of going out and spending money on drinks and dates all week, running text game on girls, going through dating profiles and playing the numbers game is worth it because the thrill of getting new bangs and gaming women is simply fun. Some men would rather shack up with a girl long term and get some comfortable pussy on lock and do fun/romantic bf/gf shit for a few years.

I know where my heart, mind, and dick align. The whole "loneliness" thing is mostly manufactured by women and the media. The reality is that we're all probably going to rot away in a nursing home watching re-runs of The Price is Right and going to Old country Buffet at 6 a.m. regardless of whether you ever married or not. What if your wife dies 20 years before you do? When you're sitting on the couch watching Netflix with the same bitch you've already fucked 50 times it starts to become mundane, almost like going to the same job you've had for years. I think men are just hardwired to seek variety in pussy.

Men don't really get much out of relationships other than sex, just ignore the rest of the noise about how great it is to be shackled to someone and have to constantly put up with their bullshit.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

^^^ Amen brotha.

In addition, since I pretty much only date women who are 10-15 years younger than me I hope that I won't have to deal with not having someone around to help out in my old age (and not simply for companionship). I seriously value my 'alone' time so don't ever feel lonely and think it's a bogus worry as you stated.

Quote: (05-09-2014 12:00 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2014 11:57 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If you are spending high amounts of money on your women, you are doing it wrong. the best women I have had LTR with did not want to date me for my money, just my time.

Be a skittles man. ultimately if you are trying to appease them with nice dinners and gifts, they will resent you. So don't. Just fuck them well. Go to the beach with them. Go hiking with them. Enjoy them and they will enjoy you.

I have to disagree, I have been with what seemed like the coolest women imaginable in the beginning. And in the end, they are all looking for a payday.

Totally agree with Vaun on this one.

I can't tell you how many of the girls I had some form of relationship in Russia that eventually turned from seemingly nice, fairly undemanding down to earth girls to semi-goldigging "what have you done for me lately" types during the course of one of my 3-4-5 month 'mini-relationships'. I think much of this was the attitude there that men have to start showing their 'provider' side to prove they are serious after a few months, + the fact that so many women are getting lots of trips, presents etc. from rich Russian guys (i.e. they see what their friends are getting, and eventually expect some sort of reasonably similar treatment).

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Relationships are a bad investment for men

I'm humbled by your compliment, man, but I've seen your channel and your writing. You have nothing to worry about.

Quote: (05-09-2014 08:45 PM)nigerian Wrote:  

Very well written. I want to write but people like you intimidate me.

Quote: (05-09-2014 02:36 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

As 'selfish' as it my sound, I judge the quality of what a LTR brings into my life by how much she does for me.

Loyalty, ease of life, non-obtrusive, and essentially waiting on me hand and foot is what I require.

Surprisingly enough, or not surprisingly, when you have high value, it's not that hard to find a girl to do those.

Otherwise it's a time sink for me and if there's one thing I seriously hate, it's having my time wasted.

I tell my LTR this and she understands and complies. All her friends think im abusive. I don't think valuing my time is abusive. Sure its selfish but i'm just honest about my selfishness. Nobody does anything selflessly.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

This has some good ideas, but the paragraphs are too long for me. As I get older, it's harder and harder to scan stuff like this.

Relationships are a bad investment for men

Excellent stuff. If possible, can you expand a little bit more on when the relationship is considered a fair deal, and when should a girl deserves to be your main girl?

For ex, I'm in a situation where I'm juggling the idea of making a girl my main (doesn't and will never mean we will be exclusive): she never asks me to buy things for her. When we go out she always pay for her stuff and has been paying for my stuff lately. She folds and iron my clothes, do the dishes etc. I always come and stay at her place and use her stuff, she doesn't even know where I am. She is insatiable in bed and totally submissive/engaging. Only thing I do for her is cooking and sex. Is this what you mean by "performing domestically and sexually"?

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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